Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ To Remember ❯ Reactions ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9: Reactions


Damn it! Everything still hurt. One of the doctors was shouting at Xiu, but he was getting dizzy and it was hard to hear.

“My friends.” Xiu tried to explain. “I have to find my friends.”

Someone pressed a hand against Xiu’s throat which, of course, only made it hurt more. “Stop talking! Cripes, lay down. Get him on the gurney. Young man, if you don’t lay still, I’ll have you strapped down! What do you think you’re doing wandering the halls?!”

“My friends….have at find them.”

“We have all your friends, they’re safe and sound. There’s no reason to worry for them.” When he’d finally gotten Xiu to lay down, he sighed in relief. “Stop talking, you’re doing yourself more damage. We’re going to take care of you, I promise.”

Xiu tried to shake his head, but that only made him feel more dizzy. He didn’t want them to take care of him. He wanted Seiji. Seiji had the softest hands. He wanted his mama and papa. “Lemme go!” If he could just get away from these people, he could find everyone. He could find Ryou and then, he knew, he’d feel a lot stronger. He’d be able to think straight if that missing piece of his mind was back where it was supposed to be. Xiu tried sitting up again, but they piled on him and it was almost enough to stop him. Three nurses and an orderly nearly had to sit on him until Xiu felt a thin hand take his.

“Xiu, dear, you must be still.” It was Shin’s mum and she looked like she’d been crying. If there was one thing Xiu hated, it was people who made women cry. “Come on, it’ll be alright. Everyone’s hear. Just be still and let the doctor work.”

“My throat hurts.”

The nurses and orderly slowly got off Xiu when he seemed to be calming down and the doctor spoke to Shin’s mum over Xiu. “Are you his mother?”

“No. Friend of the family’s. What’s happening?”

“He has to go to the O.R. immediately. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to leave.
“Keep him still!” Someone close to Xiu’s head shouted. An unfamiliar face leaned over Xiu and smiled. “Take it easy, son. You just hold still. You’ve been in a car accident. Can you remember what happened?”

‘You’re not my dad.’ It was a stupid thing to think, but Xiu’s thoughts centered on it. “Where’s my papa?”

“He’s not here. You were with friends. They’re alright, we’re just worried about you, now. Can you remember anything?”

“Sei-chan?” Even to Xiu, his words sounded slurred and every time he spoke it hurt all the more. SEI-CHAN? WHERE ARE YOU?

HERE. I’M TIRED. He felt tired. YOU OKAY?


There were answering calls from Shin and Touma, both of them awake, but scared. The only one Xiu couldn’t find was Ryou and Touma told him very firmly that Ryou had been alive just before the ambulance got there. He’d spoken to Ryou. A bright light was turned on right over Xiu’s face and the doctor - for that was what he must have been - leaned over him again.

“Take some deep breaths, son. We’re going to put you to sleep for a little while, you won’t feel a thing.”

Xiu raised a hand and pushed away the mask one of the nurses tried to fix over his face. “No. Wanna go home. Need to find Ryou.” God! It hurt!

“You can’t leave.” The doctor pressed Xiu’s hand back down at his side. “You have glass shards in your throat and we have to get them out. You’ll be find, missed all the important stuff. I doubt you’ll even have a sore throat in a week, but we have to get it all out now. Please, calm down.”


MAMA? WHERE’S MAMA AND PAPA? All Xiu could remember was fighting with papa, again. Why couldn’t he just be an obedient son like papa wanted? Why did he have to always fight? I NEED THEM. Xiu must have been speaking out loud without knowing it because the doctor patted his shoulder and said,

“We’ll get a hold of them as soon as we can. Please, don’t talk anymore. Every time you try your throat starts bleeding more.” He put the mask over Xiu’s mouth and nose and this time Xiu didn’t resist because Touma told him to be still because doctors know what they’re doing and he trusted Touma, not the doctor. “There you are. Did anyone look for his wallet? Some identifi…”

The pain faded away and Xiu fell asleep. He wasn’t completely alone. He could feel Seiji on the edge of his mind, sleeping. He was there and alive, so at least that was something. Shin and Touma weren’t awake, either, and neither of them was happy. WHAT HAPPENED? SOMEONE WAKE UP.

WE CAN’T. It was Shin who spoke. I FEEL SO…WEAK. RYOU’S GONE.







BECAUSE IF IT’S NOT THAT, THEN HE MIGHT HAVE DAMAGED HIS SPINE. MAYBE THE FORCE OF THE CRASH WAS ENOUGH TO BREAK HIS NECK. The dreadful words made Xiu go cold all over and Touma’s reached out to reassure him. I THINK IT’S JUST CONCUSSION. LOOK, THERE, He directed Xiu’s attention to where Seiji should have been. His presence was there, but not nearly his vibrant self. His mental self looked worn and haggard. Like looking at a sick person, it looked and felt like Seiji should, but just looked…off. HE’S JUST NOT WELL. WE DON’T DARE TRY TO WAKE HIM.

NO. Xiu agreed, backing away from Seiji. YOU’RE RIGHT. LEAVE HIM, FOR NOW. I GUESS HE NEEDS THE REST.

There wasn’t much else to say. They were incapacitated. Completely helpless.


Xiu strained and reached up, touching his hand to his throat. There was a large bandage there, wrapped all the way around his neck. He couldn’t so much as move his head from side to side. I’M NOT HELPLESS. I’M STRONG. It was an effort to sit up, more work than anything Xiu could remember. Not so much painful as tiring, like the last mile of a marathon. I’M NOT WEAK!

Xiu tore the little electronic monitors from his chest and his temples, he furiously ripped the IV needle out of his arm and threw off the thin, coarse blanket. It left him in nothing but the white hospital gown, but his clothes were there, sitting on a chair right by his bed. His jeans and shirt, his sneakers and his wallet. Everything was there including the coins in his pants pocket that mama had always insisted he carry, just in case of an emergency.

Xiu swung his feet out of the bed and took a moment to breathe. If things worked out, he was going to spend a week sleeping after all this. He didn’t bother getting dressed, as he figured the doctors would just make him get back to bed again, but he did grab the coins. This surely was an emergency.

All the effort was making the others worry, but they didn’t try to stop him. Instead, they offered support and cheered him on. BUT BE CAREFUL. Shin warned. WE DON’T KNOW HOW BAD YOUR THROAT IS.

Xiu didn’t answer. Just then, all he could think about was getting some help. He’d almost made his way to the hallway when Seiji began to stir. He didn’t wake entirely, but enough for Xiu to feel him a little clearer. It was reassuring. At least Seiji wasn’t going to completely slip away.

XIU? Seiji’s voice was far away and barely more than a whisper.


Seiji didn’t answer, but the feeling of him in Xiu’s mind didn’t weaken.

IT’S OKAY. Xiu reached out to Seiji, soothingly. DON’T STRESS YOURSELF. I’LL HAVE YOU BACK HOME IN YOUR GARDEN IN NO TIME. Xiu was certain that would be best for Seiji, not staying in the hospital. Seiji would want to be in his garden. JUST LET ME FIX A COUPLE OF THINGS. GOTTA FIND RYOU.

Xiu was in luck. There was no one in the hallway when he left the hospital room. A few carts piled with toilet paper and one loaded with clean, white towels, but no people. Even more luck, there was a payphone just a few feet away. Lucky. Xiu had never really believed in luck, but just then, he was a believer.

Bad luck was always quick to follow good, however.

The phone at the Phoenix Rising was busy. Xiu pulled the earpiece away from his ear and stared at it in disbelief. Who could his parents be calling at a time like this? It wasn’t just Xiu’s parents, though. He couldn’t get through to anyone. Not to Shin’s moms or grandfather Date. Xiu desperately thought of all the people he knew and the list was short. His family, his friends family, and…Nasutei!

‘Stupid of me. Of course! She’ll come.’ Xiu redialed and listened to the ring until the phone was answered. It wasn’t Nasutei, though.

“Moshi, moshi.” Jun.

“Jun-chan, Nasty there?”

Jun was quiet for a moment. “Xiu? Is that you?”

“Yeah, kid. Is Nasty there? I really gotta talk to her.” Is throat burned with every word.

Almost at once, he heard Nasutei’s voice on the other end. “What’s going on?”

It was so good to hear her. Nasutei was one of the most reliable people Xiu knew and she was very responsible. If anyone could help, it would be her. “Nasty, there’s been an accident. Can’t get through to anyone.” Xiu coughed and the pain was excruciating. He tried to speak again, but only ended up with a long, agonizing hacking until blood flew out of his mouth and splattered on the phone. “Nasty, can’t find Ryou. Everyone’s hurt. Please…” He coughed again and tasted more blood.

“Ryou…!” Nasty sounded like she took a deep breath. “You’re at a hospital?”


“Stay there and do what the doctors tell you. I’ll take care of Ryou.” She hung up so abruptly that Xiu almost didn’t hear Jun’s outraged,

“He’s been taken!”

Whatever Jun meant by that, Xiu had no idea. Then again, maybe he was hearing things. Xiu was grateful that Nasty was going to look for Ryou, though how she would do that when she didn’t even know where the accident had happened, Xiu had no idea. It didn’t help Xiu out too much. He wanted someone to come to the hospital so he didn’t have to worry about protecting everyone. Someone he could trust. Someone strong. Someone like Michael.

Xiu managed a smile and licked his blood splattered lips. Michael always carried his cell phone.

Phoenix Rising-

Michael didn’t try to stop Xiulei from leaving when he stormed out and met a friend on the sidewalk. He must have seen the friend from one of the upstairs windows because the friend didn’t call out for him. Xiu didn’t look at Michael or speak to him when he left, just stomped away with an ugly expression. ‘What did his old man tell him?’ Michael hoped that Xiu wasn’t angry with him. Of course he knew what was going on inside. That was why papa Faun had called him back from Canada.

The phone call had been brief and to the point.

“You don’t have to, if you’re happy in Canada.”

“Faun-san, please. I’m happy to do as you wish. Honored, even.” It was the chance of a lifetime for someone like Michael. To be the head of one of Japan’s Tongs was nothing to be sneezed at. Michael had been raised in a crime family, small timers in America who specialized in bootlegging booze. It was just a chance encounter with papa Faun that had changed Michael’s life. Papa Faun had seen potential in the young man and offered him a job in Japan at pay he just couldn’t refuse. After that, papa Faun had gone out of his way to help Michael through life. He’d seen to it that Michael had enough money for an education, getting a degree in business and finance as well as management.

“I don’t want you to feel like you owe this to me, Michael. I do have several reasons for wanting you back, though.” He sighed over the phone and Michael had the distinct impression that he was tired. “If it’s not you, then the others are going to demand I name an heir and Xiu, as my oldsters, well…he’s just not suited for this kind of lifestyle. My fault, I suppose.”

Michael, sat at his desk and looked around at the opulent office. Thanks to papa Faun’s generosity and support Michael had been able to get a very good paying job at a respectable office in Toronto. It was thanks to the Faun family that Michael didn’t end up a petty bootlegger hiding out in backwoods swamp ‘till the cops lost interest in him. Thanks to them, Michael could afford the shiny black car in the parking lot that his father could never hope to drive. Thanks to them, he’d had a safe and relatively happy life looking after the family while papa Faun carried on his life as a banker by day and Tong leader by night. How could he refuse them now?

“No fault, sir. It’s not as if keeping him out of the Tong is a bad idea. You told me all he wants to do is run the restaurant, right? Well, this is a good opportunity for him. Besides, as I said, it’s an honor. I don’t feel obligated. A lot of people would be thrilled to be offered the same.”

“Good. I was hoping you’d accept. I trust you, Michael. Please, can you be at my home as soon as possible? There are people I want you to meet and, after that, other, less important, people you should know. We have a new address.”

“You moved?”

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence. “There were circumstances. Things I shouldn’t say over the phone.”

It wasn’t until Michael had arrived at the new and improved Phoenix Rising that papa Faun took him quietly aside and told him about what had happened a few months earlier. Little Lai, the baby of the family, had been murdered in the middle of the restaurant along with a family friend. To save themselves, Xiulei’s boyfriend - that had taken a moment to get used to - had killed the murderer, his own father.

“They went missing for almost a full day.” Papa Faun said with his head buried in his hands. “We thought they’d been killed, too. I didn’t know what else to think. I had everyone out looking for him. I wasn’t just me. One of the boy’s has a grandfather who searched the city until he nearly dropped. My dear wife had to bully him into resting. They just went into hiding. Stupid!” He burst out very suddenly and slammed his hands down on the table they were sitting at. “One of the boys, a good boy, had been terribly injured. He could have died. You’d think my son would be sensible enough to take him to the hospital and give me a call. I always thought he was sensible.”

“Mama Faun said you two had been arguing.”

Papa Faun gave Michael a sharp look, then laughed self-consciously. “She’s been talking to you already? Well, we were. That was my fault, too. I seem to be losing my wits as I age. He shouldn’t have been afraid to come to me, not with something so important. I’d have helped his friend. He just saw our baby killed. He should have been with us, not hiding in some dark forest.” His voice lost volume and his shoulders slumped. “He…he just should have been at home.”

There wasn’t much Michael could say. He wanted to kill the person who hurt this family so badly, but that had already been taken care of. “Where is Xiu now?”

“Now? Oh,” Papa Faun had never outright lied to Michael, but he had the feeling he was about to hear a lie cross the older man’s lips. “Out in the country. He’s renting a room from a young lady in a big old house. It’s good for him. The country air and all that space. I’ve been thinking about moving the rest of the family out to the country.”

It wasn’t a lie. Michael could tell papa Faun wasn’t lying, but he was hiding something important. Something about Xiu he didn’t want Michael to know. It hurt that the Faun family would keep secrets from him of all people, but Michael tried to be understanding. It wasn’t as if he were really part of the family.

“So he’s alright?”

“Yes, yes. He’s fine. I’m proud of him, you know. Very proud.” Papa Faun’s mind seemed to drift for a moment before he drew himself back to reality. “He’s coming back in a few days. I want to explain things to him.”

How was he planning to explain that he’d been hiding such a dangerous secret from Xiu all these years? It would be a conversation to be remembered.

It was days later that Michael saw Xiu for the first time since his arrival in Japan. He drove up to the Phoenix Rising in a bright green car with a friend behind the wheel. There were three other teenage boys in the backseat, but Michael couldn’t get a good look at them while he was pretending to read the newspaper. His whole reason for standing outside the Phoenix Rising was to look inconspicuous and chase away anyone who couldn’t read the ‘CLOSED’ sign. There was something about the way Xiu looked at the blonde boy behind the wheel that told Michael without a doubt that that was the boyfriend.

He was glad to see Xiu. He could still remember when Xiu had been an only child and how much fun it had been to teach the little boy how to play poker. Little Xiu had grown up quite a bit and it actually made Michael sad to see that Xiu was nearly a man. He’d missed all that time.

It was a short while after his arrival that Xiu had stormed out of the family’s home and only an little while after that when Michael’s cell phone rang. He was still outside, leaning against the door with the newspaper held just right so it would look like he was reading while he watched the people of the neighborhood pass by. Out of habit, Michael looked over his shoulder at a small opening in the shades where he could catch a glimpse of the meeting inside. Everything seemed to be peaceful and papa Faun was still on the phone. He’d been on and off it all morning talking to business associates.


A pause, then Xiu’s weak voice. “Michael?”

“What’s wrong?” Xiu never sounded weak. He didn’t like that at all.


Michael’s grip on his phone tightened and he dropped the newspaper. He could hear soft background noises around Xiu, like people talking. This was far more important than guarding the front door. He looked over his shoulder at the shaded window and knew papa Faun couldn’t be interrupted. “I’m here. I’m Michael. Where are you?”

“Hospital.” There was something wrong with Xiu’s voice when he spoke. He sounded like he had a terrible sore throat, it was all scratchy. Like it had been rubbed with sandpaper. “Help.”

“What happened? I’ll come, just tell me what happened?” Even as he said that, Michael pushed the restaurant’s door open and called out for one of the other bodyguards. “Watch the door.” He made eye-contact with papa Faun and was reasonably sure the man knew it was an emergency. There was no way he could do this quietly, but there was also no reason to let the other Tong leaders know what was going on. He’d explain later. Papa Faun was sure to understand.

When Michael was sure the other man was at the door and guarding it, though it looked like a guard and that seemed very unprofessional to Michael, he turned his attention back to Xiu. “You still there, boy? What hospital?”

Xiu groaned on the other end. “Magic Bus, I think. Can’t really…”

“Xiu? Xiulei? You can’t what?” Michael walked as quickly as he could, but kept his eyes on the streets for a cab or maybe a bus. It was times like these that he cursed not having his car. “Can’t what, Xiu?”

“My throat hurts. I’m empty. I’m missing. Can’t get through to mama and papa. Phone’s all tied up. Help.”

“I’m coming. Put the phone down and rest. I’ll be right there.”

It wasn’t an easy task to find Xiu.

The city was big and had three hospitals, all of which Michael had to search. It took him almost two hours because, of course, Xiu was at the third. It took all Michael’s control to compose himself when he walked into the hospital. It would do no one any good if he stormed in like an angry big brother. So he slowed his pace when he walked through the sliding doors and moved even slower when he approached the receptionists desk.

It irked him that he had to wait in line like everyone else. What else could he do, short of pulling out his gun…no. Papa Faun wouldn’t like that at all. Come to think of it, Xiu probably wouldn’t appreciate it, either.

So Michael waited.

And waited.

And waited until he thought that maybe using a little persuasion to get the line moving wouldn’t be a bad idea after all.

“Excuse me?”

Michael turned at the voice and found a very small, thin woman looking at him. That she’d spoken in English was what had caught his attention. “May I help you, ma’am?”

She looked him up and down very carefully. “Would you be Michael Silver?”

“I would. May I presume Xiulei told you my name?” It was really the only way she could have known, unless, of course, she’d been sent by some rival. The yazuka, for instance. She didn’t really look the part of a yazuka lady, but appearances could be deceiving. Michael felt a tick throb just under his left eye, an unwelcome sign of stress. If she was from the yazuka and this was some kind of threat to the Faun family, the woman would regret it. Michael wasn’t so civilized that he’d refrain from opening fire in a hospital waiting room.

The woman broke out in a relieved smile. “Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I’m Jenny. Jenny Mouri. I came in with Xiu, he’s this way. Silly boy was wandering around and hurt himself again, I think that was when he gave you a call. He asked me to look out for you. I don’t suppose you can get a hold of his parents? I’m sure they’ll want to know…”

“Know what?” Michael took hold of the woman’s arm and stopped her. She spoke a little too quickly for his taste. “Exactly who are you?”

“She’s my mum.”

Both Michael and Ms. Mouri turned at the voice. There was a young boy, obviously Ms. Mouri’s relative, leaning against the wall. He was soft looking. Fair skin and hair that looked soft as feathers. His eyes, though, were hard. His eyes were as brutal as any killer Michael had ever known. “And you are?”

“Mouri Shin.” The boy pushed away from the wall, but by the way he walked towards Michael and his mum, he should have been in bed. He walked very slowly and winced with every step, like it was a pain. “As for your other question, what happened is a car accident. Someone dashed out in front of the car and made them crash. Xiu caught some glass in the throat. Nothing too serious. Enough to give us all a scare and need a bit of surgery. Xiu’s waiting for you. Room 142.” The boy looked at his mother. “Mum, Touma’s awake, too. Can we see Seiji and Xiu, now?”

But Michael was already walking away. Room 142. He had no interest in the friends, his first responsibility was to make sure Xiu was alright. After that, he could call papa Faun and then he’d get down to the real business. Someone had run out in front of the car. It was probably an accident. Most likely, it was a child running after a ball or other suck nonsense. On the other hand, it could have been deliberate.

‘The yazuka wouldn’t be above it, trying to use Xiu’s life to intimidate papa Faun. Then again, it could be another arm of the tong. Maybe someone trying to displace the Faun’s.’ That didn’t make much sense to Michael, either. It was generally known that Michael would be succeeding papa Faun, not Xiu. Why try to hurt the boy?

Xiu looked awful. His eyes were both blackened and his skin looked unnaturally pale. His throat was wrapped in a heavy white bandage, but Michael couldn’t see any signs of anything else wrong. “Kid? Hey, you still awake? Come, on.” Michael gave Xiu’s foot a shake, but when he didn’t get any response, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number he knew well.

“Michael? Where are you?” Papa Faun didn’t sound happy, not that Michael had expected him to. “Do you realize what kind of impression this gives?! I invited them over to discuss YOU! And you up and take off in the middle of talks. When I called for you, the guard at the door said you’d taken off after some phone call. They don’t have much confidence in you after that little escapade.”

“Forgive me, sir.” Michael did regret causing such embarrassment to his benefactor, but he didn’t regret his decision. “I’m at the Magic Bus Hospital. Xiu’s been admitted. He was in a car accident with some friends. He’s alive and the doctors seem to think he’ll do well, but he tried to call you and mama Faun several times. He couldn’t get through so he called me.”

There was a long moment of silence “Accident?”

“Sir, I’m in Xiu’s room right now. He’s sleeping comfortably. I am told that they saw someone run out in front of the car. I don’t rule out one of your rival’s involvement. It is possible, however unlikely, that this was planned. I’m certain that Xiu would appreciate you being here when he wakes up.”

Xiu’s eyes slowly drifted open. They looked watery and yellow, certainly not healthy. “Hey. Too late, I‘m up already.”

“Sir,” Michael went around to the other side of the bed and poured some water for him from out of a pitcher that was left at his bedside. “Xiu just woke up. His throat’s been damaged, but he can speak. Can I tell him when you’ll be down?”

“Give me ten minutes and five more to find a sitter for the children.”

“Yes, sir.” Michael hung up and turned his attention to a more important matter. Xiu. It hurt to see Xiu like this. Hurt badly. “Take it easy.” With all the tubes going in and out of Xiu, though, Michael really wasn’t sure if he should let Xiu drink. “Here, just wet your lips.” He wet his fingers and ran them over Xiu’s lips. “Don’t talk. Your friends are all alive. Not in the best of shape, some of them, but alive.”

That didn’t make anything better. “You don’t understand.” Xiu let out a low, mournful cry and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. His fists curled into tight balls and thumped the mattress uselessly. “No! Ryou! He’s lost, he’s gone. Gone.” At this last, Xiu’s voice lost its fire and he let his hands fall on the bed, limply. He was the very picture of despair.


Kayura had obeyed Rajura when he told her to get back to bed. It had, naturally, occurred to her that she didn’t have to do as he commanded. She was lady of the castle now that Arago had been defeated. They were her warriors, they were supposed to listen to her orders. She knew very well that if she asserted herself and gave Rajura an order, he would listen.

The pain was too much to bear, however.

If Sh’ten had survived the war, then it was he would have been lord of the castle and commander of the Youja Kai. As general of the Ma-Sho, he would have been the emperor. Everyone knew it. Kayura was just a mistake. She shouldn’t be empress. She shouldn’t have the Oni yoroi. Most definitely, she shouldn’t have taken Sh’ten’s place.

So, it was guilt that had driven her to her bed and kept her away from the others. She would obey Rajura as best as she could and hope that one day he would soften towards her.

‘I didn’t do anything wrong!’ She told herself fiercely after Rajura had told her to get to her room. ‘It was Badamon, he’s the one who killed Sh’ten, not me. I barely even remember it.’ That time of her life, most of her childhood, was as if she hadn’t even lived it. Kayura remembered those years thought a haze of mist with cotton in her ears. She could see it, but not clearly. She could hear it, but not well. ‘He doesn’t have to take it out on me. He knows I’m sorry for Sh’ten.’

Kayura’s bedroom was very plain. She’d never had the typical things a child had. There were no toys or decorations. No doubt Arago had thought it a waste of energy to even think of such things. She had a bed, of course, and a chest where she clothes, but that was about it. The stone walls were bare as was the floor. There were times when it felt so oppressive that Kayura just wanted to scream. She didn’t. She was a lady, after all, and ladies did not give into such whims.

Anubisu’s anger hit Kayura like a tidal wave, it literally floored her. The anger was more powerful than anything she’d felt from her brothers, it was simple overwhelming. The sheer emotion, naked and passionate, was enough to almost make Kayura faint. She slowly picked herself off the floor, trying to unscramble her emotions from Anubisu’s, trying to push him out of her mind.

When she managed to stand, Kayura grabbed her staff and tried to track him down. Rajura would be with him, after an outburst like that, and Naaza would probably be there, too. She found the strangest sight when she finally managed to track them down. Anubisu was being helped to his feet by Rajura and Naaza was cursing angrily. Anubisu didn’t look at all happy and shrugged Rajura off.

“I’ll kill them all!” He thundered, furiously. Anubisu pushed away from Naaza who’d come to help him when he staggered. “Leave me alone, I’ll gut them like fish!”

“Who?” Rajura demanded. “Who took him?”

Anubisu almost calmed down, then. “I…I don’t know. He’s just gone!”

Whatever was going on, Kayura had no idea what it was, but she felt sure it had something to do with the white tiger she’d seen with the ronins so many times. It looked as angry as Anubisu, snarling and clawing at the floor. It roared loud enough to shake the palace before it charged right at Kayura. It took her by surprised, making Kayura hold up her staff in front of her defensively, but there proved to be no need. It only took a few bounding leaps before, in the middle of a leap, vanished into mid-air.

By no means, did that stop the chaos.

Anubisu, still in the throws of his fury, flung off Naaza yet again and called his yoroi to him, obviously ready to march into war. Whatever he had planned, Anubisu wasn’t willing to share. He, like the tiger, vanished into mid-air.

“Well,” Naaza sourly shook his head and rubbed the place where he’d struck it against the wall. “That went well. Your orders?”

Rajura glared at him, then at the spot where Anubisu had been. “Find the ronins.” He whispered in an ominously quiet tone. “Find them and see what’s happened to our dear boy. I’ll deal with the other aspects of this muddle.” He cast a glance at Kayura and seemed to be thinking. “You,” He stood a little straighter. “Will come with me. Time you learned to deal with such disturbances. Go put your best robes on.”

So, dressed in her finest, Kayura clutched at her staff and waited for Rajura to ready himself. Whatever he was doing, staring into the fire like that, Kayura had no idea. She didn’t dare interrupt him, though.

At last, Rajura stood up, pushing himself to his feet and one smooth movement. He looked Kayura up and down, critically examining her from all angles. “You’ll do. Hold yourself a little straighter. Put your chin up, you’re an empress, you must behave like one. The people we’re about to meet are very impressed with position and power. For now, I’ll speak for you, my empresses.”

“Who are these people?” Kayura did as Rajura told her, standing straighter and holding her chin high. Strangely, just standing as if she had confidence DID help a little.


It didn’t shock Kayura. She was young, not stupid. “Anubisu’s other family, then?”

“Yes. I’ve had an ongoing bargain with them for quite some time. This will affect things. Besides which, they might know something about Ryou’s disappearance.”

Kayura was very proud that she didn’t react to the name. She knew it was that boy whom Anubisu had gotten himself connected to, she couldn’t not know after the terrible reaction from Rajura unleashing his memories. She’d seen it and felt it, right along with Anubisu, as if she had been the one drinking the boy’s blood and slipping into his mind. It was such a strange, dirty feeling.

Oh, she knew it wasn’t really dirty. She was happy for Anubisu that he loved someone, but it felt wrong that Kayura should share those thoughts and emotions. It seemed to her that those were the kind of things that should be kept private and she was certain he wasn’t happy about the others sharing them.

“They already know the whole story.” Rajura was saying, drawing Kayura back out of his thoughts. “You’ll do them the courtesy of calling them by their proper names, Miko and Abraham instead of Nasutei and Jun. Also, when you speak with them, remember that it’s Abraham who is master, not Miko.”

“I know.” How could one forget? To think the two seemingly weakest people fighting on the ronin’s side were in actuality, the stronger than any mere human. “What are you going to tell them?”

“Me? I’ll tell them nothing. You are empress. I am merely your guard and obedient servant.” His voice shifted until Kayura heard it only in her mind. It was the closest she’d ever been to her eldest brother, though she wished he’d have done it willingly instead of to help Anubisu. I’LL STAY IN CONTACT WITH YOU THIS WAY, THEN YOU’LL KNOW WHAT TO SAY IF ABRAHAM SHOULD GET WILY.







Kayura swallowed hard and felt her confidence start to shrivel until Rajura put a hand under her chin and forced her to look up at him, again.



Ningen Sekai-

Nasutei was faint with fear when she listened to Xiu on the phone. Dear, sweet little Ryou was gone. ‘I let him out of my sight for just a moment and he gets himself kidnapped!’ It didn’t even cross her mind that Ryou had just run away. Xiu wouldn’t have been so upset if it was something so pedestrian. And a car accident? Lucky the boys weren’t killed and how that would upset poor little Kujurrou to lose his Ryou!

“I’m going to the hospital!” She announced as soon as she’d set the phone down.

“Calm down.” Abraham, looking sour and glowering at the phone as if it were the phone’s fault about the bad news. “Nothing will be solved by your running around, my dove.”

“Father, they might know something! Xiu was awake and Touma spoke to Ryou just before he was taken. I can’t just sit here. Rajura will take it as breaking our bargain if something’s happened to Ryou.”

He shoot her a poisonous look at stopped her words instantly. “You think I have a care for that spider? Let him be cursed and have done with it. If there’s someone powerful enough to take Ryou right from under the eyes of two perfectly healthy and able warriors. They must be immensely powerful and stealthy. Who would want him, that’s what I want to know.”

“You’re forbidding me to go?” Miko couldn’t believe it.

“Forbidding? No. I just want you to calm yourself and think. We might be up against something big. Something dangerous.”

Miko felt her fangs descent as her fury nearly overtook her. “ I AM dangerous!”

Abraham did nothing but raise an eyebrow at her. “Do not raise your voice to me, my dove. Never before have you put yourself against me. Don’t start now, not when little Kuj needs us most.” He tapped his little fingers on the chair’s arm. “I’ve never stifled you, you may go to the boys, if that eases your mind. I’ll stay. Rajura will be here momentarily, no doubt.”

“Are you certain? Byakuren went to see him hours ago and we haven’t heard word. It’s possible that he’s betrayed us.” Her voice turned as dark as her thoughts. “His reputation doesn’t speak well of him. Perhaps he’s betrayed us. Maybe he hasn’t unveiled Kujurrou’s memories as he promised. Maybe he’s killed Byakuen and that’s why we have…stop smirking! It’s possible!”

“Though unlikely. The wyrm has vast power of its own, even one such as Rajura would have trouble taking its life. If something so horrible has happened to Ryou that we should be worrying, then Kujuurou will know about it. He’s gotten too close and I think you know it as well as I do. One taste of Kujuurou’s blood and they’ll be blood-bonded. If Kujuurou knows something, Rajura knows it as well.”

“And I do.” Rajura spoke before they saw him, but he did them the courtesy of waiting to enter the room until he was noticed. They didn’t see the girl until Rajura stepped in. While Rajura was dressed simply, in his kimono, Lady Kayura was far more formal in bright silks and ornaments in her hair. “I see we’re expected.”

Abraham nodded sharply. “You are. My dove,” He looked at Miko. “Would you still go to visit our boys or stay to listen?”

“I’ll go, sire.” Miko bowed low to him, thankful that he’d given her the choice. In such stressful moments, it was like Abraham to be more tight with his control. “You’ll tell me what I need to know when I see you again, I’m sure.” She kissed his cheek before she left and cast both Rajura and Lady Kayura suspicious looks before she left the house. There was nothing she could do if she stayed, anyway.

Though Miko could live by daylight, by the advantage of her age, she was pleased that the sun was setting by the time she set foot out the door. The night always was more comfortable for flying. She took not one step from the doorway before she was air born and heading for the city.

It took time, infuriatingly, to find the boys, but find them she did and she marched into the waiting room. “Where are they?” She planted the palms of her hands on the desk of the reception nurse and tried very hard to control both her temper and her strength. “My boys! They’ve been brought here.”

“Please, take it easy, ma’am.” The nurse barely flinched from Miko’s demanding voice. “Give me the names of your children and I’ll find them for you.”

“Not my children, not really. There was a car accident. Faun Xiulei, Date Seiji.” She looked around the waiting room, but didn’t recognize any other faces. “Hashiba Touma and Mouri Shin should be around here, somewhere but I didn’t think they were in the accident. They might have been, but…”

“Please, ms…?”

“Yagiyu. Yagiyu Nasutei. Are they here?”

“I do have all four of them listed at patients, but some of their parents are already here. You can ask them if you‘ll be allowed to visit. The Mouri’s are with their sons and Date-san’s grandfather is sitting with him. In fact, Mouri-san!” She half stood at her desk and waved a hand to get the attention of woman just coming down the hall. “There she is. Mouri-san!”

“Yes?” Mouri-san was very elegant, but had deep lines around her eyes and a tense set to her mouth.

“This young lady claims to know your sons and the other boys brought in. She‘d like to visit with your sons, with your permission.”

“I don’t know you.” Mouri-san said, doubtfully.

“Shin might have spoken about me. Yagiyu Nasutei? They’re boarding at my house for school.”

A light of recognition came on in Mouri-san’s eyes, but outwardly she showed no signs of it. “I see. Yes, he’s mentioned you. Shin and Touma have both woken up, though they still aren’t well. I think they’d appreciate a visit. Will you please come with me.” She then frowned at something over Miko’s shoulder and her tense mouth became set with something a little harder. “They are resting in room 102, please feel free to go yourself.” She, however, stayed rooted to the spot where she stood.

Curiously, Miko turned to see what had make Mouri-san so unhappy. There was another woman glaring at Mouri-san while a man spoke to her, quietly. With her enhanced hearing, Miko could hear every word as clear as crystal.

“Don’t do this. You’re only going to end up making more trouble than he’s worth. At least wait until he’s out of the hospital. She may see that as showing consideration for him.” The man didn’t sound at all happy to be there. “I know you’re angry, but, seriously, this is a bad time for it.”

“Just let me handle this.”

Mouri-san, who most likely couldn’t hear anything of the conversation, spoke quite loudly to the nurse. “Those two,” She pointed a sharp nailed finger at the man and the woman, obviously intending for them to hear. She must have intended it because she looked right at them while she spoke to the nurse and made her voice loud enough for everyone in the waiting room to hear. “They are NOT allowed to visit my sons, either of them! If you have to call security to restrain them, please feel free. If you have to call the police, again, feel free.” Her eyes narrowed, dangerously. “I’ll have a restraining order issued in the morning.”

The look of outrage on the woman’s face and the look of relief on the man’s face was almost comical.

But there was no time for that and, frankly, Miko didn’t even care who they were. She strode passed the irate Mouri-san, who still showed no inclination of moving from where she stood, and made her way to room 102. If she thought she was prepared for the worst, she was wrong. Touma was out of bed, sitting in a chair by the window, while Shin still lay in his. They’d been given a room together which was mostly likely a request by Shin’s mothers, one of whom was sitting on the unoccupied bed with a paper cup of coffee in her hands.

“Oh, do we know you?” She asked. Neither Touma nor Shin looked like they were in any condition to do much of anything.

“I’m a friend.” Miko assured her. “How are they?” Though both boys had their eyes open, she wasn’t really sure if they were awake. She could hear their hearts beating, so they were definitely alive, but they just stared into empty space.

“We’re awake, Nasty.” Touma said from where he stared out the window. “Just feeling a bit…out, at the moment.” He turned with a visible effort and she saw his eyes looked dull and lifeless. It worried Nasty terribly, she’d never seen her boys so poorly off. It was worse than when they’d been fighting. “Seen Ryou, lately?”

“No.” Nasty went to Touma and put her hand on his forehead. No fever. That was good, at least. Then Miko could be fairly certain she could blame this lethargy on Ryou being missing. “I’m sorry. How are the others?”

Touma sucked in a deep breath and pushed himself up to sit a little straighter. “Sorry, about all this. Shin and I aren’t really hurt, Nasty. We’re just…kinda…tired, I guess is the right word for it.” He didn’t look well, no matter what he said. “Xiu called you, right? He said he did. Went and hurt his throat again doing it.”

“Don’t look like that,” Shin spoke up for the first time. “He’s not all that badly hurt. It’s just going to take him a while to recover his voice.” She didn’t move a muscle when he spoke except for his mouth. For all that, he might have been dead. His skin was unbearably waxen and he lay on the bed in a sort of sprawl, like he’d tried to stand, but hadn’t been able to quite make it and fallen. “Ryou’s missing. Xiu told you that.” Shin began to struggle until he managed to push himself upright. His mother watched his efforts without interfering with a worried frown. Shin cast her a look. “Don’t cry, again, mum. Won’t help anything.” He rolled his shoulders and bent and unbent his legs. “Gotta get moving. Can’t just lay about all day.”

Shin managed to stand with just a little stumble. “There. See, nothing to it, mum.”

‘Mum’ didn’t look entirely convinced. “You’ll be the death of me, child!” She stood up and went to him, petting his arm and brushing the hair out of his eyes. “You need a haircut.”

“This is hardly the time, mum.”

“Give me a break. I’m a mother. Details worry me.” But she pulled herself away from Shin and forced a smile. “Why don’t you two go take your friend to visit? You, too, Touma.” She tugged on his arm until he stood and then helped him straighten his shirt. “The doctors say you’re both fit, so you might as well stretch your legs. They say it was just shock that made you both faint. You’re being officially discharged in a couple of hours so don’t get too used to the room.” She virtually shoved them all out of the room telling them that she was going pop down to the maternity ward - since she was there anyway she wanted to talk to her pediatrician - and if they still wanted to sleep they could do it just as well at home and to not even think about the sleep over they’d had planned for the dojo. They weren’t leaving home until she was sure they were alright.

“She doesn’t get it.” Touma confided in Miko when they were in the hallway. “We’re not really alright. We won’t die, but Ryou’s missing. You understand, don’t you, Nasty?”

“I think so. Just don’t push yourselves. We’ll get Ryou back, no matter what.” If she had to persuade Abraham to rouse the whole community, then she would do it. Whoever took Ryou no doubt caused great pain to her baby. She would have revenge, one way or the other. Whether or not Touma and Shin believed her, they didn’t say. Most probably, they thought she was being foolish. Miko put one arm over each of their shoulders. ‘Let them think what they like. I won’t let them get hurt, again.’

It was just then that Miko realized someone was staring at her back. When she looked over her shoulder she was more than a little surprised to see one of her relatives, one of Abraham’s children’s children. He was very tall and brown with no hair at all and four hoop earrings in one ear. “Boys,” She smiled at Shin and Touma. “You two go ahead. I have someone I have to speak to.”

They both looked at the man, then shrugged at each other. “Yell out if you need us. Seiji’s room’s right up the hall.” As if they could do anything to help if Aron should decide to attack. Not that he would. Aron was much smarter than that.

Miko urged them to go on without her and waited until she couldn’t see them before she spoke to Aron. “You’ve gotten a new job.”

“I always like the medical profession, Miko-san.” He looked to where Shin and Touma had gone. “They’re yours?”

“Yes. Why?”

He shrugged and gave a rueful smile. “Well, the blue haired one was rather pretty. I was rather hoping to have him as my own.”

“Sorry.” She patted his arm, good-naturedly. “He, and several others, are all mine. How many others are here?”

“Only two. Lili and Racksha in pediatrics and down the morgue.” He gave her a closer look. “Something wrong, Miko-san?”

“Nothing I care to discuss in public.” Another nurse passed by, forcing them to halt their conversation. When she’d passed Miko spoke again. “Be ready, though. Abraham is NOT happy at the moment.”

“Something to do with those boys?”

“What makes you think that?”

“Otherwise, you’d be at his side, not here.”

Miko stepped away from Aron. She’d always liked him. “I have to go see to my boys. Anything odd happens around here, let me know. If you see anyone who looks out of place, I want to know right away.” After all, if someone had taken Ryou, there was no saying that they wouldn’t try to take the rest of the boys.

Aron ran a hand over his bald head, a habit he’d had for a great many years. He wasn’t as old as Miko, but he was a few decades old. “Out of place? Like the fae?”

It stopped Miko in her tracks. “Fae? There was a fae here?” The thought made her blood boil. No vampire liked the fae just as no fae liked the vampires. It was an ancient dislike and no one really knew why it had started in the first place. “There were fae and you didn’t think to report it? What were you thinking, Aron?! We could have been rid of one of those filthy creatures!”

“Well, she seemed harmless enough. I couldn’t think what a fae would be doing in a hospital, though.”

“Up to no good, I’ll warrant!” Miko glowered at Aron. “Where is she? This disgusting trash?! Where did she go?”

“Down to maternity, last time I saw her. She didn’t seem like she was causing any trouble.”

“All fae cause trouble. It’s in their vile nature. Go down to maternity. If she’s still here, you let me know. I’ll take care of her personally.”

Grandfather Date-

Date Kanto watched Seiji breathe. It was all Seiji could do. There was no sign of outward injury, but that really meant nothing. There had been some kind of injury to the head and, because of that, Seiji just didn’t wake up. It felt like hours since he’d gotten the call from Mouri-san. ‘It’s not fair.’ He thought, bitterly. ‘I’ve already lost my son and my daughter-in-law. Why Seiji? Can’t I have someone left? Fate took dear Akane and then took her life so cruelly. Why can’t I have my grandson?” He wanted to scream, but that would not have done any good. Instead, Kanto took his grandson’s hand in his and just held it.

“Date-san,” It was the Mouri boy, Shin. He didn’t look much improved from when Kanto had first seen him when he’d arrived at the hospital. At least now the boy was awake and walking. Ah, both boys. Touma stepped into the room behind Shin and then followed a young woman with very long brown hair. “May we visit?”

“Yes,” Kanto stood and moved to offer the young woman with them a chair. “Please, I’m sure he’d be glad for the company.” Maybe visitors would help. Maybe Seiji would hear their voices and wake. Maybe… ‘He’s the last of my line. The last hope my family has of continuing. I know I’ll never have grandchildren, but…I had hoped I would live long enough to see my grandson grow into a man.” Kanto thought of his other grandson who was missing. “Both my grandsons.’

The Date House-

There was no doubt in the wyrm’s mind about what had happened. The imp had taken Ryou and, it knew, imps did not travel to Earth without reason. The only creatures who could command the stubborn little imps were the fae. The one who commanded the fae was the infamous Lady-Queen Sedari.

‘That thing will taste my blade. I’ll make her uglier than her worst nightmares! I‘ll carve off her face and mangle her body until not even her own mother would recognize her!’

For that, the wyrm needed its swords.

The wyrm appeared in its true form when it arrived in the Date house. It stormed through the house until it reached the room Ryou and Seiji had shared before they’d set out to the foreordained war. Of course, it was exactly where Ryou had left it - tucked under the bed he’d used for only a few short months.

“Blade of my forbearers,” The wrym cried when he pulled the elegant katana from under the bed. It’s blade shone in the dim light and the ruby eye of the dragon hilt glimmered. “Your place is in my hand, my will is yours.” It held the katana up to it’s lizard-like face. It had been a long time since it had held the Ryoken in its clawed hand and how right it felt to hold the ancient weapon, again. He needed only the twin and then all would be right, again.

The eye of the dragon, the tiny ruby Ryou had lovingly polished so often in his childhood, flared to life and began to glow with the promise of battle.

To be continued…