Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm sorry this is so long coming out
Just stating, in case there was any doubt, that I do not own `Rurouni Kenshin'. He haunts my dreams from time to time, but the creation of these fabulous characters belongs solely to Nabuhiro Watsuki. I swear I have no money, so don't bother suing.
After locking up the gardening tools, Kenshin sighed and rolled his shoulders. Nearly two weeks had passed since his routine had been interrupted. He glanced up, trying to shake the weariness from him. It had been a long and arduous day, although a successful one. He had managed to finagle help from Sanosuke, betting the man couldn't speak with Megumi for more than ten minutes without ending up in the pool. It was a bit cruel to utilize the man's lust. Not two minutes had passed before she had pushed him away with disgust. The prize? Help installing the small dogwood trees he had been trying to plant for the last week. Otherwise, he might have put it off yet again. Not that he could argue. He willingly allowed himself to be persuaded to join the group of young adults, indulging in past times he had yet to enjoy, even at his age.
Glancing up at the house, he saw three heads. All were dark and yet he knew none of them belonged to Kaoru. He released his breath when he saw her enter from the house and join the group. Briefly, he wondered where Sanosuke had gone. After helping with the trees, the younger man had claimed he had plans and disappeared. He had chuckled, thinking he had just wanted to get out of hard labor. But now he wondered if maybe he did have a prior commitment. Only Aoshi, Megumi, and Misao sat there around the table, sipping from glasses and relishing the late afternoon sun. He headed towards them, debating on showering or not. He decided he would pop up and say hello before cleaning up. If Kaoru had any interest in him, she needed to see him in his element before they could even hope to be together.
As Kenshin trudged up the stairs to the patio he heard a peal of giggles he recognized as Misao's. Aoshi had patience. How he managed to put up with the tempestuous girl astounded him. Stoic and quiet, he exuded an aura that warned strangers of getting too close. But his unyielding endurance to put up with the three women amazed him. He didn't know if he could handle it for long periods of time, particularly when Kaoru and Megumi began to really go after each other's throats.
He arrived at the top of the stairs in time to hear Megumi chiding Kaoru. “Perhaps if you bothered to do more with your hair, he might notice you more.”
Kenshin cringed inwardly to hear he might be intruding on a private conversation. The thought of Kaoru trying to attract a man did not sit well with him. But she was a young, virile young woman. Who wouldn't want to be with her?
“Here's the very person to ask.” Megumi chimed, spotting him standing awkwardly off to the side. “Ken-san, do you think the tanuki should do more with her hair? Don't you think she'd appear more attractive if she took more pride in her appearance?”
Put on the spot he glanced at her and caught her blushing. “I think her hair is fine.” He murmured, not wanting to look at her.
“And I agree.” Aoshi stated, handing him a glass of iced tea. Kenshin accepted it gratefully.
“We didn't ask for your opinion.” Megumi shot at him, her dark eyes full of menace.
The man merely shrugged and sat back. “I'm a man. Since your looking for a masculine perspective, I'd say my thoughts are just as pertinent as Kenshin's. I think Kaoru is just as attractive with her hair up or down. It's her character that's important.”
The woman in question smiled gratefully at the normally quiet man. Kenshin sipped his drink, grateful to find there was no alcohol. “Where's Sano?“ He asked, trying to find a better topic than Kaoru's looks.
Megumi snorted before sitting back. “He had class tonight.”
“Jealous?” Misao asked, leaning a bit closer to Aoshi, resting her chin on her hand to stare at the older woman.
“Of course not, weasel. Why the hell would I be jealous?” She demanded.
“Because tonight was his self-defense course, which is all women.” She retorted.
“Three quarters of the class signed up because he's the instructor.” Kaoru added, stirring her tea with a straw before sipping it.
“That's just what the egomaniacal rooster claims.”
“No, that's what Akane down at the center told me.” Kaoru said, her grin slightly smug.
Megumi's eyes darkened. “He can do whatever he wants.”
“As long as it isn't with another woman?” Misao asked, her eyebrows raised.
“Watch it.” The older woman warned. “Last time I checked everything was fair game. You go after me and I will not hesitate to draw blood.”
“Chill! I don't want to start a fight.” The petite's verdant eyes glanced nervously at the man at her side and Kenshin hid a smile. “I was merely stating that it seems no matter what the man does, you seem to get pissed.”
“I'm not his mother.” She snapped and rose in irritation. She moved to the rail and stared out over the grounds illuminated by the setting sun.
Kenshin leaned in towards Kaoru, breathing in her smell. “Is she always like this?” He whispered.
Kaoru nodded. “Just about.”
Aoshi tugged on Misao's braid. “Ladies, what is the plan for the evening?” He asked.
Misao turned towards him, her eyes bright. “Why don't we stay in tonight? We haven't really done that since you got here.” She said, touching Aoshi tenderly on the arm.
“Plus you had a long day.” Kaoru turned to him suddenly, concern in her large azure eyes. “Sanosuke was bitching when he came up from helping with the trees. I can only imagine your own fatigue.”
He fought the blush that threatened as he blinked in surprise. Her concern touched him. Another driving lesson had commenced on Saturday with nothing of interest happening. It had been longer, going all day. He had been coerced into driving on the road, something he was slowly becoming comfortable with. He had not done anything more to indicate his attraction to her, nor had she. Of course, they had not been alone. He had invited Sano along for the lesson and he had capitulated though with much reluctance. Kenshin had been determined to keep the woman at arm's length. If they were alone again, he might not restrain himself, her proximity continuously playing hell with his senses. Even now, he fought the desire to sweep her into his arms for a kiss.
“I'm quite well, although I would enjoy a quiet evening here at the house.“ He murmured, hiding his eyes from the woman next to him.
“It's settled.” Misao claimed. “Call Sano's cell and tell him to pick up some liquor.”
Kaoru's attention turned from him and he breathed a sigh of relief. “It doesn't work.” She told her.
“Then you go.”
“Why should I go?”
“Well, why should I go?” Misao asked in return putting her hands on her hips.
“It's my house, something everyone here seems to keep forgetting.”
The green eyes narrowed slightly. “And your point is what exactly?”
He rose swiftly. “I'll go.” He interrupted the two women before they could start an inane argument over the matter.
“I think I'll go as well.” Megumi chimed. She came over and linked her arm through his. “That way I know we'll get drinkable beverages.”
His heart sank somewhat. Ever since Megumi had arrived she had fawned over him whenever in the presence of Kaoru and Sanosuke. He couldn't quite determine if it was for show or if she did have an interest in him. “Why don't we all go?” He suggested, not wanting to leave Kaoru alone.
“You go.” She waved a hand and wrapped her arms about herself. “I'll have dinner prepared by the time you get back.
Silence descended around the table. “You're going to cook?” Misao finally ventured gingerly.
A glare filled the luminescent eyes. “Would that be a problem?” She demanded, now rising to her feet.
Misao held up her hands and stepped back. “Not at all.” She placed a hand to her stomach and blanched. “It's just I haven't fully recovered from the last time you made a meal.” She told her.
The blue eyes blazed. “Elena is still here. I was going to ask if she wouldn't mind whipping up something for us if it makes you feel better.”
“It does.” Megumi snorted and began to tug Kenshin towards the door. “Shall we?”
He hesitated. He didn't want to leave Kaoru alone. But he had already volunteered to go and couldn't very well go back on his word. Torn with his indecision, he turned when he heard Misao ask, “Are you coming?”
Aoshi shook his head. “I think I might stay here. I'll keep Kaoru company.”
A sense of relief filled Kenshin. He knew the man would protect her if something happened, not that something would. After their conversation the other day, he didn't doubt the man's honor. Briefly he wondered what he did and what his story was. Something in the way he moved was familiar. Before he could dwell on the observation, both Megumi and Misao tugged on his arms, pulling him from his thoughts. He allowed himself to be dragged through the house and out the front door.
Megumi meandered up and down the aisles, her brown eyes skimming over the labels of red wine. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Kenshin, absently staring at a bottle of champagne. A slow smile crept over her lips as she sauntered over to where he stood. It was time to determine where his loyalties lay.
“Something catch your eye?”
His violet eyes blinked as he looked up at her in surprise. “Not really. I was just looking at the wine.” He stated.
“And what about it?”
He shrugged. “Why is it that some is so expensive and others are extremely cheap?”
“Because if it's any good, it's gonna cost more.”
“Surely there's a more viable reason than that.”
She sighed. “Only a small percentage of a vineyard's grape is of exceptional quality. Therefore, they can only make so many cases of the wine. The fewer the yields, the higher the cost. Most of the time, it's worth the price. But one shouldn't buy because of the maker or the price. There are really good wines that don't cost an arm and a leg, and a lot of the expensive stuff is overrated.”
“You seem to know a lot.”
Megumi shrugged and allowed her eyes to rove over the bottles. “Part of my training in faking it in the elitist world.”
“Faking it?”
She glanced over her shoulder at him and saw he was studying her curiously. “I don't come from money. I had to work to get where I'm at. If I get into medical school, I have no clue how I'll pay for it. My family disowned me when I was seventeen.”
“I'm sorry.”
She moved down the aisle and smiled to herself when he followed her. Now she needed to get the conversation to change to Kaoru. Then she could plant the seeds of interest. “I was lucky to meet Kaoru my sophomore year.”
The redhead perked up at mention of the woman's name. “How did you two meet?”
“We had a class together. I had switched my major at the end of the previous year, not enjoying pharmaceuticals at all. At the time, it was psychology. She was in the class, though it was several weeks before we actually met. I asked to borrow a pen. Afterwards, she insisted on having a cup of coffee, as she was confused with something. We became friends.” She paused reflecting back to the time nearly four years ago. “It was nice to have a friend when I had resigned myself to be alone.”
“Kaoru- dono can do that.” Kenshin murmured.
Megumi looked at him sharply. “She has a generous heart. That's why I love her so much.”
He raised an eyebrow at her and offered her a wry grin. “Is that why you argue all the time?”
She waved a hand dismissively. “It's all for show and we both know it. Everyone else just ignores it. I would defend her with my last breath if need be.”
“You seem very loyal.”
“I am. Enough that I managed to get through her horrid relationship with the loser.”
“Do you really detest Sanosuke so much?”
Her brown eyes widened in surprise. “Sano? I don't hate him. In fact………” She stopped, not wanting to reveal her feelings for the tall man. “He's just exasperating in his manner. But then that's all for show as well. He and I are into that for some reason.”
She grinned at him slyly. “Have I hit on you since we walked through the door?” She asked. The man colored and glanced away. “No one is here to watch. I derive great pleasure in stirring the waters. But no, I wasn't referring to him. Though the man is lazy, he does have a good heart.” She said, a trace of wistfulness in her voice. She sighed and looked quickly at Kenshin. They were not supposed to be talking about her, but rather her friend. “I was referring more to her last boyfriend.”
“What kind of a man was her ex?” He asked casually.
Megumi raised an elegant eyebrow and smiled. “Why would you want to know that?”
“Just a question. Everyone states it was disastrous.” He answered smoothly, his violet eyes studying the bottles of wine on the shelves. “Wondering what kind of men she likes. Kaoru and Sanosuke are so close, that one might assume he was her type.”
“There is nothing between the tanuki and the rooster.” She stated hotly. “There had better not be.” She muttered, turning away from the man lest he pick up on her secret. She had not meant to react so volatility, but the idea of the two together still made her prickly. To admit that would mean confessing her own feelings for the brunette and she wasn't ready to do that. Not until she knew she could get more from than a one-time affair.
She turned back to find Kenshin watching her, a curious glint in his exotic eyes. She chuckled soundly and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Sano really isn't Kaoru's type. They're more like brother and sister, really.”
He was quiet another moment and then nodded his head, turning his attention to the wine. “So then what kind of man was her ex? Surely she held an interest for him.”
Again her face darkened for a different reason altogether. “That type of man is nothing that Kaoru would want.”
“But they dated for a period of time. Something about him must have intrigued Kaoru-dono.” He persisted.
“And may I remind you he is the former boyfriend. Whatever drew her initially obviously wore off enough for her to come to her senses.”
“You didn't like him?”
She growled slightly at the memory of Enishi. The blonde had fed off the rivalry that existed between her and Kaoru, exploiting it to drive a wedge between them. Only when he had finally begun to shows signs of his other half to Kaoru, had the woman finally listened to the tales. She knew exactly why Kaoru had been with him in the beginning. He could be charming when he chose to be and took very good care of Kaoru aside form the fact he wouldn't allow her any contact with a human being save him. Up until the one time he hit her, Kaoru had still denied that he was a bad man. “To say I didn't like him is an understatement.”
“May I inquire as to why?”
She stared at him. “Why do you want to know? You and Enishi are in two different leagues. If you like her, just ask her out. I'm sure she'll say yes.”
The man colored, his cheeks nearly matching his hair. “Why does everyone assume there is something between the two of us?”
“It's so obvious, at least to me.” She paused when her eyes caught the label of a vineyard she was fond of. She studied it a moment, watching Kenshin out of her peripheral vision.
“She deserves someone better than me.”
“Because of the class difference?” She asked snidely, her brown eyes leaving the bottle in her hands to look at him. Kenshin didn't answer and she snorted in disgust. “If you honestly think Kaoru is that superficial, then perhaps you don't deserve her. If she didn't want to be around you, believe me, you'd know.”
He opened his mouth to respond but was cut short by Misao. The woman came bounding up, a bottle of liquor in her hands. “I just stumbled upon apple flavored vodka. We can do apple martinis tonight.”
Megumi curled her lip slightly. “And the adults perhaps will have a glass of wine.” She sneered at the younger girl.
The green eyes glinted coyly. “Are you implying that the apple martini isn't a real drink?”
“Make any inferences you care to make.”
“You just won't drink them after you got sick that one time and had Sanosuke take care of you.”
Her eyes narrowed at the girl, though she was somewhat fond of the memory. Sano had indeed held her hair back for her while she threw up everything she had consumed in the previous eight hours. She had only known him a few months and it was the first real moment they had shared. After being sick, he had sat with her, her mortification at not being able to handle her liquor keeping her from returning to the party. However, though the night had brought a bond between her and the brunette, it also ruined her affection for vodka for life.
“So what? Are you going to tell me there hasn't been a night where you advocated the help of Aoshi in the hopes he would return the favor?”
The woman blushed slightly and Megumi smiled to have drawn blood. She wasn't a vicious woman but she got tired of being picked on. Perhaps that was really why she chose to taunt her close friends. Misao turned around abruptly and stalked to the counter, her bottle in hand. Megumi sighed and glanced at Kenshin. He looked at her with wide purple eyes. He caught her glare and held out his hands in defense. “I didn't say anything, that I did not.”
“You were thinking it. Just say it.”
“Why do you derive such pleasure in getting a rise out of Misao-dono and Kaoru-dono?”
“That way, perhaps, they'll be forced to admit it and act on it. The way Misao trails after Aoshi but refuses to tell him is sickening.” He stared blankly at her. Megumi sighed in exasperation. “Don't tell me you don't see it. It's almost as obvious as you and Kaoru.” She snorted.
“What is?”
“The attraction. The two of you could melt the polar caps if you wanted to. It's been apparent to me since I arrived. Kaoru becomes insanely jealous every time I say something to you and you turn green with envy every time Sano touches her. I'd say we were quite a pair.”
“But I have no call to be envious of their relationship.” He retorted.
She raised an eyebrow. “Really?” Going out on a limb, she elected to let him in on her own insecurity. “Do you know what I know? That they once slept together?”
The redhead fidgeted and cast a glance at Misao who was involved in a conversation with the salesclerk. “I sort of do.”
She studied him and wondered if she should push or not. “Do you know they lost their virginity to each other?”
The man at her side stiffened and she grinned to herself knowing she had struck a cord. She would find an ally within this man yet. “I did not fully realize their situation, no I did not.”
“It was several years ago. It is what finally drove Enishi and Kaoru apart. He couldn't handle the closeness between the two of them and strove to keep them apart. Can you handle it?” She asked. If he couldn't handle the friendship between the two, then all hope was lost. If so, then there might be a chance. Kaoru claimed she would not let any man come between her friends and herself again. Would Kenshin be able to handle the strongest bond of all? The one between her and Sanosuke?
“But they are no longer together.” He stated carefully.
“And if that is the case, then there is nothing between them. There is no romantic attraction between them.”
“Are you sure?” She asked. Kaoru had stated that on numerous occasions, but Megumi knew what she saw. That while there wasn't a spark of interest, it still didn't bode well, that the two had created such an intimate bond, no matter how long ago it had been. It was that knowledge that prevented her from acting on her own feelings.
“I trust Kaoru-dono and I trust Sano. But there is nothing between the two of them so it truly doesn't matter.”
“Doesn't it?” She asked in surprise. “How can you say that?”
Kenshin opened his mouth to respond when a shrill cry cut across their conversation. “Are we leaving yet?”
Megumi turned to Misao and sighed. “Yes.” She called. She placed a hand on Kenshin's arm, lest he think he had gotten away from a lecture. “I know Kaoru, better than most. She is oblivious to the outer signs. You should court her, bed her, whatever. And don't even think of attempting to convince me you don't feel that way.” She hurried on when he opened his mouth to protest. “Kaoru is completely enamored by you. But chances are she will not be the one to make the first move.”
She left him and hurried to the cash register. She glanced back and saw Kenshin deep in thought. He stood there, his eyes glazed over. She smiled to Misao and handed over the two bottles she had picked up.
“What's that grin for?”
She shrugged. “Just trying to get two people together.”
Misao looked back to where Kenshin stood. “I don't think either will make a move. Kaoru isn't prone to that and there is something holding him back.”
Megumi blinked at that. “Why do you say that?”
The shorted woman blinked and handed over her money to the man behind the counter. “Just a feeling. He's hiding something.”
“Hiding his feelings for her.”
The girl looked thoughtful and absently tugged on her long, dark braid. “Maybe. I think there's more to it than that.”
“Call it instinct. Being brought up the way I was, you search for different things He's very protective of Kaoru. Whenever he's around her, he tenses ever so much. If something were to happen, his first move would be to defend her.”
“Do you think he knows about Enishi?”
“I haven't told him.” Misao stated, her eyes growing with a tinge of fear.
“And Kaoru doesn't know.”
“Has he called again?”
Megumi didn't answer and accepted the brown paper bag from the cashier. “Ladies? Are we ready to return to the house?” Kenshin asked from behind them.
She turned and smiled brilliantly at him. “We are.” Misao allowed her question to go unanswered as she linked arms with Kenshin and led him out of the store. Megumi followed behind. Enishi had left a message on their voice mail, just three days ago. But he didn't know where Kaoru's father lived. As long as she stayed near the house and amongst her friends, he could not get to her.
Kaoru paused before leaving the house and returning to the patio. Aoshi sat there, his dark blue eyes distant. It was the first time in a long time she'd been alone with him, probably not since the night she had fled Enishi. He had always unnerved her, his silence intimidating. He had always been nice and polite. Some saw his indifference as rudeness, but Kaoru knew him a bit better than that. He did as he liked and let no one sway him, except perhaps Misao. He was a strong man who detested those who took advantage of those in need. For that reason, she had trusted him the night Enishi had struck her instead of calling Sanosuke. In turn, he had protected her and allowed her sanctuary, not once asking questions.
Ever since that night, he had become a more permanent member of their group instead of randomly appearing when Misao could drag him out. He had opened up somewhat in the last year, though Kaoru could not read him at all still. Yet her friend insisted he liked them all, otherwise he would not be around.
“What are you thinking?”
His words brought her out of her thoughts. “Sorry?”
“You were lost in thought. Thinking about anything or anyone in particular?”
She blinked as Kaoru identified the teasing tone in the man's voice. “Why do you ask that?” She inquired slowly.
A hint of a grin touched the corners of his mouth. “Sanosuke seems to think you have a crush.”
Kaoru rolled her eyes recalling his words from a few weeks ago. “I told him that I have no interest in any of your friends from school.”
“So you have no crush?”
Opening her mouth to answer, she closed it again with a snap. “I didn't say that.” She admitted.
Aoshi sat back and sipped his drink. His indigo eyes watched her over the rim of his glass. “He's a good man to have a crush on.”
Her cheeks flamed and she looked down into her beverage. “Why does everyone think I have a thing for him?” She demanded, her anger an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
The smile deepened and it occurred to her she was seeing a side of this stoic man very few people saw. She understood in that moment what Misao saw in him, how the girl could be completely in love with him. What kept them apart astounded her. “You're a good man too.” She told him truthfully.
Now he was caught off guard, something she'd bet money rarely happened. His smile faded and he looked down. “Thank you.” He answered softly.
“Why haven't you asked her out?”
“Why haven't you?”
“Isn't it customary for the man to ask out the woman?”
“We live in modern times. Why wait?”
“What if he says no?”
“What if he says yes?”
“What if he says no?” She asked again.
“Kaoru, do you really think he would?”
She bit her lip and glanced down at her lap. “I don't know.”
He reached over and placed a hand over hers. “Do you really think that?”
Honestly she didn't. The attraction between them was palpable; everyone had noticed it. “Why hasn't he asked me out yet?” She wondered aloud, raising her azure eyes to meet his.
He sat back, his own blue eyes thoughtful. “That I can not answer, though I could surmise a few reasons. I believe he feels unworthy, but I do not know Kenshin's mind.”
Her shoulders sagged. “Please don't tell me it's a money issue.” She groaned.
A frown creased the man's brow. “I didn't.”
She rubbed her eyes. “Of course not.” She murmured. “Misao and Megumi don't come from money. The man surely doesn't think money is an issue. Sano practically insists upon him joining us nearly every day.”
“It's not us that worries him.”
Kaoru looked up at him sharply. “Have you spoken to him about me?”
Caught off guard once more, a tinge of pink touched his cheeks. Stunned she stared at him, her mouth hanging slightly open. “I can't say really.” He stated slowly.
Her eyes widened. “You have.”
“All I'll tell you is that he and I feel very similar on the subject.”
“You both are attracted to me?”
The air lightened and Kaoru prided herself at getting the man to smile again. He shook his head. “The man has a shadowed past. I know nothing more than that. Whatever he has done, it hinders him from getting too close, particularly to you. Yet he is drawn to you though he feels undeserving. It makes me wonder what he did to hate himself so much.”
“You should have been the psyche major.”
“I did take a few course when I was in school.”
She blinked in surprise. “Really?”
“You'd be surprised how beneficial it is in my line of work.”
“Spying on people?” She asked, an eyebrow rose in speculation. She felt the redhead was keeping himself at a distance for some reason, but she couldn't quite trust Aoshi's reasoning. What could he have done to warrant such guilt?
“You learn to watch people, listen to them. Kenshin is hiding something and has another agenda where you're concerned.”
“He didn't want you left alone tonight.”
She blinked. “Come again?”
“He worries for you as we all do. He didn't want you left at the house alone.”
Something twisted in her stomach and she tried to ignore it. There was no reason for him to feel that way. Yet she had seen the man's hesitation when she had waved them off. She had gotten a sense Kenshin might have recanted his offer to go to the liquor store until Megumi had dragged him off. Now looking back, the redhead had visibly relaxed when Aoshi had stated he would stay behind. “What are you implying?” She asked slowly. She didn't want to think of what it could entail. Something nibbled at the edge of her consciousness, demanding she acknowledge it. She ignored it and waited for the man's answer.
Aoshi shrugged. “I'm implying he cares for you.” He retorted after a moment.
She let out her breath, not realizing she had been holding it. Distantly a door slammed. They both turned as a voice called out, “Honey, I'm home!”
“We're out here.” She yelled to Sanosuke.
“You gave him a key?”
“He's here all the time and has his own room. He might as well.”
The man in question strolled out onto the patio. “And what's going on?” He asked, plopping down into a chair and putting his feet up on the table.
“Nothing. How was your class?”
He shrugged and ran a hand through his brown hair. “It was alright. Sometimes I wish all those women would pay more attention to the defense maneuvers than to me. I had this one chick ask for private lessons.”
Kaoru snorted. “I'm sure you're all broken up by that.”
“Come now Jou-chan, cut me some slack. It was brutal after Kenshin made me help him plant those trees.”
She shook her head and offered him an unsympathetic pat on the leg. “I'm sure you gave no thought to how he was feeling considering he was out in the sun twice as long as your lazy ass.”
“I helped him didn't I?”
“Only because he managed to coerce you into it.”
“That's not true!” He protested.
“And for what other reason did you go out and engage in hard labor?” Aoshi asked, his dark eyebrow raised in skepticism. Kaoru recalled the wager between her childhood friend and the redhead. Ten minutes without being tossed into the pool and he had not even lasted half that time.
Sano glanced between the two of them. “Are you two ganging up on me?”
“I think he just enjoys being tortured by Meg.” She teased.
“Kitsune needs to learn to control her temper.”
“And I'm sure you hadn't said anything that justifies why she tossed your sorry butt into the pool.” She snorted, her laughter rising to the surface.
The man rose suddenly. “Speaking of pools, I think I might go for a swim.” He stated.
Kaoru stood as well. “Alright then.” She looked at Aoshi. “Care to come?”
The man rose and shrugged. “Might as well. Someone will need to watch you two while you misbehave.”
Kaoru grinned, enjoying this rare side of Aoshi. She wondered if he could allow his walls to come down, just what might happen if Kenshin were to do the same. She licked her lips in anticipation. Just what would the redhead be like once all the barriers came crumbling down?
The sound of splashing water and shrieks met Kenshin's ears when he stepped back onto the patio. Looking down at the pool, he saw Kaoru, Aoshi, and Sanosuke splashing away. Sano came up and grabbed the woman around the waist. With a shriek, he tossed her into the water and she came up sputtering. Brushing her wet hair from her face, she attacked him, trying desperately to dunk him under the water. In retaliation, he gripped her wrist and easily flipped her into the water again. Something twisted inside him to see the horseplay. Aoshi watched them with amusement until Kaoru turned her attention to him. She pushed a wave of water towards him, causing him to join in the fray of tossing her about. Her giggles intermingled with Sano's shouts.
Megumi came up next to him “Shall we let them know we have returned?”
He offered her a weak smile and headed down the stairs. Kaoru had somehow managed to escape the clutches of the two men in the water and clamored out of the pool for safety. She dashed along the edge and skidded to a halt when she saw him. She smiled brilliantly at him. “You're back.”
His heart warmed by her delight in seeing him. “We are.” He answered, feeling shy and a bit unhinged by his jealousy at seeing her interact with Sanosuke. Megumi's words haunted him. He knew there was nothing between her and her long-time friend. It didn't make the brunette's casual way about her any easier to deal with. He could see why her ex would feel threatened and Megumi insecure.
“Bring anything good home?”
He nodded and Sanosuke hollered her name. She turned suddenly, her foot slipping on the wet surface of the concrete. Kaoru fell backwards, her arms flailing to keep her balance. She didn't succeed and tumbled towards the hard ground.
Kenshin reached for her, his movements a blur. He utilized speed he had long since mastered and used in fighting and grabbed the woman, saving her from a bump on the head and several possible bruises. He caught her several inches from the cement. She looked up at him, her blue eyes wide. Gently he helped her to her feet, suddenly aware, she wore nothing but her bathing suit, his hands touching bared flesh. He swallowed nervously, fighting to keep his cheeks from flaming.
“Thanks.” She whispered, still staring at him.
He nodded, not quite daring to meet her eyes. “You're welcome.” He made himself look at her and saw something glimmering in her eyes. “I don't want to see you hurt, that I do not.” He murmured, his fingers itching to caress her skin once more. It had almost been a week since he had nearly kissed her and he ached inside to know what she tasted like.
Suddenly he was aware that he had not showered before going out. The smell of his own skin, tinged with dirt and sweat reached his nostrils and he cringed inwardly. “What?” She asked, her hands still clutching his shirt.
“The smell.” He said, offering her an apologetic smile. “Forgive me.”
She leaned in slightly. “All I smell is you.” She told him simply. “And chlorine.” She said with a smile. The woman tilted her head up slightly and his gaze was drawn to her mouth.
A shrill whistle ruined the moment. “Kiss her already!” Misao yelled out from her vantage by the side of the pool. In response, they stepped apart, Kaoru's cheek flushed, her arms hugged tight to her chest. Megumi came up and shoved the petite woman into the pool with her clothes on.
“I'm going to check on dinner.” Kaoru mumbled, reaching for a towel and turning to rush up to the house. Kenshin watched her go, not quite sure what he was feeling in that moment. All he had thought was to prevent her from hitting the ground. Then his mind had gone blank, consumed by the feel of her in his arms. Not once had he given thought to those around him.
A hand clamped down on his shoulder. “I've got to hand it to you.”
Kenshin looked up at Sanosuke, the man dripping water onto his shoulder. “What is that?”
“You know how to make Jou-chan blush.”
“And you know how to make her smile.” He said, a trace of bitterness lacing his words.
The brown eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed speculatively. “Jou-chan and I go back. Yes, we have a history, one that I'll elaborate upon if you really want to know, though I think you might prefer to hear it from her.”
He felt himself color in shame. “I apologize. I sense nothing between you.”
“Then your envy stems from something else. Why don't you just go for it? Then you'll stop glaring at me, your eyes turning that wicked shade of blue.”
Kenshin stared at him, his violet eyes blinking. Did he really feel that passionate about Kaoru? Enough to bring forth emotions he had thought long since buried? He wilted slightly and dropped his gaze. “It's not that simple.” He told him sadly. “Nothing for me is anymore.”
“That's a load of shit and we both know it. You like her. She likes you. If Misao hadn't interrupted, I don't know what kind of a show you two would have put on a minute ago.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I hardly think we would have put on a show, Sanosuke.” He said dryly.
The man chuckled. “Hormones take over whenever the two of you get near each other. It's only a matter of time before you two succumb.”
“There is nothing to succumb to.”
The brunette watched him for a minute and then shrugged. “If you say so. But maybe next time you should remember that before you glare at me so. You have no reason to be jealous of my relationship to her. I won't stand in your way. In fact I wish the best of luck. But if you break her heart, I might have to kill you.” He said nonchalantly.
Kenshin nodded slowly, smiling at the easy manner in which the man said that. However, the truth behind the words was there. He didn't doubt for a minute if he hurt Kaoru, he'd have to deal with Sanosuke. “I wouldn't worry. I have to have her heart to break it and it isn't mine.”
“So you say.”
He turned away and meandered to where Megumi sat chatting with Misao. She looked up at him and offered a smile. Taking it as an invitation, he sat down by the woman. Kenshin watched them and sighed. He trudged towards the guesthouse. He wasn't sure if he could take anyone's company this evening. He feared more and more that his world was growing smaller and it all was beginning to center around Kaoru. Deep down he knew he needed to leave and leave now before things got out of hand. But he had made a promise to protect her. That meant even from him.
Pulling the door closed behind him, the sounds of his newfound friends were drowned out. He leaned wearily against it. He didn't want to leave either, not really. The woman did draw him and he wanted to explore that attraction. He was just afraid of what it could mean in the end. If Enishi was the brother of his deceased wife, then things could get very ugly if he made an appearance. He didn't know how he felt now, or where he might be, but the boy had witnessed the events that had lead to the death of his sister all those years ago. Kenshin groaned and made his way to the bathroom. He was playing a dangerous game, one more risky than anything he had been involved with over ten years ago. He tugged out of his shirt and turned on the water. Would Kaoru be as receiving towards him if he told her of his past? He didn't think so.
Stepping out of his shorts, he stepped under the hot spray. He allowed the water to ease his muscles and wash the sweat and dirt from his skin. If only the blood of his past could wash away just as easily. He closed his eyes, the spray dripping down his face. Only two more months and then Kaoru would leave for her internship in the fall. If only he could make it that long.
This chapter is really long. I hadn't realized it until I looked down and saw it's nearly seventeen pages! For those of you who like them, I hope this delivers! ^_^
I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I tried to ease Megumi's malicious intent. It's all for the sake of her friends. I hope it all makes sense. Let me know what you think as the plot begins to thicken.