Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Blood and Amber ❯ Bandages ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gomen nasai, minna-sama! I meant to update, but I didn't even get home until late the night of the 21st, and then school started the following Wednesday. Besides, I had just found out that a friend of my brother's was letting me borrow his entire collection of anime DVDs- which includes, but isn't limited too, every single episode of Rurouni Kenshin, the movie, the OVAs, Vampire Hunter D, Princess Monoke, X, etc. I've spent most of my time preparing for a karate demo coming up, doing homework, and watching those DVDs. I haven't even worked on my other fics, and I can't access the site- It should 'be right back' but so far- means for about a week- it's been offline.
Anyways, enjoy this chappie and thanks for reviewing! More fluff in chappies to come, and more angst! (And more blood....... but then again, you knew that.)
The chief ran. Now that Himura-san was safely at the clinic, he could retrieve the sword that the green-eyed man had used. Being as careful as possible, he grabbed to sword guard as not to mess up any fingerprints on the hilt of the sword. First, he examined the blade of the sword, checking for anything out of the ordinary. His eyes widened.
'I thought so... but I wasn't sure........' The Chief held Kenshin's sword in his hands- the one that Kenshin had lost.
'What is going on here?'

Kenshin groaned quietly. He was more used to sword wounds, so the gut punch had caught him off-guard. He rubbed his stomach, the ache fading quickly. He laid back down, deciding not to move- his wounds would heal quicker. As he settled back down, he heard voices.
"Hello, may I help you?" A voice that was unmistakeably Megumi's drifted to him. The person or persons she was speaking with was/were quiet for a gfew seconds, then he heard another voice.
"I'm looking for bandages." The voice- male- was almost familiar. Kenshin thought, but for the life of him he couldn't place the voice. (How true the phrase seems......)
"I have a few in the back. Please sit down and I'll be right back." Megumi said kindly. Kenshin heard her hurrying footsteps, seeing her dart past him to the back storeroom. He heard a crash, the sound of cloth being dropped, then a triumphant gasp. He saw Megumi rush past him again, and saw something white drop quietly out of her hand. She hurried on, unaware.
"Is this all?" the man up front asked. Megumi must have nodded.
"Damn. I was hoping for at least another roll....."
"That's all we can spare. In case of emergencies, we have to have a box of banadges ready. We're dangerously low as it is." Kenshin sighed, closing his eyes. It was partly his fault for the shortage of bandages. His wounds- along with his opponents wounds- would reduce the box the clinic had now to three-fourths.
He opened his eyes.
'You don't suppose.....' he thought, sitting up, a small feat. He vaguely felt like he knew this man, and his hunches were usually right. He managed to get to the roll of bandages that Megumi-dono had dropped and picked them up, getting over to the waiting area of teh clinic without much further difficulty.
"Megumi-dono!" he called, half-walking, half-limping over. He was getting stronger with every step- good. He entered the waiting area with the roll in his hand.
"Megumi-dono, you dropped this." Megumi looked at him, annoyance crossing her face. Exasperation and acceptance as well.
"Ken-san! What are you doing?! You'll need at least another day of bed rest! What are you doing up?" she demanded, taking the roll from him and giving it to the man who sat behind her. Kenshin briefly glanced at him, but the glance told him all he needed to know.
Green eyes. Not enough to confirm the suspiscion. However, the hunch was a certainty as soon as the man reached for the last bandage. He seemed to stop, as if in pain, and Kenshin could smell blood.
'Sword wound to the chest.' Kenshin thought, seeing a small red area grow on the man's shirt. Megumi noticed it too.
"You're hurt! Come in."
"That's okay." The man said, a mite too sharply. He gave a quick smile to throw off suspiscion. "I have no money-"
"That's okay." Megumi said firmly. "This clinic doesn't charge."

Chishio smiled thinly. This was getting to be interesting. The town's lady doctor turns out to be friends with the Battousai. He knew that Battousai knew who he was- it was in his eyes.
'I could take both of them as they are now, but I could risk screams. I'd have to get both right away and a few people saw me come in. Can't have the police on my tail just yet- I have no weapon, besides.'
"In that case, I'd be happy to accept your offer of help." he said, standing up. He unintentionaly stumbled forward a bit, but teh doctor caught him.
"Here, I'll show you to a bed." The doctor lady lead him to a small cot and instructed him to sit up and remove his short. He did so, seeing her quickly analyze his sword cut- what she could see around the bandages- and saw her distatste for the dirty rags he was using to slow the bleeding. She sighed and grabbed a nearby bucket of clean water, a rag, and got to work, removing teh old bandage and cleaning out the cut.
"This is a sword cut. What happened?" she aqsked.
"I was in a fight." he answered, then shut up about it. She accepted his silnce, continuing with her cleaning and bandaging of his chest. It took a few moments, but she was soon finished.
"Who was that other man? Your husband?" Chishio asked, playing dumb. Megumi just laughed.
"Ohohohohoho! Ken-san? No, he's not my husband." she said, her mind flashing to a certain someone.....

Sanosuke sneezed, the force of it blowing his cards out of his hand. He sat up, rubbing his nose.
"Damn. Soemone's thinking or talking about me." he said, then looked at his hand. His mouth dropped open.
"No!" he said, looking wildly at the floor where his cards were scattered. His friends laugh.
"Sano folds...." one said, smiling good-naturedly. Sano just smirked.
"Well, I may have been foiled this round, but next round-" Sano exclaimed, reaching down to grab a fistful of money with which he could bet.
His hand grabbed air.
"Wha-? Ga-oh...." he said, then sighed. "Looks like I'm outta cash...." Everyone backed away.
"Sorry Sano." they all said, in almost perfect unison. "I'm not lending anything." Sano looked from one face to another, head sinking in defeat.
"Ah.... well, can't blame a guy for trying!" He stood and walked away, hands in his pockets.
"See you next week, Sano!" they called as he shut the shoji screen behind him. He stalked off down the path, searching for a thug to fight- to take his mind off his lacking luck and gambling skills. It didn't take long, and soon there was one knocked out thug and Sano with a bloody nose.
"Time to visit the fox lady." he smiled devilishly, racing towards the clinic. A bloody nose was not a big deal by anyone's standards, and especially not Sano's, but if Megumi saw no fresh blood, he got no treatment, and therfore no excuse to spend time wi- he means, annoy the fox.