Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A Race for Love ❯ After effects...........Drama! Drama! ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin….as much as I would like too.
**- Talking inside head
-- Convesation with self
""- Taking
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Kenshin nodded. "Yes Karsuma. I understand, but she may not return to the circuit after what happened to her five years ago. I will try my best, but I can't push her."
Karsuma nodded in understanding. "We don't have much time. Once we get her back, Hiko will deal with her fears, just like he dealt with yours remember…"
Kenshin sighed in rememebering what had happened to him that caused the scar on his face.
Chapter 3
Kenshin arrived at his home. He notices a car in the driveway that belonged to his friend. He barely noticed it due to his mind had been plagued with memories of receiving his scar.
***Flashback*** 13 years ago
"Himura, coming around the last curve for the win. He can do it. No one is near him!" said the announcer. Kenshin had the race made. He was nearing his best time. So he sped up to beat the others and make his time. Kenshin crossed the finish line. He smiled and slowed his bike down and pulled into the grass to greet his partner and love Tomoe. She had came out to greet him when the accident happened. A rider sped through the finish line and looked back to see if he had beaten anyone good. However, he lost control of his bike and the bike ran into Tomoe hitting her and killing her instantly. A piece of metal came and cut his face in the shape of an `X'. Kenshin look at Tomoe's body and how he was just about to ask her to be with him forever as his wife. She now laid there lifeless. He fell to his knees and cradled her body. He cried deeply.
The ambulance came and took her way. Kenshin followed in suit to get his cut sown up and cleaned. Kenshin and Tomoe's family held a beautiful funeral for her. It was with sakura flowers and beautiful red roses.
Kenshin had gone into a state of depression for a 13 years. He would not ride nor leave the house unless it was necessary. However, one day he watching the TV when he saw a new rider, a women beat all the guys on the track. He was amazed at how she was able to beat the guys with such a breeze. He had found a person worth his time and he also decided to get back on the circuit. That is what Tomoe would have wanted. He had to find this girl, who's name was on every screen until she too had a fatale accident. Kamiya Kaoru had been hit and ran into the wall. She had been knocked unconscious, and was in a coma for 6 weeks. She had decided to retire early from racing. Kenshin had been at that race and knew that she would not of gave up so easily. He wanted to find out why and would bring her back with him to the circuit as a partner and a friend, maybe even more.
***End of Flashback***
Kenshin sighed as he entered into his house. His friend Sano had been waiting for him and he knew he was going to hear about it from him. "Kenshin, Where have ya been?" Sanosake Sargara stumbled toward his friend. *He is drunk…Good Ole' Sano.* "Sano, you know I was at the street race tonight. I asked you to come along so you could see Megumi in top form."
Sano smirked, "Yeah, I would have loved to see the fox race, however she is mad at me again."
Kenshin laughed at his drunken friend. "What did you do this time Sano?"
"I smashed another one of her vases again. I did it while I was training. So I need a place to stay for a night, while the fox calms down." Kenshin nodded and help his friend upstairs to the spare bedroom since he was half drunk and would pass out any time soon.
"So what were you doing at the race?"
"Looking for someone."
"Kamiya again? How fast did she go this time?"
"Faster than the guys. She should return to the circuit. She is too good to be with these lame riders."
Sano nods. "I think there is something more than returning her back to the track. Isn't there?" Sano looks at his friend. "Kenshin, your falling for her aren't you. I didn't think you had it in you."
Kenshin turned as red as his hair. "Sano, you think I would want her to come back to the circuit if I did not have a thing for her. However, that is not important. I need a partner in the race that I am returning to. It is an eight hour race that you each race 2 hours and switch on and off. Yes she is beautiful, but I don't think she likes me. She doesn't even know me." They reached the spare bedroom.
"Thanks Kenshin." Sano went into the room and head straight for the bathroom.
Kenshin smirked and head downstairs to the kitchen to eat. After he ate, he went into the garage to work on his bike. This bike was his pride and joy of life. It was fire engine red and had gold and silver flames painted near the end of the bike. His engine needed a little tuning however everything else would be in top shape until the race in one week. It was about 3 am and Kenshin need sleep.
He left the garage and went to the master bedroom. It was decorated in black and red. The bed was covered in black silk sheets and red comforter. It looked so romantic; however, it had a sense of evil behind as well. Kenshin smirked as be began to think of what it would be like to have Kaoru her with him. However, he tried to put those thoughts aside, but those thoughts did not leave. He decided to take a cold shower and get a good night rest, well as much as he could anyways. His dreams were plagued with images of Kaoru.
"Kaoru, you did what? How do you know if this guy is not going to rape you or anything?" Misao wined.
"Where did this come from Misao? You are the one who urged me to go ahead with the deal, REMEMBER!!!"
"Oh yeah! Sorry Kaoru. However, I am worried now."
"Don't be. I can handle myself." Kaoru smiled and put her hand onto Misao's shoulder. However, a peaceful moment was disturbed when an angry woman entered the garage.
"That damn bastard!!!! He broke my best vase." An angry Megumi had enter the garage ready to trash the first thing she could get her hands on, which happened to be Kaoru's bike. Kaoru ran in front of her bike to stop Megumi. "HEY!! Watch the bike, will ya!"
Megumi soon regain control and looked at an angry Kaoru. Megumi was taller than Kaoru and had paler skin than her as well. Her hair was long and she had brown eyes. "Oh my god!!! I am so sorry Kaoru. I was so pist off."
"What did Sano do this time?" asked Misao who ran over to Megumi to stop her from totaling Kaoru's bike.
"That bastard boyfriend of mine broke my best vase, the crystal blue one. He broke it. I bet he is at Kenshin's right now hiding out. Arrrrrgggggggg!!! When I get my hands on that boy, I am gonna.."
"Calm down, Megumi. Why not go over there and yell at him?.........Wait….did you say Kenshin?" Kaoru asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Because that is Kaoru's new boyfriend…" says the weasel, Misao.
"Misao… You know he is not my boyfriend. He is another one of those guys that challenge me and then will lose."
Megumi looked at her friends. *Oh my god, she doesn't know that he is the famous racer, Kenshin Himura. Best not to tell her…or she will get freaked out. Kenshin must have chosen her to be is new partner in the 8 hour race coming up within a month. Good choice, Kenshin.* "Oh really, well I think since it is late that we have to get to bed. Kaoru, no wounds I am guessing today."
Kaoru shook her head and smiled, "I won a new bike, and guess who the fool to put it up was?"
"Let me guess…that slut Yumi. She never was a really good racer. She always hanged off of Shishio's dick when we were in college," Megumi said.
"I know. Oh well though. If you want to tune it up, that will be good."
"Well, it nice to know that my best racer will be out of the races for a week," said a tall man with dark black hair and piercing blue eyes, "I hope this is a good reason, Kaoru. We are going to lose money."
"Hello to you too, Aoshi. You know that some hot shot new racer is going to challenge me, well that happened tonight. It is a good deal though," Kaoru said happily.
Aoshi was the owner of the group. He kept track of what the girls needed and what parts were to be needed fast. "What is the name of the new racer?"
"Kenshin Himura"