Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Raising the Past ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hi it's Kathrine again! I didn't get as much as I wanted out of the last chapter and I don't get much out of this one. It was mainly to partially add to the plot because I'm really busy with schoolwork. Final report cards are up and the entire crew is wracking their brains on what they do best. Unfortunately, I got Algebra.

Catherine: It's not like you have to do all the Latin work!

Kathrine: Latin is easy.

Catherine: Not when you're trying to learn Japanese on your own at the same time!

JC: At least neither of you have Biology!

Jenny: I got Health class! ^_^ ( Kathrine beats Jenny with the BUBB. Jenny cries and Kitty growls like an angered lioness mother.)

Kathrine: Oh, God gotta go! (Runs to hide from Kitty's wrath.)

JC: Hope you like this even though they wrote it really short. There is a lot of angst in it for a certain Masho though. Oh and just in case you weren't sure before. Yes this is the sequel to "Guilt and Sacrifice" and yes Kathrine did change White Blaze to Byakuen. It just sounds cooler. Now enjoy!

Thank you to Shadow of Arashi, Kayla, and AlexiaAlex for reviewing. Me like reviews.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything that WE don't create. We just get to ruin their lives over and over and then fix them up again.

Warning: YAOI/Shounen Ai, Slight AU, Dark themes, and a dreamy lemon. You'll see. IF YOU DISLIKE THESE THEN LEAVE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! KATHRINE IS DYING FOR A NEW SACRIFICE AND I'M JUST TRYIG TO SAVE YOU FROM THAT FATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raising the Past

By Kathrine and Jennifer

The throne room of the palace was quiet even with all of the battle preparations going on outside its doors. The troopers found themselves standing in the center of the room as they exited the portal. They felt a strange shiver run down their spines as they stood in the room that once harbored the spirit of Arago. Being in the palace itself brought back memories that Shin and Shu would rather forget. Before anyone could say anything a small black dressed youja rushed through one of the large doors.

" Milady Kayura!" the youja cried. " I thought I felt you return, you must come quickly."

" It's Anubis, Hedin?" Kayura's held a small fear in them.

" Yes milady," the demon looked to the floor. " He seems to have taken a turn for the worst."

" Oh no," Kayura turned her gaze to her left and could see that Naaza was already gone. She sighed and then returned her attention to Hedin. " Take the Troopers to a suitable room," she instructed. " They are important guests and I know you shall treat them with respect."

" Yes milady," the youja bowed just as she disappeared from the room. The troopers could only watch with no idea as to the true extent of Anubis' condition. A small cough brought them all to stare at the demon that still remained. " Well it is good to meet you milords," he smiled.

" Arigato," Shin couldn't help but like the politeness of the youja.

" If you will follow me than I shall you to your quarters," he bowed and extended his hand towards the door. Then he stood erect as he walked out of the room. Touma and Shin were the first to follow after him with Shu and Ryo not far behind.

The halls were still the same cold gray stone, and yet seemed lighter and less gloomy. They saw few youja in the corridors as they followed Hedin, each one stared at them before scurrying away. The silence was deafening as they turn another corner to a more elegant looking side of the castle. Touma knew that he had to say something before he went insane.

" So how bad is Anubis' illness?" he asked. His words slightly echoed though the hall. Hedin seemed to stiffen a little, but not answer the question.

" Is it really that bad?" Shin inquired. Hedin again did not answer.

" You have to tell us something," Touma frowned. " We can't help if we don't know what we're up against." They entered a large room, but no one seemed to notice as they waited for the youja's answer.

Hedin sighed before he stopped walking and turned to the four. " He shall die if we don't stop his armor from draining his energy," he admitted. " Today was one of his worst attacks, he stopped breathing for five minutes."

" What?!" they gasped.

" You see why we must find a cure to this illness?" Hedin sighed. " I fear for Lord Yami's life at this moment."

" You seem to really like him," Shin smiled.

" I owe him my life," the youja stated. " When the chaos came after your banishment of Arago they brought peace. Many youja went on rampages during those weeks. Unlike most youja my clan is the Mairo, peaceful and does not fight. We gave that up many centuries ago. But when our clan was attacked by the Nunul youja, Lord Yami and Lord Doku came to save it. Lord Yami killed three Nunul who wished to slay my family. I am deeply indebted to him, though he does not see it that way."

" Anubis?" Shu rubbed the back of his head. " Who would have thought? Guess times have changed a lot."

" Now, I hope that you make yourselves comfortable, but I must go," Hedin informed them. " I know that Lady Kayura or Lord Doku will see you later." With that he bowed to all of them and left the room.

" Someone thinks of Anubis as a hero?" Shu still seemed confused.

" Well it's not like he and the others are exactly our enemies anymore," Touma pointed out. " They just tuned their lives around."

" Woah," Ryo breathed as he finally got to inspect the room they were in. It was large with four futons, a fireplace, beautifully colorful woven tapestries on the walls, a black carpets and blue/green drapes. A table sat in the center of the room that looked to be made of shining oak and three large armchairs were strategically placed next to the fireplace.

" Well one thing can be said about them," Shin smirked. " They don't skim on the guest rooms."


Naaza's face fell as he stared at the unearthly pale form of the ex-Masho in the black sheets. The usual tanned skin looked whiter than a dove's feathers and the thin frame was nothing like what strong muscular warrior he once had been. Not knowing what to do only made his despondency even worse. Anubis' eyes remained on the ceiling and didn't even acknowledge his presence.

" Hello Yami," Naaza kneeled next to the bed praying that for once he would at least twitch his eyelids. He took a thin hand that had once been strong enough to fight with a no-datchi on its own and gently held it in both of his.

" I'm here love," the swordsman whispered. " I only wish you were as well." He watched the other man's chest go up and down gently almost as if he wasn't breathing at all. His eyes glanced at the gray orb that seemed to becoming dimmer with everyday. The kanji of obedience was almost illegible in its now calm center.

" We brought the Troopers to the Youjakai," he continued to talk to him in hopes of actually getting through. " Korin is missing, that could be the reason for you being sick. He might even be with Makuyo. Something about that strikes me as familiar, but I cannot think of why. It's like something I use to know, but pushed away." He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and let out a deep breath. He could still see no activity from the comatose figure beside him.

" Please say something, my blue wolf," Naaza traced his fingers in a caress across Anubis' face. He let them glide through soft blue locks before resting on the cross scar on Yami's right eye. " I'll find a way to bring you back to me, just be ready to come home."

" Sir?" a soft voice called from the doorway.

" Yes, Hedin?" Naaza turned to face the small youja.

" Lady Kayura thinks it best to start planning a counter attack while you have time between assaults," he replied.

" Thank you Hedin," the green-haired warrior set the hand in his down at his lover's side where it had been firstly and stood away from the bed. He walked to the door and gave the servant and was given an understanding gaze. " Watch him as I know you will," he said.

" I think he prefers you here instead Lord Doku, but I shall keep my eyes on him," Hedin smiled. " Just wait until he wakes and you find out he's heard everything you've told him."

" I hope not," Doku forced a chuckle. Then he was gone in a wisp of smoke, leaving the youja to attend to the undisturbed form on the bed.

" Please awake soon Lord Yami," he prayed. " I fear Lord Doku won't be far behind you at this rate."


The body above him was warm as he continued to brush kisses across his neck and shoulders. He moaned in pleasure, trying not to dig his nails into the his lover's back. He smiled as the other man captured his lips with his own and a long blue forelock tickled his cheek. He never wanted the moment to end and prayed it would last forever.

" Don't worry love," the man above him whispered seductively in a husky voice. " This is going to get much better."

" I love you so much," he whispered back to him. " I want to experience this with you and no one else."

" Just wait," the man smiled at him with deep blue eyes. He began to trail tingling kisses down the man's chest, sucking on both nubs before moving on.

" Oh Gods," he moaned. Never had he felt such sensations. That's when he felt he pants being slowly lowered from his waist. He was slightly confused at this.

" To-" his voice was caught in his throat as he felt a wet heat engulf him completely. His partner only seemed to smiled before beginning his ministrations. The pleasure was unbearable as he felt himself reaching his edge. He screamed out just as he felt the burn reach his stomach…

Sage jumped up as the pain completely engulfed his mind. He couldn't believe the agony of the throbbing fire in the back of his head. Sweat covered his body and he felt as if he was going to freeze from the chill in his bones.

" What is it my angel?" the man next to him asked.

" Just my headaches my lord," Sage assured him. " It just seemed to come upon me."

" Don't fret love," Makuyo raised himself from the sheets. He gracefully walked to the table in the center of the room and poured a glass full of water from a pitcher. Then he picked out four frail leaves from the bowl next to it and crumbled them into the glass. With his finger he stirred the concoction, remembering to clean his finger off on the towel next on the back of the chair.

He smiled as he brought the glass to the bed and handed it to his lover. Sage smiled appreciatively as he took the elixir in his hand. " Arigato my lord," he thanked him. " I don't know what I'd do without you."

" Remember to drink all of it or the pains will get worse," Makuyo reminded him like a child. The blonde complied as he swallowed the entire glass and handed it back to the sorcerer, empty. Makuyo returned the chalice to the table and turned to the bed.

A smile crossed his lips at the sight of hi lover already returning to the world of dreams. He crawled back into the sheets and puled his lover close to him. He nestled his head into the golden strands of sunlight and listened to his even breathing. So beautiful, he told himself. I won't let anyone take you away.

His thoughts turned to the still unconscious prisoner in the caverns of the castle. He knew he couldn't let Sage know the captive was there or he would become upset. I guess I'll have to deal with him tomorrow, he smirked. Should prove to be interesting. Then he stared at the slid black box with a large lock that sat on the dresser across the room. Nothing will take him away from me, not even himself.

A/N: Hope you like! I know it's short.