Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Swords of Fate ❯ Ravaged Soul (Part One) ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
(OK I'm back no insane sister to deal with yet... >> I kinda had dragged her and her character to the mental institution to save all of you... v.v I hope it takes quiet a while for her to break out....)
"The stakes rise higher as a new challange comes unlike all others.....darkness builds ready for many more to fall to its each person needs to pray to their gods for one they wish to win, for the hope for everyone has fallen"
Smirking to himself the hooded figure with white hair came out walking to where Hiei of the Jagan eye lies, near Naraku who had the blood pooling under him. Slowly he reached downward and withdrew Kagara's heart from a pouch inside Naraku's kimono shirt area. Turning his attention to Hiei he rolled the Fire/Ice demon onto his back, then put his hand over the Jagan eye that had been closed at the time, a wave of power flashed then the Jagan eye had been opened while the demon still lie unconscious. Withdrawing a dagger he plunged it directly into the eye causing the forbidden child to scream a blood curdling scream that sent chills down the spines of everyone within the stadium. Snickering down at the demon he said coldly,"This severs the link which you watch Yukina, the one you watched over using the Jagan eye. That is your punishment." Glancing over at Naraku he added,"Your punishment is that Kagura, your greatest servant, shall be free." Slowly the tai-youkai locked eyes with the hooded figure, both studying each other, instantly the one with the dagger shot a glare at Sesshoumaru then stood up. The demon lord walked toward him, as a tension filled the air, then he spoke,"You are the one who had kidnapped Rin, are you not?" A moment passed that seemed to last an eternity then he said without a hint of fear,"Yes, I had kidnapped the child...and I shall be the one to slay her when you finally fall in this tournament."Sesshoumaru growled as his eyes flashed red then muttered coldly,"I smell you are the human, Yami Bakura, and nothing on heaven hell or earth could stop me from destroying you, or prevent me from winning this tournament. You touch a single hair on her head, or provide her with surroundings not fit to her liking, I swear to you, death shall be begged for at the time I have completed. Then in one swift strike with my sword I shall end your life."Cold chills came across the neck of Yami then muttered after having a quick discussion with Ryou within the recesses of his mind then stated,"Rin shall have up most care...all the things she asks for, but if you fail this tournament it all is ended, she shall be killed in that instant."Sesshoumaru dismissed the thought of losing quickly and walked out of the arena a little less worried about the child for now.Miroku closed his eyes while sitting among the audience and asked,"How can it be that Sesshoumaru is battling for a mortal child? Does he not despise all living humans?" Myoga crawled up from the monks hair then said sitting down indian style then said after a brief pause,"Had you not forgotten Lord Sesshoumaru and Master Inuyasha's father had given him the Tenseiga, the sword of life which could restore a hundred lives with one swing, perhaps this is part of the side his father had seen causing Lord Sesshomaru to be chosen as wielder of that sword."Miroku rose an eyebrow at the flea's comment asking,"Are we speaking of the same Sesshoumaru here, the very one who Inuyasha has battled many times, the same demon which has slain hundreds of humans in pursuit of several of his goals?" Nodding Myoga took a slip of blood tea out of a small cup and answered,"Yes, the very same." At that moment suddenly a quiet large and heavy bag had crashed onto Miroku's top of his head crushing the flea, and making the monk stuck in place for quiet a while, until he was able to struggle out from under it panting. After brief moment to recover he noted the bag was Kagome's and she had left it there, while she had been gone. Sweat dropping the monk muttered,"Well it has been quiet a while scene Inuyasha said he had been going to the lockers to see about entering this tournament..." After a moment he had gotten bug eyes and he rushed through the audience thinking,'I can't let him enter...if Inuyasha does there is a quiet large chance Rin shall be killed if the brothers meet in battle, or Kagome dying as a punishment is likely as well......'Nighttime has came over the tournament, and the audience had retired for the day, save perhaps a few fan somewhere in the locker rooms or in the arena somewhere. Sango had been sitting in a large circle with many of the contenders of the tournament all sitting together. Sesshoumaru had been sitting at the east side center of the circle, Sango to his right, Kenshin, Karama, a very pissed off Hiei, Nitemare with the complete Soul Edge to his side, Inuyasha, a badly wounded Naraku, and several other fighters. A strange quiet lingered about them all until Kenshin spoke,"Sesshoumaru..this one compliments your skill, having survived both matches, and having the victory until that strange female showed up." At the very mention of that insane female Naraku jumped a little then Sesshoumaru muttered looking away,"That had been a shallow victory...I had just about killed Naraku, but that human changed everything." The demon lord shot a death glare at the shape shifting demon which had caused him to faint instantly at the thought of facing Sesshoumaru in the condition he was in. Sango glanced over at the tai-youkai then looked away saying in a mumbled whispered voice,"Sesshoumaru I wish you best in this tournament....and please be on your guard ready...I heard rumors your next challenge shall be Inuyasha, your brother." The blue white haired youkai glanced over to his hanyou of a brother then up at Sango , after a moment looking away with his eyes hidden obviously his mind had been on the many wounds he has suffered as of what has been inflicted on him as of yet, of Rin, and how his chances of winning overall had been reduced from what it originally would be.Silently Yami had walked behind the demon lord and stated,"You shall have another match tomorrow morning against your brother." He smirked saying,"Take this as a message that......" Kenshin had suddenly got up withdrawing his blade and in a heartbeat had been behind Bakura with the blade tip against the very top of the evil ones neck interrupting what had been about to say the samurai said coldly,"This one shall take the match with Inuyasha...,and if you shall not comply this one shall have no other choose ,but to strike for your injustice of putting him through match after match without rest at all to lead to his downfall."Sesshoumaru shot a glare toward the former batosai then said standing up, "I do not require the assistance of a mortal in my affairs..I shall fight each challenge put before me no matter the conditions." As he had finished speaking his eyes shot to the brown eyes of Yami then just locked with them as he growled threateningly.Inuyasha had stood up then smirked saying tauntingly,"Brother I will enjoy this fact this shall be the end, I will enjoy your blood on my blade Sesshoumaru." Nitemare stood up at Inuyasha's side then evilly said toward Kenshin,"If you insist on defending that demon I will personally massacre you." Both the samurai and tai-youkai stood side by side while Sesshoumaru said,"Inuyasha I will not be beaten by you, I will meet you in that arena." For a moment Kenshin stared at Sesshoumaru then looked at the dark knight and said harshly,"I shall meet you in the arena as well Nitemare as both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru battle."Yami smirked slightly then leaned against the wall saying,"Change of plans... it will be a team match and everyone will be involved that is capable to fight out of the contenders, one side shall be Sesshoumaru's team, the other Inuyasha's, all the members of the losing team shall face their punishments......also the monk Miroku shall be involved in this match as well, on a whim of knowing he is walking the halls now I choose to enter him into the tournament. Each of you pick either Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru, and choose well for it shall guide your fate." At that he vanished leaving them while during the night they had formed the teams, and treated all wounds inflicted best they could to be in best fighting shape possible for the day ahead.
(v.v''' Looks like my insane sister snuck in while I slept and typed up some of her own work.... >.< next time I capture her I need to get a more secure place to lock her and her character from the fanfic T.T poor Naraku...... well the part after this is not mine it is my sisters)
Somewhere, miles away a familar dark haired girl stood up and walked out of the flaming mental insitution. "Not nice..." She muttered as she stepped over the charred remains of the guards. "I must finish the insanity I've started." She smiled evilly and she worked her way, heading back to the arena. "Plus... I want to see how dear Naraku is doing." She began to laugh Satanicly, remember the damage she had caused the dark haired hanyou.She paused."He was kinda hot, maybe I'll rape him." Twiggy thought out loud happily.
(ok the chapter is finished but before I go I wanna share something I found in a great fanfic called Die my Bride.. I wont spoil anything but heres the link )
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"The stakes rise higher as a new challange comes unlike all others.....darkness builds ready for many more to fall to its each person needs to pray to their gods for one they wish to win, for the hope for everyone has fallen"
Smirking to himself the hooded figure with white hair came out walking to where Hiei of the Jagan eye lies, near Naraku who had the blood pooling under him. Slowly he reached downward and withdrew Kagara's heart from a pouch inside Naraku's kimono shirt area. Turning his attention to Hiei he rolled the Fire/Ice demon onto his back, then put his hand over the Jagan eye that had been closed at the time, a wave of power flashed then the Jagan eye had been opened while the demon still lie unconscious. Withdrawing a dagger he plunged it directly into the eye causing the forbidden child to scream a blood curdling scream that sent chills down the spines of everyone within the stadium. Snickering down at the demon he said coldly,"This severs the link which you watch Yukina, the one you watched over using the Jagan eye. That is your punishment." Glancing over at Naraku he added,"Your punishment is that Kagura, your greatest servant, shall be free." Slowly the tai-youkai locked eyes with the hooded figure, both studying each other, instantly the one with the dagger shot a glare at Sesshoumaru then stood up. The demon lord walked toward him, as a tension filled the air, then he spoke,"You are the one who had kidnapped Rin, are you not?" A moment passed that seemed to last an eternity then he said without a hint of fear,"Yes, I had kidnapped the child...and I shall be the one to slay her when you finally fall in this tournament."Sesshoumaru growled as his eyes flashed red then muttered coldly,"I smell you are the human, Yami Bakura, and nothing on heaven hell or earth could stop me from destroying you, or prevent me from winning this tournament. You touch a single hair on her head, or provide her with surroundings not fit to her liking, I swear to you, death shall be begged for at the time I have completed. Then in one swift strike with my sword I shall end your life."Cold chills came across the neck of Yami then muttered after having a quick discussion with Ryou within the recesses of his mind then stated,"Rin shall have up most care...all the things she asks for, but if you fail this tournament it all is ended, she shall be killed in that instant."Sesshoumaru dismissed the thought of losing quickly and walked out of the arena a little less worried about the child for now.Miroku closed his eyes while sitting among the audience and asked,"How can it be that Sesshoumaru is battling for a mortal child? Does he not despise all living humans?" Myoga crawled up from the monks hair then said sitting down indian style then said after a brief pause,"Had you not forgotten Lord Sesshoumaru and Master Inuyasha's father had given him the Tenseiga, the sword of life which could restore a hundred lives with one swing, perhaps this is part of the side his father had seen causing Lord Sesshomaru to be chosen as wielder of that sword."Miroku rose an eyebrow at the flea's comment asking,"Are we speaking of the same Sesshoumaru here, the very one who Inuyasha has battled many times, the same demon which has slain hundreds of humans in pursuit of several of his goals?" Nodding Myoga took a slip of blood tea out of a small cup and answered,"Yes, the very same." At that moment suddenly a quiet large and heavy bag had crashed onto Miroku's top of his head crushing the flea, and making the monk stuck in place for quiet a while, until he was able to struggle out from under it panting. After brief moment to recover he noted the bag was Kagome's and she had left it there, while she had been gone. Sweat dropping the monk muttered,"Well it has been quiet a while scene Inuyasha said he had been going to the lockers to see about entering this tournament..." After a moment he had gotten bug eyes and he rushed through the audience thinking,'I can't let him enter...if Inuyasha does there is a quiet large chance Rin shall be killed if the brothers meet in battle, or Kagome dying as a punishment is likely as well......'Nighttime has came over the tournament, and the audience had retired for the day, save perhaps a few fan somewhere in the locker rooms or in the arena somewhere. Sango had been sitting in a large circle with many of the contenders of the tournament all sitting together. Sesshoumaru had been sitting at the east side center of the circle, Sango to his right, Kenshin, Karama, a very pissed off Hiei, Nitemare with the complete Soul Edge to his side, Inuyasha, a badly wounded Naraku, and several other fighters. A strange quiet lingered about them all until Kenshin spoke,"Sesshoumaru..this one compliments your skill, having survived both matches, and having the victory until that strange female showed up." At the very mention of that insane female Naraku jumped a little then Sesshoumaru muttered looking away,"That had been a shallow victory...I had just about killed Naraku, but that human changed everything." The demon lord shot a death glare at the shape shifting demon which had caused him to faint instantly at the thought of facing Sesshoumaru in the condition he was in. Sango glanced over at the tai-youkai then looked away saying in a mumbled whispered voice,"Sesshoumaru I wish you best in this tournament....and please be on your guard ready...I heard rumors your next challenge shall be Inuyasha, your brother." The blue white haired youkai glanced over to his hanyou of a brother then up at Sango , after a moment looking away with his eyes hidden obviously his mind had been on the many wounds he has suffered as of what has been inflicted on him as of yet, of Rin, and how his chances of winning overall had been reduced from what it originally would be.Silently Yami had walked behind the demon lord and stated,"You shall have another match tomorrow morning against your brother." He smirked saying,"Take this as a message that......" Kenshin had suddenly got up withdrawing his blade and in a heartbeat had been behind Bakura with the blade tip against the very top of the evil ones neck interrupting what had been about to say the samurai said coldly,"This one shall take the match with Inuyasha...,and if you shall not comply this one shall have no other choose ,but to strike for your injustice of putting him through match after match without rest at all to lead to his downfall."Sesshoumaru shot a glare toward the former batosai then said standing up, "I do not require the assistance of a mortal in my affairs..I shall fight each challenge put before me no matter the conditions." As he had finished speaking his eyes shot to the brown eyes of Yami then just locked with them as he growled threateningly.Inuyasha had stood up then smirked saying tauntingly,"Brother I will enjoy this fact this shall be the end, I will enjoy your blood on my blade Sesshoumaru." Nitemare stood up at Inuyasha's side then evilly said toward Kenshin,"If you insist on defending that demon I will personally massacre you." Both the samurai and tai-youkai stood side by side while Sesshoumaru said,"Inuyasha I will not be beaten by you, I will meet you in that arena." For a moment Kenshin stared at Sesshoumaru then looked at the dark knight and said harshly,"I shall meet you in the arena as well Nitemare as both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru battle."Yami smirked slightly then leaned against the wall saying,"Change of plans... it will be a team match and everyone will be involved that is capable to fight out of the contenders, one side shall be Sesshoumaru's team, the other Inuyasha's, all the members of the losing team shall face their punishments......also the monk Miroku shall be involved in this match as well, on a whim of knowing he is walking the halls now I choose to enter him into the tournament. Each of you pick either Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru, and choose well for it shall guide your fate." At that he vanished leaving them while during the night they had formed the teams, and treated all wounds inflicted best they could to be in best fighting shape possible for the day ahead.
(v.v''' Looks like my insane sister snuck in while I slept and typed up some of her own work.... >.< next time I capture her I need to get a more secure place to lock her and her character from the fanfic T.T poor Naraku...... well the part after this is not mine it is my sisters)
Somewhere, miles away a familar dark haired girl stood up and walked out of the flaming mental insitution. "Not nice..." She muttered as she stepped over the charred remains of the guards. "I must finish the insanity I've started." She smiled evilly and she worked her way, heading back to the arena. "Plus... I want to see how dear Naraku is doing." She began to laugh Satanicly, remember the damage she had caused the dark haired hanyou.She paused."He was kinda hot, maybe I'll rape him." Twiggy thought out loud happily.
(ok the chapter is finished but before I go I wanna share something I found in a great fanfic called Die my Bride.. I wont spoil anything but heres the link )
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