Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Being Grown Up ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Being Grown Up

By Rurouni Kohana

Author #1

Chapter 1

" Oh Kenshin, that's the spot. Ken...shin." Kaoru moaned. She felt tapping on her shoulder and a little bit of yelling in the background. " Kenshin, I know you can go all night."

" Mom, you have to wake up. Your going to be late for work and I'm going to miss school." a little child yelled.

" Oh come on, just five more minutes. Come on Kenshin make love to me." his mom moaned again.

" Ewwww. Disgusting. Hurry up! You're going to make me miss the bus. And what about you're work." the boy said huffily.

" Okay, okay. I'm up. Geez Kenji, you never let me get a good nights sleep." the woman said.

" Well if you didn't party all night with your friends, I would never have to wake you up. Come on, chop chop, I don't have all day." the boy said tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. Kaoru and her son lived in a little 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. The boy's father had gone to Manhattan to get a job start on his career. Kaoru was devistated when he left, but he said it was only for a little while. Kenji was 3 years old when his father left for the job, now he was 8. He hated his father for choosing a job over his family. Kenji disliked his mother for pining away for 5 years. Everytime his mother went to visit his father's work, he'd always be busy or away for a business trip or at a very important meeting. What made Kenji mad the most is that his dad never took the time to see him. Brooklyn was only a few hours drive if the traffic was bad. But the way Kenji saw it, it was better if he didn't see his dad.

" Okay Kenji, Sanosuke's going to pick you up from school today." Kaoru said as she grabbed a poptart from the toaster while looking for her things from work.

" Awww but mom..." the redheaded boy complained.

" No buts, I have to work late tonight." the young woman stated taking a bite of the poptart and slipping her high-heeled sandals on. Kaoru worked as a saleswoman a local fashion retailer. " Have you seen my other shoe?" the little boy held up the missing shoe. Kenji turned around to see his mother wearing a jean skirt with a red spaghetti strap shirt and a black overshirt. Her sandals were black and her toe nails were painted red. She had a jean anklet and a silver toe ring.

" You're not wearing that to work!" Kenji exclaimed with his hands folded across his chest.

" Yes I am." Kaoru replied looking for her sunglasses.

" You can't wear that to work. It's indescent. Your stomach is showing." the little boy stated.

" Don't worry about me. I wear this stuff to work everyday." his mom replied with a smile as she looked for her purse.

" Mom the bus just left without me!" exclaimed Kenji as he watched the yellow twinkie bus turn the corner.

" Don't worry son. You could just take a cab." she said grabbing her house keys.

" This would be alot easier if you got your car out of impoundment." The pair walked down the stairs. " You're going to be late. Don't forget to be at my kendo practice, the teacher wants to meet all the parents."

" I met your teacher before. Don't forget that I taught him everything he knows." Kaoru replied smugly. Kenji gave her a skeptical look before rolling his eyes. Kaoru hailed a cab.

" Okay baby, have a good day at school." she said giving him money for the cab fare. " I love you."

" Yeah, whatever. Mom don't call me baby." he said as he slammed the cab door. Kaoru watched the taxi cab speed off down the street. Kaoru was happy to have a little boy in her life, she always wanted children. She wanted her children to be happy and carefree, not trying to carry the world on his shoulders. He's just like his daddy. Kaoru thought. She was lost in her daydream when she tripped over her foot.

" Oh my god! I'm going to be late. I hope the boss won't mind if I'm late." she exclaimed to herself causing a few more people to stare at her. She got back up and scurried as fast as she could to the subway.

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A/n: This is supposed to be a comedy/romance/drama type story. This is an Alternate Universe and this takes place in New York. This story was inspired by the movie Uptown Girls (a cute movie by the way) Please read and review, comments, suggestions, questions, but no flames unless you have a logical reason.

Disclaimer: I don't own any aspects of Rurouni Kenshin or Uptown Girls. And read the stories of my friends Starshi and Ohkami.