Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Are they REALLY foreign exchange students? ❯ Rabid Backpacks and Psycho Fangirls - OH MY! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Kenshin: No thanks to me, master….

MoTaS: Whatever. I return once more to entertain my legiance of fans!

Kenshin: You only have like maybe 7 different people!

MoTaS: SHUT UP!!! Look, I'm back and now the story will contiue on!

Kenshin: Fine, whatever you say, master.

MoTaS: -_- Right. I don't own RK or anything that is even of remote value. Enjoy.


Ian was right. It was his sister, Karli. She was biking back to her place with her friend, Heather. Karli was a freshman (9th grade) and Heather a sophmore at the same high school as Ian. They were a little annoyed with him for not driving them home today.

Now that they were all here, the two friends would exact a bit of revenge. The kind that hurts.

A/n: I really hated doing things where I got hurt.

K/n: It had to be done, that it did….

A/n: SHUT UP!!!!

"Hey," Karli said. "Why is there a bungee cord and a sock in the passenger seat?"

Her friend, who was shy of six feet, replied, "Who knows. Maybe he had to tie down his backpack, being it went psycho on him."

"Could be." They both laughed at the thought: Ian being devoured by his rabid backpack. Cool.

K/n: Funny thought.

A/n: It's funny watching Kaoru beat the snot out of you, baka deshi. ^_^

K/n: Hah, hah, hah….. -_-….

Once they parked their bikes by the deck, they noticed him outside and waiting for them. He looked somewhat disturbed. But then when wasn't he, what with the how they always acted.

"Hello," he said simply.

"Hi," they replied. "Why are you here?"

"'Cause I can be."

"Prepare to pay for your laziness, Ian" Heather said. The pain inflicted upon Ian usually came from her.

"Before that, I got something to show you," he said, trying to escape the coming punishment.

"What is it; your rabid backpack?" Karli asked.

"No, something much better." He then beckond them inside. "Just try not to freak out to much, alright?"

"Why would we?" they asked. They soon saw why. The two of them were anything but calm.

"IT'S KENSHIN!!!" Karli yelled.

"YAHIKO TOO!!!!!" Heather added.

With that, they proceeded to squeeze the living crap out of their corresponding person. Kaoru sat surprised, but was soon glaring daggers at Karli. Kenshin become swirly-eyed ( @_@ ) and oro-ed a few dozen times. Yahiko was anything but still, or even quiet for that matter.

"Hey! Let go of me UGLY!" he yelled at his captor.

"IT IS HIM!!!" Heather squealed, ignoring the fact that he had just insulted her and continued to squeeze harder.

Eventually, they stopped. That's when they noticed Sano on the couch as well, out of his comatose state. He was wondering what these girls were doing here, squeezing the heck out of Kenshin and the brat. Then they were on him.

"IT'S SANO!!!!!!" they squealed with utter delight.

"Can't! - breathe! - need! - AIR!!!" he gasped while being crushed under their vice-like grips.

"Oh!" Then they let go of him.

Sano then fell back on the couch and joined Kenshin in his swirly-eyed state.

"Uh, guys?" Ian started. Referring to his new friends. "Say hi to my sister Karli and her friend Heather."

Kenshin, now out of his swirly state, gave a high-pitched "hello." Kaoru muttered a "hi", but continued to glare at Karli. Yahiko followed suit, and gave Heather a "do-that-again-and-I-hurt-you" kind of look. Sano didn't say much of anything, being he passed out (again) and just muttered jibberish.

"Oops" was all Karli and Heather had to say, for now.


K/n: Of course you do!!! I nearly get crushed by a demonic fan girl and you think it's FUNNY?!

A/n: Watch it, baka; that's my demonic fan-girl of a sister you're talking about.

K/n: O_O X_X

* * * * * * * * * * *

A half hour and half a dozen death threats later, Karli and Heather were told what had happened. They weren't bothered at all; just overly happy, maybe even a little hyper.

Before anyone could speak, a loud rumble sounded somewhere in the room. It seemed to come from Kenshin's gut.

"I guess I'm hungry, that I am" he said.

"Didn't you feed them, Ian?" Karli asked.

"No, they never said anything," he replied.

"Well, DUH! They were getting over the fact that they're now over a hundred years in the future!!!" Heather yelled. She then proceeded to strangle him.

This went on for about a minute. In the end, he was in much the same state as Sano was. Jibberish included.

"Anyone want some sugar with their beef pot-pot?" he muttered.


A/n: One that can also strangle you! TO DEATH!!

K/n: O_O #_#

"Okay…… Who's hungry?" Karli asked.

There was no answer; just a rushing stampede towards the kitchen that left her trampeled into the carpet. Even Sano and Ian had joined in.


MoTaS: Voila! Another one down and a little longer, too!

Kenshin: It was fun…… watching shishou being starangled by a girl..


Kenshin: O____O YIPE!

MoTaS: Alright then, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Review once you're done and I've got to go feed Kenshin to my rabid-anime-eating-Backpack. Later! ^__^

Kenshin: NOT THE BACKPACK!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O______O