Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them. All of the characters are from my idol…Nobuhiro Watsuki.

This fic is just full of Lemony Freshness. (Even more than Pine solâ"¢!)

I'm so full of Lemony freshness too!! I feel that if you are under the age of 14 or NOT MATURE ENOUGH…you shouldn't read this…(But I wont tell) After all…I did write this. *Evil grin and a sinister laugh*

A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept


Sanosuke's eyes fluttered open. He caught the sunlight and groaned, turning over to where Megumi should have been. Her warmth was gone. He bolted upright. "Megumi?" The Dojo seemed quiet. Since it had only been him and Megumi for the last few days, it had been quite peaceful.

Sanosuke shoved the blanket off of himself and stood, stretching. He yawned widely. "I wonder what Fox is up to?" He asked aloud. Sliding open the shoji, he crept out, peeking around the corner. Megumi had set herself on the training floor, and was folding her kimonos into a pile. *What is she up to? *

Megumi sighed heavily and neatly packed away her stuff. The last thing she wanted was to explain her presence to Ken-San and Kaoru when they returned from they're trip. (They would be back tomorrow evening).

The hairs on the back of her neck prickled, and she got the feeling that someone was watching her. Snapping her head up she gazed into the brown depths of the last person she wanted to explain her leave too…."Sanosuke.."

He made his way across the floor and crouched down beside her, "What are you doing?" Megumi averted his gaze, "I'm…Going." She cringed when she felt Sanosuke's hand on her shoulder, "Leaving?! Megumi! You cant!" Megumi dared not look into his eyes for she knew that she would give in to those cinnamon pleads.

Instead she grabbed her bag and stood, "I'm leaving right in the morning…Its not that I want to go…I just don't want to be a burden all over again." Sanosuke stood and turned his back to her, "Leave then, if it'll make you feel better…"

Megumi turned and walked to her room, struggling not to run back and embrace him. Gods knew that she didn't want to leave…but…it was for the best. *Isn't it? * She questioned herself.

She heard Sanosuke mutter something about the `Fox' then the door slam. Megumi crumpled into a ball on her futon. "Why does he not understand? I don't want to leave him…"

Sanosuke stayed out all night. When Megumi finally came out of her quarters, she was shocked to discover that Sano had not come back yet. Grabbing some light food she nibbled on it and walked back to her room. It seemed quiet with out Sanosuke. She was yearning for his touch. *If only he understood. * She thought resting her head on her futon. The tears began to fall silently again.

Sanosuke didn't appear the next morning either. Megumi clutched at her heart, *He's not even going to tell me goodbye… * She grabbed her pack and wiped her eyes. *I will be strong. * Walking out the door, she took one last look at the Dojo. *I'm glad I cleaned. Kaoru and Kenshin should be pleased when they return. * a carriage awaited her. She was astonished when she discovered that a policeman would also be escorting her. He smiled up at her friendly.

"Wishes of Mr. Sagara."

Megumi nodded and accepted his help in climbing up. Sitting back against the seat, she willed the time to pass quickly. The sooner she arrived home, the sooner she could gather herself back together.

She dozed off for a few minutes and when she came too the friendly officer had abandoned her and the driver had pulled to a stop at a clearing in what looked to be a forest. Megumi stuck her head out of the window, "Excuse me, sir…Where are we?" Absently her eyes wandered to the seat in front of her. A folded piece of paper lay softly on the cushion.

*I know that wasn't there when I got in… * Curiously she picked it up and unfolded it, not knowing why her hands were trembling until she read the words…'You Promised…' Her breathed choked and she stared at the driver as he pulled his hat off.

She watched as that dark brown hair fell free from the confines. The red ribbons fluttered, and he pulled the cloak off, the "AKU' symbol unveiled. Megumi gasped when her eyes met Cinnamon. "Sanosuke…"

He climbed through the window and pinned her to the seat, pressing his lips hotly to hers. Pulling back he gently traced a finger down her cheek and whispered, "Did you think I was going to let you leave without saying goodbye?"

Megumi gulped, "I'm so-" He kissed her lips and cut off her sentence, "Don't Megumi…I came to say Goodbye…" He kissed her again and felt himself weaken, his vision became blurry. He pulled away and turned, opening the carriage door, `Goodbye Megumi…" He stepped out.

Megumi reached out and grabbed his yakuta. "wait Sanosuke…" He turned and she was shocked to see that a tear had escaped his eye. She pulled him into her arms and embraced him, "I don't want to leave you…" He combed his fingers through her hair and kissed her neck. "Good…because saying goodbye was the hardest thing I ever had to do…"


A/N: ^_^ Aww…This is the end folks…no more. ^_^ Please be kind to me and Review.