Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Warrior Call ❯ Non-pleasentries ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ronin Warriors
Warrior Call
By Janime Lee
Part Twenty-eight -- Non-pleasantries
"And I thought cosplayers in Japan were scary," Rowen said.
"That was traumatizing," Sage agreed; he held out his hand to Cye and helped the Torrent Ronin up the cliff side.
Cale looked at Ryo. "Are you certain that was a guy?"
"Yes," the Wildfire Ronin grunted his answer as his right hand searched for a ridge to take hold of. "That was definitely a guy wearing a pink dress."
"Jessie knows some very strange people," Dayus said, adjusting his scythes in the rocky surface.
Kayura was nestled safely in her husband's arms as everyone scaled the red mountain cliffs the Ancient One had directed them to. Despite that Kayura would have no more trouble climbing than the others, Dayus insisted on carrying his wife.
"You do know that when I fainted last week, I was in my own body," Kayura whispered to him. "I doubt that I would faint inside Jessie's mind."
"I'm not taking any chances," Dayus answered and hauled them up.
"What are you two talking about?" Sekhmet looked at them.
"He's trying to be romantic," said Kayura.
"Don't you think you two should wait until after we get out of here?" Kento asked.
"Ah, shut up and keep climbing," Dayus snipped quietly, which he received a slight glare from his wife.
They continued their ascent, finally reaching the top after what felt like hours of climbing. At the top was a deep red house with a blue door in the center outlined by a white painted wood frame.
"That's not Jessie's house," Ryo announced.
"It's Casey's," said Sage. Slight drawback of having to share your Armor -- you also have to share your memories.
"Really?" Cale asked and ran to the front door.
"Get back here!" Dayus yelled, but the Corruption Warlord went inside.
"He never learns," Sekhmet grumbled and they all followed suit.
One by one, the Ronins and Warlords cautiously walked through the front door, which led them into a small foyer. To their right was a staircase leading up to the second floor, and to the left was a rather spacious living room with only one couch, a coffee table, and a small TV set in the corner near the three windows. The walls were maple-colored wood paneling, and light colored curtains shielded the windows.
"Any ideas when this memory is?" Rowen asked.
"August third," Cale pointed to the calendar hanging by the wall near the staircase.
The others looked at the calendar and sure enough, it was on the month of August with the first and second crossed off, and the third marked with a smiley face with "Happy Day!" written underneath.
"And the smiley face is for?" Kento asked.
"Her divorce was finalized on August third," Cale answered. "So we're not committing adultery."
You can still burn in hell for other things, Sage thought.
The back door was suddenly flung open and Jessie bolted through the kitchen into the small foyer. She was wearing black jeans, sneakers, and a red tank top. She slid across the hardwood floor as she tried to stop on the small area rug, almost going past the staircase but managed to grab the railing. Her feet and lower half continued to go in the direction of momentum, but the grip she had on the railing prevented the rest of her body to follow. This caused her to twist and she fell to her knees.
"Ow! Shit, that hurt," she grunted as she jumped to her feet. Her devious grin was on and a strange look of overjoyed insanity sparkled in her eyes as she raced up the stairs.
"What… the… hell?" Kento asked.
"Is it just me," Cye began, "or did Jessie look a little freaky there?"
"Freaky," Rowen agreed. "Ryo?"
"What are you looking at me for?" the Wildfire Ronin asked. "I've never seen her like that."
Joana and Twyla raced into the foyer just as Jessie thundered down the stairs. In her hands, the tall girl now held a palm-sized camcorder. The other two barred the path to the kitchen--Joana wearing a short sleeved white button shirt and light blue thin slacks, Twyla had on a sleeveless lavender summer dress ending just below her knees.
"Get out of my way!" Jessie said in a tone that was very unlike her. It was like a young child had just been let loose in a candy/toy store combination.
"Put it back, Jessie," said Twyla.
"I have been waiting too long for something like this," Jessie replied, her voice going down a level. "This is payback for calling me Porky Pig two years ago!"
"Sis, come on," Joana tried to calm her. "Like now, Casey was drunk--she didn't know what she was saying."
"She apologized when she was sober," Twyla picked up.
The Ronins and Warlords could tell by the look on Jessie's face that she wasn't buying their protests.
"I don't care," Jessie grinned wider. "She's running around outside naked, and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees what an idiot she made of herself."
Cale slowly moved towards the kitchen, and then Sekhmet grabbed his right arm.
"Jolt and vodka will do that to a person, we know," Twyla said.
"Come on, sis," Joana looked at her, "You really don't want to do this to Casey, do you?"
Jessie's face calmed a little and she stepped back to the stairs, which made Joana and Twyla relax.
"Casey!" Nat yelled from outside. "Put your clothes back on!"
"I am the Nymph Queen!" Casey's slurred voice rang into the house.
The Armor Wearers' heads all snapped towards to the back door at the same time Jessie bolted passed her friends and outside, nearly knocking down Twyla and Joana.
"Jessie!" Joana cried and the two ran after her.
"What the!" exclaimed Jade.
"A camera?" Gwen followed. "Jessie, you're sick!"
"I got a blanket!" Elisa yelled. "Someone stop her!"
"Hell no!" Nat shot back. "She's doing cartwheels! I'm not going near her!"
"Oh dear lord," Cye covered his eyes.
"And she wore my Armor?" Sage looked pained.
"That's my woman, Halo," Cale growled.
"You can have her!" the blonde replied.
"Just make sure she never gets drunk again," said Kayura.
"Yeah, we were lucky on New Year's," Kento said dryly.
"Casey! Sit still!" Twyla shouted.
"Keep going, Casey!" Jessie encouraged. "I'll be sure to send Hugh Hefner your audition tape!"
"Sekhmet," Cale looked at the green-haired Warlord, "I'd like to apologize."
"For what?"
Cale slammed his right foot on top of Sekhmet's left, which caused the Venom Warlord to yelp and release Cale as he went to cradle his injured foot, glaring daggers at Cale running out of the house.
"I'm going to kill him!" Sekhmet hissed and ran after Cale.
The rest of the group followed Sekhmet. When they passed through the door, instead of Casey's backyard--much to the disappointment of Cale--the Nine were now in the enclosed courtyard of Tokyo University.
Unlike the memory of Jessie's high school, there were students in the courtyard but frozen and gray like statues. At one of the picnic tables, Jessie and Ryo sat across from each other. Each were looking at a textbook with notebooks in front of them, taking notes, and their lunches to the side.
Our philosophy assignment, Ryo thought.
The students turned to normal as the Ronins and Warlords approached the table where Ryo and Jessie sat.
"Poor Socrates," Jessie said around a mouthful of bologna sandwich. "Found guilty of defying the gods and drank poison as his punishment."
"Yeah, but he was given the option to go into exile," Ryo said after he swallowed his Pepsi.
"It's said there is no fate worse than death," Jessie put down her sandwich and stretched her arms upwards, "and others say that death is a release."
Ryo quirked an eyebrow. "Not for me. I have too much to live for."
/That makes two of us,/ Jessie sent.
Ryo looked at her then turned his eyes to his textbook. /I thought we agreed we wouldn't mind-speak at school./
/We're not in class, Ryo,/ Jessie mimicked his action. /Besides, weren't you the one who suggested we should practice?/
"You said it was Jessie's idea," Kayura looked at the Ronin leader.
"You can hear our thoughts?" Ryo asked.
"They're part of her memories, aren't they?"
"Uh oh…"
"Why do I get the feeling we're about to find out something interesting?" Rowen looked at the memory.
/So what are you getting the guys for Christmas?/ Jessie asked.
/Haven't started yet./
/I know, I know, it's the middle of November but the guys are so hard to shop for./
/You've known them for how long and you still haven't figured them out?/ Jessie asked.
/They'll keep you surprised despite knowing them for a long time. Feels like eternity at some points,/ Ryo smiled.
"Oh gee, thanks, Ryo," Kento mock pouted.
"Jessie! Ryo!" a blonde young woman wearing jeans, sneakers, and a grey shirt with a kitten on it quickly walked over to their table.
"Hi, Angel."
/Thank the Ancient One Ishida is not with her,/ Ryo sent.
/Be nice,/ Jessie warned and scooted over for Angel to sit. "What's up?"
"I missed chemistry yesterday," Angel explained. "What was the assignment? I have to do it tonight or my butt's in a sling."
"Don't want to lose your new boyfriend if you flunk?" Ryo asked then grunted at the sharp pain in his right shin.
"I'm sorry, Ryo," Angel smiled at him falsely. "Was that your leg? I was only stretching."
/She did that on purpose!/ Ryo shouted mentally.
/Serves you right,/ Jessie sent back. /I know you don't like Ishida but he's good to Angel and they're crazy about each other./
/She has to be crazy to go out with him./
/Ryo, do you want to feel pain in your other leg?/
"So that's why you were limping," Kento grinned. "Liar."
"Not entirely," Cye spoke, "he did hurt his leg by his own fault."
Sage looked at Ryo. "You said you fell down the down the stairs."
"No, I did fall down the stairs," Ryo admitted, "but it was after she kicked me."
"Thanks, Jessie," Angel finished copying the assignment. "Oh! Ishida!"
/Please don't come over here,/ Ryo begged.
/Too late,/ Jessie sent.
"My Angel," Ishida walked over to the table and kissed the blonde woman.
"I have to watch this again?" the Wildfire Ronin grumbled.
"Not necessarily," Rowen pointed to his left, "you can go over there and we can watch."
"Fine," Ryo turned from the memory just as Ishida sat down causing the phantom Ryo to flinch. Nothing really private happened after that so the Ronin Leader wasn't too worried about the memory.
Still, did the guys have to see Angel kick me? Ryo frowned slightly. It faded as he approached the wall. This isn't a part of the school, he thought, it's got to be a part of Jessie.
The wall was silver with multi-colored swirls weaving back and forth as if it was alive. To the left and the right, the wall extended, going upwards and Ryo thought that he was going strain his neck.
What's behind here? Ryo walked parallel to the wall going to his right, coming upon a large crack amidst the shimmering pattern. The area around the crack had darkened and the swirls appeared to avoid that particular section by several inches.
"It's over," Kento said. "I don't know why you don't like Ishida, but he doesn't, uh, Ryo?"
Ryo slowly reached out and gently touched the crack. It spread instantly and part of the wall collapsed, vanishing into dust.
"Come on," Ryo said and ducked his head to go through the hole. "Jessie's beyond here. I can feel her."
"Considering the fact that we're in her mind," Cye spoke, "can't you feel her all around you?"
"No," Ryo looked back through the hole, "I mean I can feel her. It feels almost like her two younger personas but stronger. You have to believe me."
"We don't have much of a choice," said Kayura and she stepped through.
"Well, this is starting to become interesting," Yurei smirked at the mist that revealed the Ronins and Warlords passing through the wall. "Wait till they see what's in here."
She chuckled and waved her hand through the mist, causing the visual to fade away. The Nether Realm Princess turned and looked at Jessie, still suspended within the circle of Nether Spirits.
"How is it that you and Wildfire could sense each other long before you knew about the Armors?" Yurei frowned at the motionless woman. "There's more to the two of you and that damn monk is hiding it. I guess I should go pay him and your two copies a visit. After all, I need those little brats to complete you."
"And the outside of Jessie's house," Ryo announced.
"Boy, do they stand out," Rowen said, "the only brown house on the street."
Kento looked at the house. The front door was located to the left, beside that were two sets of windows--one set had three windows, the other had two. Bushes grew underneath the windows and beside the front steps. The driveway was to the left of the house and a chain-linked gate blocked access to the backyard.
Something's off about this, the Hardrock Ronin thought with a slight frown. Then again ever since they walked through that crack in the wall, everything felt off despite the normal appearance of the memories.
"Well," Sage broke the uncomfortable silence, "shall we go in?"
The Armor Wearers walked to the front door, which was wide open--something that troubled Ryo, and went inside single file.
The red carpet that had been on the second floor inside Jessie's other memory, extended down the stairs to the foyer and went into the living room. A couch was set underneath the three-set window facing the fireplace, a small table on each side supporting a lamp. There was another doorway next to the fireplace leading to the dining room; across from the front door lead to the kitchen.
"How nineteen-sixties," Rowen commented at the yellow-ish laminate flooring, the wood paneled walls and dark brown cabinets, and the yellow countertop.
"Damn, that dishwasher's old," Kento looked at the golden mustard color front of said device. No one had to say anything about the double-oven stove. It was ugly enough.
"Now I understand why Jessie said it was a good thing that the kitchen was remodeled," said Dayus.
There was a closed door next to the one the nine had walked through, which led to the basement. The table was in the center of the kitchen--a large round dark piece of wood set atop a surprisingly decorated stand.
Jessie and Hank appeared, sitting at the kitchen table. They were around the ages of six and eight; both children looked frightened--Jessie more than her brother and wiped at her eyes, sniffling.
"Quiet!" Hank said through his teeth.
Footsteps coming up the basement stairs made them pale and they quickly held their arms straight out over the kitchen table. The door opened and their father stumbled slightly over the last step. Dark hair, almost black, was a mess. Deep brown eyes were unfocused. He had a belt in his right hand and reeked of liquor. His jeans were filthy from the day's work and there were a few wet spots on his faded blue T-shirt hinting that he had dribbled.
He staggered through the kitchen towards the bathroom, pausing at the table and stared at Hank. "You moved…" he said. Hank shook his head and then his father backhanded him. "I SAID DON'T MOVE!" he yelled.
Jessie jerked back and let out a frightened sob. This caught her father's vague attention.
"You wanna cry?" he asked and swung the belt, hitting Jessie's face. The impact caused her upper lip to split and she yelped. "I'll give you something to cry about!"
He grabbed the back of her neck and shoved Jessie down against the table. Over and over he brought the belt down against Jessie's back and rear, while Hank just watched, fighting back his own tears and somehow managed to keep his arms above the table.
Everyone just watched in horror at the scene before them. There was nothing they could do to help. It was the past and nothing could be done to change it, no matter how terrible it was.
Cye's heart ached every time Jessie cried out. His face darkened over and he clenched his fists. The stories his older half-brother, Cecil, had told him resurfaced. Even if what he was watching now was just a memory, no child should endure this.
"Get away from her!" the Torrent Ronin shouted and ran forward, grabbing Jessie's left arm. The moment Cye took hold of the child's arm, he vanished. Then Jessie's eyes changed from the gentle dark brown to the light blue of Cye's eyes.
We just wanted apple juice.
Mommy, why did you go?
I don't want to be here with daddy without you.
Why couldn't we go with you?
What did we do wrong?
Did we make you unhappy?
I want Grandpa!
The beating stopped and Jessie slumped back into her chair painfully. She had grown quiet, and the tears slowed. The blood ran from her lip and dripped over her chin onto her Care Bears shirt.
"You…" the drunken man pointed at Hank, "go to bed in an hour. And you," he slapped the back of Jessie's head, "stay here… you better be here in the morning…"
Their father left the kitchen and walked upstairs. Once the footsteps stopped and they heard the bedroom door close, Hank sighed and lowered his arms. Jessie put her arms on the table and buried her wounded face. The two children faded away, leaving Cye in Jessie's chair.
Kento walked over to his best friend and knelt next to the chair. "Cye?"
"Apple… juice…"
Cye raised his head from the table, face streaked with tears. "He beat them both… that drunk bastard hit them because of a glass of apple juice!"
"…Where was her mother?" Rowen asked, still disturbed.
"Spending a week in Ireland," Cye answered bitterly and wiped his face. "Jessie and Hank wanted to stay with their grandfather, but…" He shook his head and stood angrily up from the table, storming outside the house into the backyard.
Cye covered his face with both hands and breathed deeply. He could still feel the pain from the beating and taste the blood in his mouth. He had experienced what Jessie had gone through, felt everything, and knew what she was thinking.
"How does she do it?" he asked quietly and looked up at the sky. "Jessie, how do you love and hate someone at the same time?"
He exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair. He paused, looking at the above-ground swimming pool over by the garage. It was fifteen feet diameter by five feet deep average size with a small deck next to it.
"Cye?" Ryo called as the other Ronins and Warlords walked out into the backyard.
The Torrent Ronin held his hand up and walked across the lawn towards the pool.
"Wouldn't this be a bad time to take a swim?" Cale asked quietly.
"No," Dayus shook his head. "He knows something from her memories."
Cye stopped a couple feet away from the pool. The water was clear and very still. It was just there, ordinary looking, not doing anything strange.
But the longer Cye stared at it, the more it bothered him. He couldn't figure it out. Jessie was practically a water rat like he was. The following week after the girls moved into the mansion, Jessie had spent over two hours in the downstairs bathtub, claiming that she was "getting in tune with her element." She was an Aquarius, after all.
But there was something wrong, very wrong about the pool. It was making Cye sick and the rage just boiled in his system. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Cye kicked the side of the pool. It burst open and flooded the area so fast, nobody had time to react. The water kept flowing as if a dammed river had been let loose, becoming a whirlpool and sucked the Nine down, depositing them on muddy red dirt.
"Nice move," Sekhmet coughed and glared at Cye.
"What was that for?" Sage demanded, ringing out his left sleeve.
"Sorry," the Torrent Ronin apologized. "I just… there was something about the pool and… I don't know what… but it was just disgusting."
"Alright," Ryo stood up, pushing his damp hair away from his face. "No one interacts with Jessie's memories," he looked at Cye, still amazed that the Torrent Ronin had tried to help, "no matter how bad they are."
Anubis looked at Shikaizen with a grin. "Are you going to get it when they wake up."
The demon priest snarled at the spirit, but then started to chuckle. "So you think you can protect them with that parlor trick you're using as a barrier? Pity that you can't protect them from each other."
Shikaizen reached into his left black and red sleeve and pulled out another set of beads. He started to chant and slowly Casey, Joana, Gwen, Twyla, Jade, Nat, Mia, Elisa and Leon rose to their feet. Their eyes were hazed over and blank expressions masked their faces.
White Blaze growled at Shikaizen and stepped back. The tiger couldn't hurt them; the only thing he could do was try to keep them from getting close to the Ronins and Warlords.
Oh crap, Anubis thought and looked at Kayura.
Kaosu gently ran his right hand through the thirteen-year-old Jessie's hair, being careful not to pull the tangles. The girl was asleep with her head on his lap and she looked peaceful. The monk looked over at the seven-year-old version of Jessie who was currently making Bongo do acrobatic acts and enjoying the event.
Silver eyes looked back down at the sleeping girl. She moved slightly then stilled when the monk stopped stroking her hair and took her hand in his.
Damn you, Michael, Kaosu thought bitterly. If you hadn't interfered they would have been alright. Why did have to take them away…
His head snapped up, and he shook Jessie-thirteen's shoulder.
"Saint?" she asked groggily and rubbed her eyes.
"We have to go," Kaosu said. "Little One."
Jessie-seven was sitting on the makeshift swing Bongo had improvised with his tentacles. She paused her swinging and looked at the Jedi-monk.
"Let's go," Kaosu took hold of Jessie-thirteen's hand and started towards Jessie-seven and her pet.
"Leaving so soon, monk?" Yurei asked as she appeared. "How rude."
Bongo growled as the Ancient One pushed the two girls behind him. "And I think it's rude of you to be copying Jessie. Why don't you drop your little façade and show what you really look like."
Yurei chuckled. "Don't think so. I prefer to mess with your precious Ronins' minds. Halo just about had a breakdown when he found out I took over her body." She rubbed her upper left arm. "But not before inflicting a little damage. That'll be a damper on his hopes. I also told Sekhmet he should let go of his."
"I said that you're so much like your father," Kaosu shook his head, "but I'm starting to believe that you are worse."
"Why thank you," Yurei bowed mockingly.
"Susanei would be very disappointed in you."
Yurei glared at him, eyes flashing red. "This has nothing to do with her," she hissed. "Susanei was the betrayer and got what she deserved. My only regret was not being there when the Emperor declared her punishment."
"Saber Stryke occupy too much of your time?" Kaosu asked. "Why else do you think Talpa put his soul inside that armor like Saranbo and Sun Devil?"
"Those two idiots couldn't even handle cattle. Saber was punished because of me."
"Saint?" Jessie-seven whispered.
Yurei titled her head. "'Saint' are you? I guess to her you are one; except for a few occasions when you didn't… save her."
Kaosu narrowed his eyes.
"Your precious Ronins take up too much of your time?" Yurei smirked. "What was more important, monk? That simpering child you've become so attached to or-"
She stopped, feeling the urgent calling from the Nether Spirits. How did they get to her so quickly?
"I'm afraid I have to leave you for now, oh Ancient Saint," Yurei said, "but I'll be visiting you again after I take care of your other charges."
Kaosu let out a sigh of relief when the Nether Realm Princess vanished.
"She looked like us…" Jessie-thirteen said quietly.
Kaosu turned around, finding Jessie-seven hugging Jessie-thirteen--both were very frightened.
"Is she us?" the older girl asked.
"No," the Jedi clad monk shook his head and knelt beside them, "she is not you. She merely copied you to trick you."
"She's bad," said Jessie-seven.
"Misguided," Kaosu brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "there may be a chance she'll come back. She wasn't always like this."
"We need the rest of us," Jessie-thirteen said, "and maybe we can help her."
The Ancient One smiled. "Maybe."
August 10, 2006
Yeah, I'm looooooooooooooong overdue for this chapter. I also apologize for it being short but I want to get this out before I go to the hospital Friday, August 11th. I'm having an operation on my right leg for varicose veins. I have them in both legs but the right leg is worse. So I'm posting this now because I believe I've dallied long enough.
I'm also going to do something new here in my little note. Respond to reviewers of Part 27 (listed as Chapter 28) on
Indra: WOW
Sums it up doesn't it? (big smile)
Melissa: I love this story, it just captures the reader. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more.
Thanks for reading. Pray that when I get the next part done it's longer.
Lark Windscar: all right excellant story. please continue with this story if is very amusing and weell written, thanks
I don't plan on giving up. Lazy, maybe but I'll finish it.
Hashiba42: Yeah! Another chapter! Dang, now feel like a slacker. And the Link part... I'm guessing that wasn't entirely a random selection of a game to put in, eh? ~_^
You are not a slacker. I said in a previous note that it'd be 2006 by the time I finished this. Well, it's 2006 and I'm still going.
Heh, you're right. I'm a big Legend of Zelda fan and I absolutely love Link/Malon.
Fawx: Time to initiate fangirl squealing!! Whee! Wow, Jessies' mind is... stranely comforting (O.o?) I love this chapter... Squee... you rock the free world, Janime!
Rock away, baby!
Shin-no-Nekochan: WOW! What a Christmas present! :-D Thank you Janime! That was certainly one psychadelic adventure... especially those rabbits. ^^; I think I have to re-read this now, since I'm sure I missed a few things-- yet all of Jessie's pranks were absolutely hilarious! However, Kaosu & Ryo had the best lines in my opinion: "Once things are set in motion, nothing can change." / "I can change it and I will."
Oh and all of the Legend of Zelda images were HILARIOUS! And now I must correct myself; Sage had the best line due to the irony of it all: "Kento, in case you haven't noticed, I'm real. [Link]'s fictional." LOL!

Ha! I couldn't help putting that in there. Squeaky, Kyanite, and I crack up about it all the time.
As for the rabbits, the black one is the cameo for my pet rabbit, Rory the Wonder Bun.
MorganRay: I think I'm going to do something different and rank my favorite points of this chapter:
1) I loved how the Ronin's appeared in Jessie's mind. That was very interesting because people always look different in your head than in reality. Their odd appearance explained a lot of how she thinks of them as both people and part of the armor. That could be how she might think of her current self, too.
2) The reason why the Ancient made his claim to Jessie was finally revealed. Since the Ancient was involved with Jessie's mind in previous lives and had erased her memory, it finally explains his connections to her, and I think you're beginning to reveal one of the huge mysteries in your story. It was also sort of appropriate to see the Ancient dressed as a Jedi. Is this how Jessie thinks of him, or is this how he'll just appear?
3) The seperate Jessies were very interesting. What does modern Jessie appear like? Does she look like the Ronins, merged with her armor? How can Jessie merge with her other two selves?

One thing that did slightly disappoint me was the prank. I know, you didn't want it to be gross, but Leon would have to be a very childish, immature guy to hold that against her. Also, the lack of Jessie's friends like Joanna in her memory when the Ronin's were peering in doors seemed slightly off kilter to me, since they're supposedly very close to her.
Lovely chapter, glad to hear from you again, though. Keep up the good work!
I cannot thank you enough for beta-reading for me. I know the prank Jessie played on Leon wasn't as grand as I was hinting it to be. But as I said before my original idea was too gross.
As for Leon, he is rather immature (which he'll grow out of, hopefully). Jessie loves driving him crazy because she was/is a tomboy and Leon can't quite grasp her level of "the liberated woman."
Yeah I left out Joana and the others last chapter, which was not good. I was trying to aim for whichever door the Ronins and Warlords looked through, it would be just a random memory and by doing so would allow them to see more into Jessie's past before she met her friends. Some of it has started to come back to her but she still has a long way to go.
Dark Beloved of Light: um... i think i need cliff notes... i am so lost but still good. aye well later gator see u monday or sunday, whihcever comes first.
Hee, damn my work schedule and the morons I am employed under!
There you go, Angel. I gave you Ishida! (For those who don't know, Ishida is from Bleach)
Next chapter will be started as I recover.
Take care,