Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Rescues and Vows ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: We got it out!! Yeah us!

Kathrine: Now ya get to see if Seiji turned up okay.

JC: We would also like to that people for all of their support for the past two and a half months. This was one of the two stories we first posted on FFNet and we're glad the you like it.

Kathrine: Thanks to yall we reached Chapter 11!!

JC: Now here's another installment of our story we can't seem to shorten. The chapters are getting longer.

Disclaimer: Might as well just stop writing this part.

Warning: C'mon PEOPLE!! I think ya got the message by now!

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

Sanada Cottage

" Where the hell is he?" Touma was far beyond the stage of worry. He was so frantic and his mind had been through every worse case scenario that he was about to fight the storm to look for him.

" Calm down," Shin told him. " Ryo already called that Wufei fellow so that he could contact Seiji's brother. He might know what happened."

" How did Ryo get Wufei's phone number?" the blue-haired boy would use any excuse to take his mind off what could have happened to the blonde.

" He said Wufei gave it to him a few days ago, in case he remembered anything from what happened on the road," Shin replied. " Something about an investigation of probable terrorists."

" Oh," Touma resumed his pacing of the living room floor. He was scared that something would have happened to Seiji and he would do anything to know that he was all right.

" Come with me," Shin grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the kitchen. The other reluctantly followed and they found Shu sitting at the table an uneaten bowl of soup in front of him.

" What's wrong love?" Shin questioned.

" Just thinkin'," the ash-haired boy answered. " Trying to understand what's goin' on."

" Wufei said they're on their way," Ryo came up from behind them. " Obaasan's gonna wait in the living room for them."

" But why would Blondie make a run for it like that?" Shu asked out loud. " He didn't seem like anything was wrong earlier, other than the way he was at the laptop."

" What do you mean?" the raven-haired boy inquired.

" He looking for something on it," Shu explained. " Wouldn't even talk to Touma, acted like he wasn't there."

" Could something he found be why he left?" Shin tried to come up with a reasonable explanation.

" Nah," Touma disagreed. He remembered the pictures he'd seen on computer screen before he'd cut if off. What is it about them that they would put in that file? But he knew that it didn't have anything to do with that. He just had a feeling that it was about something else.

" If Yaku hadn't disappeared, we might have been able to find out where he went," Ryo sighed.

" What did you say?" Touma pulled himself from his musings.

" Byakuen isn't here," Shu stated. " He's been gone as long as Blondie."

" Maybe he followed him," Shin stated. Touma sighed as he turned his attention to window to the backyard.

" Well, he won't be back for a while then," Shu sighed.

" I don't think so," Touma's eyes widened and he couldn't tear his eyes from the scene outside.

" Nani?" Ryo joined him at the window and his eyes enlarged just as Touma's had done. " Yaku!" He rushed around the table to the backdoor and then out into the storm.

" He's back?" Shu and the others followed behind him immediately. The object of their interest was rushing towards them at frantic speed. It seemed as if he was scared or worried about something.

" Where have ya been?' Ryo kneeled to the ground and rubbed his head against his tiger's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around his neck, but pulled one away to look at the sticky substance he felt. It was red and running down his hand with the rain. Blood? The fear was in his thoughts. He moved so he could see the red-mated fur of the tiger's shoulder and yet found no wound whatsoever.

" What happened?" he asked the tiger. Byakuen pulled on his rain-soaked sleeve and motioned back towards the woods in earnest. It was obvious that he wanted them to return with him.

" Do ya know where Seiji is?" Touma asked immediately. The feline acknowledge him question with a more forceful pull on Ryo's shirt. Then he let go and bounded back towards the forest. He stopped at the opening with a pleading look in his eyes.

" I'll take that as a 'yes' any day," Touma made to follow after him without a second thought. He didn't even bother to see if the others were coming as well. His mind was on finding Seiji and nothing else.

The Forest

Byakuen smiled inwardly when he watched Touma hurry towards him. Assured that they would follow, he quickly took to the woods in hopes of returning to the blonde quickly. He hadn't even realized they'd been so close to the Sanada residence until he'd traveled close enough to see the cottage fifty yards away. Now he wanted to lead the boys to him so they could take care of him. He just hoped that the young boy hadn't froze-to-death already.

/ At least I know I led the poachers away from him, / he told himself. Yet, that didn't seem like much of a feat if the blonde died from exposure to the storm.

They were rushing through the foliage as if it were a life or death situation and that didn't comfort Touma in the least. He wanted proof that the other boy was all right and wouldn't feel any better until he had that.

" I bet he's fine," Shin said from behind him, but he wasn't paying any attention. He watched as Byakuen took a turn from his direction and seemed to disappear into a large bush. Without a second thought, Touma rushed into the foliage after him, praying that everything was all right. What he saw made him stop dead in his tracks.

" Oh Gods," he breathed in surprise and relief. On the ground next to Byakuen was Seiji, curl in on himself and dressed in a long green kimono. His mind was all ready trying to figure out where he could have gotten the thing and where his other clothes could have gone. He forced the questions from his mind and kneeled in the mud next to the white tiger, pulling the blonde to him in an attempt to rouse him.

Byakuen seemed to approve the action as he sniffed the air around them and gave a small growl deep in his throat. He could smell the unfamiliar scent of another around the blonde and on the kimono, someone had come while he was gone. But to him all that mattered was that the blonde was now safe and his duty had been fulfilled for the day.

" C'mon Blondie, ya need to wake up," Touma shook him lightly. He was shocked to find that the kimono was bone dry, but the blonde was soaked and icy to the touch. It was as if the kimono was special, unable to get wet, or that it hadn't been on Seiji for very long. He smooth out the long, dirtied and leaf-matted locks that lay on the ground around the blonde and tried once again to gain his attention.

" Seiji, ya need to wake up, it's me Touma," he coaxed. " Me and the others are gonna take ya back to the house."

" Touma?" he heard Shu's voice. The bush was moved through forcefully and he found himself in the presence of his three companions. He could see their shock and confusion as they stared at the blonde, but he wasn't up to dealing with it.

" His clothes might be dry, but he's as cold as Antarctica," Touma rubbed his hands against the blonde's shoulders to generate heat. Then he laid Seiji's head in his lap and extended his hand to Shu. " Give me ya car keys."

" Fine," Shu was confused but did as he was told. He knew Touma had a betted idea on how to handle the situation then he did. He pulled his long key chain from his pocket and handed it to the blue-haired boy, the many trinkets and additions clinking as they shook against each other.

Touma moved quickly over the various amounts of different additions to the chain, skipping over tags, locks, and keys themselves until he found a small key chain flashlight. Clicking the small button on the end to make sure it was working, Touma used his free hand to lift Seiji's eyelids and flash the light into each one.

" His eyes are dilated," he stated. " Something had to have happened. We better get him back to the house quick."

" Gotcha," Shu kneeled down to lift the blonde into his arms. He stood up as he held the blonde to him and stared down at the long trail he led to the ground. " Better do something about his hair before one of us steps on it." Shin nodded as he began to quickly twist Seiji's hair up and the laid the matted length in his lap. Touma noticed the way the blonde's hand seemed to unconsciously grasp around the end of the twist.

" Come on Yaku," Ryo called to his feline companion. The tiger raised from his spot and walked over to him, rubbing his head against the raven-haired boy's leg. " Thanks for finding him and bringing us to him." Byakuen felt good about the praise, even though he knew he didn't deserve it. He knew the reason why the blonde was still unconscious and was unsure about how much longer it would be until he awoke.

Shu held Seiji with an air of curiosity. He'd noticed that as soon as they'd left the bush behind the blonde's kimono had become drenched in the water from the sky. How did it stay dry before? He wondered. But he knew that it wasn't the time to bring it up because everyone seemed to be a little on edge and not even Touma was up for mystery solving.

The Sanada Cottage

The trek back to the cottage was strangely silent as each boy was too caught up in his own mind to say anything. They asked themselves questions that they couldn't answer and weren't sure if anyone, save the slumbering blonde, could. What had happened? Why was Byakuen's shoulder covered in blood, but no wound to be found? Where had Seiji gotten the kimono? Did someone find him before they had and just left when he heard them coming?

All the questions were put on hold until the blonde was coherent enough to shed some light on them. They were nearing the edge of the woods and could hear yelling from the direction of the house.

" RYO!!!" a familiar elderly voice called out through the thunder and rain. " RYO! Where are you boy?!"

" Ya grandma's gonna kill us," Shu sighed.

" Wufei and Seiji's brother will be there by now," Ryo reminded them.

" I'm more worried about Blondie's over-protective brother than ya obaasan," Touma shivered. " He don't seem to keen about me."

" I wonder why," Shin smirked as they exited the forest's security.

" Ryo!" Obaasan Sanada cried out as she rushed from the safety of the back porch and onto the muddied grass. Ryo ran to her to stop her from getting rained on any further. It was then that he and the others noticed the three figures that still stood on the porch.

" Oh Ryo, I was so worried when you disappeared…" his grandmother started, but stopped when she saw the bundle in Shu's arms. " Oh Gods, is that your friend? Get him inside now before he freezes anymore!"

" What happened to my brother?" one of the figures on the porch stepped into the light and Ryo could see that it was Heero, Seiji's brother.

" He disappeared," Shin explained as Shu carried him up the steps. " We're guessing that something happened and Byakuen found him. Just be thankful that he came back to get us and do not jump to conclusions." His voice was tired, yet stern as he opened the backdoor and let Shu pass by him and into the kitchen.

" Byakuen?" the braided-brunette, Duo, gave them a confused look. That's when he saw the large form by Ryo's side and let his jaw slacken in surprise. " Is that a real tiger? Oh man, how cool!"

" At least someone isn't completely on pins and needles," Obaasan smiled weakly.

What she didn't know was that acting unafraid and like a complete goof was the way Duo hid how scared he truly was. He'd become attached to the blonde in the two weeks he'd known him and felt like he'd finally had the family he'd always wanted, a lover, and younger brother that he'd never had. All three boys were orphans and to him it gave them a bond that couldn't be broken. He wasn't willing to lose the blonde yet, or rather ever.

Inside, the house was far warmer, but it only caused Seiji to shiver more. They could now see how pale his skin was and the dark blue tint of his lips. " Lay him on the couch," a voice commanded from the living room.

" Nani?" Shu could now see the blonde woman who stood in the center of the room with a black medical bag in her hands. Her appearance was not that of a doctor, but he was not one to doubt her at first sight.

" Just lay him down so I can examine him," she requested more clearly. " If it helps, I'm Sally Poe, a certified doctor who has already taken care of a prior illness of Seiji's." Shu agreed to her wishes and laid the blonde length-wise on the couch and stepped away. Sally kneeled next to him and began pulling supplies from her bag that she'd set on the floor.

" We already know his eyes are dilated," Touma said as a way to assist her.

" I'm not surprised," she sighed and she checked his pulse and then his breathing. " Now tell me how he was trapped in a storm for three hours."

" We don't know," Touma explained. " He disappeared and we couldn't find him. Byakuen found him."

" Which is he?" she questioned as she glanced at the last three boys. She watched as the raven-haired one pointed to the muddy and soaked animal at his feet. Her eyes widened at the sight of the feline, but she knew she had a patient to care for.

" He's frozen and it seems as if he's been given a sedative of some sort," she stated. She knew that had to be the only way for him to remain in his sleeping state during her examination. Otherwise he would have jumped to attack her as an unknown threat. " Someone get some towels to dry him or run a hot bath, we have to raise his body temperature."

" Got it," Ryo was gone towards the bathroom in a second.

" Sorry for intruding on your home like this," Sally apologized to the elderly woman who sat in the armchair across the room.

" No matter," she stated. " Just make sure the boy is all right."

" He'll be fine once we get him warmed up and the drugs that were used on him wear off," she assured her. " But I do need you three to wait in the other room so that I can run a full examination. It's just better that you're not in the room."

" We see," Shin nodded as he pulled Shu and Touma into the kitchen. He knew they were curious as to why they were told to leave and not the other the other three boys as well, but he wasn't sure then was the time to ask questions. Obaasan Sanada stood from her seat and bowed respectfully to them before going to the stairs.

" I will find some of Ryo's clothes that might fit him," she suggested. " I can tell he's taller and leaner than my grandson, so it might take a while."

" Arigato," Heero whispered to her generosity. She smiled at him briefly before continuing up the stairs. Sally sighed in relief before she proceeded to remove a syringe from her case and check its dosage.

" What are you doing?" Wufei spoke for the first time that night.

" This will counteract the sedative, whatever it may be, though it should have worn off already from the way his vitals look," she removed the cap from the syringe and lifted the blonde's arms. Just as she set the needle against the junction for the elbow, her arm was jerked away and the syringe ripped from her hand so quickly that she couldn't do anything. Her wide eyes of shock couldn't compare to the glaze and barely coherent eyes of the blonde that held both her arms in tight grips.

" Seiji, calm down," Heero stepped towards them. " It's all right now, you're safe." Lavender/blue eyes lost their ferocity and slender hands lost their bruising factor. Before the brunette could speak again the blonde fell back onto the couch, shivering uncontrollably.

" What's wrong Seiji?" Heero sat next to him on the couch immediately.

" C-cold. T-too c-c-old Nii-chan," Seiji mumbled more to himself, as if he still wasn't fully awake.

" Rub his arms to generate heat until the bath is ready," Sally instructed just as Ryo returned from the bathroom.

" All set, just take him in," the raven-haired boy stated. " It's nice a warm."

" Arigato," Heero nodded to him as he lifted the Seiji into his arms and followed Ryo's out-stretched hand.

" He's gonna be all right, isn't he?" Ryo asked.

" Hopefully all he'll come out with is a cold," Wufei told him.

" Try to stay awake Sage," Heero whispered to him as he shut the door behind them. He sat his brother down on the closed toilet seat and then kneeled in front of him. He kept him from falling over with one hand as he used the other to remove his drenched kimono. How did he get this? He wondered, knowing his brother didn't own one and definitely not one of such fine quality. It was dark green with gold trimming and pictures of the sun embroidered on the hem and sleeves.

His attention was brought back to the subject at hand as he heard the quiet chatter of his brother's teeth. " Sage?" he snapped his fingers in front to of the blonde's face in order to keep his eyes opened. " I'm going to put you in the tub now Sage, try to stay awake." Seiji didn't acknowledge his presence more than his still dilated eyes remaining glued to where his fingers had once been before.

Heero took this as a sign that he should hurry and quickly pulled the younger boy's arms from the sleeves of the kimono, allowing it to fall limply onto the seat of the toilet. Then he quickly removed the boy's soaked shoes and socks. The boxers were the hardest to get off, but he managed it within only a few minutes. Next he lifted Seiji back into his arms and turned so that he was facing the tub full of steaming water.

He then began the process of kneeling over the tub and lowering the trembling blonde into the liquid. A small quiet gasp escaped Seiji's throat and he pulled closer to his brother unconsciously. " It's all right Sage," Heero purred to him in assurance. " You have to warm up though."

" I h-hate it w-when it's c-c-cold, he a-al-always makes it s-so c-c-cold," the blonde whimpered to himself.

" Doctor J?" Heero inquired, knowing Seiji was too out of it to run around the question.

" A-a-anold," he explained. " A-al-always turns o-off the h-heat on p-pur-purpose. He l-likes it w-when I d-don't fight."

" Oh Gods," the brunette couldn't stop the words from leaving his mouth as his blood ran cold. Anold, he had forced that name to the back of his mind years ago. He'd been the perfect executor for the mad scientist's demands and even implied secrets ones of his own. He had been lucky enough to only deal with the man on few occasions besides training. Had Seiji been as lucky? Or had he dealt with the psychotic man more often that Heero would ever want to know?

" He's c-coming Nii-chan," Seiji whispered.

" No he's not," Heero told him as he picked up the wash cloth from the counter of the sink. He then soaked it in the extremely warm water of the tub and began to rinse the dirt and chill from his brother's body. The blonde was tense at first, but slowly gave himself up to soothing sensation. It felt strangely familiar to have someone rubbing against his skin, giving him comfort without realizing it.

Touma, his mind recalled when he'd first felt the sensations in the boy's locker room. The smooth and gentleness of the hands across his back, soft calluses from the use of the bow the other boy had told him about. He also recalled the feeling of security in the movements, the need to let go of his own self-doubts. The hands that held him and kept him from plunging into the water held the same protectiveness, but on a different more understanding level. The person knew what he'd been through in life and wanted to shield him from anymore pain.

" Nii-chan?" his eyes lost their glazed sedated state and he was finally able to see what was going on around him. He was in a tub in a bathroom, being bathed and cleaned by his older brother. It almost unnerved him to have someone look at his body, but he knew the Heero carried scars similar to his own.

" Are you all right now?" Heero asked in a worried, yet serious tone.

" Hai, I think," he gave a small nod. " Where are we?"

" Your friend Sanada's," the brunette explained. " Now what were you doing out in a storm like that? You could have died from exposure, frozen to death."

His empathy told him how scared his brother truly was at the thought of losing the blonde for a second time. He had never meant to hurt or terrify his brother the way he believed he had. " Gomen nasai," he whispered. His mind was still muddled by the sedative and he couldn't recall everything that had happened that day.

" What happened Seiji?" Heero questioned. " Sally said you were given a sedative, who gave it to you?"

" The men in the forest shot me," he answered in a small voice. " They were after Byakuen and I got in the way."

" Poachers," the ex-pilot growled. " You could have taken them, Seiji."

" Caught me off guard," he admitted. " Didn't know they were there until I was shot with the dart."

" I see," Heero nodded, but inside he was livid. How dare someone attack his brother! He filed away his rage into the small part of his brain that read: 'Revenge for later.' He knew that it wouldn't do well for Seiji to feel his anger, seeing as the empath was distorted at that moment.

" Is the tiger all right?" Seiji asked. " They shot him."

" He looked fine to me," the other replied. He was curious as to why his brother was worried about the tiger more than his own health.

" I was afraid I had lost consciousness before I could fully heal him," his eyes began to droop with exhaustion. Heero understood now, that was why he'd been so susceptible to the cold. He had no energy left after the sedative and strain for using his healing ability had taken effect. His stamina had been decreased greatly.

" Seiji?" he nudged his brother lightly as he continued to clean the rest of the dirt from his face. " Why did you leave the house? What caused you to run?"

That's when everything from earlier that day returned to the blonde. His panic rose realizing that he was in the same house as her. " Why have to go," he stated.

" Nani?" Heero didn't understand.

" If the elderly woman sees me and links me to that night, they'll call the lab Nii-chan," Seiji tried to stand from the tub, but was too weak to force his legs to move.

" You said she was sick, her fever probably kept her from even realizing who was in the room," the brunette tried to assure him, but he could see the fear and apprehension in the younger boy's eyes.

" She saw me, remember I told you," Seiji shook his head. " She thought I was that 'God' person. I won't go back Nii-chan, I won't."

" Calm down," Heero soothed him as he removed the leaves from the blonde's hair. " Everything will be fine. If something happens, we'll leave and then we won't worry about it."

" But what about Duo?" Seiji didn't understand the promise his brother was making. " Won't he be upset that we would have to leave? He seems to like it here."

" Duo isn't even Japanese, he's American, like Momma was," he explained. It was one of the only things they'd known about their parents; their father was Japanese and their mother was American, which is where they believed Seiji got his blonde hair and pale eyes.

" So we'll be going to the US," the blonde stated more than questioned. He could feel the determination on protectiveness flowing off his brother like the waves of a calm sea. He knew that if it had to be done than they would leave; go to another country where they were unknowns and would be safe.

But what about Touma and the others? a small voice in his mind asked. Are you willing to forget about them? They've been very kind and friendly to you. He didn't want to admit the point the voice had. How could he leave them behind, forget he ever knew them? The others it might be possible years in future, but he knew he wouldn't and couldn't forget Touma. The boy had done so much for him in the short time they'd known each other and was the only person he felt completely safe around besides Nii-chan and Duo.

But they'll send you away! the small, terrified child that lurked within him cried. They'll take you away from Nii-chan again! You'll never see him for the rest of your life! Inside he knew that would always be a possibility, that someone would find out his secrets and force him to part with his brother, the one person who meant the most to him. Why run now then? They'll always be after me no matter where I go.

The point is what made his decision. Why run when there would always be those who might find out, that would try to hurt him? At least he could stay until then and try to create a normal life instead of hiding away in the dark shadows that he loathed. At least I'll be near Touma 'til then, he reminded himself.

" Seiji, what's wrong?" Heero was wasn't sure if his brother' silence was as himself or his thoughts running wild.

" We should stay," the blonde finally replied. " Shouldn't run when unknowns are still on the field, need to assess all constants and variables."

" True," Heero understood Seiji's method of dealing with the situation. If they looked at the problem as a mission than it would be easier to find the best solutions and decide the proper way to act. Although, he wasn't sure if it was healthy for the younger boy to remain so attached to the 'soldier-mission' mentality. He knew first-hand how that can affect someone's life.

" So you won't try to run again?" Heero asked.

" Iie, Nii-chan," Seiji agreed. " Too many things to study and analyze." Heero let a smile cross his lips just as a knock came to the door. Seiji's eyes locked onto the door and the brunette knew it was just a reflex. He rose and turned, taking merely a few steps before reaching the door. He turned the knob and opened it slightly to reveal the raven-haired boy, Ryo, standing there somewhat impatiently.

" Obaasan said that these were the closest she believed would fit," he stated as he extended a small pile of folded clothes to Heero.

" Arigato," Heero nodded politely as he accepted the clothes. He could see the worried on the boy's face and almost smiled at the type of friends his brother had found himself. They seemed to truly be concerned about him even thought they hadn't known each other long. " Seiji is fine, do not worry." With that he closed the door softly.

Ryo watched the brunette close the door and just stared at the door for a moment. He didn't realize he concern was so easily noticeable. But Seiji was his friend and he was worried from how he'd seen him last time, he was going to worry. It actually scared him the way he'd befriended the mysterious blonde in the past few days, but he had even felt the connection the night on the highway.

I've only felt this connected to Touma, Shin, and Shu, he thought as he walked back to the living room. If he is the fifth, we better find out soon.

" How's Seiji, Ryo?" Touma questioned from his seat on the towel-covered couch.

" Heero said he was fine," Ryo assured him. Duo almost snorted at the statement. Heero would say he was fine even if he wasn't just so that he could leave faster and get Seiji real treatment. He knew that his brunette lover would take his bother to the hospital or have Sally at their home for the rest of the night just to make sure that Seiji didn't fall ill.

" Sandwiches anyone?" Shin and Shu exited the kitchen with a plate of food. Shu was busy eating two sandwiches at a time as shin sat the large platter down on the coffee table.

"Arigato for your kindness, but it is not necessary," Wufei declined.

" Don't try that on me young man," Obaasan frowned as she waved a finger in his face. " It's best not to eat and remain calm or else you'll make yourself sick."

Ryo covered his face with his hair to hide the embarrassment of the reproach and Duo snickered quietly. Sally almost burst out laughing at the entire scene of someone putting Wufei in his place. " Hai Sanada-san," the Chinese boy conceded.

" Call me Obaasan," she replied. " Now eat."

" I don't know who's worse, Ryo's grandma or my mom," Shu whispered to . " She doesn't even know the guy and she's cussing him out."

" I believe Ryo is more upset by the admonition than Wufei," Shin chuckled. Ryo turned a evil glare on him and he gave him a look of feigned innocence.

The others didn't know how grateful he was for the detour of emotions from the situation at hand. He truly hoped that Seiji was all right and wouldn't fall ill. The blonde might have been overly quiet, too reserved, and mysterious about his past, but he was a good friend. he wouldn't forget that just the day before the blonde had possibly saved his life. Please be all right, he prayed quietly.

" Man tonight is gonna be real tiring," Ryo sighed.

" Why?" Touma asked.

" Who do you think has ta bathe Byakuen?" he frowned. The tiger looked up at him with a undeniable glare in his eyes and Ryo mirrored it.

" Ya want ta stay outside instead?" he asked. The still muddy and soaked feline merely stood from his mat by the fireplace, his tail in the air as he walked into the kitchen.

" Tigers," Ryo snorted under his breath.

" You wanted to keep him, you deal with him," his grandmother pointed out. Ryo wasn't going to point out that he was also a very 'special' tiger. He didn't believe his obaasan would fully accept all that he would have to tell her in order to get to that point.

Obaasan smiled at the way the Chinese boy, Wufei, was staring at her grandson occasionally. She could tell that the boy was fond of Ryo just by the way the two were trying to stand away from each other without anyone else noticing. It was no secret to her that her grandson was gay, he was honest with her and she'd accepted it as a part of him.

This Wufei seems polite and yet strong-willed, she thought. Maybe he's the right one to tame my wildfire of a grandson. He turned her eyes towards the hall to the bathroom and let out a small gasp. What she saw had to be a illusion, she couldn't believe she was seeing a familiar image from a fevered dream. It seemed almost impossible.

Touma heard the quiet sound of disbelief from the elderly woman and quickly turned his attention to where her eyes laid. What he found was Heero and Seiji. The blonde seemed rather subdued and quiet while standing in the somewhat large sweater shirt and jeans that were rolled up at the bottom due to their length. His eyes were hidden within the waterfall of wet sunlight hair that fell freely from his shoulders and down around, stretching past his knees easily. The usual locks still covered his right eye as the other was lost within the bangs as he kept his head titled towards the ground.

To Touma, he looked like an ethereal god. Everything about the blonde was beautiful and statuesque. But standing there with a look of child-like innocence, and maybe a little fear, he didn't believe he could look more beautiful.

" Blondie!" Duo jumped up from his seat to rush to the boy. " Next time ya want ta play in the woods, don't do it during a storm!"

Heero almost chuckled at the way Duo was acting. He hadn't realized his lover had become so fond of his brother during his time away. Seiji stood next to him silently, obviously disliking all the eyes and attention he was receiving. But he knew that he couldn't do anything about it, Seiji had taken a few months at the least off some of their lives and had worried the rest. He was going to have to deal with it eventually.

" Gomen nasai," the blonde whispered as he raised his eyes to look at all the people staring at him. He could feel their relief and concern, but he didn't understand how it all could be directed at him. Only Nii-chan, and recently Touma and Duo, had shown any interest in his well being. Why would a room full of people be so worried about him?

But he also felt the confusion and disbelief coming from one of the people in the room and knew whom it came from. His eyes followed the current of emotions to the elderly woman sitting in a soft armchair by the hearth. Her blue eyes were wide with shock as she stared at him and he could feel his heart beginning to pound against his ribs. Would she reveal his secret? Would she have him sent away to be tested and experimented on?

Those eyes, Obaasan couldn't forget the lavender/blues of her dream. But now she could see the pleading, almost begging look within them. He knows I know and doesn't want me to tell. It was quite understandable for why he would want to keep such a gift secret. He saved my life, I can at least keep his safe for as long as I can.

" Well young man, I hope you're feeling better," she smiled at him.

" Hai," he nodded at her, showing no signs of the fear he felt inside.

" Good, now you better dry that hair of yours or else you'll catch a cold," she stated.

Three smirks could easily be seen on certain faces of the group within the room. Shu knew that Shin had been dying to play with the blonde's hair since they'd first met and Heero could tell that Duo craved to style someone's hair besides his own. Wufei pulled Sally back so that she wouldn't get any ideas and Seiji could feel the strange emotions within the room. It was causing him unease and he didn't know who to look at for help, Heero or Touma.

" C'mon Seiji," Touma stood up and offered his assistance. " Ryo do you have a brush I your room?"

" Hai," the raven-haired boy nodded. " Just don't start trying to organize everything Touma." He knew that his room wasn't as clean as it could be, but he preferred it that way and didn't want to change it.

" Won't," the other boy promised as he led Seiji up the stairs.

Duo saw the twitch of Heero's eye and felt the strange change in his presence. He knew his lover didn't seem to like the way the blue-haired boy was becoming attached to his brother. He thought it was unbelievably cute how Heero could change into 'over-protective brother mode' so easily when it came to Seiji. I think that this Touma is going to make things very interesting, Duo smiled. I just hope Heero doesn't try to kill him.

" His room is messy so just try to get to the desk," Touma flipped the switch on the lights came on. Seiji stared at the room with almost wide eyes. He couldn't believe the disorder of the entire chamber. How could someone live in such a crowded and untidy space?

" At last we got the first sight shock out of the way," Touma laughed. Then he pulled on the blonde's arm to lead him through the maze of clothes, magazines, and mangas that lay scattered across the floor, if there was actually a floor beneath it all. Luckily, the desk was against the wall and the chair was pushed up to it so they found it easily enough.

"Sit," Touma pushed the blonde into the chair and moved over to the dresser to acquire the needed brush. Smiling triumphantly, the blue-haired boy grabbed the hair utensil and returned to his silent companion.

" It looks really tangles so it's gonna hurt a bit to straighten it out," Touma warned him.

" Pain is not a problem," the blonde stated.

" You've probably had this problem before," he guessed as he hesitantly raised his hand to touch the locks of spun sunlight that fell all about the other boy. For some reason it seemed a sin to touch the locks that seemed so angelic and unreal.

Quick acting like ya gonna get killed for just brushing his hair, Touma steeled himself as he lifted the brush to the top of Seiji's head and then stroked downwards as softly as possible. To his surprise the hair wasn't has tangled as he first believed. He unconsciously lifted his other hand and smoothed the hair down so as to keep it from further tangling itself. He couldn't believe the texture of the blonde's hair! It felt as if it was made of pure hand-spun silk and he continued to brush it as if he were stroking just that.

Seiji closed his eyes as the hand seemed to rub his scalp and hair affectionately. It reminded him of how Nii-chan used to pet his hair when he was scared and to reassure him when things looked at their worst. It felt warm, comforting, and familiar, all things that he liked.

Touma had almost finished with Seiji's hair when he heard the soft hum-like sound from close by. That's when he realized that it was Seiji, trapped in some sort of trance. He seemed content and calm with the almost massaging motions. The blue-haired boy wanted to stay there as long as he could and just continue to listen to the pleased sound he was bringing out of the object of his desire.

If we stay up here any longer Ryo's gonna think I jumped him and Heero is gonna come get us, he told himself. It was obvious how protective the brunette was of his brother and that he wasn't fond of those who tried to get too close. You'd think that I was trying to seduce him or something. He chuckled quietly for that was kind of what he was trying to do.

Forcing himself to stop the brushing and set down the hair tool, Touma found a black rubber band on the actually near-tidy desk and began the task of braiding Seiji's hair. The quiet hum had left with the brushing and he was satisfied with the content expression the blonde wore. To Touma, it was as if he had the biggest smile on his lips.

Seiji felt the brush move away and the fingers parting his hair before they began to weave the sections together in a braid. He still felt the warm sensation within him and rode the fading serenity until he heard the snapping of a band on the end of the long tail. He then stood and turned to face Touma, unsure of what to say or do. But it seemed that the other boy understood and broke the silence instead.

" C'mon Blondie, downstairs," he motioned towards the door. " Wouldn't want to upset your big bro." Touma then moved by him and out the open door into the hall. Seiji said nothing, but couldn't let go of the unknown warmth in his body as he followed behind him to the stairs.

A/N: See? Everything is turning out okay…for now.

Kathrine: Just wait 'til the other characters show up in the next chapter.

JC: Which other characters?

Kathrine: I ain't telling now! Ya gotta wait.

JC: Review and we'll keep writing.

Kathrine: I hope I haven't scared off all the Flamers.