Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to the reviews. Yay! Much love and kisses to everyone. A rare Saturday night off, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to post another chapter of this story. It's finished after all, so no reason not to. I've taken some advice and I've decided to submit this story for the contest along with `Dreams on a Stormy Night'. Wish me luck!
I don't really have much to say, so I'm not going to say it. I am going to post a warning though. This chapter does start to heat up. There is language and sexual innuendo. Those who are offended easily might want to recheck the rating of the story. But then I' don't' have to worry about it! I've already been banned from on site.
And stating I don't own Rurouni Kenshin. Nabuhiro Watsuki created them and I am merely borrowing them for a brief time.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“He just went in after Sanosuke?” Misao asked.
Kaoru nodded and wrapped her arms about her legs. It was five days since the interlude in the kitchen. Her father had come home the next day, earlier than expected. They had spent Tuesday together, having dinner and then going to see a movie. The only strange thing had been the questions about her involvement with Kenshin. She hadn't understood them and had avoided them. Finally her father had dropped the subject. The next few days had been a whirlwind, spending time with her father and her friends. She hadn't cared, her father getting along with all her friends. However, she had been unable to find a moment alone with Kenshin. After what had occurred, she had been left confused and wanting. She had insisted he drive with her the previous day to the airport to drop her father off. The only problem? Misao had come along as well. While Kenshin had driven home, under her guidance, she had been unable to speak with him privately as she had hoped.
Now she sat on the patio, Megumi laying a few yards away and Misao sitting opposite her, both listening to her recount what had transpired the night everyone, save her and Kenshin, had been out.
“Let me get this strait.” Misao rested her head on her hands. She had returned the day after her father, along with Aoshi. Her green eyes were narrowed in speculation. “You and Kenshin were in the kitchen. Then Sano came sneaking in. When you caught him, he was acting strange and tried to leave. Then Kenshin tried to leave.”
“I think it's quite obvious what happened.” Megumi stated, sitting up to gaze at her.
“And what's that?” Kaoru asked, hating the fact she couldn't see the woman's eyes.
“Sanosuke thought he might be interrupting something. Then he tried to leave you two alone. You screwed up by insisting the man eat dinner. The redhead wanted to be alone with you.”
“And what exactly does that mean?” She demanded crossly. “How do I fix it? Kenshin's been avoiding me since then.”
The woman swung her legs over to the side and whipped off her sunglasses. “You want to fuck him right?”
“What? You do, don't you? Lord knows I would.”
Kaoru placed her feet on the ground. “Stay away from him.” She growled
A sly smile touched Megumi's mouth. She put a hand to her lips and chortled. “Did I touch a nerve?”
“It's not a matter of merely getting laid or not. If all I wanted was sex, believe me I wouldn't have too much trouble getting it.” She tossed out, trying to throw the older woman off.
“Such confidence, considering you haven't fully admitted you want to fuck the man.”
“And when are you going to admit you want to screw Sanosuke?” She rose, her eyes blazing, trying to draw blood.
She succeeded, something flashing in the depths of the woman's dark brown eyes. “There are some things you just don't understand.”
Kaoru paused, studying the woman. She had known Megumi for nearly four years, rooming together the last three of college. She was a year older, having switched majors from pharmacy to psychology to pre-med. The woman had strings of boyfriend, though none had lasted longer than a few weeks. Always there had been a competition between her and Sanosuke, though Kaoru acknowledged she didn't quite comprehend it. During the previous year, when she had been nursing her own broken life, she had finally realized what existed between the two. It was sexual tension, neither wanting to come clean with the other nor even admitting it to her. She had thought it might be a matter of sex. “It isn't about sex, is it?” She stated aloud, voicing her final conclusion.
The brown eyes widened. “Of course it is.”
“Then why haven't you two just gone at it?” Misao asked.
“Because the tanuki here has mentioned she personally didn't enjoy her encounter with the man. Why should he be any different now?”
“Well, let's see here?” Kaoru rolled her eyes and put a finger to her chin as though deep in thought. “Considering I was a virgin and he was a virgin, it kind of makes sense. It hurt like hell for me and he wasn't completely sure what he was doing to try and make it more enjoyable. I think if you were to ask him, he would say it wasn't all that great either.”
“Why haven't you two done it since then?” Megumi asked, her voice dropping its menace.
The tone gave Kaoru paused and another realization came clear. “You're jealous of our relationship.”
“What?! Don't be absurd.” She waved her hand flippantly trying to dismiss the claim. Instead it confirmed it. “Why would I be jealous of you and the tori-atama?”
“Because they're still friends even though they did have sex.” Misao answered.
“And I've told you it isn't just about sex.” Megumi snapped.
“But that's it, though. You're afraid if you do fall into bed together, he won't be your friend anymore.” The girl stated.
“That's not quite it.” Kaoru interjected, her blue eyes still watching her roommate. “You are afraid of that, but there's more to it. You're afraid it is just about sex, at least where he's concerned. You want the sex, but you also want more than that. You want the relationship. You're afraid if you give in, that he will continue to treat you as nothing more than a friend. Or possibly even less.”
The woman's lip trembled and she looked down in defeat. “Isn't that what you're afraid of with Kenshin? Afraid once he satiates his lust, he'll move on?”
Kaoru looked down at her own lap, knowing her friend was right. She was scared of that. Afraid she would be callously brushed aside the way Enishi had. But they were not the same man. She refused to believe it. She looked up defiantly. “Kenshin is nothing like Enishi. But we aren't talking about me.”
“And what does talking about me achieve?” She demanded, rising and putting her hands on her hips. “Why don't we speak of Misao and her obsession with Aoshi?” She whirled on the petite woman. “Did anything happen while you two were gone?”
The green eyes widened. “When did you two turn on me?” She shrieked.
“I didn't turn on you!” Kaoru exclaimed rubbing her temples. “You two keep demanding to know what's going on between me and Kenshin. I keep telling you nothing…really.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Megumi asked.
She sighed and glared malevolently at her friend. “You were the one who started this.”
“As I recall you told us something had happened five days ago.”
Squirming under their inquisitive gazes, she sighed in defeat. “He kissed me. Well, um… actually, I kissed him.”
“WHAT?!” Both women shrieked. They converged on her, Megumi dragging the lounge chair across the concrete while Misao perched up on the table. “So Sano did interrupt something the other night?” Misao asked, her green eyes wide with her curiosity.
“Nothing else happened. It was just a kiss.” Kaoru stammered, trying to downplay the event form the other night. Of course she didn't reveal that while it had only been a simple kiss, a connection of immense proportions had been made. She had gone to bed each night, replaying the scene and each time, it went a bit further. A smile tugged at her lips as her fantasies flooded her, Kenshin pulling her hair free, his soft lips tracing trails across her skin, carrying her up to her room, stripping down. Her body began to respond as it had countless times. She blushed when she remembered Misao and Megumi watching her. Trying to calm her lust, she reached for her iced tea and gulped it. “What about you two? Sanosuke told me he has indeed asked you out.” She blurted, trying to get the attention off of her. “Why not go out with him on a serious date and see if your fears are even warranted.”
“Stop trying to change the subject. You were the one who brought it up.” Megumi argued.
“But then, we were talking about you and Sano.” She attempted to dispute.
“There is no me and Sano. There is me and then there's the tori-atama. But there is you and Kenshin. Let's focus on the original topic: The other night when you shared the infamous kiss.”
“When did it become infamous? It was just a kiss.” Kaoru protested. “Besides I told you. The man is ignoring me.”
Misao frowned. “He seemed pretty attentive to you yesterday when he drove home from the airport.”
Kaoru threw her hands up in the air. “Okay he's avoiding me. Every time I've tried to corner him he's walked away or invited someone into the conversation.” She turned to the petite girl. “Why did you have to come yesterday anyway?”
“Kenshin insisted. I didn't know what the big deal was. Besides, Aoshi had to work and I hate being around those two when they start bickering.” She pointed at the older woman.
“There's a subject we have yet to touch upon.” Megumi raised a dark eyebrow and leaned in towards the younger girl.
Misao glowered at her. “Watch it -kitsune- or I'll run right over and tell the rooster what you think.”
“That's a worthless threat. I'll just do the same with Aoshi. I'm surprised you peeled yourself away long enough to come and have some girl talk. I'd think you want to be down there fighting with the boys. How else would you get the ice king to pay attention to you?”
“Just because he has never shown you any more than his outward countenance does not mean he is not an idealistic soul.”
Kaoru lowered the hand she had placed to her temple and looked at the younger woman. She wasn't sure what to say. She could see why she was devoted to Aoshi but Misao rarely shared much about her involvement with the man. What they did alone stayed between them. But Kaoru always assumed she would share if something earth shattering had occurred. Had she not informed them of her kiss with the cabana boy?
“Has he kissed you?”
“Well, no. But there are reasons that I care for him. It's not just a naïve crush. My feelings for Aoshi run much deeper than that. I have a seen a side of him not many people do.” Both women seemed moved by the girl's speech and Kaoru felt a surge of jealousy. She had seen a glimpse of that side and she wondered what else lay behind his exterior. Misao shrugged and smiled brightly. “But I still want to hear about this kiss of yours. What do you plan to do now?”
Kaoru groaned and rubbed her eyes. She had thought she had escaped the barrage. “What should I do?”
“Corner him. Make him talk to you. Or forget small talk and just seduce him.” Misao told her.
“Because that has worked so well for you.” Megumi rolled her eyes. Her response was a raspberry from the petite girl. “The problem is you're suffering from second kiss syndrome.”
“Is that the technical term?” Kaoru asked her dryly.
“You've been out of the game long enough, you've forgotten the rules of how to play. The first kiss is always spontaneous. It just happens. You're there with a guy you really like. Coyly you brush against him. He surreptitiously caresses you. Then you're staring into each other's eyes and you find yourself leaning in, lost in the emotion you think you read in his gaze. Then contact is made. Nothing more then gentlest touch of lips. Then you sink in, your body pressed to his subtly, your fingers ache to caress the silky skin of his cheek, to get lost in the depths of his satin tresses. Then for reasons unknown, someone comes in; something falls. You feel flushed and embarrassed as you spring apart. What do you do now?”
Megumi sucked in a deep breath drawing out the moment. Kaoru found herself mesmerized by her words. It had happened that way, or least similar. For the first time she wondered what might have transgressed if Sanosuke hadn't come home when he had. She could be sitting here, smug and her lust fully satiated. She could also be dealing with an even more awkward situation. “So what does happen now?” She asked breathlessly.
Megumi held up her hand. “You have to experience the second kiss.”
“You're forgetting one thing. I can't get near him to do that. He's avoiding me.” Kaoru told her.
“Have you even thought about why?” She asked her, brushing her dark mane from her shoulder. “The first kiss is about passion and getting caught up in the moment. Now you've had time to think about it. He knows how you feel…or does he? Perhaps he wasn't fully there. Maybe he'd had too much wine. But maybe he really didn't want it to happen and didn't want to hurt your feelings. Until you have the second kiss, you'll never know.”
Frustrated, Kaoru buried her face in her hands. “And how do I go about accomplishing that?” She gritted.
Megumi looked up and rose swiftly. She reached for a bottle of sunscreen and tossed it to her. “Go down to the pool.” She hissed. She tugged on Kaoru's hands, yanking her to her feet. “Go now and ask him to put some on.”
Kaoru glanced around and saw the three men were beginning to return from the woods where they had been. She balked and cast an uncertain look at her friend. “Go! You should get there before they reach the pool. Ask him directly. I doubt he'll say no.”
Gnawing on her lip, Kaoru grabbed the bottle and rushed down the steps to the poolside. She settled herself on a lounge chair and fought to capture her breath. The men's voice traveled through the air to her and she looked up as they came around the corner. She smiled, thinking this plan just might work. Surely Aoshi and Sanosuke would leave them alone and perhaps they could talk.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kenshin rolled his shoulders back listening to Sanosuke speak of a bar brawl he'd been in several weeks ago. He had risen that morning and been cornered by Aoshi when he'd stepped outside. The man had asked him of his sword and wondered if he would be interested in sparring. Holding firm to his decision not to fight, he had declined. Aoshi had pushed the issue, curious to see the art of sword fighting Kenshin utilized. Finally relenting, he agreed to a demonstration. Before they had left for the small clearing he used late at night, Sanosuke had appeared. Upon hearing their plans, he asked to join them. That being said, they trudged into the small grove of trees on the edge of the property. They were hidden from the house, something that left him slightly unnerved. With the two men with him, that meant Kaoru was without protection. But as far as he could determine, Kamiya's concern had been in vain. The woman's previous lover had made no attempt in contacting her.
After several hours under the hot sun, Kenshin was impressed by what he had seen. Both Aoshi and Sanosuke could probably hold his own if they were to actually spar. Of course, he no longer had the blood lust he'd once exploited to raise his own skills. He felt better knowing they were worthy opponents if something were to happen.
Now they headed back to the house, Kenshin desperately wanting a shower and decided he might neglect his chores and meditate this afternoon. He had taken to doing it, to calm his libido. Ever since he had tasted the sweet lips of Kaoru, he had been unable to curb his longing. He avoided being alone with her to prevent him from ravishing her in front of their friends. He knew it was hurting her, but in the end it would be better. The day before, he had insisted Misao join them so he wouldn't be alone with her. It was a distraction he wanted and yet didn't know how to handle.
The house came into view and he looked up searching for the three women. It had become second nature to be aware of her at all times. He couldn't see the pool, just the patio. He thought he only saw two heads and he frowned. Where was Kaoru?
His question was answered as they turned the corner and the pool came into view. She was stretched out on a lounge chair, her pale skin slightly tanned from her time in the sun. She smiled when she spotted them and he felt something twist in his stomach. She wore her hair loose, probably the first time he'd ever seen it so. A dark blue bikini adorned her body, showing off her curves. He allowed his gaze to move appreciatively over her legs before he managed to get a hold of himself. Sano elbowed him and he winced, rubbing his side. He offered a weak smile to Kaoru as she twisted to face them.
She lowered her sunglasses, her blue eyes gleaming at him in the afternoon light. “Gentlemen.” She cooed and sat up.
Sanosuke stopped in his tracks and looked at him. Kenshin shrugged and returned his gaze to the woman. “How was your practice?” She asked.
“It was interesting.” Aoshi answered with a raised eyebrow. He looked at Kenshin and chuckled. He felt himself color slightly. It was obvious who she was focused on. “I'm going up get something to drink.” He stated. “Good luck.” He murmured before bounding up the stairs.
“I think I'll go as well.” Kenshin said and started to turn to follow after the tall man.
“Kenshin?” Her voice calling his name stopped him. “I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”
Slowly he turned around, ignoring the smirk Sanosuke gave him.
“Yes, Kaoru-dono?”
“Would you mind putting some sunscreen on my back?” She asked holding the bottle out to him.
He swallowed, not sure what might happen if he touched her soft skin. He hesitated. “I'll do it.” Sano volunteered.
Something flared inside him and he grabbed the bottle before the brunette could take it from her. “She asked me.” He snapped and immediately regretted it.
A look of triumph flashed in the depths of the brown eyes and he smiled. “By all means. I'm going to check on our beverage situation.” He left the way Aoshi had gone, leaving him alone with Kaoru.
Licking his lips in apprehension, he turned to the temptress. She had sat up and was watching him. Her dark hair gleamed around her torso, curling at the ends. He offered her a shaky smile and came around to sit behind her. She gathered her dark hair and pulled it over one shoulder, exposing her creamy back. He paused, wishing she had allowed him to move her hair, wanting to feel the silky strands coil around his fingers. He popped the top of the bottle and squeezed some onto his palm. Gingerly he rubbed his hands together and touched her warm skin. Her breath caught slightly at the feel of his hands on her back and he stopped, not sure if he wanted to continue. How had he agreed to this?
“You'll never get it on if you don't apply a little bit of pressure.” She admonished.
“Forgive me, Kaoru-dono.” He murmured, rubbing the lotion into her shoulders. He allowed himself to touch her, relishing the feel of her skin under his hands. Her flesh was satin, her body warm. Gently he kneaded her shoulders and back, rubbing the lotion into her skin. Gently she swayed with the motions of his hands. Timidly he reached the clasp of her top and reached underneath, careful to keep the garment closed. She moaned softly and his fingers moved to her sides. Ever so leisurely she leaned towards him, her head falling back.
Mesmerized, his hands stopped, resting lightly on the underside of her rib cage. Her neck was exposed and he hindered the urge to press a kiss there. Swallowing, trying to regain control, he pulled away from her. “I'm finished.” He whispered hoarsely.
“Are you?”
She sat up and twisted around to face him. He swallowed again and tore his eyes from her gaze. He rose abruptly. “You should wear your hair down more often.” He murmured, the words escaping his lips before he could stop them.
She nodded. “Thank you.”
“I'm going to shower and change. I'll see you later. I think Sanosuke wants to check out some new bar tonight.”
“He would.” She smiled at him warmly and he reached out and touched a strand of her hair. “Don't spend too much time out in the sun.” He warned and walked away. He was going down. He had known it the other day in the rain. With the touch of her lips she had been lost. Still he fought, but it was a losing battle. It would only be a matter of time before he did give in.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Megumi watched the man walk away from Kaoru from the window in the kitchen. She groaned in disappointment. When were they going to get together? It was driving her crazy. The tension was making her insane, fueling her own lust for the rooster.
“What are you looking at?” A voice whispered in her ear.
Inadvertently she shrieked. “I was watching Kaoru and Kenshin.”
“And what?”
“Anything worth watching going on?”
She pouted. “No. He just walked away.”
“Did he at least rub some lotion on her back?”
“Yes, but nothing else happened.”
“These things take time, Kit. Jou-chan's still getting over her traumatizing relationship with Enishi.”
“That happened over a year ago.” She whined and turned to face him. She blinked in surprise by his proximity. He was close to her, close enough that she brushed against him when she turned. She could almost lean up and kiss him if she wanted. She blushed and looked down to see he had cornered her against the counter. “What are you doing?” She asked softly.
“I was looking to see what was going on.” He murmured.
She had told him of the messages from Enishi. She believed Kenshin would protect Kaoru, part of why she had left for several days. She was elated to know something had happened. “Did you know you did walk in on the two of them?”
“Kenshin and Kaoru. She kissed him.”
“Monday?” She nodded as he blinked. He stepped back slightly. “I figured. He was not happy when I arrived home that night.”
“You just have terrible timing.”
He studied her and leaned back in towards her. “Is that what my problem is?”
Megumi blinked. Suddenly she didn't think they were talking about Kaoru anymore. “What exactly are you asking?”
“Maybe that's what's going on between you and me? Timing is bad.”
“Just yours.”
A grin tugged at his lips. “Maybe you could help me work on that.”
She tilted her face up to receive a kiss from him hardly believing this was happening. Would she be forced to suffer from the agony Kaoru went through now? She decided she didn't care and decided to take her friend's advice and go for it.
A shrill sound echoed throughout the kitchen, breaking the mood. Sanosuke swore as he stepped away from her. “Whoever that is has great timing.” He said sarcastically.
She tried to get a grip on her emotions and pressed two hands to her flaming cheeks. She heard the brunette answer the phone. There was silence and she glanced over at him. His jaw was clenched and he swore again. “Listen here. You come near her and I won't be held responsible for what happens.” He snarled into the phone. He hung it up fiercely and rubbed his face, running his hands through his brown hair.
Fear touched Megumi as she came to stand by him. “Who was that?” She asked, though she already knew the answer.
“You know who it was.”
“What did he say?”
“He's coming back into town soon. And when he returns, he will make Jou-chan his again.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kaoru perched a bit uncomfortably on her stool. She felt slightly out of place in the bar. Why Sano had dragged them all here tonight was beyond her. It was a new place and that meant it was crowded. Of course everyone had agreed. Well sort of. Aoshi had merely nodded in the cool collected way of his and Kenshin had merely shrugged his shoulders. She was just glad Megumi hadn't insisted on going to a club instead. The idea of dressing up tonight had not appealed to her.
She glanced at Kenshin. He sat listening to whatever Misao was chattering on about, his beer to his lips. She had tasted them once. So much had transpired in the month since she had met him. It had been nearly three weeks since their near kiss in her car. They had had three more driving lessons and nothing had occurred other than the first time. Then there had been in the day it had rained. It had been the first time they had been alone, truly alone, now that she thought about it. Heady from drinking wine, she had somehow found the nerve to kiss him, pressing her lips tenderly to his. Sometimes at night she could almost feel his breath on her mouth still, his hand warm on her neck Groaning, she shook the dream away. If would do no good to work herself up here in the pool hall.
A cheer went up from the table and she saw Sanosuke gladly pocket the money the other man handed to him. Megumi clapped her hands and the brunette winked at her. Kaoru watched them with interest, wondering if something had happened she had not been made aware of. It seemed lately the two were getting along better. Megumi had stopped fawning all over Kenshin and Sanosuke had not been as touchy with her. She didn't mind, happy they might have found their way to each other. But it left her slightly unhinged. She couldn't help but wonder if there were ulterior motives. Aoshi came to the table and downed his shot of bourbon.
“Another game?” He called over to Sano. He'd had several drinks and his usual frosty demeanor had melted to reveal a young man having a good time. He reciprocated the flirtatious glances from Misao and Kaoru smiled to herself, speculating on how long it might take for the two of them to finally come together.
Sano shook his head in response to the invitation. “I actually won money tonight. I think I'll pass.”
“Can I play then?” Misao asked, jumping up from her place and coming to stand before Aoshi.
He smiled faintly down at her. “It might be a short game.”
“We could do teams?” She suggested. She glanced at Kaoru. “How about it Kaoru? You and Kenshin versus me and Aoshi.”
Kenshin shrugged and rose, placing his empty glass on the table. “I don't really know how to play.” Kaoru admitted, tossing back the last of her own drink. She was feeling a bit buzzed. “But if you really want to, why the hell not?”
Kenshin came to stand at her side. “I'll help you, that I will.” He told her quietly as Misao racked the balls.
His voice sent a silent shiver down her back. “Thanks.”
The redhead turned his attention to Aoshi. “Eight ball?” He asked, coming to stand at the head of the table for the break.
“Call shots?”
“Only if they are combinations. We'll allow the ladies a bullshit shot if they choose.” He replied nonchalantly. He sent a wry smile at the petite woman at her outburst. “It's a good thing for you Misao.” He turned his attention back to Kenshin. “Money?”
“How about loser buys a round?” He suggested.
“Good luck.”
Kenshin smiled slightly and leaned down to the table. Kaoru immediately admired the way his long fingers graced the pool stick. Smoothly he slid it through his forefingers, sighting the cue ball and Kaoru blushed with the wicked turn her thoughts were turning. She picked up Megumi's drink and sipped. “Hey.”
“You weren't touching it.” She retorted, facing her friend. She heard the crack of the balls and turned in time to see the three sail into the corner pocket. She sipped again, allowing the fruity concoction to slide down her throat. She was definitely buzzing now.
Kenshin stood, his eyes still narrowed in concentration. He sighted another ball and managed to sink the five. “Solids.” He called out. He missed the next shot, the ball bouncing off the bumper.
He came to stand next to her and glanced at her. “Are you alright, Kaoru-dono?”
She nodded and placed the glass down. Megumi immediately picked it up and drank the last of it before she could. “I'm fine. You're really good.”
He shrugged. “I'm alright.”
Aoshi managed to sink three stripes before he missed and Kaoru apprehensively approached the table. She tried to mimic the way she had seen Kenshin holding the stick. Her legs spread to anchor herself she looked at the table and saw a relatively easy shot for the two in the corner. She leaned down slightly, feeling awkward and silly.
“Here, hold the stick back here. It will give you more control.” She glanced up as the redhead's fingers fell over hers. “And hold the cue stick close to your body.”
She nodded, licking her lips and tried to do as he said. She sighted the ball and skimmed it, barely knocking it into the ball she had aimed for. She grimaced. “I told you I didn't know how to play.”
He shook his head, a patient smile on his face. “It's fine. I'll show you next shot what I mean.”
Misao came up and missed the ball she had been aiming for, but sent another stripe into a whole other pocket. “Is that my bullshit shot you were talking about?” She asked the tall man to her left.
He nodded and tugged on her braid. “But you did manage to sink one. “
“That's more than me.” Kaoru chirped, suddenly not minding she couldn't shoot pool. She was enjoying the company.
“Do you want to go again?” Kenshin asked the smaller woman.
She thought about it and shook her head. “No. You can go.”
The redhead went, sinking another two balls before he didn't have an open shot. He sent the cue into the corner, leaving Aoshi nothing to shoot at all. “Damn, you're ruthless.” He muttered staring at the table for a moment. Then the man managed to hop the white ball over the yellow one and it hit one of his own with a resounding smack. It didn't go in, but everyone watching was impressed nonetheless.
“You are as well, that you are.” Kenshin said, his respect obvious in his voice. He turned his attention to Kaoru. “Alright, you have deceptively easy shot for the four in the corner.” He came behind her and placed one hand over each of hers, blocking her in by the cue stick. He forced her low to the table so her chest was practically resting against the edge. “You can see the table much better from this angle than when you're making a shot than from above.” His fingers wrapped hers around the end of the stick, inches from the chalked tip. Then his hand rested on her wrist. His right hand gently pushed her other wrist so her fingers gripped the very end of the stick. Then he pulled the stick in so it was flat against her body, causing her to press against Kenshin. Kaoru's heart sped up at his nearness, his body pressed against hers. Her breath grew a tad bit shallower and her fuzzy mind was having trouble focusing on what he was saying.
“You don't want to hit the ball dead on, that you do not. You want to skim the edge with enough force it will drop right into the pocket. Now here's the real trick about angled shots.” He told her softly, his breath tickling her ear. “Don't watch the cue ball.”
“Which one is that?” She asked.
“The white one. You're already going to hit it. What you need to keep your focus on is the spot you want to hit the other ball. When you're ready, you carefully pull back gauging how hard you want to hit the cue. Then you just go.” His hands on her wrists made her pull the stick back ever so slowly and back. With her buzz, the act seemed extremely sensual and she bit back her giggle. Suddenly she had no desire to play pool anymore, just drop the stick, turn in the man's arms and kiss him until she was dizzy. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and let him have his way with her right here on the pool table in front of everyone.
A snicker to her left brought her back and she knew it had come from Sanosuke. Ignoring him, she tried to focus as Kenshin had told her. She sighted the ball and thrust the cue stick forward. The smack seemed loud, but the ball went into the pocket and she cheered, throwing her arms around Kenshin's neck. “I did it!”
He pulled back after a moment and smiled at her. “See if you can hit the next one on your own.” She ended up missing, but it had rebounded off the corner. Kenshin had helped her with the stick though he had not gotten nearly as intimate with her the second time around. Misao came up and managed to sink two more before she incidentally scratched. Kenshin sank the final two but didn't leave himself a shot for the eight ball. Aoshi came up and the game ended, him and Misao the winners.
Kenshin pulled out his wallet. “So what are you drinking? And then I suggest we head on out. It is getting late and unlike you, I must work in the morning.”
Sanosuke clapped him on the shoulder. “Kamiya's not in town. He won't know if you sleep until noon just like the rest of us will.”
“Speak for yourself. I've got an important matter to handle in the morning. For that, I think I'll stay at my apartment.” Aoshi told the brunette. “I'll take another shot and then I agree we head out.”
Kaoru watched him and nodded her head. “I'll do one too.”
“Might as well get us all a round.” Misao chimed in, leaning against the tall stoic man. “I'm exhausted all of a sudden and have no desire to be here any longer.”
The choice made, Kenshin went to he bar and returned with four shots. “Where's mine?” Sano had demanded.
“You didn't play.” Megumi reminded him.
Kenshin handed him his shot of the brown liquid “I don't need any more to drink, that I don't. I have a feeling I will be driving Kaoru-dono home this evening.” He caught her eye and grinned at her.
She felt fine, a bit buzzed, but she could make it home if she needed to. But she shrugged and nodded, reaching into her pocket for her keys and handed them to him. Then they raised their shot and drank it, the liquid burning her throat. She gasped and coughed, fighting to keep it down. She did not want to get sick.
“Good night everyone. See you tomorrow afternoon.” Misao bid farewell, helping Aoshi with Sanosuke. Megumi followed behind, berating the brunette for drinking so much. They all separated and Kenshin opened her car door for her. She fell into the passenger seat and giggled. Her vision blurred momentarily and she fought to steady the world.
Kenshin came around and shut the door. He put the key in the ignition, but adjusted his seat before turning the engine over. He glanced at her as she fumbled to buckle her seatbelt. “Let me.” He reached over, his fingers once more closing over hers as he fastened her in.
She swallowed and looked at him. Their gaze held, his eyes so dark in the dim light. She leaned forward and his lips set into a firm line. He pulled back and put the car in gear. She felt a twinge of disappointment and sat back. A small smile curved her lips as she watched him steer the car. A plan began to form in her mind and she turned to watch the world speed by. Kaoru leaned her head against the window, the glass cool against her hot forehead. She closed her eyes and allowed the engine to lull her to sleep.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Also for those who have asked, I do plan on posting this story in it's entirety on the site. I also plan to post my Sailor Moon fics as well as I don't know of any other place that has them. Give me time as I am in the midst of assuming my new job.
Much love and affection. Let me know what you think as always!