Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Waves of Emotion ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to me reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 3: Waves Of Emotions

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Previous: --

"O-jou san... daijoubu?"

As if on cue, a boyish voice came from behind as his hand fell on her shoulder.
She tuned around and saw a boy with short neat hair. Cute perfectly shaped face. Perfected features. A confused smile plastered onto the boy's face. He didn't look much older than her. The most attractive part of him that made Kaoru's heart thumped harder and faster.... was those never ending light blue eyes that seems to be mesmerizing her.

At that moment.... the both of them can't seem to unlock their gaze, time stopped... at that moment blue met blue.

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The stranger looked at Kaoru as she did the same. Then the man knelt down beside her.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Kaoru shook her head. The man heaved a sigh as he smiled at Kaoru. Somehow... this stranger reminded her of Kenshin. She frowned at the thought of him. She still didn't believe that he left her stranded out here alone. The mysterious yet sweet looking boy lifted her face.

"My... you have really nice eyes." The man said as he smiled again. At this... Kaoru blushed... no one had complimented her the way he did.

"You need my help in anything?" The man asked again. Kaoru merely nodded as she pointed at the bridge.

"What about it?" The man looked at her puzzled.

"I... I can't cross it..." Kaoru stammered. By then, realization hit the stranger. He smiled at Kaoru again.

The stranger stood up and went to the mouth of the bridge.

"Give me your hand." The stranger offered. Kaoru stared at the extended hand.

"I'll bring you to the other side.... I won't harm you... I promise." The man said in a very gentle voice. Kaoru gave a weak smile and covered his hand with both of hers while muttering small thanks.

"I don't mind... Miss...?"

"Kaoru... Kamiya Kaoru." The man gave a smile.

"Kamiya san... should we?" Kaoru took a shaking step forward as she shut her eyes tight. The man brought her closer. Kaoru blushed at the contact.

"Gomen... but this would be much more faster... don't worry." Slowly they took each step by each step. It was not long after Kaoru felt solid ground. She opened her eyes and let out a sighed. The both of them didn't even notice that they were still holding hands

"Thank you... You are?"

"Boku wa Seta Soujirou desu." At the absorption of the name, Kaoru's eyes widen as she snatch her hand away from Soujirou.


" Kenshin... do you think... we should have helped jou chan... I mean... what we did must have really hurt her." Sanosuke said as he kicked on a road side stone.

"Yeah... we were hard on busu... I mean... she is after all my sensei." Yahiko added. Kenshin sighed.

"I understand. But that was the only way she would go back to the dojo de gozaru... I didn't want to go so far." Kenshin said.

"I know Kenshin... I know you want her to be safe... I know you did all that just to protect her... But really Kenshin... If I was her... I would rather be in danger just to be with you than have a peaceful life. Sometimes... come to think of it... maybe you're the one who is more afraid than her. The one more protective of your own feelings." Sanosuke explained his thoughts as he stretched his arms.

'Am I? I did all those to save her, to keep her safe... It hurts me too... but... it was necessary... Kaoru... she is... just too stubborn.'

"Can we rest here? I mean... I'm tired... Kenshin..." Yahiko complained as he held out for Kenshin's gi. Kenshin looked up at Saitou as he gave a nod.


"Kamiya san?" Soujirou asked baffled by her sudden change of attitude. Now in front of him was a woman who was in a stance of attacking him.

"What do you want from Kenshin? Why are you following him? Why are you heading to Hokkaido? Are you the leader of the rebellions?" Soujirou was taken back. He didn't know why... but he felt a part of him left him...

"Himura san?"

"Don't act innocent with me Tenken no Soujirou! You fought with Kenshin before... what do you want with him?" Kaoru shouted pointing the shinai at him.

"I do not intent to fight Himura san like you say... Look... I don't even have anything to fight him with." Soujirou raised his hands to let Kaoru look at his waist... where there was nothing there... not even a katana. Kaoru eye him suspiciously.

"Then what are you doing here? Heading for Hokkaido?" Kaoru asked again. Soujirou smiled again.

"Boku wa rurouni." Soujirou answered her question. Somehow, the word 'rurouni' tugged at her heart. Kaoru put down her guard as she looked at Soujirou guiltily.

"Gomen... I..." Kaoru apologized. Soujirou just smile while shaking that apologize away. Kaoru found herself smiling along with Soujirou.

"You know... that smile of yours... it's contagious." Kaoru exclaimed and giggled. Soujirou just continue smiling as he thought that, Kaoru wouldn't know that behind those smile... lays a sad past.

"Kamiya san... since we are going in a same route why not go together." Soujirou offered as he extended his hand. Kaoru's eyes widen at his invitation. For some reason... she felt happy. Kaoru placed her hand over his. Kaoru was a little startled when Soujirou tighten it's hold.

"Arigatou again, Seta san."

"Please... call me Soujirou." Soujirou said smiling his charming smile at her. He didn't know what his smile was doing to her.

"Then call me Kaoru." She bargained. Soujirou nodded his head.

"Deal... Kaoru san. Can you tell me why... you were crying at the bridge?" Soujirou asked and mentally smacked himself when he saw Kaoru's expression darkened. After a few seconds of silence Kaoru started relating her side of the story.


Both Yahiko and Sanosuke gaped at the entrance of Hokkaido. There were so many people in and out. Some in western clothings and others were in rich kimonos or gis and hakamas. Talk about extra. Some of the people stared at them. Some whispering of the swords they take, the clothes they wear. Yahiko frowned as he saw the cakes in the store. Sanosuke sensing something wrong with the boy, it was an unusual sight that Yahiko is so quiet in front of the cake shop.

"What's wrong brat?" Yahiko shrugged his shoulder as he looked at Sanosuke.

"If busu was here... she would surely buy some. Being the busu she is... won't forget us na... Sano... why Kenshin couldn't bring along Kaoru?" Yahiko asked totally oblivious that Kenshin having sharp hearing.

"I don't know Yahiko... He just wanna protect her.... that's all...You know how fussy Kenshin gets over jou chan." Yahiko nodded his head in agreement.

"But... Kaoru can take care of herself... she is after all... the shihondai of the dojo." Yahiko tried to reason with Sanosuke. Sano ruffled his already messy hair and sighed.

"It's.... It's just that... Kaoru's Kenshin's weak point right now... once those rebellions find this out... they will be out to get Kaoru to force the Battousai out of Kenshin... and you know what happens when that personality comes out... Kenshin would just kill his way through to save Kaoru... that's how desperate Kenshin gets. Leaving her... is Kenshin's way of showing his affection to Kaoru... Although I think... Kaoru wouldn't care about danger or safe... and... if he does go on like that... he would bound to lose her one day... and that is too late. Oh well... you do get me na.." Sano looked at the confused boy trying to figure out what he just said. Sano gave another sigh.

"Forget it. A little gaki like you wouldn't understand the meaning of 'The Power Of Love'." Sanosuke ended his 'polite conversation'. Yahiko finally registered what he said jump and bit Sanosuke on the head.

"You are a tori atama yourself." This is where.... the forever peaceful Kenshin cut in.

"Maa maa... the both of you are catching a lot of people's eyes already..." Kenshin tried to stop them from killing themselves. On the other side of him... he was pondering on what Sanosuke had just said.

'I would lose Kaoru? I would lose her if I continue this way? Maybe... maybe this is meant to be... I am stained with blood and many people want revenge... what happiness can I bring to her it's better she forgets about me... and find someone better. It's just infatuation for her... She's till young...' Another part of him thought otherwise..

*Would you be able to handle the pain if she's with another man?*

'Loving a person, doesn't mean to have her... As long as she is happy... I'm willing to back out.'

*How generous of you... you might think like this... have you ever thought of how Kaoru ever felt?*

'She will understand... she's mature enough.'

*Stop contradicting yourself rurouni! First you say she's young... now you say she's mature enough... make up your mind.*

Kenshin shut his eyes tight as he felt the Battousai in him bugging to come out. He shook his head to get rid of that thought.

"You okay Kenshin?" Sanosuke asked his friend as he saw the painful expression. Kenshin jerked away from the touch and growled.

"Don't touch me..." Sanosuke immediately took his hand away from Kenshin... he was affirmative that the voice... belongs to Battousai... and Kenshin's eyes had flecks of amber in it but in the next second... Kenshin was... Kenshin again.

"Gomen Sano... Sessha is fine... thank you for the concern. Let's go." Kenshin said as he walked along side of Saitou. He bowed his head to let his bangs cover his eyes. He knew... the Rurouni won the Battousai this once... he couldn't grantee that... the winning side would be the Rurouni forever... for some reason... the Battousai in him was getting harder to fight.


< br> "Himura san left you there?" Soujirou asked in shocked. Kaoru just nod her head. Although she didn't want to admit... Kenshin was acting like a jerk.

"I believe Himura san has his own reasons ne... Kaoru san." Kaoru looked up at him.

"You think so?"

"Aa... I believe everyone would have his own reasons for doing everything... and I believe Himura san's reason is to protect you."

'Protect me?' Kaoru thought as she looked back down at her feet.

'He did all those things to protect me?' Soujirou smiled at her reaction.

"We should set tent here... it will be getting dark and it's not safe. That is... whether you trust me or not." Soujirou looked at her. Without much hesitation Kaoru smiled brightly at him.

"Of course I trust you! Or else I wouldn't be walking with you until now ne!" Kaoru beamed which made Soujirou some how in very high spirits.

'I think I know why Himura san chose her... she IS special... but... she trusts people too much... and... she is the most naïve person I ever meant. Her smile... it seems to make the world brighter...' Soujirou said as Kaoru settled on a piece of wood.

"Anou... Soujirou... I gotta warn you first... I can't cook..." Kaoru said blushing. Soujirou was surprised at the young girl confession. He covered his surprised look with his usual mask.

"Daijoubu, nobody's perfect ne...I can do the cooking then."


Kenshin looked out of the window. The sounds of cricking crickets and his friends' snoring. He concentrate his focus on the shiny moon that was hanging above him...

'I wonder if Kaoru dono has reached back the dojo... whether is she save...' Kenshin sighed as he looked around him. Sanosuke and Yahiko were fast asleep. The wolf refused to sleep with them so he made it two rooms. But Kenshin was sure... Saitou is not even sleeping... not even... in his room.

"Kaoru dono... what are you doing now?" Kenshin asked aloud uncousicously.

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Soujirou's fantastic cooking reminded her of Kenshin. She closed her eyes as she tried to drift to sleep..., which was evading her. She opened her eyes again to find the boy in front of her was breathing softly.

'I wonder... why Soujirou became a rurouni like Kenshin... and... why is he always smiling...' Kaoru thought as she observed the boy in front of her. Suddenly his eyes flew open as if something has possessed him.

"Sou... Soujirou? Are you okay?" Kaoru asked as she went next to him.

'Same old nightmares....' Soujirou thought as he looked at the girl beside him. One way or another... this strange girl... gave him peace within his heart. He slit his mask back to place.

"Hai... I'm fine... Thank you for your concern." Soujirou opened his eyes when Kaoru did not response. Her face was only inches away from his. Those crystal clear blue eyes reflected his own. The both of them unable to move at the moment... they continued to look at each other. Kaoru finally was the one that pulled away. The both of them swallowed a lump into their throat.

"So... Soujirou... I was just thinking... why did you became a rurouni?" Soujirou smiled again.

"To find my answers and... to atone of my sins."

'That sounded like Kenshin alright... The only thing different is that... Kenshin found his answers.' Kaoru thought. Strangely... her eyelids started to fluttered close.

"Soujirou... aren't you tired smiling everytime? You don't have to do that... if you don't feel like it... not in front of me... please..." Soujirou looked at the girl whose head fell on his shoulders.

That was the first time someone told him that. This was the first time... a person showing him concern... and asked him to be his ownself. But can he? Will people accept him then? Who was he's real self? He didn't know himself. Soujirou's eyes darkened. A scent flowed into his sense.

'Jasmine?' Soujirou sniffed in deeply. Strangely... this scent... brought him tranquility. He closed his eyes and laid his head on the crown of Kaoru.

"Oyasumi nasai... Kaoru..." Soujirou dropped the term he normally uses as he smiled and went to sleep.


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… THANK YOU FOR THE TONS OF REVIEW!! I'm very happy that a lot of you like this idea.... HAI!! This chappie is more of KaoxSou ne... a little waffy at the end. I like that part hehee~ ^__^ I really hope KxK fans won't behead me ne... cause.. honestly.. there isn't much Kenshin scenes are in this chappie... not to mention KxK waff... gomen ne... Next chappie... Kenshin will see Kaoru in Hokkaido... *gasp* Guess who... he saw beside her... heehee~ It's obvivous ne...

SUGOI!! STILL!! SouxKao is leading.... KxK is still behind ne.. Oh yeah... You want me till tell ya the numbers of votes each chappie? Dun forget to vote for your favorite pairings ne... ^__^

Through reviews... I find out that many of you think Kaoru is a little bit annoying... I am so sorry to put it that way... But... Kaoru... how should I put it... Emotional now... I just put in what I think would be the reaction of Kaoru. Yes... I know... it will be annoying at the moment... becoz Kaoru is a strong girl... she doesn't fall. But... minna sama... do think about the part where Kenshin left her... for Kyoto. She broke down... more over when she needs his help... and he left her stranded... I feel that Kaoru wouldn't be able to cross such a bridge, which is a fear... She must have a reason for it... which I do not know how to venture it... I might consider venturing it though... ^^ Her sprit in her would be developed along with the on going chapters... Do please stay with me... I really appreciate your support... I hope all of you would understand Kaoru's feelings... Thank you ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

stillbornangel -- Hai.. this mysterious stranger is Soujirou desu ne... ^__~ here's the next chappie... I hope you'll like this ne... thanks for the review.. ne ^__^

Skipper -- Haahaa~ Hai... I changed my mine about quitting.. here's the update ne... hope you'll like it too.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

ewunia -- Hai... here's the update ne... hope you'll like this story ne... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Fuijiwarano sai -- SouxKao it will be... ^^ So there's quite some waff od SouxKao... hope you'll like it ne... ^^ here's the next chappie I hope you'll enjoy it ne... thanks for the review ^__^

Kyaa-Kyaff -- Yes... actually... if I would do the same decision like you... vote for both... heck... both pairings are just soooo cute ne... ^^ But voting for the both wouldn't be useless ne... I would count it in too... anyways.... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Tuesday Rain -- Hai... about Kaoru being annoying please read the author notes ne... there's a paragraph on it ne... ^^ Arigatou... here's the update... hope you'll like them ne.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Sabrina-star -- You got more? Please! Send them over! But of course tell me the title ne... Hey... I got some new lemons... BxK... just so cool... *dumps cold water on self* ok... if you want them tell me ne.. ^^ Anyways... Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the reveiw ne.. ^__^

mint_chocolate -- Hai... your vote is counted... here's the update... is there enough waff in it?? Hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review.. ^__^

Laie Himura de Fanel -- Heehee~ It was quite simple since I myself love escaflowne too... Your nick gave you off... Laie Himura de Fanel... the Fanel.. it came from Van Fanel ^^ am i right? ^^ I like VAN!! And Hitomi!! Not much of a allen lover... gomen ne... and please... dun call me Kamimura dono... I sound old... i'm only 16.. Kaoru chan would be nice ^^ onegai... ne... here's your update hope you'll like it ne... *psst... Me and another fren of mine are doing a RK crossover of Escaflowne... ^_~ In short, Kenshin is Van and Kaoru is Hitomi... etc etc... though mayeb you would wanna know... ^^ More concept from the movie is used ne.. * ^__^

Chiki -- I liked that reaction where she followed his clothes too ^^ haahaa~ Okay... don't get to violent with Kenshin ne.. we still need him in the story... ^^ haahaa~ Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne... such a nice review ^__^

hota chan -- I have to admit... I am a KxK hardcore fan... but dun worry it won't affect the results of the story... I have to also admit... i kinda like the idea of SouxKao... they look kinda cute ne.. ^__^

Shunu No Miko -- You like Soujirou I presume... ^^ Anyways... i hope you'll like this update ne... thanks for the review ^__^

SwtRkGurlz -- Actually... not really... KxK is really losing by quite a big gap of votes... SxK is relly leading the play... that's why... i added some SxK waff for this chappie... to satisfy my SxK readers... I not quite sure of choosing myself... heck... i'm in a dilemma myself.... haha~ I like both pairings... Here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

kawaii sakura-chan -- Anou de gozaru na... So your vote is on SouxKao desu ne... Do correct me if I'm wrong... Anyways... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Aya Chan -- The boy is Seta Soujirou... he fought with Kenshin before... remember?? ANywayz... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

A. -- A shinai is the wooden sword which Kaoru uses. They sometime refer it as a Bokken... but a bokken is the rounder one... a shinai has the shape of a katana... but it is made of wood.... you get me ne.. THe guy is Seta Soujirou ^^ Kenshin's rival for Kaoru's love in this story... ^^ Here's the next update.... hope you'll like this ne... thanks for the reveiw ne.. ^__^

Alepuig -- Heehee~ *Blush* you think so? Thanks... anyways... here's the update ne... hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review.. ^__^

princezz kaoru -- Hmmm... This chappie is longer rite?? Hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne... of course our sweet rurouni would be jealous to no ends... haahaa~ ^__^

-- I like that phrase 'blue meets blue' too ^^ here's the update ne... thanks for the review ne... hope you'lll like it.. ^__^

April -- Hai... Soujirou's character will develop ne... hope you'll like this update ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Isis 13 -- Isis chan... I'm not really a good author like you said... ^^ I added some SxK waff ne.. is it nice? Hope you'll enjoy it ne... thanks for the sweet review ne.. ^__^

:p -- Hmmm... of course... wait till kenshin sees Kaoru hanging out with Soujirou... hahaha~ okay.. i'm being mean... i'm suppose to be neutral!! *ahem* anyways... here's the update! hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

Phoe-chan -- Oro... *tsk tsk* Being possessive over Soujirou can't get you anywhere... heehee~ I'm more possessive over Battousai... heehee~ okay... this is two different thing... heehee... Me? An inspiring writer? You have gotta be kidding... hmmm... I'll try and have japanese glossary after every chappie... so no need so much trouble though ^^ Ne ne~ When you get your fic out! tell me ne... i wanna read it... any pairings or what so ever? Here's the update! Hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ^__^

tetsuka-chan -- Hai... Kenshinis acting like a jerk to protect Kaoru... she is his weakness and he needs to get Kaoru back home at the dojo where it's safe. ^^ Here's the review ne.. thanks for the review ne.. hope you'll like this chappie too ^__^

Ice-chan -- Haha~ you like torturing Kenshin for a change don't you? Heehee~ Anyways.. here's the update... hope you'll like it although there is no KxK waff -__-'' thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Crystal -- Here's the update... hope you'll like them ne... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Shizuka -- Can see that you just love Canon pairing except for Misao and Soujirou... you dun like Aoshi? Here's the update ne... hope you'll enjoy it.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Kara Himura -- Hai de gozaru... here's the update ne... hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review... ^__^

Selph -- Hai... I understand wat you mean... I'm sorry to have lead the story into quite a sappy one hontou ni Gomen~ I know I'm not new... so no excuses rite... GOmen... here's the next update... hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

marstanuki -- Hmm... wanna try something new ne... so.. there's so waff here... hope you'll like it.. ^^ thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Chibi-lua -- No worries... i will NEVER do a KenshinxMegumi fic... Kenshin belongs to Kaoru... only... I like Tomoe... but... I dun write KenshinxTomoe fic... I dun noe how to... Kaoru... hmm... KaoxSou/KaoxEnishi/KaoxAoshi is interesting for me here's the update... hope you'll like this chappie ne.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

SailorLoneStar -- Oro? What does that have to do with Shishio and Yumi de gozaru ka? Hmmm... do enlighten me... ANyways... here's your update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

grace -- Wow... i understand what you are feeling right now... ^^ here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ^__^

Majia -- Arigatou! Mind if you send in the suggestion to me email ( Onegai ne... thanks also... anyways.. here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. ^__^

Sarryn -- Hai... the update of the story... hope you'll enjoy it ne.. thanks for the review.. ^__^

Gomen / Gomen Nasai -- Sorry
Boku wa Seta Soujiruo desu -- I am Seta Soujirou (Soujirou uses Boku instead of ore. Guys are entitled to use either Ore like battousai or Sano or Yahiko or Saitou while Soujiro uses Boku. For girls they use either Watashi, atashi or watakushi Kaoru uses watashi, misao uses atashi... watakushi is used by more... classy people? like princesses and sort.)
Busu -- Ugly (Yahiko's nick for Kaoru)
Jou chan -- Missy (Sano's nick for Kaoru)
Tori Atama -- Rooster head
Rurouni -- Wanderer
Gaki -- Brat
Maa maa -- Calm Down
Sessha -- This unworthy one (the rurouni version of kenshin says this)
Daijoubu -- I'm fine / its okay
Oyasumi Nasai -- Goodnight