Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Worry? Concern? ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to me reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 6: Worry? Concern?

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Previous: --

"Sessha is sorry for what has happen... de gozaru... Kaoru... dono..." Kenshin apologize. Kaoru just stood there in stupor. She couldn't believe her ears. At one moment... he was telling her how her eyes suited her and sorts... he even kissed her... and now he was apologizing for what has happen?

"Sometimes I think that I would like Battousai more than the Rurouni that I know now..." Kaoru muttered under her breath as she walked pass him. Kenshin just stared at the empty space in front of him... Kaoru had long left... Nothing was there... Only him... and the silence.

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'Kenshin no baka... Why can't he stop his 'unworthy' business? Why can't he understands how I feel...' Kaoru thought over and over again. She hadn't return back to the inn, she didn't want to. Not until she settled down her feelings.

She walked along the path that leads to the small villages just outside the outskirts of Hokkaido. There people greeted her warmly. Children ran past her laughing. Just then a sobbing sound was heard. She followed to where the voice leads her. There she found a small little girl crying all by herself. She went forward to the trembling girl.

"What happen?" Kaoru asked in a soft voice so as not to scare her. The little girl looked up. She was a pretty one. Thick brown hair, a pair of jaded eyes, pink lips and rosy cheeks.

"Lost..." The girl answered brokenly. Kaoru sat beside the girl. Ruffled the messy thick hair.

"Daijoubu yo... Let's bring you back home now." Kaoru said as she held out her hand and smiled. Amazingly, the girl reached out for her helping hand and toddled beside her. They went around houses and streets. Just before the sun reached it's peak Kaoru finally found where the girl lived and sent her home.

"Thank you very much... Our little girl must have caused a lot of trouble for you." The parents apologized to Kaoru as they beckoned the girl to let go of Kaoru's hand and come back inside the house. Kaoru smiled at the girl as she stroke her black hair.

"No... it's okay... She's a fine girl. We had a nice time together." Kaoru replied just then the girl let go of her hand and ran the opposite direction of the house entry.

"Fuji nii chan!!" The little girl scampered towards a large figure. Kaoru followed to where Yukiyo ran to. She was shocked to see who was there.

"It's you..." Kaoru saw the monster that had fought with Hiko when they were battling Shishio's forces. No... she mentally corrected. Not monster... he's human too. Kaoru smiled as Fuji looked at her shocked. Kaoru bowed.

"Kon'nichiwa. I see that you like the present life better." Kaoru smiled brightly.

"Kaoru nee chan knows Fuji nii chan?" Yukiyo asked in curiosity. The both of them nodded their head. Being the curious girl as she always wanted to hear their stories.


K aoru walked back towards the inn. She pondered over the words that Fuji had told her about her current situation.


"You seem troubled Kamiya san." Fuji asked as he played with Yukiyo. Kaoru smiled a little.

"Seriously, I don't know why..." Kaoru confessed as she threw some stones into the river.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what the big fuss I'm making about. If Soujirou wants to leave... I can't stop him. I shouldn't. I'm being too selfish. The same goes for Kenshin. They don't belong to me... yet I don't want to let them go. I should actually. Maybe I'm ain't as strong as I look." Kaoru replied as she cast more stones into the water. Hoping she could throw her frustration away.

"I can see that a warrior's heart lives inside of you Kamiya san. Don't demote yourself. I believe Seta and Battousai would say the same." Kaoru furrowed her eyebrows and frowned

"Kenshin isn't Battousai anymore. Kenshin is Kenshin. He isn't the Hitokiri anymore." Kaoru answered fiercely. But the latter just laughed.

"You are very defensive or should I say protective of battou... no Himura. Am I right?" Kaoru was surprised at the sentence. She was defensive over Kenshin? Was she?

"I don't know."

"There is no such answer Kamiya san. You know the answer... it's deep inside you. All you have to do is to find it yourself." Fuji answered.

Deep inside of her a voice screamed at her. 'What about Sou chan? What do I feel about him?' Kaoru was more confused.

"Kamiya san... How do you feel about Himura and Seta?" Fuji asked suddenly. Kaoru felt heat rushed up towards her face.

"Do you not care about their past? Himura was once the Legendary Hitokiri Battousai. Seta was once the Tenken in Juppon Gatana. Both of them had killed. Can you really except them?" Kaoru jerked her head up to look at Fuji straight in the eye. In it held, determination and anger.

"I don't care about their past. Like you have said, they were... It isn't in the present anymore. I don't care about the past. Or what the future holds between us. I just want the present with the both of them. They have suffer so much in the past... I just wish that the both of them can be healed... the injuries they held... I want them to stop causing them pain." Kaoru said assurance. Fuji just smiled.

"Then tell them. Don't tell that to me. But remember Kamiya san. Between the two that you wish to heal. You can only fully recover one and you would wound yourself in the end. This is the path you wish to walk... then brace yourself. I believe you can do it." Fuji stood up with the small girl in his palm.

"I'll be taking my leave then. You would be fine by yourself?" Fuji asked as Kaoru nodded. Still a little puzzled over what he meant.


Kaoru still didn't quite understand what he meant.

'But remember Kamiya san. Between the two that you wish to heal. You can only fully recover one and you would wound yourself in the end.' Why could she only heal one? Why would she hurt herself too? She couldn't quite comprehend what was really in between those words.

What did that really meant?

Maybe she would understand it later in her life. She felt tired of the one-day trip. Her leg was killing her. Maybe she shouldn't have walked so far off the inn. Just then someone tapped her shoulder. She swirl around preparing to reach for her bokken. But her day's activities made her weary enough. Her leg gave way as she prepared herself for the hard impact. Amazingly, a pair of strong arm caught her from behind. She turned to look at her savior. A pair of sky blue eyes clashed onto hers.

"Sou chan... what happen to you?" Kaoru asked as she saw beads of perspiration ran down Soujirou's face and neck. He was soaked in his own sweat.

"You hadn't reach home. I got worried so I came for you." Soujirou answered as he pulled her up so she could be standing straight up. Kaoru was touched at what Soujirou had said. He was worried for her? Would Kenshin have done the same?

"You don't look so well... Are you feeling alright?" Soujirou asked as he looked at Kaoru's face, which was a little pale.

"I'm fine... just tired." Kaoru responded. Soujirou knelt in front of her, hands behind his back. Kaoru was dumbstruck at what Soujirou was doing.

"Sou chan?"

"Come on... I'll carry you home." Soujirou beckoned her to climb onto him. Kaoru blushed but gave into his ideas as she could hardly walk now.

"You're light." Soujirou commented on Kaoru. But no reply came. Shocked he looked over his shoulder to find that Kaoru had fell asleep on his back. Soujirou shifted her a bit and continue back to the inn.

Behind them held a violet gaze tinted with a glint of amber.


< br> Kaoru opened her heavy eyelids and look around her surroundings. The sunlight beamed through the windows that blinded her eyesight for a while. The morning greeting that she had wished wasn't quite expected.

"BUSU! Kenshin's hurt!" Kaoru immediately jerked to a sitting position and ran out of the room. Not caring that she was wearing a yukata. When she was reaching the entrance, she saw Saitou and Sanosuke hanging onto a bleeding Kenshin.

"Kenshin! Kenshin! Answer me!" Kaoru frantically searching for a sigh of answer. Kenshin groaned at the pain he was receiving. Being bombed wasn't such a nice thing after all. He had underestimated them.

"I'm... fine..." Kenshin managed to open his eyes to find concern sapphire eyes looking straight at him. He smiled ruefully. His hand went up to wipe away her tears that had been raining on his face and hands.

"Gomen..." Kenshin whispered. Kaoru was shouting at him. He could hear nothing... he could only piece up a single word. It was her little nick of him sometimes. It looks like he was one.

"It seems that I only know how to make you cry..." With that darkness consumed his whole body.


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Okay... I mixed both SxK waff with KxK waff at the end... I hope both SxK fans and KxK fans would like this chappie though... and the talk with Fuji... I do hope you would understand it too... Remember Fuji?? The Juppon Gatana member who fought with Hiko? Yup... he went to Hokkaido after the fight to help with the farmers. One more member of the Juppon is oso in Hokkaido. He would oso helped in the fight between the rebels. The rebels have took actions ^^ Hope you'll like this chappie ne... ^^

Vote for your favourite couple!!

*Chibi Kamimura Kaoru pops out* can Kaoru be with both Soujirou and Kenshin? Kinda weird ain't it??

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Icegal -- Oro? I believe Soujirou managed to convinced another fan.. hehee~ ANyways... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review ^__^

LittleDragon5 -- Arigatou... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ^__^

Kriska -- Hai.. KxK waff at the end of this chap.. hope you'll like it ne.. ^^ here's the next chap.. hope you'll enjoy it.. thanks for the review ^__^

bella -- Hai.. a lot of people had been saying me mean about the cliff hangers and sorts *evil laughter...* ok.. here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review ^__^

Kyaa-Kyaff -- Here's the next chappie... hope you'll like this... coz there's a mix of SxK and KxK waff... ^^ thanks for the review ^__^

Phoe-chan -- Oro... I hope you'll like this chappie.. thanks for the review ^__^

Val -- Yup... I agree about the Battousai part.. that will come again *grins evilly* oro.. now where did that come from.. anyway.. here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like it ne.. ^^ thanks for the review ^__^

Hitokiri X -- O_o... ororo... You really want SxK dun you ^^ Anyways to calm you down.. SxK votes are leading KxK votes by almost half already... yup yup... anyways... i hope you'll like this chappie.. thanks for the tons of reviews ^__^

hota chan -- Hai... I'll try my best ne.. anyways.. here's the next chappie... hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ne ^__^

Madam Spooky -- Gomen... i dun understand Portuguese but... anyways... i understood the part on 'KENSHIN NO BAKA!!!!!' haahaa~ anyways... thanks for the review... and thanks for taking the trouble to read too ^__^

Fujiwarano Sai @ Eeva Leena -- Long nick all of a sudden desu ne... Oro... Dun blame Ken chan ne... his unworthy crap is quite usual... but he means well.... right? anyways... here' the next chappie... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the reveiw ^__^

princezz kaoru -- 'Anata no tame ni' means For Your Sake. Nice? Your long review was really very dedicated to KxK ^__^ Nice of you... ^^ Thanks it was really very nice of you... thanks. Here's the next chappie... thanks for the NICE review again.. hope you'll like it ne ^__^

Moonwind -- Thanks... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it! thanks for the review! ^__^

Shizuka -- OKAY! I'll take the battousai part into consideration.. *heehee* anyways... here's the update... hope you'll enjoy it... thanks for the review.. ^__^

marstanuki -- Gomen... anyways... here's the next chappie... thanks for the review ^__^

Selph -- ORO! 100 each?? wow... that would be a lot... -__-''' anyways... thanks for the review... and i hope you'll like this chappie too ^__^

Aya Komiyama -- Yup... Kao chan is confused... Hope you'll like this chapppie... thanks for the review ne ^__^

Hanna-chan -- Hai hai... I understand what you mean about Kaoru ending up with Kenshin.. ^^ but like they always say... those two are destined to be with each other... ^^ thanks for the review... i hope you'll like this chappie... ^__^

Saby-chan -- Kenshin loves screwing up things with his 'unworthy crap' *wamps bokken on Kenshin's head* ok... nvm..'s the next chap... hope you'll lik it ne.. ^^ thanks for the review ^__^

Yume Kuroi -- Hai... vote taken... ^^ here's the update.. hope you'll like this chappie ne.. thanks for the review ^__^

Lynn -- Oh... i get wat you mean... ^^ here's the update... hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ^__^

anonymous -- Hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Take you out from Laylom?? *rubs chin... grins evilly* Should I or should i not... *gathers Kenshin-gumi and discuss* Ohohohohoho.. takes into consideration... bwahahahaha~ okay... erm... anyways... here's the next chappie...hope you'll like it.. Thanks for the review... *runs off to tell Enishi the bad news... * ^__^

Nikka -- Thanks for the compliment... hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ne ^__^

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan happie ^__^x