Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ When Hate Becomes Love ❯ When Hate Becomes Love ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's notes : This fic is for my friend Haryuu no Hanekata who is, like me, a big CalexSage fan. Enjoy Haryuu ! By the way I have never been to a dojo so don't yell at me if it's not like this in real life. LAST rambling, I swear ! I just don't know how to write a fighting scene for the life of me, don't be mad !

Warning : Yaoi and NC-17, mean LEMON ! I know you wanted one Haryuu ! *winks*

Disclaimer : I own nothing of nothing but the idea so don't mess with me. *glares the Heero Death Glare™* Or else you will taste my Giant Stick of Doom, given to me by my wonderful friend Angel of Fire !

When Hate Become Love

By Shadow of Arashi

Ding Dong

"Could somebody answer the door, please ?"

"I'm going, Cye."

"Thanks Sage."

Sage raised from his comfortable place on the couch and made his way to the door, sighing. Who could want to see them at 3 PM on a Sunday ? Sage pushed his blonde lock of hair out of his face, only to have it fall back into place, and opened the door. When he saw who was there, he gasped.

"Hi Halo..."

Dais said nervously to the blonde boy staring at him in total surprise. Next to him, Sekhmet and Cale were just as nervous. Sage seemed to be in shock or something, and they didn't like it. Sure, they knew that the Ronins weren't going to accept them with open arms, but they weren't expecting this. Then Sage shook his head slightly and seemed to snap out of his trance.

" I... I really wasn't expecting to see you here. What are you doing in the human world ? I thought you had stayed in the Netherrealm?"

"I know but... Kayura kicked us out of the house, and we didn't have anywhere else to go..."

Sage's visible eye widened slightly at this, but he didn't say anything.

"Well, I guess you should stay here, if only to stay out of trouble, but I need to ask the others first."

The ex-warlords nodded and waited outside as Sage disappeared into the house, glancing at each other.

Sage entered the living-room, wondering how he was going to break the news to his friends when Cye called him from the kitchen.

"So Sage, who was it ?"

".... The warlords..."

As soon as those words left Sage's lips, he heard a loud bong in the kitchen and a scream from upstairs. Sage winced and covered his ears with his hands, already knowing what was going to happen next.

"WHAT ????!!!!"

Came the chorus of five screams, at exactly the same time. Sage rolled his eyes and uncovered his ears. The next second Rowen, Ryo, Cye, Kento and Mia were all right in front of him, opened mouth and staring. Cye still had a spatula in his right hand and Ryo's hair was still wet from the shower he had been obviously taking a moment before. Sage just stared back at them, hands on hips.

"What did you say Sage ? I thought I heard you say that the warlords were here..."

"'Cause it's them, Rowen no baka. They are outside. They said Kayura kicked them out of their house and now they don't know where to go."

Ryo raised an eyebrow.

"And you are expecting us to just let them live here with us ?"

"I'm no more pleased by this than any of you guys. I'm not thrilled by the idea of living in the same house with Cale, but we can't leave them like this. They don't know our world; they'll create total panic if we leave them alone. And they don't need to stay here for life Ryo, just until Kayura takes them back."

Cye sighed and glanced at the others.

"What do you think guys ? Sage and I think it would be better if they stayed."

Kento shrugged and walked back to his room.

"As long as they don't get anywhere close to my room, I'm fine."

"I guess it's all right. They aren't evil anymore."

"Ok Mia. One more. Ryo ?"

"Majority wins. Let them in Sage."

"Ok," Sage said then left the living-room. He re-opened the door, laughing inwardly when the warlords jumped in surprise.

"Ok guys, you can come in, but only until Kayura calls you back, of course."

The warlords looked at each other, then smiled happily and entered the house.

"Thank you very much Halo. It's very nice of you,"

Dais said. Sage shrugged and led the warlords into the house.

"No need to thank me. And you can call me Sage you know."

"Oh, of course. Sorry."

Sage didn't reply and left the warlords in the hands of Cye who was waiting in the living-room, smiling. Sage didn't know how the water Ronin could smile at their old enemy, but knew that Cye would take care of them and prevent them from getting into trouble, and that was enough for him.

Now we'll have to deal with them. I hope they won't give us too much trouble, but knowing them, all hell will break loose before the end of the week, Sage thought. He didn't know how right he was.


One week later...


"Geez, you don't need to yell Halo. It's not like I'm gonna break it."


"HEY ! Don't drag me into this !"

"Rowen, shut up."

"But Cye..."

"Here we go again..."

Mia sighed as she dropped on her chair. Since the warlords had started living with them, it was WWIII between Sage and Cale. While Cye, Sekhmet, Kento and Dais had managed to make peace and had almost become friends, Sage and Cale couldn't seem to stand each other.

Mia closed her eyes but opened them again when she heard one of the guys entering the room. She smiled when she saw it was Ryo. The fire Ronin sat on a chair near Mia, took the nearest newspaper and smiled back at her.

"I wonder why they just can't seem to get along. The others did it, so why not them ?"

"I don't know Ryo. They are both making no effort to help on top of it. Cale seems to annoy Sage just to see him mad and Sage... he keeps throwing insults at Cale as soon as he gets the chance. Remember the game we played two days ago ? They started fighting in the middle of the living-room. I don't know what to do with those two..."

Ryo shrugged as if to say, 'they will work it out themselves' and started reading the newspaper. Mia watched him for a moment, then saw Cye who was heading her way with a plate of food.

"Hi Cye."

"Hi Mia. Tired ?"

"Hell yes. Cale and Sage are killing me with their fight."

"I know the feeling. Here, these are for you. You definitely need it."

"Thanks Cye, you are an angel."

Cye smiled warmly at her before giving his girlfriend a quick kiss, then frowned.

"Mia, I was thinking... maybe we could leave them alone together for a while, to let them sort out whatever is bothering them ?"

Ryo dropped his newspaper and stared at Cye in disbelief.

"Are you insane ? They will kill each other before ten minutes had passed ! Or tear down the whole house."

"It's not such a bad idea Ryo. I think we should give it a try. And anyway I wanted to go to the mall today. You guys can come with me and leave Sage and Cale alone."

"Your sure Mia ?"

"Yes. I will call the others now."

"All right Mia."

"Ok, guys ! Come here please !"

Mia shouted and waited for the others to come. Kento and Dais appeared first, then Sekhmet and Rowen and at last Sage and Cale. The last two were glaring at each other. Mia watched them with a stern look and sighed.

"Guys, I need to go do some shopping, and I want you to come with me and help. We are leaving now. Is that ok with you ?"

The six boys nodded and started to make their way to the door when Mia's voice stopped them.

"I forgot to tell you, we are all going, but Sage and Cale. You two are staying here."

"WHAT ?! But why ?!"

Came the shocked cry from the two mentioned. Mia just glared at them to shut them up, and succeeded.

"I'm fed up with you two fighting all the time. You are going to stay here together and fix whatever the hell is wrong with you. And you better do it before I'm back,"

She said, leaving no place for reply. Then the guys left the house with Mia, glancing nervously at the still shocked Ronin and ex-warlord behind them. As soon as the door was closed, Sage exploded.

"I can't believe it ! You and your stupidity got us grounded together !"

"What ?! How dare you say that ? You are the one who keeps provoking me."

"Yeah, whatever,"

Sage said then turned around and headed upstairs.

"Wait! Mia said we needed to talk."

"See if I care."

Sage answered and disappeared into his room. Cale stayed in the living-room, watching the blonde's retreating form with strangely glassy eyes.


Sage threw himself on his bed and buried his head in his pillow. How dare he ! Sage thought, mad. Mad at himself for acting like a two year old in front of Cale and mad at Cale for making him act like this.

Sage turned on his bed and faced the ceiling. The more he thought about it, the more he was confused. Cale, the dark warlord and his ex enemy was really starting to get on his nerves. He was so irritating. A small part of him complained that it wasn't the true, but he didn't notice it.

Sage finally turned on his side and tried to get some sleep, even though he wasn't really tired. He just wanted to forget and shut out the world for a while. He had too much on his mind and needed to escape it, if he didn't want to go insane.


In the meantime Cale had similar thoughts.

Damn you Halo. Why do you have to fight me so hard ? What did I do ? Stubborn child. Cale dropped on the couch, frustrated. He then decided to put on some music to help him cool off and turning the hifi on, shifted into dreamland almost immediately.


Upstairs, Sage awoke at the sound of loud music pounding in his ears. Yawning, he sat up and frowned. Cale must have turned the music on, and it had woken him up. Madder than he was before, Sage got out of the bed and made his way downstairs, murder in his eyes. There he found Cale, eyes closed and leaning on the couch, looking deep in thought.

"Hey ! Why did you turn the music on so loud ?! It woke me up !"

Cale opened his eyes, groaning and glared at him.

"What's your problem Halo ? What did I do ?"

"I just told you ! Wait, 'my problem' ? I should be the one asking you that."

Cale glared at him some more then sighed.

"Okay, I give up. I'm really never gonna get you… Wait I have an idea. I really don't know why you are so ill-tempered with me, but listen, I propose a fight. If you win, I promise to leave you alone. But if I win, you must tell me why you dislike me so much. What do you think ? It's fair I believe."

Sage stared at Cale in surprise, not expecting that, and blinked a few times. He seemed to think for a minute, then smiled.

"Ok, deal. Do you want to fight in the dojo now ?"

Cale just smiled back and got up, turning the music off as he left the room with Sage following him. Together, they existed the mansion and made their way to the dojo. There they changed their clothes before choosing some training clothes and their weapons.

When they were ready, they entered the training room of the dojo and prepared themselves for the coming battle. Cale was ready, his sword in hand and was watching Sage intently. The blonde was doing pretty much the same. He stood silently glaring at Cale, daring him to make the first move.

Then Cale struck. He moved so fast that Sage almost didn't see him. One moment the dark-haired warlord was in front of him, and the next he had disappeared. Sage barely dodged the blow and dropped on one knee, striking Cale in his legs. Cale escaped it and attacked again, forcing the young blonde to step back slightly. He smirked at his opponent, knowing that this would drive Sage beyond mad. And he was right.

Sage saw Cale smirking at him and felt white hot anger burning in him. How dare he mock him ! Sage attacked back, strength filled by rage. Cale had to use all his strength to block the blow, and clenched his teeth in concentration.

Then he caught Sage's eyes and without understanding what was happening, he felt like the ground suddenly disappeared from under his feet. Cale felt a surge of feeling, some new, some old. Memories forgotten in the back of his mind, came back all at the same time, slamming into him and making him fall forward in shock.

Sage was about to strike once again when he saw Cale looking at him, a strange look in his eyes. It caught him offguard and forgetting the battle, he tried to see what was in Cale's eyes. It made him feel… hot ? Sage shook his head at the thought but Cale's gaze seemed to set his blood and cheeks on fire, and he didn't even know why ! Then he saw Cale falling forward as if losing his balance and forgot about the rest.

Cale realized too late that he was falling (and it felt to him like he was falling in more ways than one) and did the only thing he could think of, he grabbed the nearest thing to him, which happened to be Sage. The two fell together, Cale on top of Sage.

The blonde let out a startled yelp of surprise when he realized that Cale was falling toward him. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back on the floor of the dojo, with Cale on top of him. Slightly dazed, he tried to move, wondering how they managed to end up like this, when Cale moved his head at the same time. The same second, he felt something warm and soft again his lips and blinked. He was kissing Cale.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat ??!!

On top of him, Cale seemed to be just as surprised as him. Then he blushed bright red at their position, jerking away in embarrassment when he realized what they were doing.

Sage stared at him from his spot on the floor, blushing as well and gasping lightly.

"Sage I… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to… oh god…"

Cale tried to untangle himself from Sage, feeling mortified, when a pale delicate hand stopped him, catching his wrist.

"Why did you do that ?"

The blonde whispered. Cale glanced at him and saw curiosity, along with something else, in his violet eyes. Cale swallowed, looking for an answer.

"I… I truly don't know. It just happened. God… I'm sorry. I said I would leave you alone and now… you're really going to hate me."

Hanging his head, he was not able to look at Sage any longer.

"I don't hate you."

"Errr ?"

Cale said, raising his head.

Sage was watching him and his eyes had taken on a deep amethyst color instead of their usual pale crystal violet. He was still blushing and looked dazed.

"I don't hate you. And anyway, in case you hadn't noticed, you win."

"What ?"

"Yes, you tackled me on the floor,"

Sage said with a point of laughter in his voice. Then he became serious again.

"I don't hate you Cale. Honestly I don't know how I feel about you, but I'm sure it's not hate. I think that… I was scared. You were all that I ever hated and feared… the darkness, the lies… but now, I don't know what I feel anymore. It's so confusing…"

Cale listened, trying to gather all the information. Then he realized that it was exactly how he himself felt for the blonde. Confused and lost. At first Sage had been his rival, and he thought that he hated him. He wanted to break the Ronin of light, light that he thought he couldn't stand. But now…

Sage shifted under him, trying to decide if he wanted to keep talking like this or if he would rather like to sit up. Strangely, the idea of staying under the warlord of darkness wasn't disturbing at all. He felt… safe here. Safe ? The thought startled Sage, but he forgot it quickly when he heard Cale's voice.

"Well, I kinda feel the same, you see. I mean being confused and all."

"Oh. At least now I guess we know why we couldn't stand each other."

Cale nodded wordlessly.

Sage seemed to be staring into space now, and he licked his lips slowly, making Cale shift nervously and feeling quiet hot all of a sudden, though Sage didn't notice it. Finally, Sage snapped out of his trance and tried to sit up, only to find himself locked in a kiss with Cale once again.

This time Sage placed his arms around Cale's neck after a second and kissed him a little deeper. He was feeling more confident and enjoying this kiss very much. Cale groaned low in his throat and held Sage tightly against his body, completely forgetting his mental angst.

When they broke the kiss, they both looked at each other, blushing slightly. Sage was the first to break the silence.

"Well… I don't know about you, but it felt really good."

"Same here."

"Let's do that again ?"


Cale said then bent forward to kiss Sage again, pushing the blonde down on his back in the process. Sage didn't seem to care and moaned, almost a purring sound that made Cale's blood even hotter. The dark haired warlord slid a hand into Sage's soft blonde locks, twisting them around his fingers.

They were both breathless, eyes shining when they pulled apart. Cale was watching Sage with a whole new look in his eyes, and the same look was in Sage's. This time it was Cale who broke the silence.

"I think I get it now, why I kept fighting you, and all of this. I'm darkness, but I craved light, I can't live without it and that's what I was looking for all this time. But you just seemed so out of reach at the time… I guess I didn't know how to make you notice me… Pretty silly ne ?"

Sage smiled gently and shook his head.

"It's not silly, it's human. And I'm no better. Sure I'm light, but I also seem to be attracted to darkness, even if I didn't want to admit it before. You scared me, but at the same time you fascinated me. I also admired you; you were able to show anger if it pleased you, when I have only shown my good side."

Cale nodded and smiled back.

"I learned that there is both light and darkness in the human heart. It's not black or white but a shade of grey. You are the one who taught me that, Sage,"

Cale whispered. Then he kissed Sage again and soon, it became more.

Sage wanted more of the pleasant feeling and he felt hotter by each passing moment. His heart was leaping in his chest with happiness and barely contained desire when Cale started to remove his clothes. Groaning in impatience he did the same to Cale till they were both naked on the dojo's floor.

Cale, as impatient as the moaning Sage, smirked at the blonde, silent understanding passing between them through newly made bonds. He then turned the blonde on his stomach and raised his hips a little in the air.

Sage blushed from his spot on the floor at this position, but didn't say anything. The desire overwhelming everything else but Cale's voice in his ears.

"It will be less painful for you this way. I don't have anything to lessen the pain you see…"

"I understand. Just do it, and don't worry, I won't break. I have handled worse pain you know."

Sage said, instinctively bracing himself. Cale nodded wordlessly, even though Sage couldn't see him, and gently pushed his hard member against the entrance of the light warrior, trying to lessen the blow as he did.

Sage's eyes widened at the pain shooting through him and bit his lip to keep from literally screaming. He clutched at the floor in pain, gasping as white spots danced in his eyes, waiting for Cale to be all the way in.

Behind him, Cale stilled, feeling the blonde's pain through their link, and cursed mentally, angry at himself for hurting his lover. Sage trembled slightly, trying to relax so it wouldn't hurt as bad. When he was calmer, he discovered that he was rather uncomfortable as he was and moved a little.

Almost as soon as he did, he heard Cale's breath catch in his throat and then felt the warlord's pleasure through the bond. Taking it as his clue, he moved again, the pain just a fading ache by now, almost forgotten. At that move, Cale's tip touched something deep inside of him that made him cry out in sheer ecstacy.

Sage went weak in his knees and silently he thanked whatever gods that were up there that he was already on the floor, or else he would have already fell. Still it wasn't enough. He wanted more. And he was going to have it.

~Cale, please…~

Cale, who had to fight until now not to let his hormones take over, thought he was going to die of pleasure and happiness when he heard Sage's mental plead. He stayed motionless for one more second, but once he was absolutely sure that Sage had adapted to the feel of his sex inside him, he began making slow yet steady thrusts into him, withdrawing gently and pushing back in.

Sage moaned louder as he felt Cale starting to thrust into his body, the pace picking up speed quickly; the once slow dance becoming fast and needy on both sides. Sage was panting now, unconsciously rocking his hips against Cale's thrusts, eyes clouded in pleasure. Cale was pretty much in the same state.

It was as if he was meant to be there, Sage thought. Light and Darkness finally united as one, like destiny had planned it so long ago. It felt perfect; all the longing, fears and loneliness melting into nothing. Two souls finally completing each other, like their bodies, fitting like two pieces of the same puzzle.

The thrusts were coming faster and harder as Cale felt his release very close now. Then their twin cries of ecstacy echoed around the dojo, completing their joining. Cale released into his blonde love as Sage's body tightened around him, pushing him over the edge. Sage came at the same time as his dark haired lover.

They collapsed together on the floor, still intimately joined, breathing hard and amazed by the sheer power of what had just happened between them. Then Cale pulled out of Sage gently and took the blonde into his arms, holding him close. They laid there, content to be together, till Cale heard his love chuckling lightly.

"What is so funny ?"

Sage just shook his head and kissed Cale quickly before answering.

"Nothing. It's just… How do you think the others are going to react ? A hour ago we were ready to kill each other and now…"

"I see. Does it bother you ? What the others will think I mean ?"

"Of course not ! Are you crazy ? Now that I have you I won't let you go that easily Cale. You are my warlord now."

Sage said with a sly smile. Cale grinned at him, ruffling his golden hair and making a mock offended glare.

"Good, because you are my angel now."

Sage blushed at the name and hid his face against Cale's chest.

"Am not."

"Are too."

Sage smiled softly and didn't argue back. He didn't want too. Then he felt Cale getting up and putting him into his arms like a precious thing.

"What are you doing ?"

"Getting us back inside the mansion before the others come back."

"Oh yeah… I forgot."

The two exited the dojo, Sage in Cale's arms, clothes forgotten on the ground, but neither one seemed to give a damn about that.


One hour later

"Guys ! We're back. Come on and help us !"

Cye called from the door, where he was helping Rowen carry a large box. When he didn't get any answers, he tried again.

"Guys ? Are you there ?"

"Dunno. Maybe they killed each other after all."

Kento said while placing a bunch of bags that Mia had given him in the kitchen.

Cye gasped at the comment.

"I hope not !"

And with that he ran into the living-room, looking for the missing two. A second later the others heard a loud gasp coming from the living-room. Dropping (literally) everything that they were doing, the three remaining Ronins, two warlords, Mia and Kayura ran into the living-room, only to gasp as well, as eight jaws hit the floor at the same time.

On the living-room floor was a sight they never expected to see in their lifetime. Cale was sitting on the couch watching TV, till then nothing out of the ordinary, but with Sage draped over his lap, leaning conveniently half on the couch and half on Cale, who had his hand buried in Sage's hair. When they noticed they were being watched, they turned around and blinked a few time at the shocked expression on their friends's faces.

"What has gotten into you guys? You all look like you just saw a ghost or something,"

Sage said, tilting his head to the side. Rowen stared at him for a very long minute before managing a coherent sentence.

"Sage… you are leaning on Cale !"

"And ?"

the blonde asked, confused.

"I thought you two hated each other !"

Rowen exploded. Sage and Cale stared at him, then at each others before collapsing into a fit of hysterical laughter. The others just kept staring at the two hysterical boys, completely speechless. Sage was breathless.

"Oh my god ! That's too funny ! AH AH AH AH AH !!!"

"What's so funny Sage ?"

Cye asked, totally lost. Cale answered for the still hyperventilating Sage.

"We don't hate each other ! Where did you get that idea ?!"

He asked between laughter. This time they were utterly lost. Cale just shook his head and took the laughing Sage in his arms before heading upstairs.

"Ok, sorry guys but we have things to do now. Come on love."

The whole group was too shocked at that point to react. At last Ryo broke out of his trance.

"LOVE ??!!"

"What the hell happened while we were away ?"

Mia asked to no one in particular.

"You are asking us ?!"

Kento replied, mouth still wide opened. They stayed silent for a while when Dais's voice startled them.

"Hey, why is there training clothes all over the dojo's floor ?"

"WHAT ??!!"

Was the collective scream of the whole house (well almost the whole house).

"Oh my god !"

Cye screamed suddenly. Everybody turned to see him, looking white and even more shocked, if that is possible. That is, until his face broke into a really evil grin that made everyone step back.

"Cye ? What is happening to you ?"

Rowen asked fearfully, hiding behind Ryo. Cye just grinned more and turned to the kitchen.

"Oh nothing. I just finally see the obvious. Eh eh, Cale is one lucky guy. At least they won't fight any longer. That's a good thing."

he said, then disappeared into the kitchen, leaving the group still clueless, but for how long ? That was the question.