Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ The Letter ❯ trail of feathers ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/ Ronin Warriors.
The Letter
trail of feathers
by: wingsofsakon
He stood there at the edge of the waters. Not wanting to read the letter that had arrived. He didn't really know how to feel. There was only the crashing of the waves off the beach and echoing of some sickness off in the distance. It had been too long and yet he found himself still missing him, his comrade.
A quick misunderstanding and it had all been over. Shin laughed at the thought. It had crossed his mind but he always pushed it away. Thus thought of it as a myth he so loved to re-read over and over. After all the truest of all loves are the ones that present themselves first, right? So, when the blonde seemed to sing the theme to his preset story. He laughed slightly then noticed the look in his eyes.
He was serious about this. But Shin shook his head and said no. After all, he had already been taken by another. He saw the pain as a flash through his fair features but was quickly recovered by the coolness of his eyes. Where he hid away everything, so no one knew the real story behind his soul and heart. Hidden away and safe… only letting special persons in.
Shin quickly realized the results of that moment. When he saw the blonde growing quieter, farther and distant. Until he was all together missing even from the very house he had been sharing with him. It was like he was never there. Almost…. Except for the bond they all shared. He could feel he was there, but never verified. It was ghostly.
Now over just a year here was a letter. It made his stomach twist in happiness, sorrow and regret. With a sigh he opened the letter. His only wish was it to be notification of his return.
To my dearest,
This emotion took me by the hand and into a new world. One that I couldn't climb my way out of… Even, if I dug and ripped my fingernails deep into the walls. This abyss strangles and muffles the pain that I believe once was desire.
I watched you from scorned eyes. Such a deep love yet so hurt, alone and hateful. I don't understand why… why things couldn't have been different. Although, some where deep inside I do know… you chose this.
You chose to step away from me… and that's how it has to be. It tears me apart to be so close yet I will never be allowed to be with you. In a strange way this madness keeps me company. This cold pace is something that warms the deepest waters of my soul. Where you will never reach.
I would ask you for forgiveness my dear. Although… I really don't want this to end. Because if it does, then this bond that only you and I share. Would be dissolved and float away in the wind, like echoes of a dead heart. Eventually forgotten with dried tears. We would pretend this had never happened. You would… forget this, me.
And my love for you would be as invisible as the line between the sky and the stars above. But my love has and still survives for you. In that place where dead angels fly. So, when traces of their wings float to the surface. And you hold a tinged feather in your... so delicate fingers. Remember this was a gift-from my heart to yours.
My love, this evil and murdering land that you brought me to. Is so protectful of me. Keeping me safe from the bitter winds of empty love… You have given me so much strength. That I feel at times, I could do anything. Some things are easier when there's nothing that will break in your chest. Because it had already been ripped, torn and scattered from one sea to the next. I know you understand what I am saying.
This dark place is painted with dark gold, stricken black and deepest reds with a lovely watery gloss of sea blue. Days don't matter and nights are one. On perfect nights of sadness you can see the stars crying down from the sky. Only you can never decide if they are cries of sorrow or weeping sounds of murderous hate.
My beloved… I no longer wait for you. This place I speak of, the one you sent me to. I wish to share this… oh so special place: with you. We shall never be together. No, not the way I had originally wished. Each carries their own-palace in the darkness. Simply put, I am going to show you mine, in order to make you build yours. So this bond… shall only get stronger. Then we can smile at each other from the balconies of our palaces. And look at each other with the same love and disgust in our hearts.
You broke my heart, my soul and perhaps even me. But you put it back together with something from these midnight waters that I stare into at night. Letting the coldness bite at the edges of my being. They dragged me down and found all new pieces to fit into the missing. With an evil smile they carefully showed me how to continue living. And now that I am one once again… I have returned to take you back with me.
My dear, smile for me... Look at me with those intense emerald eyes. Give me a gift from your precious sea of tears. Show me the fury your soul hides: the passion that first allured my soul. Come and swim in these deep waters with me. Lets show these angels, that our bond is stronger than any love. I know I will never have your love and it's entirely. But… I will have you.
Shin sunk to his knees with tears making their swell. Letting the letter soak in the waves, until they had hidden the words. And stained the paper with faded colors. Every thing innocent had become tainted. And it was too late for truthfulness. It was too late for so many things. But it had been way too long since seeing the blonde's presence. Shin felt slightly comforted in it, this letter from his secret myth. It was the only real proof… it was real. It was all… real.
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