Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmares and Sickness ❯ Captured ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I think I've decided to make this fairly short. It's my first fic and I don't think I'd be able to make this long anywayz. There will prob'ly be about five to six chapts, not sure though.

Disclaimer: Once again, I don't own it.

Sorry about the grammer and spelling mistakes. Enjoy. ^_^


Nightmares and Sickness

Chapter Four


Seiji ate most of his breakfast that morning; then he put his plate away. After that he started to walk toward the door.

"Hey, where are you going Seiji?" Touma asked.

"I'm just going out to meditate for a while." Then he left and went out to the woods to his favorite spot.

"At least he ate most of his breakfast this time." Everyone agreed.


The blonde had been out meditating for about twenty minutes when someone came up behind him and put a rag over his mouth. He tried to get away but his arms and legs weren't working right. 'Touma.' Was his last thought before blackness took over.


'Touma.' He thought he heard Seiji call his name. He ran toward the door to find Seiji.

"Touma. What's wrong?" Ryo asked when he saw the look on Touma's face and then saw him running towards the door.

Touma didn't answer though, he just kept running.

"Seiji!" He shouted. "Where are you?" 'Why can't I feel him through the link anymore?' "Seiji!"

Everyone else had came out when they heard Touma calling Seiji's name.

"What's wrong Touma?" Shuu asked.

"I think something might have happened to Seiji. I thought I heard him call my name and I can't feel him through the link anymore. We all know that not being able to feel him means that he's probably unconscious or...." Touma trailed off not even wanting to think about that possibility. Then he resumed his search for Seiji.

"We'll all look too. Everyone split up." Shin said. He was worried as well. He had a bad feeling and he couldn't sense Seiji either.


The first thing he noticed when he awoke was that he was in a dark room with only one light showing and it was on him.

'This is probably just another nightmare. I had one like this before.' He thought as he looked at his surroundings. All he saw was walls all around him and some stairs going up. 'I have to find a way out of here.' He moved his arms but they didn't go anywhere and he heard chains.

'Great. I'm chained up too. How am I going to get out of this? Even if this is a nightmare I don't like this and don't want to be chained up.'

The blonde kept trying to losen the chains but to no avail. Then he heard someone coming down the stairs.

"So, how is the bearer of Korin doing?" A calm voice questioned.

Seiji just starred.

"You know, you really should answer when someone has you chained to a wall and you can't defend yourself." The voice was really close to Seiji now.

Seiji still didn't respond.

"Okay, fine. You can be like that.... for now. You've probably been feeling sick lately anyway, haven't you?"

Seiji's eyes widened. 'I don't think this is a nightmare.' "You did this to me."

"Aren't we smart? Figured it out pretty quickly, didn't we? Not quite quick enough I'm afraid because no one knows besides us and your friends probably think you're still meditating. I have to thank you though, for giving me such an easy way to capture you."

"Yeah, no problem." Seiji replied sarcastically. "What are you going to do with me now that you have me?"

"Oh, you'll see." The voice said with excitment.

'I don't like the tone of his voice.' He thought nervously. 'I hope the others find me soon, but I don't even know where I am so how will they even know where to begin?'

He looked around again and saw that there was a window at the far end of the room but it was too small for anyone to fit through. He could see some trees outside. 'I'm still in the forest or did he take me to a different one? Maybe I'm not even in a forest anymore.' He continued to look around hoping to find a way to get out of the chains, not to mention out of the room.

"There's no way out so don't even bother." The voice said with confidence. Then stepped closer to Seiji. "Now you're going to pay for what you did to my family."

"You're family? Who's your family and what did I do to them?" Seiji asked surprised.

"They were some of the many innocent people you killed in New York." The voice said angrily.

Seiji's eyes opened wide. "No, that wasn't my fault."

The voice punched him in the stomache. "How dare you say it wasn't your fault! I know you did it! I saw it with my own eyes, someone wearing the armor of Korin killing people and I know that you are the bearer of Korin!"

Seiji gasped and fell forward. "It wasn't my fault." He whispered again.

"Fine. Deny it all you want but I know the truth."

"Who are you anyway?" Seiji finally asked.

"I guess I can tell you. After all, you won't be leaving. My name's Tomo." The voice finally announced. He also stepped into the light so Seiji could see what he looked like. Tomo had on black clothing, some having red edges. He had a bow and quiver on his back and had a sword on his belt. 'Why is he so heavily armed?' Seiji thought then continued to look at his captive. Tomo also had black eyes and long black hair. Seiji realized it must have been him in his nightmare somehow.

Seiji then started coughing.

"Ahh... I see the poison is taking effect again. Too bad your lover isn't here to help you this time." Tomo laughed evily.

"Lover?" He finally gasped out.

"Your little blue-haired friend. I know that you like him and by the looks of it he likes you as well."

Seiji just starred then said, "What, have you been spying on me?"

"For quite some time actually. It's a shame you never noticed me." He snickered. "I wonder how your blue-haired angel is doing without his beloved blonde next to him?"

"You better not hurt him!" Seiji said angrily. Then started coughing again.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm only interested in you." Then Tomo came close to Seiji again and kissed him. Seiji tried to fight him off but couldn't; then he felt a sharp pain in his side. He realized that Tomo had stabbed him with a knife.

Seiji held back his cry of pain this time.

Tomo pulled the knife out. "I'll be back again later." With a wink he left.

Seiji then lost consciousness.


Touma stopped.

"Something wrong?" Ryo asked. He had ran into Touma while searching for Seiji.

"I think he's in pain."

"Who? Seiji? How do you know?"

"I don't know. I just have a feeling. We need to find him; fast!" Touma said while continuing the search.


"What's this?" Shin asked Shuu.

"What do you see?"

"It looks as though there was a struggle here."

"Do you think that Seiji was kidnapped?"

"Looks that way." Shin examined his surroundings closer. "It seems like someone came up from behind and then dragged him for a while. He must have picked him up after a while."

"We need to find Touma and Ryo to show them this." Shuu stated.

Then Shin thought he heard someone. "I think someone's coming." He said quietly.

They waited for a while and were relieved to see that it was Ryo and Touma.

"I'm glad it's you guys."

"Did you find anything?"

Then Shin and Shuu explained about the struggle.

"I knew something was wrong." Touma said angrily. "Whoever has him is hurting him. I shouldn't have let him leave the house."

"Huh? How do you know that he's being hurt?" Shin asked and a confused Shuu wanted to know too.

"I just know." Came the short response. "We need to find him quickly! Where are we going to start though? We don't have any clues."


This was the hardest chapt to write.. especially to start. Sry if it sounded kinda weird at some parts. I tried to make it sound alright.

BTW, to those of you that are confused about the New York thing (if any are) it happened in OVA, Gaiden.

Thx to the people who have given me some tips and suggestions. I appreciate it! ^_^

Bye for now.