Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Melancholy of Flowers ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own this anime/manga, nor the characters from it. Hana, Natsumi and Kohaku I do own though. They are my characters. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

A/N: Please read the first story, Evil Torrent, before reading this one. This is a sequel and unless you read ‘Evil Torrent’ you won’t understand what is happening.

Chapter One

Cye ran toward the building door, struggling to hold onto his bag. His auburn hair blew lightly in the wind and his teal eyes were full of determination. He raced inside, flew up two sets of stairs and down the hallway.

“I’m late! I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up all night with Kento!” he thought to himself as he stopped in front of a door. He carefully opened it; only to find students, plus the professor staring at him.

“You are late, Mr. Mouri,” said the professor sternly.

“I’m so sorry. My alarm clock didn’t go off. It won’t happen again,” Cye apologized as he closed the door behind him.

“Well, make sure it doesn’t. Please take a seat.”

“Yes, sir.”

Cye’s face grew red as he took a seat in the back of the room. He could feel eyes on him and it didn’t feel good. He got out his notebook and textbook and opened to the pages he was supposed to be on. As the professor continued his lecture on Japanese history, Cye couldn’t help but not pay attention to what the professor was saying. History didn’t bore him or anything; he was just having trouble concentrating on things. His friends went off to different colleges other than Ryo and Kento; they were going to the same college as he was. Sage went to Osaka for school and Rowen went to America for a transfer student scholarship. Of course he missed his two friends; it wasn’t the same without them. But the one person he really missed was Hana. It has been almost a year since he saw her. He thought about her every day and night; wondering if she was doing alright and when she would return to him.

Time flew by and class was finally over. He packed his things and walked out the door. As he got out of the classroom and into the hallway, he saw a girl about two feet shorter than he was. She was standing against the wall just outside the classroom door. She looked up at Cye and smiled gently.

“Hey, Natsumi,” Cye greeted

“Hi, Cye.  How are you?” Natsumi asked softly.

“I’m doing alright. How about yourself?”

“I’m fine.”

There was awkward silence between the two of them. Natsumi’s face turned red every time she looked at Cye. She thanked God that her short, light brown hair was covering half her face. She met Cye a week into their first year of college. She accidently bumped into him in the hallway and fell on the floor. He helped her up and smiled at her. After that day, they kept passing each other, but didn’t say anything other than hello. He approached her one day when she was sitting by herself; eating her lunch. They started talking casually and ever since that day, she met him after his class.

“Say, Natsumi, do you have any classes next?” Cye asked.

“No. Not for a while, why?” Natsumi asked.

“My two friends and I are going to hang out by that big cherry tree that’s right by the parking lot. Would you like to join us? You already met Ryo before.”

“Sure. I mean… if that’s okay with you.”

Cye laughed. “I’m the one who is inviting you, silly. Don’t worry about it.”

Natsumi could feel the blood rush to her face again. “Okay...”

“Great. Let’s go.” Cye took Natsumi’s hand and led her outside.


“DUDE! What took you so long?” Kento asked.

“I was talking with Natsumi,” Cye replied.

“Hello, Natsumi,” Ryo said.

“Hello, Ryo.” Natsumi said shyly while still holding Cye’s hand.

“Natsumi, huh? I’m Kento Rei Fuan.?” Kento said with a big smile on his round face.

“Nice to meet you, Kento,” she said.

“So, Cye, what’s with the holding hands thing? You over Hana or something?” he asked.

“What?! No,” Cye said, his face getting red.

“Who’s… Hana?” Natsumi asked.

“Cye’s girlfriend,” Kento smiled.

“I see,” Natsumi said quietly.

“Yeah. She’s away for now, but I’m sure she’ll return,” Kento said nonchalantly.
Natsumi stood there, looking at the ground.

“That’s enough, Kento,” Cye demanded.

“What?” Kento asked.

“I’ll tell you later, Kento,” Ryo whispered. “But for now you should stop talking.”

“Whatever dude. Hey, are we just going to stand here? Or are we going to go to our favorite spot on campus?” Kento said.

“Sure. Are you coming, Natsumi?” Ryo asked.

“Um… I’m not sure...” Natsumi said softly, still looking at the ground.

Cye glared at Kento. “Natsumi, don’t worry about it. Let’s just have some fun together.”

Natsumi looked up at Cye and then nodded slowly.

“Good, let’s go,” Cye said and led Natsumi behind him.


Hana left the store at the gas station with water bottle and a bag of chips. She got into her car and drove out onto the road.

“I spent an hour lost,” she said to herself, almost in disbelief. A pout formed on her face until she passed a sign indicating that she was in Kanagawa. “It’s good to be back.”


“Kento, stop stealing my sandwiches!” Cye exclaimed.

“Can’t help it man, they are just so good!” Kento said with a smile as he devoured another sandwich.

Cye sighed as he tried to eat the rest before Kento could get his hands on them.

“Are you okay, Natsumi?” Ryo asked, looking at her.

“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Natsumi said.

“You haven’t eaten anything,” Ryo said with a concern face.

“Oh. I’m not really hungry,” she explained in a low voice.

“Here. Have one of my sandwiches,” Cye said, handing one to her.

“Thank you,” Natsumi said as she took it.

“So, you give her one and you tell me not to eat anymore?” Kento asked.

“That’s because she’s not eating. You ate your lunch, half of Ryo’s and three of my sandwiches. You had enough,” Cye said.

Kento pouted and drank his water. Natsumi took a bite out of Cye’s sandwich and smiled.

“It’s very tasty,” she said.

“Thank you. I knew you would like it,” Cye smiled.

Natsumi just sat there, red in the face, staring at her hands.

“Natsumi, is there something bothering you? You can tell us what it is. We won’t say anything to anyone,” Cye said as he put a hand on her small shoulder.

“I can’t,” Natsumi said softly. “I can’t... tell any of you… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Ryo said. “If you don’t want to say anything, then we won’t pressure you.”

Natsumi smiled at Ryo and ate the rest of Cye’s sandwich.

“Aw man! I have math in like two minutes!” Kento said as he got up. “I can’t stand the subject! And the teacher isn’t so great either.”

“Have fun,” Ryo said.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll catch you guys later.”

“Bye Kento,” Cye said.

Kento raced off, leaving only Ryo, Cye, and Natsumi alone.

“What class do you have next, Ryo?” Cye asked.

“Um… I think I have English next,” Ryo said. He looked at his schedule and then nodded. “Yep. English in about…five minutes or so. I should get going as well.”

“Okay. See you after school?”

“Yeah. We are going to Mia’s after all.”

“That’s right. Forgot about that.”

“So, I’ll see you outside the campus at three.”

“See you there.”

Ryo waved to Natsumi and then walked off in the opposite direction.

“Who’s Mia?” Natsumi asked.

“She’s an old friend. We knew her since our teenage years. She’s cool. If you want, you can join us,” Cye said.

“I would like that.”

“Great. I’ll meet you when you get out of your last class. We’ll take my car.”


“Well, I have to get to Biology class. The teacher there is a lot more strict then my history teacher. I have to get there at least five minutes early. What class do you have next?”

“I have creative writing next.”

“I’ll walk you to your next class.”

“You don’t have to…”

“I can’t just leave you here by yourself.”

“Well, okay.”

Cye helped Natsumi up and the two of them walked off to the nearest building.


“I hope this will be enough food the boys,” Mia said as she set the groceries down on the dining room table. “I know Kento’s stomach and I’m pretty sure this isn’t enough.” She laughed. She was about to go into the kitchen when she heard a knock on the door. “Coming.” Mia opened the door and a shocked expression appeared on her face.

“Hi, Mia. Long time no see,” Hana said.

“Hana. Hi! This is such a surprise. Come in,” Mia said.

“Thank you.” Hana entered Mia’s home and looked around. It hadn’t changed at all since the last time she was there.

“How have you been?” Mia asked as the two of them sat down on the couch.

“I’ve been okay,” Hana said.

“How was your family doing?”

“Oh… they are fine…” Hana looked down at her hands. A sad expression plagued her face.

“Are you okay?” Mia looked at Hana anxiously.

“I’m fine. I’m just tired is all.”

“I would be too, but hey, Cye and the others are coming over soon. You should stick around. I bet Cye will be surprised when he walks through that door and sees you here.” Mia winked at Hana and got up.

“So, everyone is still together?”

“Well, Rowen went to America for a scholarship program and Sage is in Osaka.”

“So, only Cye, Ryo and Kento are left.”

“Pretty much.”

“I see.”

“Why don’t you help me get things set up for when the boys come?”

“Sure. I’d love to.”


Three-o-clock came around and Kento and Ryo were already waiting by the campus entrance. Cye and Natsumi walked over to them.

“Natsumi is coming?” Kento asked.

“Yes, Kento. I invited her,” Cye glared.

“The more the merrier,” Ryo smiled.

“Let’s get going before Kento makes any more remarks,” Cye said and took Natsumi’s hand and led her to his car.

“We’ll meet you there, Cye,” Ryo said.

“Okay,” Cye said as he helped Natsumi in the car.

Cye got in and started the car. Natsumi looked out the window and saw Ryo and Kento get into another car.

“Ryo doesn’t have a car?” Natsumi asked.

“Not yet. Kento normally drives him to school with him,” Cye said as he backed out of the parking spot. “You’ll like Mia. She’s nice and is always there if you need her.”

“That’s good to know, I guess.”


An hour passed until they got to the big house in the forest. Natsumi stood in front of the house, looking it over.

“This place is huge,” she said in awe.

“Yeah, it’s even nicer inside,” Cye said as he got out of the car.

“Whose car is that?” Natsumi asked, pointing to a black Toyota that was parked behind Mia’s red jeep.

“Don’t know. Maybe Mia has someone over,” Cye answered.

“We are here!” Kento yelled.

“About time,” Cye smiled.

“Hey, we were right behind you!”

“Let’s go in.” He grabbed Natsumi’s hand again and led her to the front door. The door opened and Mia stood in the doorway.

“You know, I could hear Kento’s voice from inside the house,” she smiled.

“That’s because he has a big mouth,” Ryo laughed.

“Can I help it if I’m loud?” Kento said.

“Yes,” Cye said. “Mia, this is Natsumi. I invited her.”

“Oh. It’s nice to meet you, Natsumi,” Mia smiled.

“Same here,” Natsumi said shyly.

“Hey, Mia, whose car is that behind yours?” Cye asked.

A smile formed on Mia’s pink lips. “We have a special guest.”

The gang entered the house. The dining room table was moved into the living room where the food was spread out.

“FOOD!” Kento shouted and raced toward the table.

“Try to save some of that for other people, Kento,” Cye said.

“CYE!” screamed a voice.

Cye felt someone jump him from behind that made him fall to the ground.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Hana. How’s it going?” Kento said.

“Hana?” Cye asked. He turned his head and saw the same beautiful blue eyes he loved so much, staring at him. “H-Hana...” It felt like he couldn’t breathe; that time had stopped right then and there and it was only the two of them.

“Hello, Cye. Long time no see,” Hana smiled sweetly.

“When did you get back?”

“A couple of hours ago.”

“Really? You haven’t written to me or said anything.”

“Yes I have. I wrote to you lots of times. Didn’t you get my letters?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I’m here now and we can be together again.”

Cye looked at Natsumi who stood there in silence. She wasn’t looking at him, but the ground again. Hana helped Cye up and hugged him tightly.

“Natsumi, I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was going to be here,” Cye said apologetically. He could feel the tension in the atmosphere.

“Who’s Natsumi?” Hana asked.

“She’s a friend of mine, but we’ll talk later okay, hun?”


“THESE CHIPS ARE AWESOME!” Kento yelled as he stuffed his face with food.

“Kento how many times to I have to say it? Leave some for other people!” Cye ordered.

“You snooze, you lose.” Kento popped another chip in his mouth and grinned at Cye.

Cye grabbed the chip bowl and Kento tackled him to the ground; spilling the chips on the ground. Ryo laughed then looked Natsumi who was still staring at the ground. He felt bad for her because he knew that she liked Cye very much— and to see his girlfriend suddenly show up— it wouldn’t surprise him if she just dashed out the door right that second. But she didn’t, she just stayed where she was. She suddenly smiled and looked at Hana.

“It’s nice to meet you, Hana,” Natsumi said with a small smile.

“Huh? Oh, same here,” Hana said with a big grin. “Thanks for watching out for Cye for me. I know he can be a handful.”

“He’s... one of a kind…”

“Hey, lets the two of us sit on the couch and let the men duke it out over food.”

“Sure. Sounds great.”

The two of them walked over to the couch and started talking to one another. Cye and Kento stopped what they were doing and just stared at the two women.

“Wow. That’s something I didn’t expect,” Cye said.

“You’re telling me. Natsumi knows Hana is your girlfriend. You would think she would get all angry and stuff,” Kento said.

“Natsumi is not like that,” Ryo said. “I guess… she just figures that there is no way to change things. So she is making the best of the moment as she can.”

“That’s deep Ryo,” Kento said.

“But he’s right,” Cye said. “She’s shy and it seems like she doesn’t like conflict much. She tries to avoid it and move on. Not to mention you were the one who told her about Hana in the first place.”

“Yeah, but she’s probably hurting inside nonetheless,” Ryo said.

Cye didn’t say anything and started to clean up the chips that were on the floor.

“What? Does Natsumi have a crush on Cye or something?” Kento asked.

“You really are slow aren’t you?” Cye said. “And here I thought you were all knowledgeable about the whole guy-liking-the-girl thing.

“Hey, I only realize some things.”

“Well, to answer your question, she does.”

“That really sucks then.”

“Yeah, and you are to blame for most of it.”

“Hey, I’m sorry.”

“Well, what’s done is done.”


Around five, everyone started to head out. Natsumi rode home with Ryo and Kento while Cye and Hana were left alone. The two of them went into the forest and to the waterfall that Cye showed Hana a couple of months ago.

“Wow. This place hasn’t changed a bit!” Hana said. “It’s just as lovely as I remembered it.”

“I’m glad you still like it,” Cye said.

“Of course. You were the one who showed it to me. It’s my favorite place here.”

Cye wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her lightly on the lips. “So, I see you have a car now.”

“Yeah. My Uncle got it for me when I graduated high school. He always treated me nicely.”

“Did you fix everything with your relatives?”

Hana just stood there, not saying a word. “Yeah, I did…”

“You don’t sound happy. What happened?”

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s something. I want to know what happened to you while you were there.”

Hana’s shoulders started to shake as tears leaked from her eyes.


“My family…abandoned me…”


“You remember when Shijisha took over my body?”

“Yeah. What about her?”

“When she left my body for good, she left some of her powers behind. I realized this while I was at my Uncle’s house. I found out that I could levitate things. It was pretty cool, but I wanted to keep it a secret. But… that didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted it.”

“I’m listening.”

“One night, my Aunt were discussing about how my parents were always careless. I was a rebel in my final years of middle school. My Aunt didn’t take a liking to it and totally ignored me. After my mother got sick and I returned to normal, she started talking to me again, but I think she thought it was only an act. When I told her about my family being killed, she said that she knew I was only bluffing; that I was the reason for their demise.

“It’s true that it was my fault, but she said that they were idiots for not figuring out my act. It made me really mad. That’s when I realized that the earth could move from under me; just because of my emotion. My Aunt’s dining room was destroyed because of me. My Aunt totally went mad and told me that I was the spawn of Satan. She told me to get out of her house and to stay away from the family. That happened recently… and that’s why I came back here. My Uncle had no say in the matter. My Aunt, she was always selfish and she always got her way. I was lucky enough to be able to stay at her house.”

Hana sank to the ground and sobbed as Cye wrapped his arms around her.

“A family, who says that, shouldn’t be called a family. Family don’t say those kinds of things,” Cye whispered.

“But it’s my fault…”

“It is not your fault. You didn’t know about your powers, it’s okay.”

Hana turned and cried into Cye’s chest. He stroked her hair and kissed her head.

“You have me now and I won’t banish you.”

Hana continued to cry and the two of them stayed where they were until the sun finally set and the moon rose into the night’s sky.

A/N: Well, this is the new revised Chapter One of Melancholy of Flowers. I’m planning on redoing this entire story and stripping almost everything. I hope you all stick around and read it. Even though there is OCs in my stories, don’t get the idea that they are the ones that suck. I am trying not to make that happen. I’m the type that doesn’t care about the Mary Sue world, but I don’t plan on making my characters Sues.