Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayed Innocence ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own the Ronin Warriors, so please don't sue me
Betrayed Innocence
By Red Blaze
Chapter 1
The sun sinks slowly over the lake next to the Mouri house. The beach is empty save for one woman. On closer observation of the woman, a person would realize that the dark haired woman is not in fact a woman, just a teenager. Though the girl is welcome in the Mouri house, she is in no way related to those that live there. But Kaida Sanada has probably spent as much time in that house as her friends who call the place home. The only daughter of Ryo and Mia, Kaida finds herself with four secondary homes, though her real home has always been her favorite.
Pausing by the lakeshore, Kaida's tiger blue eyes scan the lake before focusing on the dark red sun. Finding herself slightly chilled, Kaida decides to head back to the house. But just as she turns around, she realizes that she is not alone. Watching four figures step out of the dark shadows of the forest that rings more than half of the lake, Kaida feels herself tense up before she gains a clear view of the four people who are approaching her.
In the dying light, Kaida can make out a woman and three men. The woman is wearing flowing robes, with her dark hair pulled back just slightly. The men that accompany the woman all are wearing some kind of body armor, though not the heavy kind that Kaida has seen them wearing in the past. Knowing these four people on sight does not immediately ease the tense out of her body, but at least she knows who she's dealing with.
“Lady Kayra,” says Kaida, nodding her head at the woman.
“Good evening, child,” replies Lady Kayra.
“Do you always take a stroll through the woods before talking with my dad?” asks Kaida, though she doubts she will get a complete answer from the woman.
“We felt it was better than to simply appear in the living room,” replies Lady Kayra, raising a brow.
“You always just appear right outside the door and, I don't know, knock?” suggests Kaida, though she knows she is pushing her luck. Not that she truly feared the woman, but she could not say the same for the three Warlords that were always with her.
Smiling, Lady Kayra allows Kaida sarcasm to slip by. The three men are not as generous with Kaida.
“Try showing some respect for once, girl,” says the green haired man.
Turning her gaze to the Warlord of Poison, Kaida realizes that she should ends this quickly before it gets ugly. Ugly meaning her father and the other Ronins coming down to the lake to see what's going on.
“Respect is earned, not given,” replies Kaida to Sekhmet before turning her back to the quartet and walking back up to the house.
Glancing once over her shoulder when she is half way to the house, Kaida can only sigh as she sees that the four are following her to the house.
Company's coming, thinks Kaida, before racing up the stairs and into the house.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Confused? Don't know what's going on? Probably because this is the second story in a series. Go back and read Ronins Together Again. It may help.