Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Travel Through Time ❯ An Unpleasant Welcoming ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Snapping back to reality she looked at Kenshin. "Uh…yea?" "I have already paid for the tofu now lets get back before the others worry." He turned to the owner and bowed thank you then pulled Kaoru with him since she wasn't going to move herself. He won't have her." He thought As he pulled her away; she just kept looking back at him. He still walked forth.


An Unpleasant Welcoming

"Hmmm. I wonder where this road could lead. I saw to others pass through here, I shall go see." With his curiosity taking him over him disappeared into the forest following a dirt path.

"Seems normal enough. Huh? Again?" After passing a spring which he stopped to drink from he noticed that he had gotten to the end of the path.

"These forests don't leave much to hide in or relax." He stated.

"But at least I can figure out what it lead to faster." He stepped from under the shades to come across a temple like building.

"Now what could this be? A temple? A castle? Or a simple home? I'm going to find out." He walked closer to it before being stopped by a tall metal gate. "This shall not stop me." He eyed it then took out his claws and slashing the lock off.

"That's better." He smiled to himself. But before he walk through he was stopped by an unpleasant cry.

"Get away from that? Who are you and what do you want here?" A short man stood at the door of the building. Long red hair pulled in a low ponytail rested on his back and he wore the usual samurai clothing.

Sesshomaru ignored the red headed man and pushed the gates opening walking toward him then stopping.

"What's going on I heard a…" A worried Kaoru came running out of the house but stopping beside Kenshin when she saw him. There he was the one she had saw in the market earlier and now at her dojo.

"Uh…hi." She waved to him but he made no movement.

"Kaoru I need you to stay back while I take him down no telling what this guy can do, but I know for one thing he's not getting you." Kenshin leaped off of the steps."

"Me?" "Huh? Wait Kenshin! Stop!" Before he could listen he was already coming down with his sword. Sesshomaru didn't flinch at all he just watched in confused as in to think that a human would dare try and attack a demon.

Sesshomaru only raised his left arm to catch the blade as it fell right in his palm. "I wouldn't risk your chances of beating me." He whispered to Kenshin for only him to hear. Kenshin's eyes grew larger from shock, then Sesshomaru threw him aside.

Kaoru was now the one to look horrified. "He caught Kenshin's sword with his bare hand! No one could ever dodge that attack. Who is this guy?"

"My apologizes, I had not come to fight only to figure out where I was, I don't want trouble." He bowed his head before looking back at her. "Wha? What am I doing bowing to a human, but why do I feel like I have to show respect to her?"

"No problem, Kenshin was bound to find someone who would eventually beat him at his own game." She giggled. "What am I saying this guy could be a killer or robber and I'm not even the least bit worried or scared."

"Oh really, than I guess that was me." His voice became silken as he stood up straight brushing a hand through his hair.

Kenshin now stood up from the throw and walked over to Kaoru, he hated getting beat in front of her, he was supposed to be her protector. Now someone that could be harmful could probably beat him or even kill him.

"Kaoru lets go in there's no need to stay out here and talk to this man. He could be trouble." He grabbed her by her sleeve and try to pull her in but she wouldn't budge.

"Kaoru come on." He demanded.

"No." She snapped. "I'm not going until I ask something to this man." She yanked her sleeve away from Kenshin who only could say "Oro?".

"Now what I was going to ask is…well…umm…would you like to stay here at the dojo, I mean until you find your way back to where you're going." She started to fidget with her own fingers.

"Stay here? Why would I need help from a human? Than again I do need to sort this mess out. Oh why not I can be generous for right now." He came to a decision. "Ok." He spoke waving his hand back and forth.

"Huh? You will? I…I mean great now if you would follow me I'll show you around." Joy leaped around inside of her, she didn't know why she wanted him to stay but she was glad.

Kenshin soon fell over from what she had said and was left outside when the they went in.