Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Are they REALLY foreign exchange students? ❯ Take a Walk ( Chapter 1 )
The Master of Time and Space: Hello there!!!! This is my first ever RK fanfic. Forgive me if I am a bit off in personalities and habits and all that other crap; I just said I was new to the whole thing. It will be a pretty good story, once I get going. Later on, it will involve Aoshi and Misao; they're just not here yet. Happy reading!!!!
Kenshin: You heard my Master!!! Get reading!!!!!
MoTaS: Remember this: I do not own RK or any of it's characters. And I never will, most likely.
Kenshin wasn't paying attention. He was, until now, walking and watching the clouds float by. That is, until Yahiko yelled at him, bringing him back to earth.
"What is it Yahiko?"
"How much longer `til we get back to Tokyo?" the young boy asked. They had left Kyoto two days ago, and already the young apprentice of the Kamiya Kasshin style was bored out of his mind.
"It'll be another two days or so, that it will," Kenshin answered.
"Oh man…"
Kenshin had defeated Shishio about a month ago and was well enough to begin the long walk back to Tokyo with his friends. Misao and Aoshi were staying with the remainder of the Oniwabanshuu back at the Aoiya to help in rebuilding it. Saito was dead, to the best of his knowledge. The rest was best left unmentioned for now.
He did, however, still have his friends Sano, Miss Kaoru, and of course, Yahiko. Seijuro Hiko was still in Kyoto, and probably wouldn't be following anytime soon.
"Stop complaining, Yahiko."
Kaoru was walking with Kenshin, who was behind Yahiko. Sano was hanging behind Kenshin and Kaoru. When he'd been fighting with Aoshi, Sojuro, and Shishio, Kenshin found out, Kaoru had missed him and never stopped believing in him. In away, he already knew this.
"Kenshin, can we stop and rest for a bit?"
Sano was getting bored, much like Yahiko. In fact, all of them felt a little tired from walking for an hour and a half.
"Sure Sano, why not?" Kenshin said. "I'm sure we could all use a rest."
"Alright! A break!" Yahiko yelled.
"Sounds good, Kenshin." Kaoru agreed.
They all found a large tree to sit under together. Yahiko decided to climb up to a large limb and sit there. Sano took the far of the tree, away from the path. Kenshin and Kaoru sat together on the path side of the tree.
About five minutes later, a darkly clothed man appeared. From the tree, Kenshin could see he was slightly hunched over. He seemed to be carrying a large bag.
"Hello there!" the stranger called.
"Good day." Kenshin replied.
By now, he was about five feet from the tree and setting his bag down.
"Could I interest you in some herbal medicines or teas?" the man asked.
Before Kenshin could say "no thanks", Sano had appeared and made a scene of it all.
"That depends; what you got for medicines?" he asked.
"Cures for colds, nasty coughs, graying hair, you name it!"
At this point, the red-haired samurai noticed a smile on his tall friend's face and wondered what he was up to. He didn't have to wait long, though.
"Is that so?" he said. "Well, I think your out to rip people off, just for the heck of it!"
"I'll have you know that all my products are one-hundred percent safe and effective." The man retorted.
"What's your name, guy?" Sano asked.
"My name is Akuma Ookami. Why do you ask?"
"So I can tell a good friend of mine in Tokyo about you and all your crappy products!" Sano told him.
With that, Sano proceeded to take the bag and shake all of its contents onto the ground.
"Sano!" Kenshin yelled to his friend.
At this point, Yahiko was awake; annoyed that he couldn't sleep with all the noise, he decided to come down to why there was so much yelling.
"What the heck's going on guys?" he asked.
"Sano just dumped this traveler's stuff out of his bag." Kaoru said.
"And for which, you shall all PAY!" Akuma yelled.
Suddenly, he began muttering something in a strange language that no one knew.
Sano began backing away at this and asked, "What's going on?"
"I think you really think you got the guy steamed, Sano" Yahiko said.
Then Akuma stopped the muttering and smiled at them. Kenshin sensed that something was wrong here, but what he couldn't tell.
"Enjoy your trip!" Akuma yelled to them in an evil tone.
"What are you going on ab-…….?" Sano started, but before he could finish, a flash of light went off and then they were being sucked into a giant swirling wall of color. All they could do was yell and hang on to one another as they were lifted off the ground and swept away into the color.