Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Melancholy of Flowers ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Three
Sunlight peeked through the curtains in the room. Rays of light landed softly on Cye’s features. Cye slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He forgot that he slept over at Hana’s place. He sat up and yawned then looked to his right to see if Hana was still asleep. As he turned his head, he realized that the spot next to him was empty. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and walked out of the room. Cye entered the living room and saw Hana sitting on the couch. She had a book in her left hand while her feet were propped on the wooden coffee table. Her face was expressionless while her mind toured the worlds of her book. Soft creaking noises were heard as Cye made his way to his girlfriend. Hana looked up and smiled as she saw Cye approach her.

“Morning, Cye,” she said softly.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said with a smile. He planted a small kiss on her lips then sat down next to her on the couch. “How’s your hand doing? Can I see it?” Hana closed her book and showed Cye her injured hand. After the bandage was removed, Cye could see that the wound was healing slowly. “It’s going to take a couple of days for it to fully heal.”

“I kind of figured that. The cut was a clean one.”

“When we go to Mia’s, we’ll see if she has a first aid kit. I’m sure she does by now, with us being at her house most of the time and the battles we’ve faced.”

took the old bandage and reapplied it back on her hand. “I want to start my training as soon as possible.” She looked at Cye with determined eyes.

Cye looked down at her and saw that she was dressed in workout pants and shirt. Her determined eyes told him that she was really eager and serious.

“But what about your hand?” Cye asked. “You have to let it heal.”

“My hand is fine. It’s just a scratch,” Hana said as she gently stroked the wound with her opposite hand.

“You just said that it was a clean cut. It’s more than just a mere scratch.”

With a loud sigh, Hana got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. “If you don’t want to train with me, I understand.” She got a water bottle out of the fridge and headed for the door.

“Hana, wait,” Cye sighed and got up from his seat. Once she had her mind set on something, it was tough to talk her out of it. Hana stopped at the door and turned to Cye. Frustration was well-written on her face. He walked over to Hana and placed both hands on her small shoulders. “Calm down and breathe.”

“What?” Hana asked confusingly.“I don’t want you to get upset and then set off your powers again like you did last night. Understand?” He squeezed her shoulders gently and looked into her blue eyes. “If you really want to train that badly, then we’ll train. I just don’t want your wound to get worse. We’ll take things slow at first. I also don’t want you to overexert yourself.”

“I understand that,” she said. “I made up my mind last night that I wasn’t going to wait until something else happens. Next time I might not be so lucky. I want to get this power under control so I can live a somewhat normal life.”

Cye wrapped his arms around Hana’s small frame and hugged her. “I understand. Let me just grab my shirt and we’ll go.” Hana watched as Cye raced into the bedroom and came back fully clothed. “We’ll stop at Mia’s first to see if she has anything for your cut. Hopefully the others will be there so we can talk about this. Maybe they will have some suggestions on your training.”
The two of them got into Cye’s car and drove off to Mia’s house. The ride there was quiet as Cye drove along the winding roads. Hana watched as the trees passed them from out her window. The next chapter of her life started now. She pondered if she was really ready for all of this. All that she had been through these past few years of her life, nothing ever good came to her. Would this time be different for her? She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt the car stop. She looked over and saw the front of Mia’s house.

“You were awfully quiet,” Cye mentioned as he got out of the car. “Anything wrong?”

Hana followed suit and shook her head. “No. I was just thinking. I’m a little scared.”

Cye went around the car and walked over to her. He placed a hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. Her eyes started to water as she looked up at him. “Why are you scared, Hana? Tell me.”

Hana wiped her eyes with her good hand. “What if this training doesn’t do anything? What if I fail? Cye, these past few years have been horrible for me. Nothing good came out of them. What if this time is no different?” She stared at the ground as she felt more tears well up in her eyes.

Cye took his thumb and pointer finger and lifted her chin up so she could see him. “You met me, didn’t you? Isn’t that something good?” Hana nodded slowly, tears trickling down her now red cheeks. “I will make sure this works out for you. I’m here for you, Hana. I’m not going anywhere.” He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Come on. Let’s go inside so we can talk to Mia and figure out what we can do.” He took Hana’s good hand in his and led her to the front door. He knocked on it lightly a couple of times and waited.

The door opened to reveal Mia in one of her colorful sundresses. “Hello, guys. I was just thinking about you two,” Mia said with a smile. “Come in.” She stepped aside as Cye and Hana entered her big house. There were plenty of rooms in which Cye and the others occupied most of the time. The house was definitely way too big for just one person to be living in alone. “Ryo and Kento are in the dining room.”

“Good. I was hoping they would be here. Hey, Mia, do you have any first aid kits?” Cye asked. “Hana had a little accident last night and cut her hand pretty badly. She didn’t have many bandages at her place. Think you could help us out?”

“Yeah, I have some kits in the bathroom. Since you boys are always out getting into trouble, I thought it would be best to keep some here.” Mia winked at the two of them and headed toward the bathroom.

The two of them headed for the dining room where they could hear Kento talking loudly. Cye could always tell when that man was in the room.Their two friends were sitting across from each other at the dining room table. Kento had a couple of empty plates next to him while Ryo was slowly eating a cheese sandwich.

Kento paused when he saw his buddy and immediately jumped out of his seat. “Cye, my man!” He tackled Cye to the point where he almost fell backwards.

“Careful, Kento,” Cye managed to say. His Hardrock friend was much heavier than he was.

 “How are you doing, Hana?” Kento asked as he got off Cye. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m fine,” Hana said with a small smile. “How you are doing, Kento?”
“Can’t complain.” He stretched his arms over his head and grinned. “As long as I am alive and kicking, right?”“Right,” she said. He was always so optimistic and full of positive energy. Even in battle she was told that he was the one who always rooted everyone on.

“Hey, Cye, Hana,” Ryo said from his seat. “What brings you two here?” Ryo looked at Cye as his friend joined him at the table.

“We are here for some suggestions on how Hana should start her training,” Cye said as he sat next to Kento. “I brought it up and she thought it was a good idea. Right?” He looked at Hana, who just nodded.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Kento said after taking a swig of his water. “This will be good for you, Hana.”

“I hope so,” she said softly. “After all that’s happened to me, I’ve been having doubts.”

“Is that why you were crying?” Kento asked. Hana’s head shot in his direction, surprise on her face. “Hey now. I’m not thatall the time. I could tell you were crying before you got here.”

Hana blushed and shifted her weight in her seat. “Yes, that was the reason. I told Cye that these past few years have been nothing but bad luck. What are the chances of this time being any different?” She looked at her friends that surrounded her. “I lost everything that I had…”

Ryo placed his hand on her shoulder and shook his head. “No, Hana. That’s not true at all. You have Cye and the rest of us. You are not alone. You won’t know until you try, yes?” Ryo gave Hana a soft smile. Hana blushed as she saw the smile form on his lips. It was the first time she saw him smile like that. The smile seemed to calm her nerves a bit.

Ryo turned his attention to Cye, his face serious. “What I suggest is meditation. It’s good for the body and the soul. It’ll be a good start for her.”

Hana looked at Ryo and shook her head. “I’m bad at that type of stuff. There is no way my mind can be clear,” she said. “Even my mother said it was impossible.” A hint of sadness flowed through her at the mention of the mother.

“It’s not an easy task, but you’ll get the hang of it,” Cye said. “I think it’s a good start, too.” He looked at Hana with an encouraging smile. “This is what you need. Your body and the power need to become one. Once that happens, I’m sure you will be able to control it and use it only when you want to.”

“You can do it, Hana,” Kento said with a wide grin on his face. “If you need help, I’m here, too.”

Hana smiled at her friends. “Okay. I’ll try.”

Mia entered the room holding some gauze and what looked like an ace bandage. “This is all I could find. I’m afraid you boys used up most of the stuff in the kits,” Mia said apologetically. “I’m sure this will do. I have more gauze just in case the wound opens up and starts bleeding again.”

“Thanks a lot, Mia,” Hana said as she got up from her seat. She walked over to where Mia was standing and took the gauze in her right hand. Mia applied the ace bandage tightly around Hana’s hand.

“How is it?” Mia asked. She watched as Hana clenched and unclenched her hand.

“Perfect. Not too tight but not too loose. Thanks.” Hana smiled warmly at Mia then looked at Cye. “Let’s go start this training.”
Hana followed Cye through the thick trees and brush. The air was cool and crisp as the two of them walked to their destination. She saw the tunnel of rocks not too far ahead of them, and she knew exactly where they were going. A year ago, Cye took her to a special place. They walked under the rock tunnel and stopped short just before a pond. The pond wasn’t too big, and there was a small waterfall off to the side. She looked around at the scenery; it was just as she remembered it.
“This place is quiet,” Cye said. He walked over to where the big rocks were. “That’s why I chose this place.” He sat down on a rock and motioned Hana to his side. She slowly walked over and sat on the rock next to his. “Close your eyes and try to clear your mind.”
“You know this is impossible,” Hana said in a sour voice.raised an eyebrow at her response. “But I did say I would try.” She closed her eyes just as she was told to do. She could hear the water from the waterfall running smoothly. Birds could be heard chirping nearby. Was she supposed to feel any different while doing this? She knew the power was deep inside her body, but how would she know if it became one with her? The image of her aunt came into view behind her eyelids. She could hear her aunt scold her for what she had done.
Cye opened one eye when he felt Hana move beside him. He quickly opened the other when he realized that the rock beneath her was crumbling. “Hana, open your eyes!” he demanded.
Both eyes opened as she looked at Cye in confusion. “What’s going on?” The rock collapsed from under her just before Cye could speak. Her body went with the rubble to the ground. She looked up at Cye with wide eyes.
“Are you okay?” he asked as he jumped from his rock to the ground next to her. He held out his hand and helped her up.
“What just happened?” Hana brushed the dust and rock off of her. She looked at the mess that lay before them.
“What were you thinking about? Did you clear your mind like I told you to?” He looked at her, waiting for a response.
“I… I was listening to my surroundings. Then I started to question some things. My aunt came into view and…” Cye placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. “I used it again, didn’t I?”
“You have got to stop thinking about your family. I know it’s hard, but it seems like every time you do, your power surfaces.” He took her into his arms and hugged her tightly. “It’s going to be hard for the next couple of weeks, but I do know that you can do it. Have faith in yourself. I do.”Hana hugged him with all her might. Faith never seemed to be an ally for her. Whenever she tried to have confidence in herself, things usually went wrong. So she tossed it aside from her mind. She broke the embrace and walked over to the edge of the water. “I love it here.”
 Cye smiled and joined her at her side. “Yeah. It’s very peaceful here.” He took her hand in his and squeezed it. “It’ll be a good training ground for you.”“Can we stop the meditation for now?” Hana asked with a pleading look on her face. “Can’t we try something else for today?”
“I suppose…” Cye looked around the area, trying to find something they could use. “I guess we can see what you can do with your power. Just don’t go overboard. I need an idea of what we are working with.”
Hana walked over to where the remains of her rock were. “Besides me destroying things?” She picked up a small rock from the ground. She studied the rock as if it were a foreign object. Warmth encased her hand suddenly. Her eyes widened as she saw purple aurora surround the rock. The rock moved and then lifted slightly out of her hand. She could feel her heart start to beat faster in her chest. Cye walked over and stared at the floating rock before him. She suddenly felt her legs give way from under her. The faint sound of Cye calling out to her and the surroundings becoming blurry was all she could see or hear.
He caught her just before she hit the ground. Her complexion had become pale, and her hands were clammy. “Hana? Hana, can you hear me?” Cye asked nervously. There was no answer coming from the unconscious woman in his arms. He got up and took her over to the water. Collecting some of the cold liquid in his hands, he dropped a few drops on her face. After the third time, she came to. “Are you okay?” He sat her up slowly and checked her forehead.“Yeah… I just felt really weak all of a sudden,” Hana said softly. “Next thing I knew, I was falling.” She took her hand and wiped the water off her face.“How do you feel now?” Cye asked. “Do you feel sick? Tired?”

“Well, besides weak, I do feel tired,” Hana said. “I’m okay now, though.” She used her hands to slowly get up on her feet. “I think I’m done for today.”
“Yes, I agree. Let’s get you home.” Cye scooped Hana up into his arms. “I’ll carry you to the car.”“Sounds good to me.” Hana closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep as Cye made his way back to the car.
When they got back to Hana’s place, he carried her to the bedroom. As he entered the room, Hana tapped on his shoulder. “Oh, you’re awake.”

“Yeah. That nap was great. want to hit the showers first before bed,” Hana said. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah. It’s fine,” Cye said. He let her down and turned on the bedroom light. “I’ll be here when you are done.”

“You can join me if you’d like,” Hana said with a smile. “We are both dirty from being outside.” Hana winked and walked out of the room, leaving Cye there alone. Hana closed the door to the bathroom and took off her clothes. She turned the shower knobs to the right temperature of the water and then got in. She closed her eyes as the warm water hit her. As the steam enveloped her body, the tension from within seemed to evaporate into the air. She heard the bathroom door open just as she reached for the soap. She looked to her side and saw a figure heading her way through the shower curtain.

“Cye?” she asked as she poked her head out of the shower. She blushed as she saw him standing before her, completely naked.

“I think I’ll take that offer,” he said with a smile.

“Well, don’t keep me waiting.” she said in a seductive voice. “Come in.”

Cye smiled wickedly and walked slowly towards the shower. Once he was in arm's reach, Hana grabbed Cye’s arm and pulled him in with her. The warm water ran down Cye’s well-built body, making him sigh at the refreshment.

“It’s been a long time since we did this,” Hana said. “Too long, if you ask me.” She took a finger and made a tiny circle on his chest. The feel of his skin made her want him more.

“Yeah. It has been a long time,” Cye said huskily. Hana wrapped her arms around Cye’s waist and hugged him tightly. Cye jumped a little when he felt her rub her body against his. “You waste no time, do you?” Cye laughed. He moved Hana’s body up against the cool-tiled wall, where he captured her lips in a deep kiss. Hana relaxed her body and wrapped her arms around Cye’s neck to deepen the kiss. She could feel Cye move his hands around her body, sending jolts of electricity through her. Hana broke the kiss and let out a low groan when she felt Cye enter a finger into her. Her whole body went weak to the point where she had to hold onto Cye for support. Cye moved down and took her left breast into his mouth. Hana grabbed onto Cye tightly as she moaned louder.

“You like it, I take it,” Cye smiled as he looked into her blue eyes. He continued to move his finger, trying to find the right spot within her.

“Whatever… gave you…that idea?” Hana panted. The room felt like a sauna, and the steam wasn’t helping the situation.

“You are so hot,” Cye said softly. He bent down and captured her lips once more into a soaring kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Hana smiled at the man in front of her. “I’m not the only one who’s hot around here.”

Cye grinned and turned off the water. Hana looked up at him in confusion when he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of shower.

“What are you doing?” Hana asked as she grabbed her towel from the hook on the wall.

“We should go somewhere with more… room,” Cye said as he led her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Hana got onto the bed and lay on her back as he turned off the light. She tossed her unused towel to the floor as Cye moved on top of her and captured her lips again. Their wet bodies pressed tightly against one another, making the room even hotter than it was.

“Touch me, Cye,” Hana said huskily. Cye smiled sweetly at her as he descended down to her torso. He kissed around each breast before taking one of them into his mouth. She gasped then moaned softly as she moved her hands above her head. He took the other breast into his mouth and moved his tongue around her nipple, which made her cry out louder in pleasure. The tingling sensation he was creating was unbearable.

“You are so beautiful,” he said as he moved down her body. He took his tongue and licked up the juices that were soaking her womanhood. She grabbed his head and cried out as he continued to lick her sweet spot. Her entire body started to jerk, making her cry out his name. He smiled as he inserted his tongue into her and started moving in and out in a slow pace.

“Cye…don’t stop… ” Hana moaned. Her entire body was on fire as he reached up and grabbed her right breast and started to caress it. “Faster, Cye… please…”

Obeying her command, he picked up his pace. His tongue licked every inch of her until her juices poured out like a running river. Hana’s body relaxed as she tried to catch her breath.

“That was fast,” Cye said. He moved up to where he could see her face. He moved a strand of hair from out of her eyes.

“Sorry…” Hana panted. “I just… couldn’t hold it.” She wiped her brow with her hand and gave Cye a sympathy smile.

“It’s okay.” Cye said as he caressed her cheek. “You have a condom?”

“Yeah. Second drawer,” Hana pointed. Her breathing started to slow while Cye reached for the drawer. He found a small stash in the far corner. He grabbed one and slid it on. “I would love the day when we don’t have to use those,” Hana said.

Cye blushed then inserted himself into her. Hana gasped and closed her eyes tightly as Cye moved slowly within her depths. “You’re… so tight.” He closed his eyes as she started to move with him. After a year of being apart, he missed being one with her. She smiled then moaned softly as he picked up his pace. Sweat started to drip from his face as he continued to move.


Cye moaned loudly while he felt Hana’s walls grab him tightly. The smacking of their body got louder as he moved faster. He could feel his end nearing as he grabbed her hips and slammed harder into her.

“I’m close…” Hana moaned as she gripped the bed sheets in her fists.

“So am I…” Cye responded. He could feel his balls tighten with every thrust he made. She moved her hips with his as her moans got louder. Hana’s walls clamped tightly around him as her body started to shake. She cried out in pleasure as she let herself go. Cye moaned while he released himself, as well. He moved to the side of her then collapsed onto the bed. Hana smiled and draped her arm around Cye’s torso.

“That was wonderful,” she whispered, nuzzling her head against his chest.

“Yes, it was.” Cye smiled and stroked her damp head. “It really has been way too long, but I’m glad you are back in my life, Hana.”

Hana nodded and cuddled closer to him. “I’m glad, too, Cye.” She sighed as her heart returned to its normal pace. Her mind went blank as sleep soon consumed her, and nothing but warmth remained.

A/N: I would like to thank my friend Halogazer for being my beta reader and giving me suggestions.