Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayed Innocence ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3
Using the mists to see into the Mortal Realm, their enemy watches them. Believed to have been killed more than 20 years ago, it took Badamon a long time to recover from the last battle. Most of those years were spent in the Nether Realm as he slowly gained power. After he had gained enough power, he was able to take physical form again. It has taken him a long time to get to where he is, but now, Badamon is ready to make all of his Master's enemies suffer.
“It is now time for the second strike,” says Badamon to no one.
As he continues to stare into the mists, Badamon observes the Mouri house. As he finalizes the second strike, one of the key people needed opens the door to the house and walks out into the darkness.
“My first strike was physical. My second will be far more devious,” continues Badamon, as he watched the dark haired young woman head down to the lake. “By the time I am done with them all, they will not know who they can trust and who is their enemy.”
Not feeling comfortable for the first time in her life in the Mouri house, Kaida decides to walk down to the lake. Thinking that a stroll around lake is what she needs to calm her nerves, Kaida slips out of the front down. Closing the door softly behind her, she strides down to the lake.
Breathing in the cool air, memories surface of a hot summer day when the world was innocent. Dad kept the whole truth from me. If Kira and I hadn't been attacked, I doubt Dad would have ever said anything.
Lost in her memories of that attack that happened over a month ago, Kaida is almost around the lake before she realizes that she is not alone. Stopping, Kaida looks over her shoulders to find Miki jogging up to her.
“Decided to take a walk?” asks Kaida to her friend and Kento's only son.
“More like Nami told me that I wanted to take a walk,” grumbles Miki as he stops in front of Kaida. “She said that if you got hurt while taking a walk, she'd hurt me.”
“Really?” asks Kaida, with a smile.
“Hey, would I be out here otherwise?” asks Miki, waving his arms. “I don't like it when she's mad at me.”
“Keeping your girl happy is part of being a boyfriend,” says Kaida, before she turns to continue her walk.
“I guess,” replies Miki, falling into step with her. “Though speaking of boyfriend, I can think of someone who'd be interested in getting with you.”
“Oh?” asks Kaida, glancing once at her friend. I wonder if he means Makoto.
“Well, I can't tell you,” says Miki, looking away.
“Why?” asks Kaida, as she stops to look at the moon high in the sky.
“Umm, he made me swear,” says Miki. “Please don't make me break a promise.”
“It's ok, Miki,” replies Kaida, turning her gaze away from the moon and to her friend. “If he really likes me, he should be the one to tell me.”
Deciding to head back to the house, Kaida turns around and walks back the way she came.
Turning around, she looks at Miki. “Yeah?”
“Can you wait for me? I kind of need to take a leak,” says Miki.
“I take it, it can't wait till we get back?” asks Kaida, laughing.
“I meant to go before I left, but Nami told me to go right away and…” trails away Miki, glancing at the nearby bushes.
“Go!” shouts Kaida, laughing. “I'll wait right here.”
“Cool,” says Miki, and without another word, takes off toward the bushes.
Deciding to walk down closer to the lake, Kaida feels the need to keep moving. It's really cool out here. I should have grabbed a jacket. Rubbing her hands up and down her arms, Kaida reaches the lake edge only to turn around and search the area behind her. I thought I heard something.
Seeing nothing, Kaida thinks maybe she heard Miki stumbling through the bushes. Shaking her head with a smile, Kaida glances up at the moon. Again hearing a noise from behind, Kaida twists around to look behind her. Who's chanting? I swear I hear a group of people chanting.
Feeling suddenly even colder, Kaida begins to wish she hadn't let Miki go. Looking all around the dark, Kaida cannot identify where the chanting is coming from. Suddenly feeling hot, Kaida dips her hands into the cool lake water and splashes her face. What's going on? First cold, then hot. I don't feel so good either.
Growing sick to her stomach, Kaida begins to seriously wonder what is going on. Hearing the voices get even louder, Kaida hopes that Miki will be back soon. And just as she feels that she about to lose everything she ate for supper, the voices stop. Glancing around, Kaida sees a shadow moving in the woods.
“Hello? Who's there?” calls Kaida.
“Something wrong, Kaida?” calls back Miki, stepping out of the forest.
“I…uh, thought I heard someone,” says Kaida, glancing once more around before fixing her gaze on Miki. “Do you hear anyone…chanting?”
“Chanting?” asks Miki, but shakes his head. “I didn't hear anyone. Maybe it was the wind in the trees and your mind turned it into chanting.”
“Maybe,” replies Kaida, though sounding unconvinced.
“Hey, Kaida?” says Miki, gaining the attention of the nervous girl. “You know, whenever those Warlord guys show up, I get shaky too.”
“You're not going to tell anyone that I was hearing voices, are you?” asks Kaida.
“Don't worry,” laughs Miki, shaking his head. “Your bad-ass rep is safe with me.”
“Thanks,” says Kaida with a grin. “Well, we better head back to the house.”
“Yeah,” replies Miki, falling into step with Kaida as they walk back.
Nodding his head, Badamon rubs his hands as he stares into the mist and watches the two teenagers walk back to the house.
“Strike two has started. And before they realize anything is wrong, the damage will be done,” says Badamon softly.