Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Of Us ❯ My Stalker ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yuyu Hakusho or the characters, I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or the characters. I do NOT profit from this fanfiction.

A/N: This is a challenge fic written for 30_Memories Community. The pairing is Aoshi/Kurama.

Title: Memories Of Us

Author: Kimisan/Aoshis_toy

Prompts: #21. Bizarre

Summary: It is hard to be true to yourself. What happened in the past that will change Kurama's future? What happened to the man he left behind?


Chapter One

No matter what she tried the man seemed intent on ignoring her. So much for spending a pleasant walk together through the city streets. She’d been hoping to pull the man out of his solemn mood as of late. His face was void of any emotions as he looked straight ahead. Sighing Misao gave up and just walked beside her beloved Aoshi and tried to be content with his company. Talking to him wasn’t getting him to respond. Perhaps he had something on his mind? Hopefully it was their relationship that seemed to have come to a complete stop. Didn’t he find her desirable? How much was it going to take him to see her more than just the little girl he’d helped raise? She wanted more than just his friendship. Maybe a good slap in the head would do him some good.

Aoshi wanted to tell the girl beside him to remain silent but didn’t want to snap without due cause. He wasn’t sure yet if he was imagining things or being paranoid. The strong feeling of being watched had been hounding him since they’d left Himura’s. The intense burning along his spine sending warnings of apprehension into his soul. Hoping the sensation would soon dissipate had been useless. It remained and was growing stronger the longer they walked. The girl beside him seemed unaware of their shadow. Was it because it was only watching him? True, he’d made many enemies over the years. Was one of them now coming back to haunt him? He didn’t expect them to attack in the midst of the busy crowd. He was loath to take them back to the inn room in which he was staying for the remainder of the trip. Still he couldn’t confront the person with Misao at his side.

Even though he didn’t return the romantic feelings she harbored for him, he cared if something happened to her. She was beginning to chat again. Sighing he tried to listen and respond when necessary, not wanting her to figure out that something was wrong. If she did then she’d try to get involved. Until he knew who the person was then he wouldn’t involve anyone else. He would take care of his own problems. Looking around he was sure he saw something up on a roof top but it was gone before he could confirm it. A strong feeling of animosity washed over him as the girl laced her hand around his arm, trying to get close. He didn’t remove her but remained focused. It wouldn’t do her any good to toss her affections his way. Not only did he see her as a sibling but she wasn’t his type. Only those that had been with him that fateful days years ago knew of his sexual preferences. Beshimi, Hyottoko, Shikijou, and Hannya had all known about his tastes and hadn’t faulted him for them. No doubt Misao would flip and think him insane. Though she had a form resembling a small boy she still wasn’t male.

Seeing the inn coming up he decided to make a decision. He’d have her go on in without him and continue out of town. He’d deal with this problem before heading inside for the evening. Then he’d take a hot bath before crashing. A cup of tea would also hit the spot. He should have stayed and accepted Himura’s offer of dinner. At least then he could have ogled the redhead some more. Shame the man was straight and panted after the silly female he was living with. While he liked strong men, red hair was one of his fetishes. It was rare, one of the things that appealed to him greatly. “Misao, head on inside I have something to take care of.”

The girl protested but did as he said. Once she was safely inside the dwelling he continued his walk along the streets. The presence was still there, trailing behind him cautiously. The person was up on the roofs. How the hell they were moving with such ease he couldn’t fathom. A elderly woman rushed past him almost tripping in her haste. Quickly reaching out he steadied her. She gave a quick thank you before rushing off once more. Glancing around he felt it further ahead of him. As if it knew what he planned on doing. Scowling he headed right for the edge of town. There was an empty stretch of woods that way. Was he being led into a trap?

Youko felt relieved seeing the human female leave the man’s side. It meant he wouldn’t have to get rid of her. The way she was clinging to the man left no doubt as to her intentions. The girl was panting after the tall man. Not that he could blame the girl, she saw exactly what he did. He’d been on his way to the Reikai and decided to stop nearby for some water. Kuronue had asked for a month of time for him to go visit with his female mate. It put their exploits on hold for awhile but that usually didn’t stop him from doing as he wished. He usually tried simple petty thefts to amuse himself. He’d caught the strangest most pleasant scent on the wind. It resembled rosemary mixed with the musky scent of male. It was the strangest but most alluring scent he’d ever come across. His curiosity peaked he’d found himself following to some type of human dojo. There he’d found the cause and owner of the sweet aroma.

The man was simply delicious to behold, the redhead hadn’t been bad either. But the owner was tall, mysterious, extremely handsome and had a well-built form. The body spoke of power and grace. Where had the man gotten those stunning green eyes? There was such raw hunger and passion lurking below the surface he’d felt enthralled to watch the man. Who was he? Youko usually didn’t bother with humans but instinct told him this one was anything but average. He was tempted to learn all he could. Besides he had some time before he was due to meet his partner once more. Might as well enjoy the time off.

The man was leading off towards the far end of town near the woods. The perfect place in which to catch his prey. Be it a fight or seduction all depended on the man. While the girl had clung to him and vied for his attention the male hadn’t shown any interest but that proved nothing. He couldn’t see himself being attracted to her either. She sounded whiny and annoying to his ears. She wasn’t very feminine to boot. Crouching on the last rooftop he let amber eyes linger on the sway of firm hips as they man strolled into the woods. Like a rabbit coming out of it’s den, the hungry fox waited to spring.

Aoshi waited until he was far enough from town before stopping. The person was near him, up in the trees lurking. Why hadn’t an attack began yet? Was the person waiting to toy with him? He didn’t like games, nor was he very patient. His anger was kept easier in check these days but there was still a limit to what he could stand. Looking around he saw the man finally. Disbelief filled him as the tall male jumped from a branch to land directly in front of him. The man was definitely odd and different, what the hell was he? From the neck down he appeared to be a lean male except for the clawed fingers. Long silver hair twirled and swayed as the wind picked up. Two large ears resembling a dog’s were pointing off the top of his head. The man even stood taller than himself, which was rare. Gold eyes looked at him with open curiosity. “What are you?”

“The one that has been hunting you. Tell me, do you wish to be my prey?” Youko smirked when the man scowled. The look was quite fierce and becoming. Yes, he’d find great pleasure in making him submit. The stiff stance made it easy to see the underlining muscles under the loose coat. The man was a sight to behold, stunning. How hard would those thighs work while in the throes of passion? “Are you wanting to fight?”

“If need be.” Aoshi didn’t fail to notice how the man was looking him over. The man wasn’t sizing him up as an opponent but as a potential lover. It was amusing to see the strange man ogling him with such intent. Here he was worrying about someone stalking him for revenge and the man looked like he was more interested in fucking. He took his own time to scrutinize the other. While the man was strange looking, he had a delicate face. Very nice, beautiful but there was no mistaking the masculinity beneath the soft features. “What do you want?”

“To appease my curiosity nothing more. If I wanted you dead you would have been so before you became aware of my presence.” Youko smirked seeing the man’s face stiffen then turn to a look of boredom. As expected the man had a fighting spirit, that pleased him. A lover with no fire would cause him to lose interest after a single rut. Somehow he doubted the man would come that easy to his bed willingly. Most likely he’d have to work on seducing him. The small glint in those dark green eyes told him it would be well worth the effort. He was certain the man would enjoy being topped as well as being the aggressive one. Variety was always good to keep the sex from becoming dull and repetitive. “Do you like that girl?”

“No,” Aoshi almost frowned at the question. He was almost certain he saw a predatory look in those amber eyes as the man stated his question. If the man wasn’t interested in fighting then what did he want? What was he curious about? Movement caught his eyes from the back of the male. Tails? What in the seven levels of hell was he? Were they as soft as they appeared? “You still didn’t answer my question. I’ve already figured out that it’s not a fight you want. So why don’t we skip the pleasantries and you tell me why you are here.”

“Very well, you really have no patience it seems. I merely wished to see if you tasted as good as you smell.” His voice came out husky and low. The man would have no doubt in what he was referring to. Would the invitation be declined or accepted? A lot of humans had strict morals and didn’t believe in indulging in carnal pleasures, was he one of them? Would be a shame if he had to force the man into accepting his advances. Though he wasn’t against forcing the man to comply to his wishes. His lusts stirred as the blazing green eyes caught his. “Shall it be by force or do you come willingly?”

Was the man serious? Not that he was opposed to the idea. It had been a long time since he’d let himself experience the pleasure of fornicating with another. Had the man really followed him to bed indulge in sex? There was one way to find out. As much as the idea appealed to him, he wouldn’t do so on the hard wet ground. He’d find out exactly what the man wanted. “The inn you saw Misao walk into, the second room from the far left.”

Youko grinned as the man turned to walk back towards town. The statement was an open invitation to join him. He doubted the man would invite him back to fight. Not when he’d gone out of his way to come out here in preparation to do so. So he hadn’t been wrong about the virile man. He was the type that did as he pleased. Perfect, he couldn’t wait to see just how the man would react being topped. Would he be demanding or beg to be fucked? Better yet what would it feel like to have all that male buried deep within his body?

Trailing slowly behind he allowed the man to reach the inn. His ears picked up the sound of the female greeting the male. With a solid and firm tone he told the girl not to disturb him for the remaining of the night. Hopefully she would do as told and not try to interrupt them. He’d hate to have to restrain her and force her to watch the man she desired panting beneath him. While waiting for the opportunity to sneak in unnoticed he strained to hear what was going on inside. The sound of fabric moving and being discarded made his ears twitch and blood to rush. Licking his lips he jumped down off the roof.

Aoshi tossed the shirt over the chair as the man strolled inside. Dusk was already setting outside and most people were heading inside for the evening. He’d told Misao not to disturb him, that he’d be turning in. The man walked in and put the lock down on the door. He noticed the bright eyes roaming over his naked chest. Would he find the scars disturbing? After giving the invitation he realized that he had no idea what to expect of his soon to be lover except that he was appealing to the eye. Would the man want to be dominated or expect him to submit? “Mind telling me what you are?”

“Hmmph, a spirit fox. That’s all you need to know for now.” Youko let his eyes roam over the chiseled chest filled with imperfections. Instead of distracting from the man’s appeal it made him all the more tempting. His tongue twitched to run over the indents and taste each slowly. The sweet scent hit his nose again. His path led him towards the man now going for the button of his pants. “Before we begin shall I be granted a name.”

“Shinomori Aoshi,” He blinked seeing the fox appear before him suddenly. Skilled fingers were taking over on undoing the pants. Relaxing he allowed the man to do as he pleased. The rough material was pulled past his slim waist, down thick thighs. His already aching member sprang forward. It’d been too long since he let himself experience this. How long would it take before he lost himself? His feet stepped out of the pants leaving himself completely nude. A groan escaped his lips as a soft hand wrapped around the thick length.

“You may call me Kurama.” Youko forwent giving the man his full name. As long as he had something to moan as he was fucked into the bedding. Amber eyes drank in the thick shaft in his hand. The man was surprisingly equipped well for a human. His thumb ran over the slick tip rubbing the moisture into the smooth head. It got him a gasp of pleasure from the large man. A sensual smile crossed his features knowing what was in store for him tonight. Neither man was interested in false pretenses or endearment. It would be all about finding what pleasure they could.

Aoshi fisted a handful of silver hair as the fox went to his knees before him. Oh yes, this was what he needed. The pressure was already building imagining just how good it would feel to have those beautiful lips wrapped around his cock. He was surprised the man would jump right to it but he wasn’t one to complain. Skilled fingers stroked the underside, pressing against the pulsing vein. He was being teased as the thumb ran back over his oozing tip. Hot breath lingered over the wetness, the man was being cruel. Using force he pushed the mouth closer towards his erection.

A hot tongue ran over the tiny slit. Aoshi felt white heat consume him as the pink muscle roamed over the sensitive head. A hand was gripping the base as wet heat slid down to encase his cock. The mouth was demanding and eager as he pushed more between the pretty lips. He smirked hearing the gasp of surprise as it filled the moist cavern. Soon he’d be buried in that slim throat. Could the skilled man take him all without gagging? None of his previous lovers had been able to deep throat all of him. The silver head pulled back to coat the length with saliva before the man sucked on the tip.

Youko was pleased when more of the delicious precum escaped the slit. The taste was sweet but tangy, he could find himself becoming addicted. His mouth was filled with the thick meat as he took more in. Soon it was pressing against his throat. The rough hands were trying force more down. Relaxing the best he could, his throat muscle allowed more of his lover to slid down. It was damned near choking him as Aoshi began thrusting his hips. What he couldn’t get down, his hand pumped in a slow motion.

Aoshi felt the tension knotting deep in his groin as the free hand found his twin sacs. The man was driving him wild with the hard sucking motions. The fox seemed to enjoy sucking on the thick cock. Would he be just as eager to have it buried deep in his ass? The thought of driving between those round cheeks made the orgasm rush over him. The explosion of pleasure filled the fox’s throat with the creamy essence. Feeling the throat contracting to swallow the load made him cry out as his cum was consumed. His cock throbbed as the fox took the head between his lips and licked the small slit, making sure to get every drop.

“Get on your knees.” Youko was pleased when the man walked over to the bedding and went down on all fours. He had no doubt that the man was used to being seme with his usual lovers. He’d learn tonight what it meant to be dominated and taken. Pulling off his own garment he enjoyed feeling the burning green orbs watching him with unfulfilled lust. The thick member was already hard again and jutting towards the floor. Once naked, he reached behind his ear to pull out a large seed.

Aoshi watched the man stroll over, his stride filled with confidence. Excitement rushed through him as he eagerly awaited for the man to join him. It wasn’t often he allowed a man to take control. The look in the deep golden depths were primal and fierce. He knew he’d enjoy every second of being fucked by the stranger. His cock was throbbing with desire knowing what was in store for him. His tongue came out to lick parched lips. The fox smirked seeing the motion. Forest green eyes landed on the massive erection coming towards him. Heat twisted in his gut at the sight.

Youko positioned himself behind the firm backside. Clawed hands roamed over the smooth surface, caressing the tender cheeks. The man made no noise but he could smell the strong scent or arousal coming from him. The man couldn’t wait to be taken. The fox smirked knowing he wasn’t one to disappoint. Placing the seed over the puckered entrance, with a twist of his finger the thick moisture landed on the man’s most intimate area. That finally got a hiss of pleasure as the heat coated the tight ring.

Aoshi wasn’t sure what he was using but it was warm and making his skin tingle. Trying to relax, the first feel of skin brushed across him. The slim digit pressed past the tight muscle and entered his heated tunnel. It took a moment to adjust to the intrusion. The liquid placed inside was warming him bringing the strangest sensations. All the nerves in his being seemed to focus around the slim finger pumping inside the needy passage. He was more than ready when another finger was added to accompany the first. The muscles stretched and gave way as the feel of them being scissored to open him wider.

Youko applied more of the lubrication on his throbbing cock. The man was extremely tight and hot around the fingers. He doubted he’d taken it in the ass that often. That suited him well, he couldn’t wait to bury himself into the sweet opening. The fingers slid out with ease and he quickly placed himself at the puckered ring. With an audible pop he pushed forward and felt the first taste of his new lover. The walls pulled at his cock as he held the man still as he grunted at the intrusion. The lubricant was making it easy to sink deeper, filling the man with ease. The intense pressure around every inch made him want to loose control. Aoshi cried out as he pressed against his sweet spot.

Searing heat rushed into his groan as the spot was hit. The fox pulled out slowly only to push in fast to abuse the sensitive spot. The man was making him feel stuffed to the point of being painful. Whatever he was using let him move smoothly. The cock was rubbing along the aching walls as the fox moved behind him. The friction was so intense he was consumed by the feeling. He couldn’t stop the whimper as his prostate was hit again. The man exactly what he was doing to get the reactions he wanted. A hand came around him to grip the base of his cock to stop the impeding release.

Youko thrust into the hot passage loving every second of the tight ass. Everything about the man was well defined. The muscles contracted around his erection trying to pull him deeper. The supple ass pushed back to fully embed itself upon the hard shaft. Aoshi gasped for him letting him know exactly how much he was enjoying being fucked. Feeling his own release nearing he picked up speed. The handsome face contorted in pleasure as he drove deep and fast. The hand gripping the base began to pump in time with his own thrusts. “You like my cock in your ass don’t you.”

Aoshi didn’t know if he was really expecting an answer. It was obvious he more than liked it. He didn’t want the exquisite pleasure to end. The hand stroking his cock was making his balls ache for release. He wanted to cum so bad he didn’t protest when the fox began riding him fast and hard. Each thrust brought him closer as his prostate was assaulted without mercy. Intense heat washed over him as the talented fingers pulled the thick cum out of his throbbing cock. The load filled the man’s palm as he continued to stroke and squeeze, rubbing the essence into the silky flesh. Feeling his cock being coated made the orgasm continue to consume him.

“Oh yeah, that’s it. Fuck, you feel so good.” Youko felt the walls contract around him as the man came so hard he began to shake with release. Letting go, his cum shot out in thick bursts of pleasure. The hot fluid coated his cock while he rode between the quivering walls. Now he was glad he’d taken the time to investigate the wonderful aroma. Aoshi panted beneath him as he pulled his semi-flaccid member out. There was a small hiss of pain but the man wasn’t complaining about the treatment.

Aoshi rolled to his side as the man stood up. Would he leave now? His body was still trembling slightly as he watched the fox. The man was walking over to the small wash bowl in the corner. There was no shame in his features as he used the cloth to wash the large member off. The fox appeared very comfortable with strolling around naked. The former leader of the Oniwabanshu didn’t mind, it allowed him to study his new lover more. He must have been out of his mind for doing this but he wouldn’t regret it. It was the best sex he’d ever had. His brow lifted seeing the wicked gleam in the gold eyes.

After cleaning himself he decided it was time his new pet returned the earlier favor. Going back over to the rumbled bedding he sat down next to the man’s head. Reaching forward clawed fingers latched onto the thick mass of hair. It was soft and straight beneath the exploring fingers. Calloused hands landed on his stomach pressing him onto his back. Laying down he was pleased when the man’s hot mouth went straight for his already hardening member. He smirked seeing his pet was more than eager for the second round to begin.

Aoshi placed the smooth head between his lips. The taste was salty but pleasant as his tongue licked over the bulbous head. No wonder he’d felt so full, the man was quite thick. The shaft itself wasn’t as long as his own but thicker. It was hard to get the girth into his mouth but he crammed it in as the fox pushed his head down. There was no way for him to get it down his throat despite his lover’s prodding. So he tried to please him by licking and sucking on the tender underside. The thick vein was nibbled on making the fox moan and writhe beneath him. His own erection jerked as his name came out in a forced whisper.

Youko let the man play and explore as long as the lush mouth didn’t leave him. The tongue teased every inch starting at the tip grazing until it hit the aching sac. He was in heaven as the man took the loose skin between his lips. More was forced inside, the pink muscle licking and sucking the aching balls. The hold tightened in the dark brown strands as large rough hands pushed his knees up towards his chest. The fox moaned as the mouth released the sac to dip further. Pleasure washed over him as the hot muscle roamed near his entrance. Needing more he pushed the head closer, planting the morsel directly on the ring.

The tangy taste filled his mouth as the tongue licked the puckered entrance. Deciding to tease, he moved his mouth to attack the skin surrounding the area. His teeth nipped seconds before his mouth kissed and sucked on the ravished spots. The hand in his hair was painful but he ignored the demand to run his tongue over the entrance. Rimming the very outside of the puckered ring. Seeing as his lover was becoming impatient he brought his hands down leaving the fox to hold up the legs on his own.

Youko almost jerked as the fingers pried the cheeks apart. He cried out when the hot wetness lapped at the opening. The tongue was pushing into the tight ring. The digits were helping to hold him open to allow the man to shove deeper. His cock twitched and throbbed as Aoshi pumped and licked the inner walls. Joy filled him realizing just how long and talented the tongue was. The hold loosened on the hair becoming a gentle caress as he allowed himself to enjoy being tasted.

Aoshi moaned as the fox panted. He made sure to remember that his fox liked having his ass eaten. His mouth sucked on the puckered hole as his tongue pumped faster. The torture was ended when the man pulled away from him. Aoshi didn’t protest as the man moved fast to push him non-gently on his back. His cock jumped in anticipation as the beautiful man came to straddle his waist. Laying back he let his lover do as he wished. The slender hands reached into the silver hair to pull something out. Soon as clawed hand was wrapped around his base. The warm fluid was being applied to his shaft. It hit his sensitive head, coating it completely. It dribbled down the sides in thick streams.

The fox made sure the erection was covered in the lubrication. He needed no preparation as he placed the tip at his entrance. The ring gave way as he seated himself upon the member. He got more pleasure from hearing the man moan than the stretching pain. It wasn’t often he allowed a man to take him. Yet he wanted to know what it felt like to have his new lover thrusting inside his body. He wasn’t disappointed as he lowered himself down upon the length.

Aoshi placed his hands on the creamy white hips. His cock was being squeezed to the point of it being painful. The fierce gaze was telling him not to move as the fox began moving over him. The hands did nothing but caress the soft skin. The hot passage cradled him like a vise, making it hard to last. His breathing was coming in deep pants as the man rode him slow and steady. “Um, so tight.”

The large ears twitched at the noises coming from the male. Youko moved over him feeling the intense pleasure as he brushed across his sweet spot. He timed each thrust to start the quick stab of pleasure as the last began to ebb. The need to cum was strong with each spike of pleasure. He was sure the man below him was close as he moaned and the hips left the floor. Licking his lips he wanted to feel the man’s hands on him. “Play with my cock while I fuck you.”

Knowing he’d soon cum, Aoshi palmed the girth tight. Pre-cum dripped from the weeping head as he pumped fast. The fox moaned louder than himself as he bounced with each thrust. Aoshi couldn’t help but thrust up to meet the man as he came down. The fox didn’t seem to mind as he took his own pleasure. The hot sheath contracted around him as the stream of cum spewed forth to cover the scarred chest. His own release came feeling the muscles pulling and squeezing hard. The fox grinded against him as the cum was emptied into the passage.

Youko smiled, being sated as the man pulled out of him. Not wanting to give up the warmth he stretched lazily beside him. Claws raked over the chiseled chest to explore the many scars. How had he come upon them? The man groaned when footsteps went by the door and a feminine voice was calling from the other side. He could hear the irritation in Aoshi’s voice as he told the girl to go back to sleep. Smirking Youko decided that the girl was an idiot if she believed she stood a chance with the human male. From the performance the man was completely into males and was comfortable with his sexuality.

Aoshi didn’t want to swear knowing Misao would be asking questions tomorrow about all the noise coming from his room. Best to worry about that in the morning. From the way the fox was getting comfortable he doubted the man had any intentions on leaving soon. That suited him well, he’d like another round before Kurama disappeared. Glancing over he studied the man’s delicate features, memorizing every line. Never knowing it was an image that would soon be forever etched into his memory.