Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forever Waiting ❯ Betraying Orders ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forever Waiting

'Betraying Orders'

This fic is dedicated to Pixie, for she wanted this insane little fic.

The mist hovered thick upon the ankles of the two on the road that night. Fearless glazed eyes looking at the man…No elf, before her. Even as her eyes closed he couldn't take his off of her. She fell backwards, going to make impact with the cold ground, until…A lazy arm wrapped behind her to take her limp figure. The crimson staining the front of her sparking gown and his gloved hand. "…So much alike…" He barely whispered, leaving the scene with the deathly pale girl, the hint of blue almost vanishing from her skin. The soft 'clomp' of his thick boots was all that was heard on this mournful night. The eerie mist washing away the soft crimson drops upon the pavement.


The calming rays of sun filtered through the glass pane. It washed away all darkness and sorrows of nightly happenings and hoped to bring new life and happiness with the gentle warm rays it gave. 'I am not afraid of death…' was the words that replayed in his mind. His reflection seen in the scarlet glazed sword he held out. She was different then those he usually was ordered to kill. Why would someone want that woman dead? She seemed harmless, almost happy in what she was given. His eyes narrowed, her eyes were so calm…so different from anyone he's ever seen. She didn't beg for living, she didn't beg for no more torture or hurt. He couldn't figure her out; witch was probably why he did what he did. Slowly his head moved to the side, optics wavering upon the girl that lay on the onyx couch. She wouldn't die; the gash he gave her was merely for stunning. The bandaged was expertly wrapped upon her wound. His body paced over to her, kneeling before her.

"…Why didn't I finish you…" He growled to himself. A hand setting upon her neck bandages to feel the faint heartbeat that lay underneath. 'I need to find the mystery behind her…I shouldn't, I could kill her now…Maybe I should end her misery now…' Thoughts passed through his mind, making him lift his already stained sword. 'I should have never kept her, never brought her here…A matter of time before I am discovered not to have killed her…And then my end would be.' He smirked slightly, yes; he could kill her now. End it all, and keep his own life. 'But, that is the way of a coward, I wish to know why she was wanted dead…' He thought again, 'I can merely ask the boss…I need her not.'

Then, the soft aqua hues opened. "…I am…Alive?" She said softly, banishing all thought from his mind. A gentle smile coming across her lips, almost looking sad… "Have orders differed dear elf?"

"…Yeah…" He grumbled, sheathing his blade once more, ignoring it's lack of clean.

"What do they want me for?" She asked, a hand wavering upon her neck, where he retracted his own at her awakening.

The more he lied, the more trouble he would cause. He knew deep inside, but that didn't stop his voice from coming. "I do not have such knowledge yet. They simply wanted me to keep you alive for now." He spat coldly, getting from his kneeling position. 'Once I know, I'll be able to kill you for sure.' He thought grimly, watching as she sat up.

"I see…Sorry to be a burden." She mumbled, eyes casting downwards.

'A burden? …' Funny, she thinking of herself a burden to a captor…She was very unique either that or… He shook his head mentally. Snorting, he walked back to set his swords down. "It doesn't matter, I followed orders…" 'Like hell I did…' He thought dryly.

She nodded, olden stands falling to her shoulders and chest, allowing the scarlet liquid to splash upon them. She noticed now, and spoke up, but still had to strain to hear such a voice. "…Would you mind…I go clean up, the stench in powering and if you wouldn't mind me trying to clean my dress…?"

He shrugged, "…I don't care, there may be some clothes you can use. A little big but if you don't care try them."

"…Thank you." She slowly got to her feet, Turning back to him, "Where might such items, and a bathroom be?"

He pointed down the hall and she left his sight. Some reason he didn't follow, not even to make sure she wouldn't leave. He had a comforting feeling she wouldn't escape…Something in her eyes told him this. Something he couldn't place, and was the reason he didn't kill her…


Hey, hey, hey! Sorry for boring/confusing chapter. Next one will piece all my broken pieces together! Don't fret and keep reading! No…This isn't a crossover fic, for the last time, its Yu-Gi-Oh but in japan type warrior stuffs. Hope you like it anyway, and please keep reading ^^ Ja Ne!