Rosario Vampire Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Omnitrix + Vampire ❯ Chapter seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Akihisa Ikeda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Rosario + Vampire or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omnitrix + Vampire

A Rosario + Vampire/Ben 10 crossover

Part Seven

"Now I believe that you have some explaining to do, Tsukune-san. I think the pictures speak for themselves, my 'fellow' werewolf."

Mr. Aono was now looking at the pictures of a blue werewolf in battle with the trio of monsters he had been fighting the other day. Including pictures of a certain human form turning into said werewolf. The fact his secret was now out in the open in the middle of the newspaper club meeting. The fact most of the people in this room had also known as the secret didn't help, but the presidental werewolf was now bringing up the fact which had been discovered.

Ginei Morioka was now waiting for the responce and Tsukune was not so sure what he could tell or what he could not. Ruby took this moment of silence to enter the room as she began to speak, "I believe it will be alright for you to tell Morioka-san about your secret, Tsukune-kun. The Headmaster expected there would be some discovery and made certain I was notified of those who could be trusted with the information. As long as you know, Morioka-san, the fact the Headmaster wants this information kept private. Which is why I have made sure it does not leave this room."

"Okay, if it's alright then, I believe I should no any secrets which could cause us problems with the Public Saftey Commission." said their leader as he waited for the answer, which the human boy provided while hiding the fact he was not quite... non-human. The explanation took several minutes to go through and at least one example with the Omnitrix. After the young first years began, the silence returned.

"So you're saying Tsukune has an alien device which turns him into one of ten extra-terrestials, which include something which looks like a werewolf. Hmmmm... you know what this means?"

"Wh-h-h-h-hat, Tsukune-sensei?" asked everyone who had gathered in the room.

"My dreams of having sex with a sexy werewolf girl and a sexy alien can be combined into one at last!" said the smiling pervert as a disturbing part of his mind was revealed in this moment. A thought which had caused all involved to fall out of their chairs and onto the floor of the space.

"Are any of your thought not perverted in that head or have the all died from hunger and loneliness?" asked Kurumu, as she almost growled at their leader. A look which didn't seemed to phase the tall, dark and handsome pervert.

"Any non-perverted, non-Aono related thoughts in your head... Kurumu-chan? We all know what kind of monster you are, a succubus the sex demoness. We all know what you want to do with the 'destined one' you have chosen. You really expect you have not spent nights alone in the bedroom, thinking of Tsukune-kun in the bed with you and then touch..." this line of thinking was stopped by the burst of speed from the said girl slamming her hand down on the boy's mouth before he could say any more.

While this had been going on, a trio were changing into different colours with varients on the shade of crimson. Moka had the most pinkish of hue which was trying it's best to match her hair, Mizore had a little blue touch to the cheeks, while Ruby was living up to her name with the colour on her skin. Yukari was on the other hand a little confused, or at least was acting it given her intellect on the matter. Tsukune was also trying to hid the colour he was turning at the thought of Kuruma or any of the girls doing... things... while alone at night... even Moka. It took all of his power to avoid losing all of his blood at that last piece of imagination, not to waste any blood when friends with a vampire.

"Okay, let's step back from all of the... random thinking in this room and return to the topic at hand. While I was observing the new werewolf on campus, I also noticed another person watching Tsukune... Keito. She was watching and taking notes on the battle which was occurring. Any ideas why, other then the usual control obssession which they have." asked Gin, as he tried to make sense of what he had seen.

"It starts to make sense, the three of those men were complaining about my 'attack' on the 'little' sisters of Keito. Plus Keito has seen me transform into Howler and into Frankenvolt as well, so she knows that I have two different types of monster forms. At least as far as they know things, since they don't know about aliens and the Omnitrix. What's the worse they can think or the worse they can do?" asked Tsukune as he moved on to the chances of punishment.

"Kuyo is a badass who thinks that he's justice incarnate, those who go against him are evil-doers bring crime and injustice against the school. The problem is he has the power to back up what ever claims he wants to make in this regard, both in his school given power and in his own personal powers. So there is a great danger when dealing with him, he might even be the equal in power to Moka when she really throws it down. The question arises on the power level of the monsters, aliens or whatever in your watch. Can it match the abilities of the P.S.C. president." said Gin, bring up a good point on the matter which they would be facing.

In the Public Safety Commission headquarters....

Kuyo was looking over the report and the photos which Keito had taken, which were showing off something which had been impossible to all known wisdom with regard to monsters. A powerful werewolf on a moonless day, one with strength as well as speed, one with a howling weapon as well. Especially since at last report, the monster form of Tsukune was suppose to have been some kind of electrical powered Frankenstein's monster shaped form.

"So you are telling me, Keito, the boy is not only has one monster form... but also a second form. Or at least, two forms he is already showing off in two different battles. All seeming to have been limited by some kind of watch like device. With this he managed to have countered the powers of three powerful male students. This is correct, Keito-san?"

"Yes sir, Mr. President. I'm not sure how it is possible or what kind of monster could have these forms, but Tsukune seems to have at least two different monster forms he can turn into. Without further examination, we would not be sure what it is he is capable of. I have no idea how to advise you on how to proceed." said the spider-woman in response to her leader's words.

"An unknown factor in this villain and his so-called club. Together with Ginei the werewolf and Moka the vampire, this could be a challenging case to close. Yet my power is the greater power, for I am empowered by justice. The ability to bring in Moka and Tsukune will be much more easier then any other member of the Newspaper Club, since they have gotten into many more fights then any other member of the 'club'. Or were at least in the area at the time of the fight, according to our reports.

So we can bring them on these charges at any point in time. The question is when, when being the important word as we have no idea what kind of power this Mr. Aono could be holding back at this time. I don't like not knowing everything about my opponent, yet it could be good for a longer battle then the ones I have with the inferior class monsters. Less likely to make me less bored when I finally dish out the punishment.

I only wished that Tsukune could have turned out to have been a human, since then it would have given us the permission to execute him and any member of the Newspaper Club which were to shelter him. Then I might show a lesson to the rest of the scum of this school, they were are not to be crossed in any way. That any member of this organization is the embodyment of my will and my will is the living essence of justice and order. One can not raise a hand against us without being forced to pay a heavy price.

We have much to do if we are to bring the laws of the school down on each one of these members. We must move with much deliberation and yet with quick speed, less any one of the other students decide this organization is much weaker then they currently thinking about this. A belief which will be proven quite false when we finally strike against the criminal element on campus. The question which will have to be asked is what to do next with this student, this club and this school. Do we act now and take him in or wait until we know what it is we are dealing with for this case?" said the blond haired president as he tried to make a choice in the matter.

On the roads of the human world...

The Bus Driver was trying to make his way free of the probes which were following him, hunting him from where they floated from the sky. They were starting to look like they were not going to stop until what they wanted was in the hands of their master. He was currently driving his way into the country side of Japan looking for a point where all eyes would be off him so he could try some of his own magical abilities against them.

Soon he was away from where most people would have been, maybe not most youkai but where most humans would be away from this stretch of road. He then got out of the bus and moved to the top of the bus while it was still moving. He turned around and began to go through the motion of the spellcasting of one of his most powerful offensive. He fired a beam of powerful flames at one of the probes, but this seemed to have triggered the other two probes to attack with their own beams. Ones made of light which were cutting into his own special bus, which was making him more and more angry at the little things.

"Great, I work so hard to make this bus the best it is! Then you blast it! A 'Grave' mistake on your part, because you have no 'Ghost' of a chance. Now it's time for you to die!" He began to attack the two other probes which had been attacking him. Lasers and fireballs were exchanged against the two foes as they tried to eliminate the other force.


There were four other probes which were looking for similar energy signatures. One was circling a field of flowers, another was looking at different homes with the city, while two were moving around some kind of energy field which was repulsing them. They stopped and began to study the energy frequency, determining it was some kind of mana manipulation. Databases were checked for all information on mana and the ways technology could be used to counter the power of the field. Seconds later they discovered a jamming method which could be used by the probes, which would only eliminate one of the mechanized objects.

Energy began to pulse from the two probes as they tried to counter the barrier, the one probe began to spark and jolt with the changes of frequencies, as a tiny hole was opened within the barrier which would allow the still functioning probe to slip through the weak point. A burst of speed caused the device to energy as it's twin began to overload, which was followed by the probe on the outside exploding into different fragmented pieces.

The probe in the inside had a new two pronged mission, as it was to continue with it's main mission of hunting the Omnitrix. Yet it was also looking for a way to take the barrier down or at least allow it to be pentrated by the forces of it's master. This would be needed to allow the other robots and machines of it's master or his mercenaries to land in this section of the planet. Especially if the Omnitrix could be found in this area.

A secondary mission was to detect the sources of energy which it had been scanning. The fact a barrier like this could be up at all spoke to some kind of power source of great ability. Something which could be useful for it's master's future plans, which meant it would have to be located so it could captured. Then there were those in charge of the power source which could be... encouraged to reveal all their information.

The probe itself was not thinking this, it was merely obeying orders and making reports on the situation. The one doing the thinking and computation of the data collected was one of the intelligent robot drones on the ship, which was transmitting it to the head drone who was reporting it all back to the squid faced alien. It was this being who was making all of the most important choices on the matter of collecting the price it sought.

Back with Tsukune and his friends....

Kurumu was filled with mixed emotions, even if she was covering it well at the moment. She was filled with rage at Tsukune for hiding the fact he was human from her, she was even more pissed off at Moka from hiding the fact she knew this as well. The urge to go up to strike her was overwhelming, but the main factor was Tsukune was in danger from something greater. Greater then even the ancient hatred between humans and youkai, which even she had been part of with the history of her people.

'No, something from the stars is looking for the thing of Tsukune's wrist. A being of power which could bring destruction down on them all, which even if Tsukune was the cruellest teen in the school, he didn't deserve to face alone. The fact is Tsukune is the kindest, purest soul I know... which makes everything I know about humans come into question. Human or Youkai, it doesn't matter. What matters is the type of person you are. Still, this doesn't end my anger at them.

Of course, the combat between myself and Tsukune does manage to allow me an outlet to vent my rage for him. Even if I don't want to hurt him, with all of those alien forms it would be harm to really harm him. Then there is the time we fight with each other in teams to test the team work skills with Tsukune's alien forms. So I have landed a few hits against Moka during this fighting which has made less angry then when this all started.

Truth is, I don't like hurting any of the girls or Tsukune. They maybe my greatest rivals for my destined one, but they are also my closest friends who I love dearly. Sometimes I wish that all of us could have our own Tsukune to love and hold on to. The horrid truth is there is only one Tsukune in the entire world, so people are going to lose once he makes up his mind. I just hope we can keep the friendship no matter who wins and who loses.' thought the blue haired woman as she gather evidence of the Public Safety Commission's wrong doing. She had taken some photos of their bribe taking and their intimidation tactics, before she moved to go back to the haunted house for more training for Tsukune.

'We are also going to look into the creature that Yukari saw when she was looking into the depths of the Omnitrix. The threat of the P.S.C. seems to pales when compared with the monster alien which she saw, some kind of squid faced monster from beyond the stars. The more we know about the threat he will be to us, they better things can be when he shows up to fight. If he wants to take Tsukune or the Omnitrix, especially Tsukune, then he's going to have a fight on his hands.'

She soon arrived at the house and entered it before she headed down into the dojo area of the building, built to train them all in the art of using their powers and the powers which Tsukune had gained. This would be important to battle against any number of the different enemies which they were gaining from both Earth and Space, which she only hoped they could overcome in time. The fact they had a little more information to go on was helpful, since Gin-senpai had told them about Kuyo's power in a little more detail.

'It turns out he's some kind of fox spirit, the same kind of fox spirits which were mistake for the god Inari in the past. Likely with some kind of powerful flame ability which can be used to attack his foes, burning them into a cinder. Which makes it likely that Big Chill the mothman or Swampfire the planet elemental will be the best to fight against the power of the P.S.C. president, the former for it's ice power and strength against heat while the later hold control over flame and regeneration abilities. It is surprising Big Chill can resist heat like that, you would expect a creature of ice to hold a weakness against the powers of a flame creature.

I guess it just means there is more we can learn about aliens while this is going on. Mizore is looking into the resistance of Big Chill, I think of all of the aliens which Tsukune can turn into it is one of her favourites. She keeps refering to it as a Snow Kami, of all things. I guess that a burn-proof ice-using being would seem to be a god to a heat-weakened Yuki Onna. Personally, not sure which of the aliens I prefer at the moment. I really love the original human Tsukune most of all at the moment, but who knows what else he could turn himself into.

There is also the question of the possibility of the Omnitrix being able to absorb the D.N.A. of Youkai as well as aliens, which could be a lot of the students of this school. We do have many powerful monsters in the campus, including a vampire and a werewolf in our own Newspaper Club. I am very curious what would happen if it aborbed my own D.N.A. and turned Tsukune into an Incubus, a male sex demon. I have to say with how handsome he is now, my destined one would make a sexy beast of a Incubus. He would sure make my own tail to twitch, and give me something to think about on lonely nights.

Any kind of Youkai which Tsukune can turn into would be something to keep me warm on those cold nights alone, even if he turned into a freezing body of a male version of a Yuki Onna like Mizore.' which this her thoughts turned to the images of her crush in various Bishonen monster forms. Each of which was causing her to turn red in the cheeks and spreading downwards from there.

In another world...

The computer was getting the reports of the Omnitrix in the new dimension it had gotten itself into, along with the detection of new alien D.N.A. which had yet to be capture by the device. Even the passive mode of the collection device had yet to be triggered... yet. The scanners of the device were strong enough to pick up the building blocks of life of strange beings. The computer just recorded and made a note of this, before sending a suggestion to the Omnitrix for capture of the alien D.N.A. at some point.

The computer activated an alert for it's master when it was next checked about the situation, and then continued with it's multiple functions. Meanwhile a giant mechanical being was working on one of it's projects, not noticing the computer at all.

Quick Author's Notes---

To answer some of the questions I am getting...

PEJP Bengtzone
I have an idea for a Kevin 11 counterpart for Tsukune, which will be more frightening for Tsukune then a Kelpie shapeshifter. Not sure how to bring it in, but I will find a way.
Not sure if the alien DNA could effect the Youkai DNA, but it is something to think about. I hope the little image from Gin in this chapter did amuse you, though.

I hope to try, but getting them to Youkai academy might be a little troublesome. Could bring one or two of the major ones into the picture for breaks or holidays.

Frankenstein monster who shoots lightening--- FRANKenstein VOLTage. Makes sense?