Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ As I Wander ❯ Sojiro ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Sessa does not own RK...people would get it by now, Sessha thinks
Author's Dribble: Sessha is tired. Sessha has school, which is why Sessha is tired. And she still has only
one review for H.M.F.N.P. Nobody except that lone reviewer has helped Sessha with her pain...
As I Wander
Sojiro: The Tears That the Rain Claimed
I have nothing.
Nothing but a shady past and a questionable future.
And my smile.
That is the only thing those who do not care for me can't take away.
I wish, though, to take back my right to shed tears.
I can't do it anymore.
Was it the abuse that took them away?
The pain?
The loneliness?
Or, maybe, the rain.
Yes, the rain that witnessed the true loss of my innocence.
It took them away, allowing no one to watch.
Someday, I pray, I might have them back.
But they will only be lost again.
And then I must go wandering.
To find what was taken from me.
Author's Dribble: Sessha is tired. Sessha has school, which is why Sessha is tired. And she still has only
one review for H.M.F.N.P. Nobody except that lone reviewer has helped Sessha with her pain...
As I Wander
Sojiro: The Tears That the Rain Claimed
I have nothing.
Nothing but a shady past and a questionable future.
And my smile.
That is the only thing those who do not care for me can't take away.
I wish, though, to take back my right to shed tears.
I can't do it anymore.
Was it the abuse that took them away?
The pain?
The loneliness?
Or, maybe, the rain.
Yes, the rain that witnessed the true loss of my innocence.
It took them away, allowing no one to watch.
Someday, I pray, I might have them back.
But they will only be lost again.
And then I must go wandering.
To find what was taken from me.