Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy My Lover ❯ My Enemy My Lover ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's notes: Here is my fic. I rated it PWP because there is no real plot except a sorry excuse for Cale and Sage to make out (by the way it's my first lemon so don't be harsh on me please). Ok, sorry to be so direct but there is nothing more to say, besides the fact that it's yaoi (I think that's obvious for everyone). Can you tell that I love Warlords/Ronin pairings?
^.~v Anyway enjoy and be nice people please, I know my descriptions must suck (it's kinda hard to write in english when you are french ^_^ but please don't flame! (even if I have just bought some pop-corn…)

My Enemy, My Lover ?

By Shadow of Arashi

Sage was still running through the rain and cursing his life when his violet eyes caught the glimpse of some light on a far corner of the dark, dirty street. Turning his head in the flickering light direction, Sage saw something that made his heart leap in his chest with joy. A hotel! At least, he was going to be able to take a shower, sleep in a bed for the night and escape that cursed rain.

Stopping in his tracks, Sage turned his head once again and called to the other silhouette that was running behind him. "Cale, come here!" The other man stopped and followed Sage's gaze. His eyes lit up when he saw the small hotel, but Sage didn't wait for him. Instead, he ran to the hotel, impatient to be in some place dry and warm.

Inside the hotel, a small, dirty looking man was standing, waiting for some hypothetical customers to come and ask a room for the night. He looked bored, and when he saw Sage burst into the room, he started to grin like a maniac. Sage didn't notice it though, too busy trying to get as much water as he could out of his hair to really pay attention. When Cale walked into the room, the man's grin widened.

"What can I do for you?" he asked, his eyes never leaving the two men.

Sage simply matched his stare with one of his own and answered nonchalantly, "are there any rooms left for us to sleep? We are cold and tired you see."

The man nodded and disappeared behind his desk, only to come back ten seconds later with a small key. "Here it is. Room 209. Sorry, there is only one room left, but I'm sure you won't mind, right?"

Sage was about to reply, but Cale cut him off, "of course we don't mind. It will do just fine, thank you." Cale grabbed Sage before he could protest any further, then proceeded to drag him to the floor where their room was supposed to be.

When Cale finally found their room, he let go of a glaring, but silent Sage. Opening the door, Cale stepped inside, quickly followed by Sage. No sooner had Cale closed the door that Sage went checking for the radiator and when he found it, put it on the highest level it could provide. At last happy with something, Sage sighed and looked at his surrounding.

The room was not too small and luckily, didn't look dirty, unlike the hotel's owner. Then Sage noticed another door in a corner and assuming that it was the bathroom, went straight to it. Cale saw him and couldn't help but ask, feeling stupid as he did so "Where are you going?"

Sage shrugged without turning aroung "I'm going to take a shower. I'm soaked, wet, cold and tired. If it weren't for you . . ."

Cale blushed then answered in a slightly angry way, "it's not my fault if your friend Ryo didn't want us, or anyone for that matter, in the house while him and Mia are having a date!"

Sage sighed, then faced Cale. "I'll give you that, but I'm not the one who made us lose our way in town in the middle of the night and in the middle of a storm." Cale rolled his eyes.

"You gonna hate me for this forever or what?" Sage opened his mouth to reply but all of a sudden, the lights went out, startling the two warriors.

Cale heard Sage's soft gasp and automatically adjusted his eyes to the darkness surrounding them to find out what was wrong with Halo. What Cale saw, surprised him somehow. Sage was perfectly fine, but his eyes were wide and wild, their black pupils hiding almost completely their violet depths. He had wrapped his arms around himself and was standing immobile in the middle of the room except for the shaking of his body. If Cale didn't know him better, he would have thought that Sage was going into shock.

Then Cale understood and slapped himself mentally. Sage was scared of the dark. He was Halo after all. And there he was, alone in the dark with his old enemy. Nothing to be happy about in fact. No wonder he was so frightened, though Cale was almost sure it wasn't the only reason that could explain Sage's sudden fear.

"Sage?" he called.

"Yes?" came the shaky reply.

"You still want to take that shower?"


Cale smiled inwardly at the disbelief in Sage's voice. "I asked you that because unless you want to take your shower in the dark, you will have to wait for the lights to turn back on again."

"I- I kn- I know that."

"Yeah sure" muttered Cale before starting to head toward the shower, but Sage's voice stopped him.


"What?" he answered, more harshly that he intended to.

Sage gulped. "Where are you going?"

Cale softened, suddenly realizing how Sage was in a fragile state of mind right now, though fragile wasn't a word he would ever have associated with Halo. "I'm going to the bathroom to see if there is
still some hot water for you."

"Oh" was Sage's only reply. He was feeling very nervous right now and he didn't like it. Cale had an effect on his body that he couldn't explain, and it really frightened him

Cale left the scared Sage behind and headed toward the bathroom. He opened the door and stopped next to the shower. He let some of the water run into the tub, and knew immediately that there was no hot water left for the young blonde. He then spotted some towels in a corner; taking two of them, he headed back to the room. Sage was still standing in the same place, when he entered.

Cale approached him and laying a towel on his head, started to dry Sage's hair. At first he felt Sage tense, then the young man asked "what are you doing?"

"Drying your hair so you won't get sick. And you are supposed to be the warrior of light and wisdom. . ." Sage blushed and thanked heaven that Cale couldn't see it from his position.

"Sorry. . ."

Cale cursed under his breath and bit his lips. God, did he have to be so mean with that child?! "Don't be. You have no reason to."

Sage wanted to reply, but Cale removed the towel and led Sage to the bed, though Sage couldn't see it in the total darkness. After some help from Cale, Sage was finally sitting on the bed, a questioning look in his eyes. Then the dark warlord stepped a little closer and began to unbutton his soaked shirt from his body. Sage shivered from the light touch but stayed still. When Cale was done with the shirt, he started to rub Sage's chest and back with the other towel to dry him and keep him warm.

Sage was feeling a little dizzy by now. The soothing feeling of the towel on his skin and the warm presence of Cale made him want to just curl up next to the warlord and sleep. Sage didn't even flinch when Cale reached for his pants, and when the warlord gently pushed him back to the bed, Sage gladly let his body rest on the mattress and closed his eyes, feeling suddenly very comfortable.

He opened them again in alarm quickly though, when he felt Cale's hand on his thigh. Sage's breath quickened and he tried to pull away, embarrassed. He knew his body was reacting in a way that he didn't understand, but Cale's other hand grasped his wrist and pinned it over his head on the mattress, preventing him from moving.

"Cale? Wha. . ." The dark warlord's surprisingly musical laughter was all the answer Sage got before a pair of nice, soft lips touched his in a hard kiss. Sage's eyes widened even more at this. He couldn't believe that Cale was kissing him! For the last few moments that they had shared together, he had thought of such a thing, what it would feel like to kiss his former enemy, but he would never have believed that Cale was thinking the same about him. He was his enemy after all.

Then his thoughts took a flying leap out the window when he heard Cale's voice in his head through the mental link. Don't be afraid love. You and I both want the same thing. Relax and enjoy 'cause I have a feeling that you will love what I'm going to do to you.

That was when he lost it. Sage let his body relax and started kissing Cale back with a passion he didn't know he had. Then he felt Cale letting go of his wrist and caressing him with his now free hand. Sage moaned and arched up in the bed, seeking the touch of his dark lover with physical contact, since he still couldn't see him. Cale's every touch made him feel alive and he couldn't get enough of them.

Sage groaned when Cale started kissing and licking at his throat and he let his hands wander across the dark warlord's body, curious and eager at the same time to discover the feel of his new found love.

Cale felt ecstatic when two elegant hands began to roam across his body, making him shiver with desire. He was already hard from having Halo writhing under him and now that he was responding to him, it was even better. Cale saw Sage sit up on the bed gracefully and gasped in surprise when Halo pulled his pants off his body with slightly trembling fingers.

"It is unfair that you get to see me naked and I couldn't see you" Sage said with a little smirk on his face. Then, without warning Sage lowered his head between Cale's now exposed legs and slid the dark warlord's length into his mouth.

Cale let out a loud gasp and closed his eyes in pleasure, resting a shaking hand in the silky blonde hair.

Sage made a soft anguished noise, trying to adjust to the invading flesh and began to suck on the hard sex in his mouth. He was unsure, never having done any of this before and was slightly intimidated, but still he wanted to give Cale as much pleasure as he could, and listening to the noises his koi was making, he was doing it right. After a moment of teasing and suckling, Sage felt Cale jerk and a hot liquid poured in the back of his throat.

Sage swallowed Cale's release and licked his lips, relishing in the taste of the dark haired man. Then he raised his head, just as a strong hand took hold of his chin. Gazing upward, Sage's eyes melted in deep saphire blue ones, before Cale claimed his mouth for another kiss. When Sage looked at Cale again, he found out that his dark lover was smiling.

Cale smiled down at the blond angel in front of him and pushed Sage back on the bed. He twisted Sage around onto his stomach. "Now it's my turn to give you pleasure, koi" he whispered in the blond's ear, making Sage shiver in earnest.

Then he reached between Sage's spread legs and pushed one finger into his body, eliciting a gasp from the blonde. Then, carefully, he pushed another finger inside, stretching Sage's virgin body. Sage was now moaning in delight. When Cale was sure his love was ready, he pulled out his fingers and slowly let his sex enter the tight, warm body.

When Cale was buried deep inside of Sage, he held himself still for a second to let his love get used to the feel of him, then he began to thrust into Halo's exquisite body. It feels like heaven to feel that wonderful body around him, to be in him after wanting him for so long. Soon enough, Cale found himself thrusting harder and faster into the hot, shuddering body, his whole universe centered on this tight, wet heat. Sage writhed under him.

Sage was feeling like he was in heaven too, each of Cale's thrust making him scream or moan in esctasy. The hard pounding at his back was driving him almost insane with pleasure. Then, he could take it no more and he cried out, coming as he did so, quickly followed by Cale.

Sage fell on the bed, completely drained, his breath coming in short little gasps. He smiled, for once truly happy and let his eyes drift closed, ready to sleep when Cale's strong arms pulled him into their warm embrace. He heard Cale's soft "I love you" just before falling asleep, still smiling.