Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ More Then A Doll ❯ More Then A Doll ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

More Then A Doll

Author's notes: Reasons To Be Beautiful is by Hole (bow down and worship) Can you guys tell i
have a thing for angst ridden songfics? Ah, and what I lack in plot I make up in
music!....... Yeah, I know what your thinking. I'd hit me too....
Happy Fucking Holidays ~Faceless (who is very much aware that she makes little
to no sense)

"Love hangs herself
With a bedsheet in her cell
Threw myself on fires for you
Ten good reasons to stay alive
Ten good reasons I can't find"

It was already way past 4. The sun struggling helplessly on the horizon, trying despratly to
break through the storm. Ryo sat on the balchony, clothing soaked, hair whipping violently
against his face, waiting for Sage's new black BMW to pull up in the driveway. Waiting and
worrying.......and hateing.

"Oh, give me a reason to be beautiful
So sick in his body
So sick in his soul
Oh, give me one reason to be beautiful
oh, and everything I am"

Trying to hate was more like it. He couldn't stop loving Sage. Cye had once told him nobody would
blame him for leaving. But, that wouldn't do. He couldn't live without Sage. No, that wasn't an

"Love hates you
I live my life in ruins for you
And for all your secrets I keep
I squashed the blossom
Now, the blossoms dead"

Tonight was no diffrent from any other. Sage would stay out late fucking the first person he
found appealing and come home with violent indiffrence. They'd fight, usually with Sage coming
about as the victor. Then Sage would fuck him. To prove somthing, Ryo guessed, to teach him a
lesson, to show him who was the bitch in the relationship. Why was it again, that he'd always
come back for more?

"Oh, give me a reason to be beautiful
So sick in his body
So sick in his soul
Oh, and I will make myself so beautiful
Oh, and everything I am"

And why was it that everytime he looked in the mirror, Ryo couldn't find anything worth coming
home to? Still Sage continued to. The whole situation made extreamly little sense. Both of them
were utterly miserable. So why were they here? Perhaps it was out of duty, obligation. Wars do
strange things to people. Come to think of it, Ryo couldn't even remember if they had won.
Maybe they hadn't. Maybe they had all died and this was hell. Forced to live a lie.

"Miles and miles of perfect skin
I swear I do, I fit right in
My love burns through everything
I cannot breathe
Miles and miles of perfect sin
I swear, I said, I fit right in
I fit right in your perfect skin
I cannot breathe"

The whole thing was trying, tiring. He was sick of being Sage's personal fuck toy. He was sick
of not being the only one. He was sick of being dressed up and paraded around like some pathetic,
worn thin rag doll, just to be dumped when somthing prettier came along. He was just sick of Sage
and all his crule jokes, his lies.

"Hey, baby, take it all the way down
Hey, baby, take me anyway
Oh, you were born so pretty
Oh, summerbabe, we'll never know
And fadeing like a rose"

And when he looked in the mirror, at the brusies and scars, new and old, marring his dark skin
he saw it for what he knew wasn't there.... love. He wasn't atractive. He wasn't very bright.
He wasn't witty, or rich, or special in anyway. So, why did he keep coming back? He was nothing
without Sage. Barely anything with him.

"Give me a reason to be beautiful
So sick in his body
So sick in his soul
I'll give you my body
Just sell me your soul
Oh, and everything I am will be bought and sold
Oh, and everything I am will turn hard and cold"

He stood up suddenly and stepped off the balchony. Back inside the house.... their house. It was
weird being able to say a house was his home. When he was little, he thought the words 'I'm going
home' had a nice ring to it. But, he never would have thought home could be like this. He twisted
the little silver band absent-mindedly around his finger. Never would've thought...

"And they say in the end
You'll get better just like them
And they steal your heart away
When the fire goes out you better learn to fake
It's better to rise then fade away"

He was just so tiried. Of pretending, of lieing, of fucking, of being submissive, of keeping
quiet. he'd admitted all this to himself long ago. That hadn't changed a thing. Change was never
for the better and change was scary. He was just so tiried. He no longer felt the need to wait up
for Sage or maybe he just didn't want to be awake when he got home. Either way, he decided it
was time to go to bed.

"Hey, you were right
Named a star for your eyes
Did you freeze?
Did you weep?
Turn to gold, baby, sleep"

Sage opened the door slowly and shook out his umbrella. He stummbled up the stairs and headed to
his and Ryo's room. Inside Ryo lay crummpled in the blankets, an empty bottle of valium on the
floor. He looked so small then. So weak, helpless and beautiful. He slid into bed beside him.
Wrapped his arms protectivly around Ryo and slept.

"Hey, honey mine
I was here all the time
And I wept at your feet
And it rains and rains"

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Hi again. Hope my spelling and grammer wasn't too bad. Kay helped me with some of the spellings.
(Thanks Kay you dirty, rotten bastard.) Anywho, please review I wanna know if anyone besides me
understood it.