Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A Fighter's Love ❯ The arrival and a meeting ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Need I say it? **sigh** I don't own Ruro Ken. Nobuhiro Watsuki does. Mina and her family are my creations

When she left the train, Okina greeted her. “Konichiwa Okina-san.” She said hugging him. “Arigatou for letting me stay at the Aoi-Ya.”

“Don’t worry about it girl. You’re just like another member of the Oniwaban group.” Mina smiled and left with Okina as they headed towards her hometown.

After settling in, Mina turned to Okina. “I’m gonna go take a walk. I’ll be back.”

“Ok. You know they way.” Okina said smiling.

Mina headed out the door on to a very familiar road…the one that led to her childhood home. Hesitantly she knocked on the door. “Hello?” She called. The door open a little ways and a small girl stood there. “Hello Sakura.” Mina said crouching to the girls level, smiling.

“Oneesan!! You’re back!” Sakura cried. She jumped into Mina’s arms and hugged her. The girls walked inside and Mina was warmly greeted by her family. Her 4 sisters and 3 brothers all pounced on her with hugs while her parents stood back, smiling.

“To what do we owe for the pleasure your company, Mina?” Her father asked.

“Well, I will be in the neighborhood for a while and I thought I’d drop by.” Mina said bowing slightly. “I am staying at the Aoi-Ya.”

“Oh.” He said sounding slightly sad.

“I will come by everyday, otoosan.” Mina said. “I need to go back right now but I’ll come everyday.”

~ 4 Days Later ~

“Kenshin! Sano!” Yahiko called as they walked up to the Aoi-Ya’s front door. Karou peeked out and saw Kenshin.

“Hey…Where’s Mina..?” Sanosuke asked looking around.

“She’s still out visiting her family. She’s likely to be back soon.” Okina said.

“Oh. Where does her family live?”

“Down the road, why?” Misao added. The Kenshin-gumi had found out a short while ago that Misao and Mina had grown up together and that Mina was a kunoichi like Misao. Mina however, was not a member of the Oniwaban group.

“Just askin’.” Sanosuke said. He knew Mina didn’t talk about her family much. “I’ll wait outside for her then.” Sano thought. Sure enough, not half an hour later Mina came walking up the road. When she saw him she gasped and ran to him.

“My Sanosuke…” She said as she leapt into his arms. He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

“My Mina…” Sanosuke said loosening his grip. He scanned her body appreciatively. “I’m likin’ the kunoichi outfit, ai.” Sanosuke whispered in her ear. She blushed and clung to him. “Hey…I’m not going anywhere for a little while.” Sanosuke said.

“Sorry.” Mina said letting go. Sanosuke gently tilted her head up and kissed her deeply. Mina clung to him and eagerly kissed back.

“Oneesan?” a small voice called out. Mina froze and turned around.

“Kiku*?” Mina said walking to the small child and picked her up. “Why did you follow me?”

“You left you ribbon at home, Oneesan.” The small girl said. Sanosuke noted how much she looked like Mina. He watched the closeness and the invisible bond that the sisters shared. “Oneesan?”

“Yes Kiku?”

“Who’s that man you were kissing?” Sanosuke and Mina both sweat dropped.

“Well Kiku, his name is Sanosuke. He’s your oneesan’s boyfriend.”

“Like kaasan and otoosan?”

“Sorta.” Mina said giggling. “Let’s get you home. I’ll be back soon Sano-kun.” Mina said.

“Ok Mi-kun.” Sanosuke said smiling. He had formulated a brilliant plan in his head for surprising Mina when she returned to the Aoi-Ya. He went into her room and took of his jacket. He then sat in a provocative position and awaited her return.