Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Working together for the one I love... ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to u reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 9: Work Together For The Ones We Love...

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Previous: --

Kaoru's body went limp and the man shifted her weight to a shoulder. He took out the blue ribbon and threw it to one of his subordinates.

"She would prove to be a great bait. Keita! Do inform our guest about their little lost property."

"Yes sire!" With that he disappeared into the dark.

"Now... who would be rescuing her... Tenken or Battousai..." His evil laughter filled the air as he strode into the deeper woods where his mansion held.

"Let's see who would be stupid enough to come to your rescue my little princess..."

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Soujirou had just got back to inn when Kaoru had decided to have more time to think. He needed time to think himself. Was he too forward when he suddenly kissed her? He hoped not... besides... Kaoru didn't even stop him and she was just too hard to resist. Soujirou stifled a sigh as he went up the stairs quietly. He decided to check up on Kenshin.

Just then the wind rose and a certain indigo ribbon caught his eye. He quickly grabbed it and saw that it was the actual ribbon that Kaoru always tied around her high ponytail. The ribbon was being ripped into half. It had to mean something. He quickly ran to Kenshin's room to find him standing at the door with the second half of the ribbon gripped within his deadly hold.

Kenshin walked pass him and continue to walk until Soujirou called him.

"Himura san! Where are you going?"

"To Saitou's office. He must have some information about the whereabouts about the rebels."

"I understand... I will be going with you too..." Soujirou responded but even if Kenshin protested... he was still going anyway. Those bastards will pay dearly for even touching Kaoru's hair. He clenched his fist around Kaoru's bokken.

They accelerated their footstep till they reached the building and to Saitou's office.

"Battousai, what are you doing here?" Saitou spit as he took in a deep breath of tobacco. Soujirou recognized the person who was sitting opposite from Saitou.

"Anji-san?" The man turned and revealed one of the members of Juppon Gatana... Yuukyuuzan Anji.

"Soujirou dono... it's been a long time since we've met..." Anji stood up at full height and bowed politely like he always used to.

"Himura dono." He bowed to him and Kenshin bowed back.

"Saitou. You have the information on the rebellions am I right?" Kenshin turned back to Saitou who couldn't be bothered with the greeting and reunions they were having at the moment.

"Let's see... they have caught the tanuki again am I right?" Saitou mocked Kenshin as he placed his papers down. Kenshin gritted his teeth and look straight at Saitou.

"Where are they..."

"They are at the outskirts of Hokkaido. Continue to walk towards the sound of the waterfall in the forest and you'll find them." Anji answered for Saitou who just glared at him and stood up taking his katana.

"They are around that corner... we haven't found the exact place." Saitou continued the last part of Anji. Kenshin reluctantly turned and strike out of the office.

"Battousai... one day you'll die because of your impatience." Saitou smirked as he threw another finished cigarette.

"I won't and thanks for the concern." Was the reply Saitou got from Kenshin.


Soujirou followed Kenshin quietly. As for the noises behind... Sanosuke and Yahiko were responsible for it. The both of them coincidentally met Kenshin and Soujirou when they pass by the market place. And of course being the `brothers' of Kaoru, they wanted to tag along. Neither Kenshin nor Soujirou protested that... that is only if they don't slow down their pace.

"Anou... Sagara san... can the both of you lower your volume down once we enter the forest... It might alert the guards if you and Myojin continue to talk so loudly." Soujirou tried persuading, his patience was running low.

"Who are you to te-"

"Soujirou's right... the both of you better keep your voices low..." Kenshin cut off Sanosuke's sentence as they continue their journey as Sanosuke and Yahiko muttered curses under their breaths.

Just as what Anji said, the sound of a waterfall could be heard. Although it was still soft, with the high sensitive senses Kenshin and Soujirou had... it was impossible not to hear it. They walked briskly to the awaiting waterfall. When they reached there, there was nothing that the rebellions could be hiding at.

There was scenery of trees, waterfall, and grasses... nothing else.

"Could Anji's words been mistaken?" Kenshin asked Soujirou who shook his head.

"As far as I know Anji san has been quite an informer around Hokkaido when Shishio san was still alive. Before he left Hokkaido for the `kuni tori' he was living in the hokkaido's forest... he knows quite a number of things around here. They must be ar-" Soujirou stopped as he eyed the waterfall.

"Himura san... the waterfall..."

"Aa." Kenshin had also found something suspicious of the waterfall. He nodded to Soujirou.

Just this once... Just this once I will work with him... for Kaoru's sake!!

"Sano, take care of Yahiko. Soujirou and sessha would be going in. You and Yahiko stand guard here de gozaru."

"No way!" Yahiko started to whine. He wanted to save his busu sensei too.

"Yahiko... just in case we fail. Someone would still in too save Kaoru." Kenshin smiled softly at Yahiko who thought so too. He grumbled and sat on the grass gesturing he would go along with their plans. Kenshin smiled ruefully at Sanosuke who gave him a thumb's up sigh.

"Let's go..." Kenshin nodded to Soujirou as they stealthily walked to the side of the cliff-wall. As they expected, behind the waterfall was a hidden cave. Just as Kenshin was about to enter. Soujirou gestured for him to wait, Kenshin saw he picking up a twig and purposely threw it to the other corner, where a rustling sound was made. Then he pulled Kenshin to a shadowed corner.

Two lean guards made their way out as they scanned for any suspicious character. A knock in their neck had darkness consumed them.

"That would make them sleep for a while." Soujirou and Kenshin quickly changed into their armors and clothes. Soujirou had also taken his katana while Kenshin stick to his Sakabatou.

They entered the hidden cave. It made other knights aware of them, but seeing their uniform and the katanas they held they continue to do their sentry jobs.

"Oi!" One of the guards called the both of them as they passed him.

"Why are you doing here?"

"We are here to report our duties." Kenshin answered coolly as he stared back at the so seemed person-in-charge. He had plastered a plaster over his cross-shape scar. It was obvious they knew who he was with it.

"Okashira is in the room where the chick is."

"Chick? You mean the petite blue eye lady?" Soujirou asked feeling anxious hoping it was not.

"Aa... though she still needs to grow up a bit... but I think the silky skin would prove wonderful. Those long legs... if only they could wrapped them around me." A dangerous glint in both Kenshin and Soujirou's eyes passed through as it made the person shut his gap.

"We would be going now..." Kenshin and Soujirou announced. The both of them knew only one thing.

If the so-called Okashira ever touch Kaoru... he would have to pay... dearly.

In the long hallway they entered, only a door at the far-end existed. So it must it. The both of them hastened their footstep as they finally reached it. Kenshin and Soujirou listened intently for any sounds made from inside. Apprantly, it was quiet.

"Why don't you come in already, Battousai-san and Tenken-san?" A rough voice rang from the inner room. Kenshin and Soujirou was shock... how did he know when they were so quiet and their `ki' was under control. But since he had notice them already, there was no use hiding. Kenshin slid the door open with a sharp snap. The sight that greeted them... to be happy or angry. They couldn't decide right.

"Kenshin... Soujirou..." Kaoru put down what she was holding and smiled at them.

"Kaoru-dono? Aren't you-"

"She was suppose to be my hostage... but I must say she makes a good company. No wonder the number of suitors." The man continued as he cut off Kenshin sentence.

"I would have made her my woman, if she didn't fend for herself instead of crying. Yes... an amazing woman. But still... I won't give her over." The man said in a low tone as he took a shinai from behind. Kenshin and Soujirou were confused to no end.

First, they didn't expect to be found behind the door.

Second, they didn't expect Kaoru to be drinking TEA with the rebellion's leader.

Thirdy, they SERIOUSLY didn't expect the rebellion's leader to be using a wooden sword... that they didn't.

"What? Never expect me to use a shinai." The man glared back as he sent his ki flying towards the two. Kenshin replied his answer back with his ken-ki. Soujirou got to the sides of Kaoru who was sitting there looking at the trio.

"Kaoru... are you hurt?" Soujirou asked in deep concern. That definitely got Kenshin's attention. Kenshin looked at Kaoru. His amethyst eyes drowning her down. Kaoru averted her eyes from the both of them.

"Junrou-san... can we talk like just now instead of fighting."

"Try telling that two the other love-sick puppies." Junrou, said as he pointed his shinai at Kenshin and then at Soujirou.

"Kenshin, Soujirou... he didn't hurt me... can't we sit down and solve this?" Kaoru half commanded, half pleaded. Soujirou and Kenshin looked at Kaoru who pouted cutely.

"The talking would have to be made by Saitou. Not us... Kaoru-dono. We are only here to get you back." Junrou, took hold of Kaoru's arm as he pulled her up. Soujirou and Kenshin took a step forward afraid that Kaoru would be hurt.

"I told you once... Now I'm telling both of you another time. I am not handing her over." Junrou repeated angrily.

"Junrou-san..." Kaoru knew the reason of Junrou being so possessive of her all of a sudden...

Tsukiyama Aida and Tsukiyama Mei-Li

But it wouldn't be good to anger both Kenshin and Soujirou at the same time.

"Then I will take her back by force." Both Kenshin and Soujirou threatened in unison. Kaoru blushed slightly, seeing both Kenshin and Soujirou fighting for her. Just then a thought hit her.

Kenshin was still injured!

"Ken-" Kaoru was about the shout out his name when Junrou smiled down at her.

"Stay back Kaoru... I wouldn't want to get you hurt." In the next second Kenshin charged towards Junrou as he did the same. The sakabatou met the hard wood with a thud. Junrou was far bigger than both Kenshin and Soujirou, his speed could meet Kenshin's.

He was far from a normal rebel. He has the skill of a royal samurai.

Kenshin still injured from the bombing didn't have the strength to fight in strength. He was bound to lose. But his will power got him going. He pushed his sakabatou towards the shinai as they jumped apart. Kenshin was about to move again when Soujirou stepped in between them.

"Soujirou... get out of the way..." Kenshin growled. This was his fight.

"Himura-san... you are feeling very exhausted already if I'm not wrong. Being still injured and fighting such a heavy opponent prove not unhealthy for you. I'll take the fight from here." Kenshin was about to protest until he saw Kaoru beside him looking at him worriedly.

"The wounds are opening... Kenshin no baka..." Kaoru furrowed her eyebrow as she took off Kenshin's gi to tighten his bandaged at his abdomen.

"Actually, Junrou-san is a good man... he became a rebellion... because of his wife and daughter." Kaoru whispered audibly only for Kenshin to hear as she cringed at the sound of metal scraping wood.

"The Meiji government killed both his wife and daughter while he was out... because... because his wife was a refugee from China. Junrou-san had loved her. When he was around the officials didn't have the courage to go head-on on him. He was afterall... a samurai that survived from the Bakumatsu period." Kaoru said as she helped Kenshin put on his gi as she looked at the fight nervously.

"He wants revenge on them... now after he got the power and people to go against them. It's not right... but his hatred for the government..."

"He regretted helping in the shaping of the Meiji government..." Kenshin stood up with the help of Kaoru.

"Yamero!! Hitokiri Tsukiyama!" Kenshin yelled as Kaoru looked at him in astonishment. The attack of Soujirou and Junrou stopped. Junrou glared at Kenshin.

"I see you remember Battousai... " Junrou stood beside the door clutching the left side of his ribs.

"Junrou-san! You are injured!" Kaoru cried, as she ran towards Junrou. She knew he wasn't a bad person. And the philosophy of her sword ideals made her unable to stand other people's pain. Junrou whispered an apology in her ear as he caught hold of her neck.

"Tsukiyama!" Kenshin growled as he saw Kaoru struggling in his hands.

"Stop struggling Kaoru... I won't hurt you..." Junrou whispered softly and he walked away from the room backwards. Sanosuke and Yahiko who just got in the hallway stopped at where they were.


"Busu!" The both of them shouted as they watched the build man taking Kaoru away helplessly.

"Junrou-san... Mei-Li san and Aida-san wouldn't want to see you like this..." Kaoru tried as the neared the edge of the cliff.

"That's what they always say..."

"Please Junrou-san... If you say it is because you love Mei-Li san and Aida-san... you are doing this... You are not taking their revenge... You are on-only trying to GET AN EXCUSE TO RID THE CRIMES YOU MAKE!" Kaoru shouted as they came to a stop.

"Ex-excuse..." Junrou stammered as he absorbed what the girl in front him had said. She was right... the Mei Li and Aida he knew was always forgiving... always loving. He loosened his grip on Kaoru.

He lost to the girl...

He pushed Kaoru to the front as Kenshin and Soujirou immediately loomed beside her.

"Arigatou... Kaoru-chan..." With that he fell backwards towards the never-ending cliff that lead to the sea just below them.

"Jun-JUNROU SAN!!!" Anguished filled her voice. But before he met his death, Kaoru saw his smile... she knew that he was happy. But there will be so many other ways to be happy if you are alive. Mei-Li and Aida just meant too much for him... too much.

Kaoru turned to her left not caring who he was and cried into his gi. The other side of the arms instantly let go. A part of her left her as well but she was enveloped into a warmth source right after it pulled her closer.

She could no longer be bothered by her problems now. Not now... her grieved for her new friend filled her.

She found out when they had the conversation that her attitude towards life and swords were about the same as Junrou's wife. Mei Li. A pretty china girl, who gave up her life for him. That was why Junrou didn't hurt Kaoru... she was a look alike. Not in the looks... but the inner beauty. They held the same power.

"I will be watching from above... who will win your love little one." The exact same words he had muttered before he pushed her forward... before he committed suicide.

"Let's get going." She heard Sanosuke's voice as she found herself being lifted in the arms of the person. She shifted slightly so that she would b more comfortable. She opened her eyes. Wanting to see the cliffs that had taken her friend away...

Instead... blue watery eyes met angry and jealous violet ones...


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Okay... HAI!! I made a twist here with the rebellions... I hope all of ya was surprised.. At first I wanted to make Kenshin and Soujirou to work together to save her out like always... but then it will be such a, how do i say it... so expected? Now that I think would not be interesting.. so I had made kaoru to be attached to Junrou like a father... ^^ i hoped you liked that... And i think all of you have guessed who was the one who she hugged while crying. And who was the one who left her. DON'T WORRY!! The pairings are still not set yet... well GOING TO is the right word... and I must say... the SxK fans are coming in strong... KxK fans.. come on!! Ganbatte ne!! Hope ya liked this chappie!! RnR ne!! ^__^ ARIGATOU!!

Readers / Reviewers from MediaMiner: Gomen! I always have a tendency to forget about my fics in MediaMiner... Do forgive me!! That's why the sudden updates of all the chappies.. -__-`' Gomen! Do forgive Kamimura Kaoru chan ne *puppy eyes and chibi Kamimura Kaoru latches on readers arm* I promise all of ya that i WOULD update as soon as I update in HAI! This I promise all of ya ne~ Next! I am really touched with the reviews I receive... though they are not as much as I am still happy netherless!! ^__^ YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY!!! ^__^ ARIGATOU!! Lastly... Gomen again ne~ Thanks for reading!!!


Anou - Excuse me...

Kuni Tori - Remember Shishio's plan to rule japan.. tats the Kuni tori I'm talking about

Okashira - Leader/boss

-san / -dono / -chan - Honorifics

shinai - wooden sword (Kaoru uses this in RK series)

Sakabatou - Kenshin's beloved sword. Reversed blade sword

Yamero! - Stop!

Jou-chan - Missy (sano's nick for Kaoru)

Busu - Ugly (yahiko's nick for Kaoru)

Arigatou - Thank you

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

THANKS FOR REVIEWING!! I'll make a individual thanks for all of you next time!! ^_^

Anou... those who want me to notify ya when I update do notify urself again with your email add... gomen ne... i really lost track who wants me to notify them... thanks again...

ENJOY! Vote for your favourite couple.

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!