Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A Blessed Day 2 ❯ The news(Telling Kenshin) ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Blessed Day 2
Chapter 1: The News

Kenshin was pacing back and forth on the front steps of the dojo,
wondering where Kaoru was. She had been gone for two hours for godsake. Just how long
did it take to get a simple checkup? Kenshin had wanted to go with her to the doctor, but she had protested.

"Kenshin darling, it's only a checkup. Besides you need to stay and cook dinner. There's something very important that I need to tell you." She had said.

So now here he was, almost dying with worry and anticipation. What could she possibly have to tell him?
Then as Kenshin was thinking, he heard the dojo gate clang open. He turned to see Kaoru walking up the path.

"Kaoru darling what took you so long at the doctor's? I was really getting worried."

Kaoru gave Kenshin a gentle kiss.

"Kenshin anata, I just went for a checkup, I'm perfectly fine. Is dinner reaady sweetie? I'm starving."

Kenshin was bewildered. Kaoru wasn't usually that hungry at dinner.

"Umm yes it is. Yahiko is helping at the Akabeko until late, so it's just you and me that it is ."

"Okay." Said Kaoru, "I'll go and wash up then."

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----

Kenshin and Kaoru were halfway through dinner and Kaoru had not even hinted at what she was going to tell Kenshin. He gave her a look over his miso soup which indicated to Kaoru
that she needed to teel him now or he was going to die of curiosity.

'Okay, here it goes.' She thought.

"Kenshin..." She started to say, but she was interrupted.

"Oh Kaoru there's not someone else is there? Sessha will try to do better that he will!!!"

"You could say that there is someone else, but not in the way you're thinking." She said playfully.

Kenshin had a very puzzled look on his face. Kaoru then walked over a put her hands on her husband's shoulder's and looked him in the eye.

"Kenshin, you're going to be a father."

Kenshin then blinked and said:


Then as what his beloved wife had said registered clearly, a smile spread slowly across the rurouni's face. Then he picked up Kaoru and swung her around.

"I'm going to be a father that I am!!!" He shouted gleefully."
"This is wonderful Kaoru!!"

She smiled broadly.

"I knew you would think so."

The new parents shared a kiss and an embrace, and talked all night about the plans for their baby.