Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ New Friends and New Enemies ❯ Into the Netherworld ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

New Friends and New Enemies 6

Into the Netherworld

The four made it to the Netherworld on separate sides. Rowen woke up, rubbed his head and saw Sailor Moon standing in a twinkling field with White Blaze at her side. "Darien," she whispered, "please be all right."

"Saylah Moon?" Rowen put his hand on her shoulder. "Who's Darien?"

"Oh, he's…a friend of mine." She answered. "Long story."

"Ah. I see, part of the million year one, huh?"

She nodded, "He was a prince from Earth when I lived in the Moon Kingdom. We were in love and he died trying to protect me. Then I killed myself." She wasn't sure why she was telling Rowen all this, but it felt good to get off her chest.

"Why?" Rowen questioned. "Why didn't you fight back?"

"I wasn't a sailor scout like the other four," Sailor Moon answered. "I didn't know how to fight back. I also didn't want to live without Darien. I loved him too much."

"Do you love him now?" Rowen inquired.

Sailor Moon looked at him as if the question bothered her. Rowen quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Saylah Moon-I shouldn't--,"

"That's all right, Rowen," Sailor Moon waved her hand and sighed. "I never really thought of it until you asked me. Well, it's a funny story actually. I knew Darien before we got our memories of the Moon Kingdom back and we didn't really get a long that well. I couldn't stand him. He would always call me Meatball Head."

Rowen chuckled in his hand. "Meatball Head?"

"Oh, go ahead and laugh," Sailor Moon muttered, but she grinned anyway. "He called me Meatball Head because of the way I did my hair." She pointed to the pair of buns to the sides of her head.

"Meatballs, huh?" Rowen inquired. "I think they add character."

Sailor Moon gawked at him. "Oh you're just saying that…"

"No, I'm serious," Rowen insisted. "I never would've thought of calling you Meatball Head. So, if you two were destined to be together…you'd think he'd call you something else besides 'Meatball Head.' Like cupcake or princess or something."

"Yeah…well…it used to really bother me. Then I became Sailor Moon and I started to fight the Negaverse on my own for a while before I found the other scouts. But then…I met…him."


Sailor Moon sighed, "Tuxedo Mask. He's a masked fighter in a cape and top hat and I fell for him the moment I first laid eyes on him."

"Sounds like a guy from a circus," Rowen joked.

"Hey!" she snapped, shocking Rowen.


"Tuxedo Mask always popped up the second I was in danger," Sailor Moon went on. "Just when I thought my scouting days were over-swoosh!-" she pretended to throw a rose the way Tuxedo Mask had many times. "Saved by the rose!"

Rowen fought back the mad desire to laugh. 'Rose?' he thought.

"Then one time before Sailor Venus came to join us, Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and I were in big trouble with two goons from the Negaverse. I was waiting and hoping for Tuxedo Mask to show up but he never came. But I guess it turned our all right because Sailor Venus saved us. We were supposed to have a scout meeting the next day after school and I was late. Again. But on my way to the meeting, I saw Darien and I decided to give him a hard time so I made a joke about seeing a bee on his back and slapped him."

Rowen grinned. "That's funny."

"Yeah…but he didn't seem to think so," Sailor Moon said. "He was hurt, bad."

"Injured? How?"

"I'm not exactly sure but he was bleeding," Sailor Moon answered. "So I decided to follow him."

"Let me guess," said Rowen. "You find out the guy you can't stand is your dreamboat, huh?"

"Bingo," Sailor Moon nodded. "I could not believe it…then he got hurt even more. That was when we got the Silver Crystal and learned that I was the Moon Princess and Darien was Prince Darien from all those years ago. Unfortunately, after I got my memory back, the Negaverse took Darien away and turned him against us."

"I'm sorry, Saylah Moon," Rowen sympathized.

"Not as sorry as I am," Sailor Moon frowned. "I was able to break the spell once but Beryl took him again." She rubbed her head. "Well, I'm still not sure if I love Darien like I did. Beryl snatched him before we even had five minutes to ourselves. It all happened too fast for me. But I know I care for Darien very much and he is a friend to the sailor scouts. We have to get him back."

"WE will, Saylah Moon," Rowen insisted. "We'll help you get your friends back."

"I wonder why mother didn't just kill Queen Beryl when she had the chance," Sailor Moon muttered.

"Maybe she tried but didn't have the strength," Rowen suggested. "Saylah Moon, I have a question. Who was your father? Where does he fit through all this?"

"I don't understand?" she looked up at him.

"Well, you would think he'd be there too," Rowen said. "To help stop the Negaverse that day."

"I never knew my father, Rowen," Sailor Moon said sadly. "All I remember from my previous life was living on the Moon Kingdom, being raised by my mother."

"Did she ever say anything about him?"

"Well, she told me he was a warrior from Earth," Sailor Moon answered. "But now that you brought it up, I remember that he had blue eyes. That's all. He was a warrior with blue eyes."

"Blue eyes?"

"Yeah," Sailor Moon nodded. "Too bad he wasn't at the Moon Kingdom that day. I was just thinking…with Darien gone, who's going to come for me when I'm trouble? Tuxedo Mask always showed up when I needed him."

"Well, I guess if he can't do it," Rowen began, "I'll do it for him."

"Thank you Rowen," Sailor Moon said, "but even if you were to get a cape and everything you'd still--,"

"I know I can't replace Darien," Rowen stated, "and I don't mean to. Just know that the Ronin Warriors are going to help you."

"I'll keep that in mind," Sailor Moon forced a smile and rubbed White Blaze behind the ears.

"White Blaze really likes you," Rowen smiled, holding his chin.

"Yeah…it's weird. I feel like I know him. I guess I just have a way with animals."

"Let's go find Ryo and Saylah Mars," Rowen said. "If this the Nethahworld, we have got to stay togethah."


Sailor Mars leaned over a sleeping Ryo wearing his subarmor in the Netherworld. "Ryo?"

Ryo grimaced and sat up. "Sailor Mars, did we make it?"

"If this is the netherworld," Sailor Mars said, "I think we have."


"Anubis must've sent us here," she answered. "Hey, I see Rowen and Sailor Moon!"

Sailor Moon and Rowen walked to Sailor Mars and Ryo with White Blaze. "Rowen, did we make it to the netherworld?"

"Seems that way," he answered, reaching out his hand to help his to feet.

"Yeah, how can a place of evil look so, so pretty?" Sailor Moon inquired.

"I know we're not in the human world, that's for sure." Rowen said.

A gate opened up in front of them and many Netherspirits start flying around.

"A Dynasty gate!" Ryo shouted.

"What are those?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Netherspirits," Rowen said. "We're definitely in the Netherrealm now!"

A giant Nether spirit's face appeared in front of the four. "Welcome to the City of Desire. The capital of the Netherworld."

"capital?" Ryo demanded.

"City of Desire?" Rowen added.

"A city of pleasure where those are chosen are free to do whatever they wish. All of your desires shall be fulfilled." He appeared right next to Ryo's head. Ryo stared out in surprise. "Any wish you want. Even to become the king of the human realm." The Dynasty spirit went back in front of them. "Your friends are waiting for you with our Lord Master Talpa. Come. Enter the City of the Desire. The land of pleasure, you have the right, you know. That armor of yours proves it all."

"Shut up, Nether sprit!" Rowen snapped. "You think we believe a word you say?"

The Nether sprit laughed. "My, my. I wonder how long you can keep that attitude up. If you're going to be reject the City of Desire, you will have to endure hell right here. You will regret it."

"I've heard enough!" Sailor Mars yelled, taking out a charm. "EVIL SPIRITS DISPERSE!"

She threw the charm at the Dynasty sprit and he disappeared with the others flying around.

"Those guys give me the creeps," Sailor Mars muttered.

"Yeah, me too," Ryo added.


Within the dungeons, Kento, Cye and Sage are hanging from their chains as Netherspirits torture them with energy bolts. Talpa walked inside and laughed. "Enough Netherspirits!"

The Netherspirits ceased torturing their bodies, but Talpa was just about to torture their ears.

"I have good news, Ronin Warriors," Talpa said. "Wildfire and Strata are on their way."

"You can be sure we will stop you, Talpa!" Sage snapped.

"Such bravery," Talpa said. "But that will be your undoing. Soon they will suffer the same fate as you three! They will submit to me!"

"I don't remember submitting to you," Kento said.

"You forget, your powers assist me now."

"That's a lie!" Cye shouted.

"The sword is drawing out your powers and converting it to an evil power!" Talpa yelled.

"What?" said Sage.

"Do it, Netherspirits!"

The four were attacked with more energy and they scream in pain. The scouts lying in the other dungeon could hear them.


"Sage," Sailor Jupiter whispered, "no!"

"What's happening to them?" Sailor Venus inquired.

The wall opened up and who should walk in but the evil ugly Queen Beryl herself. "Beryl!" Mercury gasped.

"Tell us what Talpa is doing to Kento and the others!" Venus ordered.

"Talpa has a plan to defeat the other two Ronin Warriors and your remaining Sailor Soldiers," she answered with a grin. "They have entered our realm."

"They're already here?" Sailor Jupiter inquired. "Well, get ready for a fight, Beryl!"

"We knew they'd come for us," Sailor Mercury said.

"Talpa is going to use the powers of Torrent, Halo and Hardrock against Wildfire and Strata," Queen Beryl said excitedly. "He is creating a sword now as we speak…ah…listen to the foolish boys scream. Music to my ears."

"Can it!" Jupiter hissed.

"So, I bet you're here to do the same to us, huh Beryl?" Mercury demanded. "Going to make a magic wand out of our powers and use it against Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars?"

"Now why would I want your pathetic powers when I'm so close to getting the crystal?" Beryl demanded. "The powers from Torrent, Halo and Hardrock will be enough to stop Wildfire and Strata then Talpa will have all five armors back in his possession and I will get the crystal!"

"Not if the combined powers of the Sailor Scouts and the Ronin Warriors can do anything about it!" Venus hissed.

"Yeah, you just wait until Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars get here with the other two Ronin Warriors," Sailor Jupiter threatened. "We're going to stop you and Talpa!"

"Silence!" She raised her hand and hit them with a powerful energy blast. The three scouts shrieked as they were slammed against the hard, cold stonewall. "Try as you might, sailor brats, but you cannot defeat me now. I am stronger than I have ever been now that I have joined forces with Emperor Talpa. He is draining their energy to make a sword and he will give it to Dala so he may bring Wildfire and Strata here. Even if they do manage to stop Dala and they come to the castle, Halo, Hardrock and Torrent won't even have the energy to fight! You might as well give up now because you have no hope." She laughed and left the dungeon.

Sailor Jupiter fought to push herself up. "We have to believe Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars can make it."

"What about Cye and the others?" Mercury asked weakly.

"We've got to believe that even though Talpa will make a sword out of their armors power they can still fight," Sailor Venus said. "Believe in them…that's all we can do right now."

"Hang in there, Sage," Sailor Jupiter whispered, "oh…"

Low on energy themselves, the three fainted.


"I heard the girls," Cye said, turning his head. "They're in trouble!"

"Is Beryl going to make a weapon out of their powers too?" Sage demanded.

"There is no need for that," Talpa said, admiring the new sword made up from the powers of Hardrock, Halo and Torrent. "This sword shall be enough. We'll sustain the scouts' powers…for now."

"Oh, you're so kind," Kento muttered.

"Big mistake, Talpa," said Sage, "because even if you take our armors' power, the scouts may still have a chance with theirs! We're going get out of here and stop you then you will wish you drained their energy when you had the chance!"

"Beryl will get the Silver Crystal in no time," said Talpa, "why would she bother with the scouts' powers?"

"They may be three weak girls to you, Talpa," Kento snapped, "but they're stronger than you think! We saw what they did to your tin soldiers! They made scrap metal out of them."

"Yeah, just wait until we're all united," Cye cried, "We will put an end to your evil reign!"

"Even if all of us Ronin Warriors were destroyed," Sage yelled, "we will be sure to bury you first!"

"Prepare yourself!" Kento added with a growl.

"How dare you?!" Talpa roared. "You annoying little pests. Know that their days are numbered as the Sword of Doom shall leave them hanging their neck. Nether Spirits! Show them the fury of my wrath!"

The Netherspirits began to hit them with dark energy and one by one, the gargoyles' mouths closed over Kento, Cye and Sage.

"Stay alive!" Sage yelled. "RYO! AHH!"


As Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon rode on White Blaze, Ryo and Rowen ran after them on foot. Ryo stopped suddenly.

"What's up, Ryo?" Rowen inquired.

"I heard Sage," Ryo answered.

"Really?" Sailor Mars inquired as White Blaze stopped as well.


"I heard him too," said Rowen.

"Did he happen to say anything about the other scouts?" Sailor Moon asked hopefully.

Rowen shook his head. "But we're close."

"Let's hurry," Ryo urged.

"Good thinking," Sailor Moon said, "quickly, White Blaze!"

White Blaze took off faster and Sailor Moon held tight to his thick fur for leverage. She felt Sailor Mars tighten her arms around her waist. 'Hold on scouts, we're on our way.'


Lady Kayura walked to Dala sitting on his throne outside the castle. "What do you want, Kayura?" he demanded.

"Dala," she said, holding out her arms. She conjured the Sword of Doom and twirled it around her body quickly, obviously showing off her sword handling abilities.

"Impressive!" Dala exclaimed.

"Heads up!" she cried, tossing it to him. Dala caught it at the hilt and looked at it.

"What a powerful sword," he said.

"A gift from Master Talpa," Kayura explained. "Use it to capture Wildfire and Strata, and those two pesky sailor soldiers with them."

"Yes…I can feel its power," he stood up. "I will get Wildfire and Strata for Talpa!"

"One of the Sailor Scouts will have something called the Silver Imperial Crystal with her," Kayura went on. "Queen Beryl demands that you collect it. Kill her if you have to get it."

"Very well."

"Best of luck," Kayura said as she turned around and left in a ball of pink light and appearing in a secluded room in the castle. Her armor began to glow as it disappeared from her and she was clothed in a kimono. Thoughts interned her mind about what she was doing. 'I don't understand this. I'm starting to question all that I do, all that Master Talpa and Queen Beryl ask of me! No, what am I saying. They're right. Everything they have told me is right. I must push these traitors thoughts out of my mind before they find out.'

Queen Beryl and Talpa stepped inside the room. She knelt down in front of them.

"Master Talpa. Queen Beryl." She said. "How may I serve you?"

"We just wanted to congratulate you on your progress, Kayura," Queen Beryl answered. "You have done well, better than many of my own minions."

"You are much too kind, my queen," Lady Kayura bowed her head.

"I see power in your eyes," Talpa added.

"I am here only to serve you, Master Talpa. Queen Beryl."


Dala's army of Dynasty Soldiers and Negaverse monsters headed out of the city toward the outnumbered pair Sailor Scouts and Ronin Warriors. "Forward army of Darkness!" Dala ordered. "Destroy the Ronin Warriors and the Sailor Scouts with them! Get their armor and the Silver Crystal!" He let out a magical, evil laugh and the mob raged onward.

"STOP!" Sailor Mars shrieked, pulling on Sailor Moon's back flap. "Make White Blaze stop running, Sailor Moon!"

"Sailor Mars, what's wrong?" Sailor Moon inquired as White Blaze stopped. She frowned at her. "This is a bad time for a potty break. You should've gone before we left!"

"Shut up!" she yelled, jumping off the white tiger. "That's not it…there's an army of soldiers coming right this way. I can feel their presence!"

"Really?" Ryo walked up behind her.

"Yeah." She answered. "Thousands of them."

White Blaze started growling and Sailor Moon stroked his fur. "Steady, White Blaze," she coaxed.

"I see them!" Rowen yelled, pointing at the army. "Dynasty Soldiers!"

"And Negaverse Monsters too?!" Sailor Moon demanded. "We don't have time for this. We have to save our friends!" She got off of White Blaze. The army was getting closer.

"Whoa, these guys are playing for keeps," said Ryo.

"Yeah, but so are we, Ryo," Rowen stated.

Ryo and Rowen called upon their armors of Wildfire and Strata.

"Any ideas, Rowen?" Ryo asked.

"The best way is straight through the middle," Rowen answered.

"Middle, huh," Ryo connected his swords of Wildfire together. "Sailor Mars, I want you to hit me with your fire technique."

"What?" Sailor Mars demanded in surprise.

"I think Ryo asked you to light his fire for him, Sailor Mars!" Sailor Moon cracked.

"Shut up, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mars snapped.

"Just do it," Ryo urged. "It will give me the power to get through them!"

"Huh?" Sailor Mars remembered about what happened in her dream. She had hit Ryo with her fire ignite and it gave him the power to cut through a rock. Perhaps it will give them an advantage now? Sailor Mars nodded. "You got it, Ryo!" She closed her eyes and gathered all the fire energy she could muster from inside herself.


Her fire swarmed to Ryo, adding power to his armor. "That's more like it! FLARE UP NOW!"


Their attacks flew to the many evil soldiers and it took out some of the Dynasty Soldiers and the Negaverse Monsters, but it was not enough to destroy them all, including Dala standing in the back of the rows. The army charged toward the four and began to surround them.

"Wildfire and Strata, come to Dala quickly." Dala said, watching the battle. "Then I will end it for you with my Sword of Doom!"

"There's no end to them!" Ryo grunted.

"Sailor Moon, you might want to take out your wand!" Sailor Mars cried.

But Sailor Moon looked to be in a trance. This was not the time for her to be spacing out!

"Sailor Moon? Come on!" Sailor Mars urged. "The wand…hurry!"

"I need not the wand at this time, Sailor Mars," Sailor Moon replied her voice beginning to echo. She closed her eyes, put her fingers together and started to chant.

"What?" Sailor Mars muttered. "Sailor Moon, come on! This is no time to space out!"

"We're surrounded," said Rowen.

"Come and get us, metal heads!" Ryo taunted.

Sailor Moon looked up and focused on Dala. "He is the one who brought them here. We have to get through them before we can stop him."

Ryo and Rowen began to fight them at close range. Sailor Mars attacked with her charms and fire but Sailor Moon stood still as if she had forgotten to move. Just as two Dynasty Soldiers ran toward her with a spear to run her through from the back and the front, she ducked and the Dynasty Soldiers got each other. Sailor Moon grabbed one the weapons and fought wielded the spear as if she had been trained with it her whole life.

"Sailor Moon, how did you learn how to use that?" Sailor Mars asked in surprise.

However, Sailor Moon did not answer her. She cut a Dynasty Soldier in half from between its legs and up through its head and moved so fast that many of the minions ended up getting each other instead of Sailor Moon.

"I never seen her fight like that before," Sailor Mars whispered to herself. "Why didn't she fight harder before?"

"Let's make our way through, come on!" Ryo urged. "Sailor Moon is making a path for us!"

Sailor Moon cut through the lines of the Dynasty Soldiers and Negaverse Monsters until they reached Dala. "Strata and Wildfire, I appreciate that you made it all this way. My sword."

A Dynasty threw the Sword of doom to Dala.

"I was getting tired of waiting."

"And so were we, Dala!" Sailor Moon hissed.

"How did you know my name, Sailor Slime?" Dala demanded.

"Demon filth like you are not worthy of a name," Sailor Moon muttered. "Prepare to feel our wrath."

Dala laughed and jumped toward Dala. Ryo stood ready and with his swords. Fighting against Dala with his strange sword was not easy for him. Dala cut the ground a quake formed, running to the four. They jumped out of the way.

"Ryo, what is it?" Sailor Mars asked.

"It repelled my sword," he answered.

"This is no ordinary sword," Dala said. "Within this sword dwells the power of your friends' armor. Hardrock, Torrent and Halo."

"Their power?" Rowen gasped.

"That's right," Dala said excitedly. "Those three face a long and peaceful sleep deep within the castle dungeon."

"What?" Ryo inquired.

"You lie!" Sailor Moon shouted.


Back at the castle where Kento, Sage and Cye were hanging in the dungeons, Kento was struggling to break threw his chains. "Damn!" he cursed.

"Stop it, Kento!" Sage ordered.

"Am I just supposed to do nothing?" Kento demanded incredulously.

"Even you cannot break through those chains," Sage answered softly. "You'll just be wasting your strength."

"Come to think of it," Kento said, "I feel like my strength is draining away."

"I bet this tower is sucking our power out of us," said Cye.

"We have to save our strength until we need it." Sage told them.

"What if that time never comes?" Kento questioned.

"Don't hope," Cye said. "Our chance will come."

"Cye's right," Sage agreed. "If we lose hope, even if our we get our chance, we'll miss it. We wait. If we wait, that time will come."

"So what are we supposed to do in the meantime, Sage?" Kento argued. "Tell jokes?"

Cye laughed. "Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea!"

Kento groaned, "I wonder if Sailor Venus and the other scouts are having as much as a fun time as we are. Damn! Ryo! Ryo, get me out of here, man!"

"I know," Cye suggested, "we can talk about the Sailor Scouts to get our minds off this."

"Oh yeah!" Kento laughed. "If there's anything that can get my mind off of this besides food it would be girls!"

Kento and Cye groaned. "Oh, Kento…"


The three warlords and Prince Darien stood before Beryl and Talpa in the throne room.

"My queen," Prince Darien began, "Sailor Moon and the others will be here shortly."

"Then that must mean Ryo and Rowen are close enough to create the mystical white armor," said Dais.

"Master Talpa, Queen Beryl," Kale stepped forward, "send us to them so that we will stop them."

"No need," Talpa answered. "I have a plan. Badamon."

A blue floating flame came through the room. Darien and the three warlords stared at it as the flame grew to Lord Badamon. "At your service, Master Talpa."

"It's him!" Kale exclaimed.

"Badamon, lord of the Netherspirits," said Dais.

"It's been a while, my dear warlords," Lord Badamon nodded. He saw Queen Beryl sitting next to Talpa. "Talpa, who is this?"

Talpa gestured to Beryl. "This would be my queen, Beryl from the Negaverse. She is going to help me in my evil plans."


"The Dynasty not the only place without enemies," Queen Beryl answered. "I have sided with Talpa to help him destroy the Ronin Warriors and in return he will help me stop the Sailor Soldiers so I may obtain the silver crystal. With it, not only will Talpa have the power to rule the mortal realm, but the whole universe."

"You couldn't have chosen a better queen, Emperor Talpa," Lord Badamon said in respect.

"I know," Talpa said. "Badamon, the three seem to fear the white armor."

"Master, I would not call it fear," Sekhmet insisted quickly as if he had been offended, "if we can just control it…"

"Enough!" Talpa barked. "Badamon. Tell us about the White Armor and how it can be used."

"Yes sire. The White Armor is originally called the Inferno Armor," Badamon informed. "It once belonged to the first Ronin Warrior, Hariel. Legend says it was created as one of that brought light in a time when the world was ruled by the darkness and hatred dwelling in the human spirit."

"Ahh, interesting," commented Beryl.


"What's the matter?" Dala demanded. "Why don't you bring out the White Inferno Armor?"

"Inferno?" Ryo inquired.

"That's right, your new armor," Dala said. "But the way you are right now you're not able to activate that armor."

"How can you be so sure?" Ryo snapped.

"Yeah, bucket head!" Sailor Mars added.

"I know," continued Dala, "if your armor were to be activated you would be sucking the power of your three captured friends. What will happen to those weak little insects?"

Sailor Moon tossed down the spear and hissed. She still spoke with her voice sounded much like The Ancient's and her eyes began to glow blue. "You will do well not to call the Ronin Warriors weak, demon!"

Dala laughed. "I speak the truth, foolish girl."

Sailor Moon summoned her wand and held it out in front of her. "I will not listen to you talk about the Ronin Warriors that way!"

"Oh, finally she brings out her wand," Sailor Mars mumbled.


Bala underestimated the power of Sailor Moon and he was thrown backward and the Dynasty Soldiers around him were destroyed. Weakened, but not yet killed, he pushed himself back to his feet and walked toward the four. His armor was smoking.

"So, Sailor Moon, that must be the power of the Silver Crystal Queen Beryl wants so badly," he said. "I can see why. It was almost a match for my sword. After I tear the armors from Wildfire and Strata over there, I'm taking your precious jewel too!"

"Try if you wish!"


"The armor of Inferno certainly has a power of destruction," Kale said.

"You have only see a small part of its power," Badamon advised. "No one has seen what else it could do. But according to the legend when the whole armor reveals its power the mortal world will face its end."

"That's crazy!" Sekhmet shouted.

"Yeah," Darien added.

"The darkness that humans crave, the evil that dwells in the human spirit. The only way to erase that is to return everything to noting. As such the light of the Inferno Armor will destroy everything."

"It doesn't bring light to darkness?" Kale inquired.

"Rather than saves people," Sekhmet added, "that armor destroys people."

"Unbelievable," said Darien.

"Destruction leads to nothingness," Badamon went on. "And people will be created from noting. Every several hundred years, no, thousand years…that process repeats itself."

"Being able to freely wield that power," Talpa said, clenching his fist in excitement, "would make it easy to destroy the human world. I want it. I want the inferno armor!"

"I agree with you, my emperor," Queen Beryl breathed, leaning toward him. "That armor can be as powerful as the Silver Crystal, if not more. A thousand years ago, I only saw a fraction of what it could do when Serenity decided to trap me inside of it! The Inferno Armor and the Silver Imperium Crystal, will be our ticket on our road to victory!"

"In due time," Badamon said, "my emperor, my queen."


"I'll go save the others," Rowen said, shooting an arrow at a Dynasty Soldier. "When our light comes togethah, transform in the white armor without hesitation."

"If I do that," Ryo began, "Sage and the others will die!"

"Have faith in their strength," Rowen insisted and he took off on a Dynasty horse.

"Make haste, Strata!" Sailor Moon urged. "We will hold this demon for as long as we can!"

"Rowen!" Ryo cried.

"He's right, Wildfire," said Sailor Moon. "You must have faith in the strength of Halo, Torrent and Hardrock. They are not as weak as some may think!" She glared at Dala.

"But…" Ryo muttered.

"Have a taste of the sword made from the powers of your friends!" Dala exclaimed, swinging the sword at Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars and Ryo and they jumped away. "Must be exquisite."

"You reject from a metal workshop," Mars hissed, clenching her fist. "I'm going to burn you to smithereens!"

"Go ahead and give it a try," Dala challenged.

"Mars, no!" Ryo pleaded. "You can't!"

"They don't call me the Soldier of War for nothing!" Sailor Mars exclaimed. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!"

Dala laughed as he simply blocked her attack with his sword. "You'll be the first to taste the sword!" he pulled it back. "Do you recall this technique, Wildfire?"

"Look out!" Sailor Moon cried.

"What's that?" Sailor Mars asked as Cye's attack went flying toward her. "No!"

"That's Cye's Super Wave Smasher!" Ryo exclaimed.

Sailor Mars screamed and flew back into a boulder. Sailor Moon crouched down to her side. "Sailor Mars, speak to me!"

"It was like," Sailor Mars mumbled, "being attacked by Mercury's bubbles to the maximum level…oh…"

"Mars!" Sailor Moon shouted.

"Torrent's technique reminds you of your captured Sailor Mercury, doesn't it? You must feel that you are being attacked by your sailor scouts too, don't you, Sailor Moon? Sailor Mars?" Dala said. "I can kill two birds with one stone! Here's another!" He performs the Iron Rock Crusher.

"Sailor Moon, look out!" Ryo yelled as he jumped in front of her and crossed his swords together. "It's Kento's Iron Rock Crusher!"

"Damn you, Bala!" Sailor Moon snarled.

"Last but not least," Bala pulled the sword up and began to perform Sage's attack.

"Move!" Ryo urged as he and Sailor Moon each took an arm of Sailor Mars and they jumped out of the way.

"That was like Jupiter's Thunder Crash!" Sailor Moon exclaimed.

"Sage's Thunderbolt Cut," Ryo muttered.

"How does it felt to be smashed down by the powers of your own friends?" Bala demanded.

Sailor Moon got up. "You call the Ronin Warriors weak, demon? You're the weak one!"

"I shall have to remove your tongue, Sailor!"

"You must be very weak indeed, to have use the power of Torrent, Halo and Hardrock to defeat Wildfire and Strata!" Sailor Moon barked. "Have you no powers of your own, Bala? Heh? Let's see how well you can fight without that sword. You have no right to wield the power of those armors anymore than Talpa does. The armors belong to the Ronin Warriors."

Four different colored beams of light came swarming to Sailor Moon and Ryo.

"Ryo, create the armor of Inferno!" she commanded.

"No, I can't!" Ryo exclaimed. "You fools, turn back! Rowen, how could you let them?"

"They shall not die, Wildfire," Sailor Moon insisted. "The battle is not over yet!"

"Sailor Moon…what's up with your voice?" Ryo asked. "Why are you calling me Wildfire instead of Ryo?"

But before he got an answer, the light went around Ryo and created the mystical armor of inferno.

"This is the armor of inferno?" Dala inquired. "I challenge you!" He charged toward Sailor Moon and Ryo. The two hold their ground.

"Steady, Wildfire," she whispered.

Dala brought his sword down to Ryo's and he pushed him away with his two soul swords of fervor. The sword flashed.

"What? No!" Dala exclaimed. "My sword lost its power!"

"It never belonged to you in the first place, Dala! Be sure to tell Talpa the same!" Sailor Moon shouted. "Now, Wildfire! Together! COSMIC MOON POWER!"



The light from Sailor Moon's crystal swirled around Ryo's powerful Inferno attack and destroyed Dala and the rest of the army. In a wave of fire, the white armor disappeared from Ryo and left him in his armor of wildfire. He turned to sailor Moon.

"Well done, Wildfire," she said.

"Hey, you can call me Ryo, you know." Ryo told her.

She did not reply, instead she followed the way Rowen had gone. "I sense that Strata is in danger."

"Huh?" Ryo asked, stepping toward her.

"White Blaze, come!" Sailor Moon commanded. White Blaze hurried to her side and she climbed upon his back.

Sailor Mars began to stir.

"Sailor Mars!" Ryo turned around and ran to help her up. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah," she said weakly. "It's not safe here. We have to find cover."

Rowen tried to free him from the chains the Dynasty Soldiers were binding him with. "Let…me…go!"

"MOON TIARA MAGIC!" Sailor Moon's tiara smashed through the soldiers and they fell lifeless to the ground, making the chains loose around Rowen.

Rowen pushed the chains off him and looked at Sailor Moon. "Thank you, Saylah Moon."

"Are you all right, Strata?" she asked.

"Yeah," he answered, surprised by how she was addressing him. "Uh, are you?"


"Sailor Moon!"

They turned to Ryo aiding Sailor Mars to walk. "That was so unlike you, Rowen," said Ryo.

Rowen laughed.

Sailor Moon smiled and then suddenly winced, grabbing her head. She fell to her knees.

"Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mars gasped, "What's wrong?"

Sailor Moon groaned, rubbed her head but did not reply. Rowen crouched down to her.

"Saylah Moon, are you all right?"

"Oh, what happened?" Sailor Moon inquired. "Anyone mind filling me in?"

"We stopped Dala's army," Sailor Mars said. "Don't you remember?"


"That army that was coming aftah us when we got here," Rowen explained.

"Oh yeah, I do remember that part," Sailor Moon mumbled.

"You kicked major tin can!" Sailor Mars shouted. "I never saw you fight that way before. No way Luna could've taught you that. I don't even think Jupiter did!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mars," Sailor Moon muttered holding her head. "My head hurts…all I remember is that army coming after us. Everything else is blank."

"You kept calling me Wildfire instead of my first name," Ryo added. "And your voice sounded different."

"Did I really, Ryo? I don't recall."

"You were almost like in a trance," Rowen said. "But I think you're going to be all right now, Saylah Moon."

"Rowen…thank you," she sighed.

"Dala had a sword with powers from Sage and the others," Rowen continued.

"But we beat him together with the Inferno armor and your crystal, Sailor Moon," Ryo stated.

"Sounds awesome, too bad I don't remember it." She grunted. "Can we get going now? I have a killer headache!"


A cute little girl with blond pigtails was bouncing a ball with her father and beloved pet tiger watching. The ball got away from her and it fell over the edge behind some bushes.

"Uh oh!"

When she went to go retrieve it, her father grabbed her hand.

"Careful my little princess," the girl's father whispered. "If you jump in before looking the game would be over before you even begin to play."


He picked her up and pulled the bushes away to show her what was hidden behind them: a deep and quick flowing river. Her ball was floating on top of it out of reach. If she had run right through the bushes for it, she would have drowned.

"Oh!" she gasped.

"Princess, remember careful to look before you leap," he added.

"Papa, I love you explain things to me," she beamed. "You are so smart. I'll be sure to remember that."

"Come, my little princess," he continued, carrying her away from the river. "This is not safe. Play where it is safe. Don't rush into places you are unsure of."

"But what about my ball?" she inquired.

"Is your ball something you're willing to die over?" he asked answering her question with another. "If you were to drown in that river, how would you play with your ball?"

She gasped and chuckled. "I never thought of it that way, before, Papa!"

"But there are some things worth risking your life," he continued, stopping and looking at the sky. "Like the world, friendship. It is better for one person to die, than thousands of innocent lives, my princess. You are still young, but soon you will understand the importance of live, love and friendship."

"Remember the wise words of your father, dear," said her mother, walking up to them and petting their pet tiger. "One day we will not always be with you so you must remember all we have taught you."

"Mama!" she crawled out of her father's grasp and hugged her. "I won't forget. I love to listen to father speak."

The white tiger growled as if he were feeling neglected the girl laughed and hugged him. "I love to play with you too, White Blaze!" she climbed upon his back. "You are more fun to play with than an a silly ball. I know you won't get a way from me!"

Her father laughed. "Yes, he will make sure to keep you out of trouble when I'm not around, my little princess."


Rowen, Ryo, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars and White Blaze were resting underneath a building. Rowen and Sailor Mars leaned against pillars. Sailor Moon slept against White Blaze as if he were a huge pillow and Ryo rested on the other side of him. Sailor Moon was sleeping soundly as if she took naps with the white tiger hundreds of times. She had her pillow, blanket, and bed and stuffed animal all in one package.

Sailor Moon turned on her side and let out a contented sigh. "Let's go and play, White Blaze…" She mumbled words from her dream. "Be careful. Make sure I don't fall in the river."

White Blaze's ears twitched as the sound of footsteps came close. He let out a soft growl to alert the others and nonetheless, awaken them.

"What the?" Rowen inquired and Sailor Mars woke up, yawning.

Ryo opened his eyes and got up. "Huh? Easy, White Blaze, easy…" he put his hand against him.

Sailor Moon felt her whole bed move as White Blaze got up.. "What's going on? White Blaze, I'm not done snoozing yet…"

"Sailor Moon, shh!" Sailor Mars hushed, putting her palm over her mouth.

"Mars, what're you doing?" Sailor Moon demanded, her voice muffled by Mars' hand.

"Shut up!" she hissed. "Something is coming. You're going to give us away!"

"Dere iz?"

"You think they saw us?" Rowen asked Ryo.

"Dunno," Ryo replied.

They sat quietly, waiting as two pairs of armored feet cam running toward right where they were sitting. Sailor Moon let out a small whine of surprise and Sailor Mars hushed her again. The Dynasty Soldiers got closer, closer and then, they took a left turn and kept on moving. Ryo and Rowen poked their heads out to check that the coast was clear.

"Whew," Ryo said.

"That was a close one," said Rowen. "No doubt about it, they're probably lookin' for us."

"Ready to take them on?" Ryo asked.

"Ready when you ah!" Rowen replied.

"Wait a sec, guys," Sailor Moon said, pushing Mars' hand away from her mouth. "I have an idea. I can get passed these guys without them knowing."

"Really?" Rowen asked, impressed. "How?"

"Disguise power, my dear Rowen!" Sailor Moon answered as if she was Sherlock Holms and she took out her disguise power pen. "I'll disguise myself as a Negaverse monster so I can sneak in the castle. If they sucked all the power dry from your friends' armor, the same will happen to you if we're not careful. I don't know about you, but that last battle took a lot out of me."

"But you don't even remember what happened," Sailor Mars said.

"Yeah, I know. But if we just run to Talpa's castle like this, they'll be sure to see us sometime soon," Sailor Moon continued. "And they're going to wear us out and waste our time before we get to the others. No time to play around. We need to get our friends out of there first and then we'll take Talpa and Beryl on. Did any of you guys listen to what Anubis said? If we leap without looking the game will be over before we even begin to play!" Sailor Moon groaned. "You two stay here and recover your strength."

"Hey, Sailor Moon, our friends are in trouble," Ryo argued. "We can't just sit here while you go off alone! How will you know you can get through?"

"She has a point, Ryo," Rowen said and he looked at Sailor Moon. "Are you going to go to Talpa's castle and send us some kind of signal or something?"

"I don't' expect you to wait here the whole time," Sailor Moon explained. "Just until you got all your strength back up and when that time comes, move quickly and carefully. You're not just facing the Dynasty here guys; it's the Negaverse too. The goons from the Negaverse can be really sneaky."

"Sailor Moon, I should go with you," Sailor Mars stated. "Does your pen have enough power to give us both disguises?"

"Only one way to find out," Sailor Moon smiled. "DISGUISE POWER! Turn us into Negaverse Monsters!" She held the pen over her head and the skirt, vest, and bows vanished from her sailor fuku, leaving her in her leotard. The leotard turned black and a cut came through between her breasts and on her hips. Her gloves shrank to her wrists, changing from white silky gloves into black fingerless fishnet and her boots to black. Her pigtails fell out and became a long blond Mohawk and her skin turned to silver as pale as the moon. Her moon earrings changed into skull to match the new decorations on the tips of her boots. After her disguise transformation was complete, she pointed the pen to Sailor Mars for the same transformation.

Sailor Mars new outfit was the same as Sailor Moon's only it was blood red in color. Pale purple replaced her natural skin and her lustrous black hair became black fire.

"Well, what do you think?" Sailor Moon asked finally.

Rowen and Ryo stared at them for a bit. White Blaze covered his eyes with his paws.

"Great disguise," Rowen said, clearing his throat. "They'll never know a thing." He looked at Ryo, who was still staring at Sailor Mars. "Ryo!" He gave him a hard nudge in the ribs.

"What the-Rowen-what was that for?" Ryo demanded. "Oh…very convincing. You look hot, Mars." He blushed and gasped, "I mean, uh, your hair that is. 'Cause it is on fire."

"My hair is on fire?" Sailor Mars asked, shocked. "I must've leaned against a torch or something…"

"Your hair is black fire," Rowen stated, pointing.

"Oh, wow!" She looked up and touched her hair. Indeed, it was black roaring fire.

"I always knew you were such a hothead, Mars!" Sailor Moon exclaimed, laughing.

"Oh yeah?" Sailor Mars demanded. "When does the concert start, punkmiester!?"

"What?" Sailor Moon reached her hands to her hair, to find that most of it was no longer there. "My HAIR!"

Now it was Mars' turn to laugh. Sailor Moon cleared her throat.

"All right, we're going to take off now," she informed. "We'll try to clear a way for you."

"Good luck," Rowen wished.

"Thanks," Sailor Mars nodded. "Be careful, Rowen, Ryo."

Sailor Moon bent down and petted White Blaze. "You watch over the, White Blaze." With that, the two scouts disguised as demons from the Negaverse, ran out in hot pursuit.

"Who does she think she is?" Ryo demanded, leaning against a pillar. "Telling us what to do like that?"

"The princess of the moon," Rowen retorted. "Who else?"

"So?" Ryo questioned. "That's no reason."

"It will be better if we let them go first," Rowen insisted. "Besides, look on the bright side, Ryo. Maybe she'll knight us when this all over!"

To Be Continued