Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ Rescue ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kento's POV
I honked angrily at the car in front of me that insisted on doing 20 on a 70 mph stretch of highway. “Move dammit!!” God, could this guy drive any slower?!
Pressing “redial” on my cell phone had become almost second nature by this time and I kept praying that someone would pick up the phone. However, each time I tried, I was greeted by nothing but the shrill ringing of the phone on the other line.
My exit was approaching and I switched lanes a little more recklessly than I should have. I pressed down hard on the accelerator and sped down the sleepy street, my attention fully focused on trying to get a hold of Cye.
“Come on, Cye. Answer the damn phone…” I urged softly, pressing redial for about the 36th time in about five minutes.
*Briiiinnnng* *Briiiiinnnnng* *Briiiinnn-“KENTO HELP!!” Cye's voice suddenly shouted over the phone, causing me to jump and nearly run off the road.
“Cye?! Where are you?!”
There was a loud crash and then the line went dead. “Cye?! Cye!! Hello?!” I felt my stomach drop to the floor as the disconnected signal began to beep annoyingly.
“Shit!” I almost threw my phone but stopped myself quickly. Okay, think…think! What now?! Ryo!!
I searched through my numbers quickly and found the one I needed, dialing it and waiting anxiously.
After a few seconds, there was a soft click and mumbling on the other line. “Ngh…hello…?”
“Kento? What the hell, man? It's almost midnight…”
I wasn't listening to him. “Ryo! Listen man, I think Cye's in trouble!”
Ryo stopped instantly, all hint of sleep vanishing from his voice. “What do you mean? What kind of trouble?”
“I don't have time to explain.” I said hurriedly as the house loomed in front of me. “Listen, just call Sage and Rowen and meet us at this address.” I repeated the address over the phone carefully as Ryo wrote it down.
“Okay, got it. Kento, what's going on?”
“I'll explain it all later, okay? Just get over here as soon as possible, alright? This is serious.”
“Alright. Be careful.”
“Yeah, man. Likewise.” I returned softly before turning off the phone and tossing it to the back seat and jumping out of the car, running up to the front door.
The door swung open easily enough for me to guess that these people don't believe in locks. I walked inside slowly, listening hard for any sign of noise or movement. Beer bottles and ashtrays littered the floor in all directions and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I recognized blood stains in the carpet.
I prayed that it wasn't from Cye but my brain knew better. “Cye?!” I called loudly. “Can you hear me?!”
A woman walked out from behind a corner and looked mildly surprised. “What the hell are you doing in my house?” she snarled, making a grab for my arm.
I dodged away and ducked as she threw a beer bottle at me. She growled in rage and lunged at me but I managed to catch her in a headlock, twisting one arm behind her back. “Where's the basement?” I asked through gritted teeth.
She spit at me and struggled to get loose. “Let me go, you asshole!”
I growled and tightened my grip, making her gasp in pain. “Where is it?! I'm not going to ask again!”
She began to laugh grimly and gripped my arm tightly. “You're too late, kid. You're little friend is dead! Dead!”
Fear and anger surged through me and I struggled to keep from strangling her. “I've never hit a woman in my life but-.” I brought my hand down hard on the back of her neck and she went limp instantly. “There's a first time for everything right?”
I found a cord tangled up in the corner and bound her wrists tightly, tying her to the banister of the stairs. Satisfied with my work, I returned to the front room to search for the basement. Basement, basement, where the hell is the basement?!
One of the doors was caved in, the wood splintered and broken to the point where there basically was no door left. A large man stalked up the stairs, dark patches of blood staining his shirt. Cye's blood.
“What the hell…?” he started but I didn't let him finished before I had tackled him and sent us both tumbling back down the stairs into the darkness.
The room was dark and cold and I looked around carefully, trying to take in my surroundings. I glanced off to one corner, feeling my heart stop for a few paralyzing seconds. “Oh God…Cye...”
Cye lay in crumpled heap in the corner, his chest and torso covered in blood. He was lying so incredibly, completely still…
“Oh God…” Was all I could manage at the time. I jumped to my feet and tried to run over to him but never made it. The big man appeared in front of me and punched me solidly in the jaw, causing me to stumble backwards. I winced but managed to stay standing, dodging another blow as he charged at me. His movements were wild and fueled by alcohol but at the time I had very little interest to care; this bastard had hurt my best friend and, by God, I was going to make him pay.
I swept his feet out from under him and pinned him to the cold floor as he fell. My forearm came up to his throat and pressed down deeply, causing him to choke and gasp, clawing at my arm with his fingers. I pressed down hard, feeling absolutely no remorse for the pain I was causing him. I could kill this man right now and no one would ever know, the world would be rid of one more bastard like him.
My gaze drifted over to Cye's motionless form and I felt a pang of hatred swell through me. God dammit, I should kill him! I growled deeply as the man's struggling stopped almost completely. “You're not worth it…” I growled, punching him firmly in the jaw and throwing him away from me. “You're better off rotting away in prison…”
I shoved him into a corner and piled the crates and boxes that occupied the basement around him, creating an Alcatraz of cardboard and wood. After making sure there was no way he'd be able to escape, I turned and rushed over to Cye.
“Cye…?” I asked softly, kneeling next to him and touching his face gently, terrified of what I knew could be possible.
To my great surprise and relief, he stirred slightly and made a soft sound.
I lifted him gently, carefully not to injure him further and looked at him worriedly. “Cye, can you hear me?”
He opened one eye slowly and winced. “…?”
I smiled softly at him and nodded. “Yeah man, it's me. Come on, kiddo, we got to get you out of here…”
Cye smiled weakly and me and coughed, blood staining his teeth. “Sorry…I didn't…tell you…” he gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head and his entire body falling limp.
I gasped and felt cold fear shoot through me. “Cye?!” Oh god, no… “Cye!!” I shouted, shaking him. “Come on, man, don't do this!!”
I lowered him to the ground gently and pressed my fingers to his throat, desperately searching for a pulse. There wasn't one.
Man, I suck so bad…do you like it though?