Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Another Morning ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: There is no more postponing it… I tried because I felt sad because this story is ending but as a wise reviewer said "everything has to end some time" and the time for this fic has come. So get ready for the last chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have a few final individual thanks at the end and please remember to leave a review this will be the last time. Enjoy!

Chapter XI

Kenshin was feeling a lot better and the time had come for him to go and pay a visit long postponed. It was early in the morning so he left before anyone could stop him. The streets of Kyoto weren't as he remembered. First of all most of his memories of Kyoto were set at night. Illuminated only by the moon light, hiding in the shadows and waiting for his prey. They were all sad memories. One battle after another, blood everywhere and then the torturing silence of a battle ground filled with corpses. The last time he was in Kyoto he was the Hitokiri Battousai now he returned as a rurouni and as that he was able to go and talk to her.

The rebuilding of the Aoya was finally over. The month of hard work had passed and the Oniwabanshu was able to move to their old home. Sae was sad. She had grown attached to the new company at her house but she knew it was only temporally. The time had come for her to let them go but she realized that even if the didn't live with her anymore they will still be her friends. They hadn't been staying at the Aoya for long when one morning Kaoru announced Okina and Misao that they were going back to Tokyo. Off course they all knew that that day will come and that friends would have to say their goodbyes but it was a shock anyway.

Kaoru spent the night prior to her announcement fully awake. A month had passed since Kenshin came back to the Aoya almost dead and a lot of things happened in that time. Kyoto was a warm place for her. She had found and met new friends, she felt safe and since Kenshin woke up she was happy. It was weird to think about it… Kyoto. That name was in the past a shadow threatening to take Kenshin away from her but now… Kyoto was the place where they had been closest. She had learned to read Kenshin like a book and she noted in his eyes that there was something bothering him. Yes, he was better, he was almost completely recovered but there was something in his soul. She knew it was silly but she missed his oroing. She hadn't heard that word since they were together in Tokyo. Most people just thought Kenshin used that word the way he used sessha or that it was part of his really weird politeness but Kaoru had the felling that there was something else with that little word.

"He just uses that word when there is a little happiness in his life. It's the times we are playing and having fun when he says oro. I know it can be annoying sometimes but that is something that shows an aspect of him where he isn't always in a struggle or worried or fighting. It's just a playful Kenshin that smiles and laugh. That word has been absent for quite a long time and that worries me."

She was so worried that she decided that they should go back to Tokyo as soon as possible. Kyoto was a nice city for her but she knew that it held a lot of painful memories for Kenshin.

It was her last day in Kyoto and Okina had big plans for all of them but fate had decided differently. Kenshin and Sanosuke were out. Yahiko was leaving and Megumi wanted to talk with Kaoru. Megumi talking to Kaoru? That was a first.

A man with read hair and a bandage in the left cheek walked though the streets of Kyoto. It was a nice hot day and the son was shining high in the sky. He stopped. There was a man selling flowers in the road. "She will like some flowers…"

Misao walked to Kaoru's room. She called her name but nobody answered. She slid the door open to find that the room was empty. Kaoru was gone, so were Kenshin, Yahiko, Sano and Megumi. That was it for their last day together, they had all left and now all their plans were ruined. This thought didn't last long. She sensed him. She had that ability now; she could sense Aoshi when he was close. It didn't work always but it did sometimes and this was one of them. She rushed to the window; she was right. Aoshi was leaving, probably to the temple again.

The little boy was walking through the forest. Everything was silent; he could only hear the birds singing softly in the trees. He didn't know exactly where he was going but he knew the place was near and he would find it soon. He stopped. "That most be the place…but it's in ruins, it is destroyed… Sano told me about it but I didn't expect it to be like this… I thought there would be something left."

Yahiko tightened his fists and started walking slowly towards the entrance. He didn't know if there was something to see but he was going to go anyway. Then a shadow appeared at the entranced. He moved his hand to the hilt of his shinai ready to face whoever was there… He opened his eyes widely when he recognized the tall figure of Sanosuke.

They were sitting at the edge of the river. Their feet in the water as the enjoyed the beautiful sun. There were people talking all around them but they were quiet. It was an uncomfortable silence and they both had their eyes down staring at the water. They weren't that close. It was no secret that they both had feelings for the same man and they were aware of the others feelings. Megumi was quiet. She had to talk with Kaoru but she didn't know how to begin. That month in Kyoto opened her eyes and now she was going to do the bravest thing she could and do what was best for her Ken-san.

"I… I felt kind of left out this time… that's why…"

"What are you talking about? You beat one of the Juppon Gatana and protected everybody, ne?"

"But I didn't get to see Shishio's face"

Sano didn't reply. He understood then why the kid had come to Shishio's hideout. And he realized that if he were in his position he would have probably done the same thing.

"Let's go" He said as he stood up. "To the place where Kenshin fought Shishio"

She knew she had to talk to her. There was no more postponing it. A month had pass and they'll be going back to Tokyo the next day… it was now or never and never wasn't an option. She took a deep breath and started to explain to the young woman seating beside her Ken-san's condition.

"When you are hurt over and over your body pays the price. He came through this time but it wouldn't surprise me if he died the next"

Kaoru felt her heart stop beating. "Kenshin"

He walked in to the cemetery with the flowers in his hand. It had been more than ten years since the last time he walked that road but the memory was still fresh in his mind. He knew the way even if so much time had passed since his last visit. He found the place and the putted the flowers down as he took the bandage of his face. He was hiding to the rest of Kyoto but he owed to her to show himself as he was.

"Ten years had done nothing to change this place"

Kenshin looked at the grave as he saw her in his mind. He smiled at the memory of her. Then a soft wind passed trough him. "After this long she still listens"

It started to rain. Misao was sitting in the Aoya with Omasu when she noted the water falling from the sky. It was les than a second before Aoshi appeared on her mind. He was the center of her attention and all of her other thoughts were forgotten as she ran outside the room to find and umbrella to take to his Aoshi-sama so he wouldn't get wet. The beautiful day had turned into a gray one. It was cold but she didn't care. She rushed out of the Aoya and run trough the streets of Kyoto. "Aoshi-sama"

In the temple Aoshi opened his eyes. His meditation was interrupted by an image of Misao in his mind. He looked at his hands and then he heard the rain. He hadn't notice it before.

It was dark and only a candle light was leading the way. That place was totally ruined but Yahiko had to see it. He walked beside Sano but his mind was deep in thought. "There is a difference between been strong and doing the right thing."

Those words were stocked on his mind.

"I realize I'm still immature, I'm still a brat"

"It wouldn't surprise you if he died?"

"Doctors can't always cure people and no doctor can bring the dead back to life"


He didn't care about the rain. After all he met her on a rainy night; it only seemed fair that their reunion would be under the crying sky. He was kneeling in front of her grave. His eyes were close as he talked to her.

"It's been too long. Here I am, after so many years… I know I have been absent but I can assure you that you remain in my heart. So many things had happened and I finally feel I can come back here. I don't think I am done paying for my sins, you should know that, but I've live up to my promise and I know that's a vow I won't break. I'm walking the path of regret and I'm doing what I can to protect people and the ones I love. I know you most think that is ironic considering our past, but finally, after many years of loneliness I think I found love again. I'm afraid. This person is very special and I don't want story to repeat itself. I've been thinking a lot the past few days and I decided I needed to talk to you before I can go to her. It's nice that I'm able to come back here and face you after so long and I fell relieved after telling you about her. I'm still afraid because I haven't told her about you. I don't even know if I can, but I'm sure that when I do I'll be able to be with her and allow her to love me."

"After ten years you visit the grave"

Hiko was standing with an umbrella on his hand looking at his pupil.

"You brought flowers for that grave as well"

Kenshin opened his violet eyes and looked at the grave. He didn't turn back; his thoughts were still with her. He drew his hand to his cheek and touched his scar as he remembered her name.

She was standing beneath a little roof in front of the temple. The umbrellas she brought were lying next to her. She watched the drops of water fall from the sky as she waited.

"Take a good look… everything went boom and then disappeared."

It was the truth; they were standing in the edge of an abysm… But then Yahiko thought of something…

"I can't believe he is dead." Said Sano "But… Nobody could escape from that."

"Throughout the Meiji era I've wandered all over Japan but the reason I didn't returned here was…" He took his hand of his cheek as he continued. "I didn't want to fight anyone that knew me back then." He stood up, still facing the grave.

"Is that the only reason?"

"Kyoto… Forces me to remember that I killed the person who is buried in this grave… But"

And the soon cleared and the rain stopped as Kenshin heard Kaoru's voice in his head.

"Let's go back to Tokyo together"

"But…" And he moved his head to take the rain of his face as he remembered the ocean blue eyes of Kaoru and the soft smile of the one he came to visit. He looked at his shishou for the first time. "I finally found the courage to return to this graveyard"

Hiko left and Kenshin looked at the grave one more time.

"I'll visit you again"

"That's why…"

Megumi was standing looking at the horizon. Kaoru was behind her so Megumi didn't have to meet her eyes.

She closed her eyes as she remembered what happened at Kenshin's room a few days before.

"It's time to settle this"

"That's why you must always believe in him without any hesitation, and he will always come back to you safely"

Kaoru looked at her listening carefully to every word that came out of her mouth. Then Megumi turned back and their eyes met.

"But no one can pull him back when a fight arises…Except the person whom he said good bye to in Tokyo."

Kaoru felt like every one of her words pierced through her heart and then she realized how difficult it must have been to Megumi.

"Arigato gozaimazu"

And then since the rain was gone a beautiful rainbow covered the sky.

"What I want is to surpass Saithou…" Said Sano as he walked back to town. Yahiko looked at him go and reflected upon Sano and himself.

"I know I'm still immature. So I'll just make up my mind to drop the attitude and keep on pushing ahead and try to surpass myself… Then I might get good enough to be a great warrior like Kenshin."

The boy smiled as he ran to cough up with Sano.

Aoshi looked at the rainbow. It was beautiful and it reminded him of Misao. He closed his eyes for a second and then he felt her presence. He opened them and looked down. He saw her running outside of the temple. She was going back and she was carrying two umbrellas. He smiled softly as he watched her leave. "Misao"

It was fate or something like that but they all found each other in a crossed road in the streets of Kyoto. Sanosuke, Yahiko, Megumi and Kaoru were talking when a sound she hadn't heard in a long time filled Kaoru's ears.


She watched as Kenshin approached them.

They where al talking and then… there it was again.


"Kenshin you said 'oro'!"

And then everyone realized it and celebrated. Kaoru just stood there watching at the scene with a big smile on her face.

"I fell Kenshin is finally ours again"

* * *

They were gone. She had made new friends just to watch them go. She felt a hole on her stomach as she stared at the river. She had accompanied them to the train but she didn't felt like going back to the Aoya so soon. She stopped at the bridge and just stood there looking at the horizon. Her vision turned blurry as tears filled her eyes. She took a deep breath.

"Come on Misao, it is not like you to be like this. You are the optimist, the one who knows that no matter what there is always hope. They are gone but that doesn't mean they are not still my friends. I should know better… I should understand that this is not their home… It's just that without them around I'll feel lonely. Aoshi-sama is back but he is still so distant with me… at least before there were more people hear to talk to, but now… I'll keep trying, that's for sure. I know because I see it sometimes, Aoshi-sama is not as cold as he pretend to be. He can fool the rest of the Oniwabanshu but not me. I see in him something the others don't. I know he has a lot to think about and that he meditates so much because he needs to be at peace with himself and that's the only way he can think of doing it; but I also know that there is a part of him that keeps the old Aoshi-sama alive and I intend to go there and make it surface. He is still my Aoshi-sama"

She felt a hand touch slightly her face and she noticed he was cleaning her tears. She looked up to find his ice blue eyes staring back at her.


He wasn't smiling but Misao felt like he was. He wasn't spreading his usually cold aura; he felt warm, nice and caring.

Her sad expression turned happy at his sight but the hole in her stomach was still there. He most had seen something in her eyes because he felt that she was still in pain and he could only think of one way to comfort her.

Misao opened her eyes in surprise as she felt his strong arms wrapped around her. She looked at him in disbelieve but then she sense him tightening their embrace and she knew it was real. She closed her eyes and buried her face in his chest as she cried. The tears were falling down her face. They were sad tears because her close friends had left but there were also happy tears because then she realized that Aoshi had already come back to her and that she only needed time for him to realize it by himself.

"Time… I can give him time because I know that at the end he'll be with me"

* * *

The train wasn't moving that fast but Sanosuke Sagara, the gangster formally known as Zanza was sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees and shaking with fear.

Yahiko was already tired of laughing at him so he left to explore the train. Kaoru and Kenshin were gone to so that left only one exasperated Megumi to accompany Sano.

"Oh come on rooster head! I can't believe you are acting this childish over a train ride"

"You… don't understand… this thing is… is…. is EVIL!"

"It's not evil, it's just mechanic"

"There is no way… something can move by itself… you call it mechanic but that is just a synonym of evil."

Megumi closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm tired of your devilish theories" She said as she stood up "I'll see you in Tokyo"

She was about to leave when she felt a strong hand holding her clothes.

"Please fox don't go"

She looked back at him. He was seating upright and he wasn't shaking anymore but his eyes and his tone of voice were imploring her to stay.

She tried to leave but her heart wouldn't let her… how could she resist those eyes?

She seated back beside him but she couldn't get her eyes to watch something different that his brown ones. His eyes were also fixed at hers and just for a split second they felt like they could read each other minds and they saw their deep and secret feelings reflected in the other. With a simple blink the spell was broken and they quickly turned their eyes away from each other. They spent the rest of the ride in silence; they both had much to think about and in their minds were a question that had no answer.

"Was that an illusion?"

But even if it was… it was a wonderful illusion.

* * *

Kenshin and Kaoru were standing at the back of the train. The soft breeze was playing with their hair as they looked at the landscape they were leaving behind.

"Kenshin, I'm happy we are going back home but I fell sad about leaving Misao-chan and the others"

Kenshin smiled.

"It's sad to leave friends behind but that is part of life. Misao-dono and the others will always be our friends no matter where we live"

"I know that… but it's sad anyway"

"Sessha is sure we would meet again soon"

"I hope so… I'll be waiting impatiently"

"In the mean time we still have each other and the dojo in Tokyo"

Kaoru smiled. Kenshin was right, they were going back to Tokyo, back to the life the left on hold so long ago. It felt like ages passed since Kenshin left and everyone left on a quest to find him. Kenshin had change as well. He knew he had friends and he wasn't as determined to be unhappy as he was before. Kaoru looked at him. Something was changed in him since the day he went to visit a friend at the cemetery. She didn't know why, but she felt like was one step closer to his answer and she knew that when he found it they'll finally be together.

"Kaoru-dono" Said Kenshin as he looked at her. "Sessha never thought that he would make a journey like this, but what sessha really didn't expected was to be accompanied by so many good friends… specially someone like you" He putted his hand on top of hers and it remained in that position until the train stopped and they arrived in Tokyo.

He was walking that road again. It had been indeed a long time since he last did it, but now it felt different.

He stopped, he was absorbed in his thoughts, he knew there was something different but he didn't know what it was.

"Kenshin?" He heard her soft voice calling him "What's wrong?"

"I was so scared that the Battousai might come to the surface again… and I didn't want any of you involved in my fight so I left here as a rurouni. And now we're back here together like that's the way it should be… I keep wondering about that…"

"Kenshin do you remember this place?... This was where you said good bye to me. I couldn't say anything back then so now I want… This time I must say… Kenshin…Welcome home"

He watched as she extended her hand and smiled warmly at him and in that moment he realized what was different. He closed his eyes and reached out to her and together they walked back to the dojo.

"Tadaima de gozaru"


* * *

A/N: So this is it. I had a lot of fun writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it to. Isn't it fun that it took me a month to write a story about the missing month?

I wanted to thank my reviewers one more time. You inspired me to continue with the story and I don't even know if it would be finish if it wasn't for you. I hope you liked my first fan fic and I wanted to tell you that I'm also writing another one called "Heavenly lost" It'll be up soon and I'll hope you check it out. So I think that's it. Please tell me what you think and if you like the story.

Here are some more individual reviews:

Sol-nemesis: I'm glad you liked the story and I hope you like this last chapter as well

Tifa-sama: You have been really loyal to the story so thank you and I hope you liked the end.

KitKat: I don't know if this chapter filled out your expectative but I do hope you liked it. Thank you for the mail and thank you so much for putting "Another Morning" in your favorite list of stories.

Joey: Thank you so much for your constant reviews and also for putting me in your favorite list of authors. As I said I'm writing another story but I'm waiting to finish the prologue and the first chapter before posting it. I hope you'll like it. I think it'll be up before Sunday. To answer your question I come from Colombia. That is a country in South America and is unfortunately famous for really bad things, but I can say that is a really nice place to live. Yes there is some violence but there are other beautiful aspects of this country that I wouldn't change for the world. What can I say? I love my home.

Hana Himura: Thank you a lot and I hope you liked this chapter.

C-chan: Thank you a lot for your reviews, they were all very nice and I hope you liked the end. Read the Joey thank you to find out about my upcoming story. I hope you like it. Now I can read "Standing Tall" and when I'm finish I'll leave you a long review ^_^x Thanx again for reading.

Azura Dea: Thank you for fallowing the story since the beginning and reviewing so much. Also thank you a lot for putting "Another Morning" in your favorite list. I hope you liked the end so please tell me what you think.

Kyaa-Kyaf: Thank you so much for your reviews, they were very nice and I hope you liked the end of the story.

SakuraCherryBlossom: Thank you for putting "Another Morning" in your favorite list. That makes me so happy!

To everyone: Thank you for reading the story and reviewing it. It was really nice and I feel very happy Arigato gozaimazu! ^_^x
