Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Warrior: The Phoenix' Flames ❯ Marcella's Dream ( Chapter 25 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“What is your dream? No matter how far away it is, if you have a heart to keep wishing for it, your dreams are bound to come true. Stop doing evil deeds, and become a good person. If you can Marcella, you'll be the star tomorrow!”
Silent Warrior: The Phoenix' Flames
Episode 114
“Professor, I need Pure Heart Crystals in order to awaken as the true Chosen One: the Sovereign of Silence,” the Messiah of Maelstrom is saying to Professor King.
“Of course messiah, I will see that it gets done,” he replies. “Our team is working night and day to bring you to full glory.”
Meanwhile, in the Rapturers 5 office, where the door has now been changed to Rapturers 4, Marcella is recording herself on the computer singing and dancing, while the other ladies are working.
“I turn around, when you call my name. Suddenly the world does not look quite the same. Oh my gosh it can't be you; I think I may be turning blue…” she sings.
“And now for the newest hit song by that duo sensation, Mya and Sysco,” the announcer on the TV says, interrupting the song.
“Oh yes, it's Sysco! He's the newest man of my dreams!”
Marcella's Dream
At the Masaki Shrine, the guys are all studying, with the TV on. They are watching the same program that Marcella was in the lab.
“Wow, look at the fans go crazy over the two of them,” Styve comments.
“They call them the May-Co maniacs,” Damon says.
“Wow, you'd think they go to a school just for being that,” TJ adds.
“You can study to be a Mya maniac?” Tyrone mumbles.
“Tyrone, what did you just say?”
“Huh? Oh nothing, I don't have time to be an idol chaser.”
“Are you sure, the idol is your favorite: Mya,” Athena says.
“Have I told you guys about Athena's laryngitis?” Tyrone asks, covering her mouth. “She's not aloud to talk. Guys, you know I don't have time for that with finals coming up. We'll be seniors next year, well except you Styve.”
“Sysco and I are looking for a boy or a girl to be with us in our next music video,” Mya says on TV.
“I'd like to do that,” Tyrone says quietly.
“Come tomorrow at noon for the auditions at town hall, and bring your swimsuit because it's going to be a beach video.”
“I'll see you tomorrow,” Tyrone says as the TV goes off.
“Are you really going to go?” Damon asks.
“Of course not! Now Tyrese, can you help me with this problem?” he asks, changing the subject.
* * *
In the lab, Professor King is doing some measurements with a Youma pod and sugar cubes.
“Our messiah is waiting for a pure heart,” he says to Marcella. “I hope you have the next target ready.”
“The next target will be Sysco, the singer,” she says. “He's got a new, top chart pop hit, and he's…”
Marcella then drops her things while trying to show him a picture.
“Marcella, it seems to me that all of your targets have been famous people who are easy on the eyes,” Professor King comments. “I don't want you to get work mixed up with your hobbies.”
“Oh no professor, I'm only trying to please you,” she says, pretending to sob. “I believe his heart will be good for us. They say that celebrities have higher charisma than ordinary people. I only aim to please you and the messiah.”
“There there Marcella, I only asked because I was concerned. I know that you try your best. Now, go out there and get me that crystal.”
Happy, Marcella picks up her things and leaves. Professor King then notices a magazine she left of him.
“Sysco spills his tanning tips, see page 13?” he says, looking at a centerfold. “I remember when I used to look like this. It's too bad you won't need to worry about a tan where you're going,” he says, laughing crazily.
* * *
The next day, the guys are at Styve's house again, studying, when Athena wonders about Tyrone.
“Oh, he called earlier and said he wasn't coming today because he had a fever,” Styve says.
“Fever my tail, I know where to find him,” Athena thinks.
At the audition place, Tyrone is noting how there are a lot of people there. He then gets in line for registration.
“Excuse me miss,” he says at the counter. “Will Mya be here today?”
“I'm sorry sir, neither she nor Sysco will be here till the final round tomorrow,” the lady responds.
“That's not fair,” Marcella says behind him. “I want him to meet his winner today!”
“That's funny, I'm standing right here,” Tyrone says, turning around.
The two look at each other for a minute, then they grab each other's shirt (they're wearing the same one).
“Where'd you get that shirt?” Tyrone asks.
“I got it at their first Love, Love, and more Love tour,” Marcella explains.
“Me too.”
“Front row?”
“Yeah. Hi, I'm Tyrone,” he says, extending his hand.
“I'm Marce…Mimi,” she says, correcting herself.
“Good luck with your audition, and may the best fan win” Tyrone says, going off.
Tyrone goes first for his audition.
“Please state your name and tell us about yourself,” the first judge says.
“I'm Tyrone Davis, third class senior high school,” he says.
“What would you do if there were to be a kissing scene in the video?”
“I'd tell my parents not to watch it.”
The judges laugh at the comment.
“What do you do if there's a scene where you need to cry?”
“That's simple, I take an onion and stick it in my pocket. Then, right before the scene, I take a big whiff.”
“Thank you, we'll let you know.”
Next, Marcella comes in.
“Please state your name and tell us about yourself,” the judge says.
“My name is, my name is, um, Mimi Hanyu, third class senior high school,” she says nervously.
“Just take your time sweetheart,” a judge says. “Now, what brought you here today?”
“I want to be in a music video,” she says. “I like to sing.”
“Ok then, we'll let you know.”
Later, everyone is lined up in his or her swimsuits, and Tyrone and Marcella are next to each other.
“Well no matter what, just remember we did our best,” Tyrone says.
“Numbers 189, 285, 386, 251, and 252 have been selected. Thank you for auditioning, the rest of you may leave,” the announcer says.
Tyrone and Marcella are excited, for their numbers are 251, and 252.
* * *
In the Order of the Revelation locker room, Marcella is wondering about what will happen if she wins.
“I can't lose with my looks or style,” she says. “I've got all the right curves, I'm young, and I'm better than any boring human!”
She then has a vision of what is to come. She is at a concert, and everyone is screaming her name. She is waving to an audience of people who would die for her. In the back, Professor King is waving to her, saying he knew she could do it. In reality, he is asking her how she's doing.
“Marcella,” he says.
“Yes professor?” she asks dreamily.
“Are you feeling ok?”
He then feels her forehead, and she opens her eyes, ending the vision.
“Are you ok?” he asks again. “Your eyes are all glossy, and you feel warm. I can't have my best worker working under the weather.”
“I'll be fine,” she says as he leaves. “What am I going to do? Do I become an idol, or do I steal the pure heart of Sysco? This could be my big chance, but on the other side, not doing my mission will make me a traitor.”
“May the best fan win,” Tyrone says in her memory.
“I'm counting on you to succeed,” Professor King says in her memory.
“The Order of the Revelation can take a backseat to my dreams,” she says. “I'm going for my dreams. I've got to be sneaky about this though.”
She opens her locker to put her things away, and inside is a picture of Elmyra in a frame.
* * *
The next day, the five contestants are back for the finals auditions. Sysco is on stage, describing that the contestant with more than 80% will be the one chosen to be in the video. Tyrone is backstage, waiting for his turn, when he spots Athena.
“How'd you know I'd be here?” he asks.
“Let's just say I know you well enough,” she says. “It's not like you to keep things from the others.”
“I couldn't tell the others I've been fan chasing after they made all that fuss the other day. If I do good, this will give birth to the idol Dark Warrior.”
Marcella then walks backstage.
“Remember Marcella, look the part, look the part, look the part, just look the part,” she mumbles to herself. “They've got your dreams now. You've got to put it all forth; give it all you've got. Go for the gold and get that Sysco!”
Tyrone is then called to go on stage, and he wishes Marcella good luck.
“Please tell us why you'd be good for the job,” Sysco says.
“I think you should vote for me because I'm determined, and I have a good rep. If chosen, I promise to do my best and not forget those who got me here.”
“Cute kid,” Jacoby says.
He and the other two Other Brothers are by the doors, watching for heart snatchers.
“I don't think he'll win though,” he finishes.
Tyrone finishes, and doesn't get 80%. Next Mimi goes on.
“Well, I did my best,” Tyrone says to himself. “At least I'll be able to say `I shared the same stage as Mya.'”
“The pleasure is all mine,” a voice says.
He then turns around to see Mya.
“One day, all of my fans will forget me,” she says. “It wouldn't matter if that day was as close as tomorrow because the memory of loving me will remain, and that will help them to find love later. I just hope it doesn't happen before we shoot this video. I love the beach. Now if we can only find our winner.”
“And so that's why I should be picked,” Mimi finishes.
The audience votes, and it's over 80%.
“It looks like we have our winner,” the announcer says.
Mimi gets real excited, and she begins to daydream again. There are streamers and balloons going all around her.
“Oops, I'm sorry, we miscalculated, you didn't get 80%,” the announcer corrects, bursting her bubble. “Guess we start back from square one.”
In her mind, the pedestal she's standing on breaks, and she falls down a bottomless pit.
“Oh Mimi, I'm so sorry,” Tyrone says, rushing to her.
“Back off if you know what's good for you!” she says, slapping him away. “I had you all fooled. I didn't come here for an audition, I came here for the pure heart of Sysco.”
She then throws her clothes off, revealing her Rapturer outfit.
“Utahime, it's time to step up!” she says, calling her Youma.
The audience starts to scream and begins to panic.
“You all need to chill out,” Marcella says, taking out her staff. “Thy power floweth purely, ever unwavering. Accept my charm into thine embrace! Rapturer Marcella: Charm Buster!”
As her staff lights up, it emits a golden glow, which causes the audience to fall asleep. Utahime gets Sysco's Heart Crystal, and then starts to go after Mya.
“Fist of the Phoenix, Flare!”
The attack knocks Marcella's staff away, and then the four daggers appear.
“This is no place for you to do such things,” Silent Warrior says.
“Yeah, this was supposed to be for those with dreams,” Dark Blade says.
“So in the name of the Phoenix, we shall punish you.”
“Good, Brother Soldiers,” Tyrone says, running backstage. “Dark Dagger Power!”
Tyrone's transformation has slightly changed. Now, when his headband appears, after it forms on his head, it turns silver. Also, his sword appears in his hand, and he does a fancy move to put it in its sheath before doing his ending pose.
The orange and silver dagger then strikes before Marcella.
“Stop it right now. Pretending to be an idol chaser, only to assault your idol! You are the enemy of every fan! Defender of every fan, Dark Warrior will deliver divine punishment for your actions!”
“Shut up, you don't know who you're dealing with,” Marcella says.
“You're breaking the rules of the idol chaser. You're never supposed to hurt the idol you're chasing.”
“Let me remind you, I'm from the Order of the Revelation; we're evil. Hurting is what we do. And because I care so much about Sysco, I'll treasure this heart forever! Utahime, get them!”
Utahime walks up to them, but instead of fighting starts singing.
“What are you doing?” Marcella asks.
“My voice is a highly tuned instrument,” she says. “As all good singers do, I must properly warm up.”
“What are you talking about? Warm up is over.”
“Now, while she's not paying attention,” Dark Sabre says.
“Sacred Phoenix Power!”
“Ok, I'm ready,” Utahime says. “Now to start.”
The music begins, and she opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.
“I forgot the words.”
“Phoenix Swords Clash!”
“This is your swan song…”
“Got to get that crystal,” Marcella says after she is destroyed.
“Dark Shaded Sickle!”
“Ouch, you broke a nail you meanies!”
Marcella then runs off.
“Why are they still going after Pure Heart Crystals?” Dark Hawk's Eye asks.
He and the Other Brothers are standing in the back of the auditorium.
“If they get enough pure hearts, they'll have an awesome amount of energy,” Dark Shark's Eye explains. “Maybe they've already found the Messiah of Maelstrom…”
“Here, you give the crystal back,” Dark Blade says, giving the heart to Dark Warrior.
“How did you know I was here?” he asks after putting the crystal back.
“Easily: Athena filled us in when you didn't show up yesterday at study session,” Dark Knight explains.
* * *
Back in the lab, Marcella is still in her Rapturer uniform, explaining how she tried not to fail.
“It's ok Marcella,” Professor King comforts. “Tomorrow is another day.”