Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I just want to say thanks. Thanks to all the reviews, especially for the last chapter. I think lemons are difficult to write as there are so many tasteless lemons out there and I want mine to be as tasteful as lemon meringue pie. ^_~ Okay, now that you all think I'm strange and a bit quirky. Sorry if it was bit fast for some of you but then ten years of celibacy I imagine will do that. I will do my best to make up for it. Also, Kaoru is still in a bit of denial where Kenshin is concerned and what he actually did in the past, particularly how Tomoe died. That's about to all come crashing down. Eventually the tanuki's past will also come out. If anyone is a fan of Enishi (and I know you're out there) you might not like what she has to say.
So here's the next chapter anyway. Not much really goes on in this other than we finally answer a few more questions. And thanks again for the reviews! I hope you enjoy!
I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or any of the characters below. Just letting everyone know they belong to Nabuhiro Watsuki.
Kaoru awoke alone. She sat up, hugging the sheet to her chest. She smiled slowly, looking around the room she had spent the night in. She lay on a futon, low to the ground. The walls were bare, the closet containing only a few shirts and a pair of pants. She smiled contentedly and lay back down. Lazily she stretched her arms about her head, wondering where Kenshin could be. Sitting up again she listened for any sound to indicate where the redhead was. It sounded as though he might be in the kitchen. Wrapping herself in the sheet, she rose and went to the dresser. This was a prime opportunity to see just what kind of man she was sleeping with.
On the top of the dresser was a small picture. A young couple was smiling, a little boy with red hair grinning at the camera. The boy had to be Kenshin, the deep purple eyes unmistakable. Longingly she touched the photo, noting the worn edges. Another book, this one the Shakespearean play `The Tempest' lay next to the picture. It was worn as well and Kaoru frowned slightly. Opening a drawer she saw nothing but a handful of tee shirts.
Closing the drawer again, her unease grew. Again she noted that she knew virtually nothing about the man she had just spent the night with. There was very little in the room to explain him to her. It bothered her, but for a reason she couldn't quite comprehend. Why would it matter?
“I see you are already out of bed, that I do.”
She turned slowly and offered him a smile. He was clothed, standing a bit awkwardly in the doorway. “And you're already dressed.” She said slyly coming to him.
“I made you breakfast.” He murmured, refusing to meet her gaze.
She came to him and tried to catch his eye. “I'm not interested in breakfast.” She told him. Kenshin finally looked at her, his face blank. She blinked and grinned, her smile wavering slightly by the lack of emotion. “Not unless I can have you.”
She went to kiss him, but the man pulled away. She blinked again in surprise. “What?”
Kenshin licked his lips and shook his head. “We can't do this, Kaoru-dono.”
Hurt touched her. `Why not?”
“You know why not.”
Kaoru took a step back as though she had been slapped. “I do not.”
The redhead closed his eyes and sighed. “I told you I am tainted. You deserve more.”
She cocked her head to the side studying him. “So you're saying because you are unclean you will not continue on with me?”
“And last night?”
“Last night was………it should not have happened.”
“I don't accept that.”
His eyes opened. “Enishi will come for you because of me.”
She crossed her arms, hugging herself. “Seems to me he had come for me before he even knew you were here.”
“But now his hatred has been renewed. He will not leave you alone now, knowing that I remain here. He will use you to get to me.”
“So you're leaving?”
His eyes shifted guiltily away. “Aye.”
Panic bloomed in her heart and Kaoru crossed to him, grabbing him by the shoulders. “What happens if you aren't here?” She demanded shrilly.
“Enishi will follow me.”
“Are you so sure about that? You said he would use me to get to you. You think once you've gone he won't still try it to see if you'll return?” A touch of uncertainty touched him and he looked at the ground. “Kenshin, leaving will not protect me. I am only safe if you stay.” Anxiety thrived into existence. Her fear of her former boyfriend drove her on. “You promised you would protect me. Now you must promise you will stay.”
A tear touched his lashes. “Kaoru-dono, I am not worthy to remain in your company. I thought I could enjoy a future with you, but Enishi has reminded me that I cannot. I am no better than him.”
“Do not compare yourself with the man!” She shrieked. “He is selfish and conniving and he is doing it in the hopes you will leave. What happens then?” She could not go back to him.
He was indecisive and Kaoru knew he was faltering. Things had passed between them during the night besides sex. “You think you're just unclean. Is that the only problem?”
“Kaoru, I killed my wife.” He told her harshly.
Only because he had used her name without the formal suffix, did she even notice. Distantly she remembered he had done it the night before, trying to get her to acknowledge his evil-doings. It dawned on her then what he was truly afraid of. “My father was afraid he would be responsible for the death of my mother. You might indirectly be liable for the woman's death, but it's not as if you wielded the blade.” She explained, her hands grabbing his arms. “You will protect me.” She finished confidently.
He looked up at her, bitterness darkening the gaze to a brilliant shade of blue. Kaoru blinked. Only in the throes of passion, whether lust or anger had his eyes turned that color. Briefly she speculated if the gaze was tied to the name he had carried ten years ago. She swallowed, trepidation touching her, fear of the man in front of her caressing her psyche for the first time.
“You still don't understand, do you?”
“What is there to understand? I thought we had moved beyond this.”
He grabbed her and gave her a light shake. “Wake up! Don't you comprehend what I'm capable of?” He asked her sharply.
“You won't hurt me!” Kaoru told him desperately. “Despite everything, I know you aren't able to hurt me.”
“Do you not hear me?” He asked hoarsely. “I killed Tomoe, Enishi's sister.”
“You are not responsible for the actions of others!”
“Don't fear my enemies.” Kenshin told her heatedly. “I will protect you from those who might come after me as best as I can. I have met a few of my enemies who have come for revenge. I have not killed another person since I slew Tomoe. I can protect you from them, but I cannot protect you from myself. I'm the one you should fear.” He told her.
She tried to shake the panic that touched her. “Why?” She didn't want to acknowledge the truth that threatened to enlighten her.
Tenderly he touched her hair, though his eyes were still hard. “You are an intelligent and vibrant woman, yet you are still so naïve when it comes to me. I did kill my wife. My hand held the sword. I'm the one who pierced her flesh, allowed her blood to flow. And she is the one who branded me for life with this mark as she bled to death in my arms.” He indicated the cross on his cheek.
A tear slid free as his words burned into her soul. She closed her eyes trying to steady her nerves. She knew it was true. Kaoru brushed her hair from her face. The stories Enishi had told her came flooding back. But this was her Kenshin, a man who claimed he had not raised a sword against another in ten years. She trusted him. She took a deep breath. Opening her eyes she found the man watching her. “Her death is what led you to make your vow?”
The eyes, now violet once more blinked. “Yes.”
She licked her lips. “You don't live that life anymore. You won't be driven to the point of killing me.” She told him, not sure who she was trying to convince in this moment.
His eyes widened and then he shook his head. “Kaoru-dono, I will not do this to you.”
“I'm doing it to myself.” She told him fiercely, tears finally falling free. “I make my own decisions. Not you, not Sanosuke, and certainly not my father. I want you and there's nothing you can do to alleviate that except being there.”
His last barrier seemed to break and his shoulders sagged. “I can't. My hands are covered in so much blood.” He whispered.
She took them in hers. “We'll just have to cleanse them won't we?”
Kenshin turned away as she gathered her clothes and began to dress. He had seen her beautiful body the previous night, but she deserved some privacy. He wasn't sure what she had intended. How she had figured out what his plans were, he didn't know. Last night had been magnificent, and he had wanted nothing more than to bury his face in the silk of her hair and forget the rest of the world. But when the sun had risen, he realized that was not a viable option. He had tried to let her understand, but his thoughts were jumbled when he was near her. Her arguments seemed valid and he wanted to believe her. She would be safe only if he was near her. But he was dangerous. Not only because of the bloodlust that continued to threaten to consume him, but also he had made numerous enemies in the past. Enishi was just one. What would prevent any other from coming after her?
A hand touched his shoulder and he jumped to see Kaoru watching him. Her hair was long and loose around her shoulders, her blue eyes wide. He touched the strap of her top, remembering the way it had slid down her arm the previous night under the pale light of the moon. He swallowed. “Where are we going?”
“Up to my room. My tub is bigger.”
“Well how else are we going to get you clean without giving you a bath silly?”
That had not been what he expected. Silently he took her hand and she led him out of the guesthouse. Obediently he followed her up to the main house and to her room. Once there he stood a bit shyly on the carpet. She had disappeared into the bathroom. In all his thirty years he had never felt more nervous as he did in this moment.
“Are you coming?”
Somehow he made his feet move towards the bathroom. He had never been in here and his eyes were huge when he looked around. Where the bedroom was purple and yellow, the bathroom was a cloud of blue and white. The tile floor was of a pale shade of blue, the tub marbleized white. A large stained window hung above the tub. It faced east and the morning light seemed to make the woman in front of it glow. Kaoru was leaning over the lip of the large tub and plugging the drain. She turned on the tap and stood to look at him. In that moment he wondered when he had fallen in love.
“Are you alright?”
He blinked and offered her a weak smile, not trusting his voice. She smiled at him and went to a cabinet. She opened it and took down a wooden box. She brought it over to him and opened it. “Pick one.” He gazed at her quizzically. “They're bath salts. Which one do you want?”
“What do you use?”
She shrugged. “It depends on my mood.”
“And your mood now?”
She offered him a sly smile and picked up one of the rocks. She tossed it into the water and replaced the box. She turned back around and apprehensively approached him. She licked her lips and smiled timidly at him. Her hands went to his waist and she tugged gently at the tee shirt he wore. He placed his hands on her wrists, suddenly shy. “What are you doing?”
“You have to get undressed.”
He nodded, but didn't remove his hands. The last two times she had seen him without his shirt, it had been dark. It wasn't that he was afraid of what he looked like, but more what she would say when she fully saw the extent of his battle scars. To see then would bring her to reality and he had enjoyed living in this dream that the two of them could live happily together. Then he recalled she had seen him before, the afternoon of Megumi's dinner party. She still had not shied away from him. Now knowing where the scars had come from, she would understand the levity of the situation she was about to ingratiate herself in. He gave up the struggle. Kenshin closed his eyes as the shirt came over his head. He heard her gasp and he refused to raise his lids.
Tentative hands touched him. Her fingers stroked up and down his chest, caressing his skin lovingly. He risked opening his eyes. Her azure eyes looked up at him, wonder and eyes shinning from their depths. “You are so beautiful.” She whispered.
He shook his head in denial. “No I am not.”
She smiled and leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. “To me you are. And I'm sincere.” She leaned down and pressed her lips to one of the many scars on his torso. “I wish I could heal all of them.” She murmured her breath warm against his skin. Unable to take it anymore, he broke and wrapped her length of hair around his fingers. Then he pulled her head up and met her mouth in a heated kiss. She responded to him immediately and hugged him to her. Then she pulled away. She reached over to turn the water off and Kenshin noticed the tub was full of bubbles.
“Get in. I'll be right there.” She told him before heading towards another door. He realized it was another entrance to her closet and he slipped out of his pants as the door closed. The water was warm and inviting against his skin. The tub was deep, the water easily reaching his neck as he lay back against the side.
The door opened and he cracked his eyes to see Kaoru coming towards him. She was nervous. A white terry robe adorned her body. She reached the lip of the tub and sat down. He swallowed looking up at her. She was stunning and in this moment she was his. He reached up and touched her hair. Then he sat up so he could caress her bottom lip. Her mouth opened, her breath coming in short gasps.
After a moment she pulled away. “This is supposed to be for you.” She told him, her voice low and husky. He grinned and offered her an innocent shrug. “Turn around.”
Kenshin did as he was told and turned, pulling his knees loosely to him. Behind him he heard her robe fall to the floor and felt the water stir as she climbed into the tub. Steam rose lazily from the surface and he felt his face grow warm as he felt her body come in contact with his from behind. Her skin was silky soft, her breasts pressing against him ever so slightly. Her arms reached around him, reaching for the loofah sponge there. She lathered it up and lovingly began to run it over his body.
There was affection in her movements, a tenderness he had not known in such a long time. And while the act was sensual, there was nothing overtly sexual about it. However, he felt himself begin to become aroused, her hands scrubbing his back, roving all over his body. He was amazed that she would still want him after she had discovered his past. He hadn't wanted to keep it a secret initially. And then once he had begun to get to know her, he had not wanted her to know. To have another woman he cared for turn away, betray him again, he wasn't sure if his sanity could handle it. However, there was a vast difference between Tomoe and Kaoru. He had been deeply caught in the net of the government when he had been with Tomoe. She had been deeply embedded in her father's organization, something he had not been aware of until it was too late. Now, it was ten years behind. Kaoru had not witnessed him in full rage. He hoped she never would. Whatever became of the situation with him and Enishi, he knew that he would treasure these moments, the feel of her skin, and the touch of her fingers.
Kaoru pulled the band from his hair, his red tendrils falling around him into the water. She had discarded the sponge and was now running her fingers through his fiery tresses. “I love your hair.” She murmured in the humid air.
He relaxed and smiled, her fingers pulling his head back ever so slightly. Then she stopped and he glanced over his shoulder to her. Her legs snaked around his waist and he felt himself grow hard, despite the relaxing warmth of the water. She moved around him, her flesh sliding against his, her breath coming in short gasps as she moved around so she was sitting in his lap. Her dark hair tumbled down her back and he took a handful of it. “I also love your hair, Kaoru-dono.” He whispered, bringing it to his lips. She so rarely wore it loose and flowing.
Kaoru offered him a small smile and swallowed. “You're nervous.” She nodded and bit her lower lip. “Why?”
“I don't know. I don't want you to leave me.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I'm afraid of what could happen.”
“With Enishi?”
She nodded. “Him and just everything. My life seems so bleak with the idea of you leaving me.”
“Kaoru-dono.” He touched a stray tear and leaned up to kiss her. Her response was immediate, her arms coming around his neck and she shifted so his arousal touched her. She gasped and shifted again so she could come to rest on him, his erection deeply embedded within her. Both of them cried out and he rose ever so slightly and placed her back against the side of the tub. Then he began to move, each thrust he tried to convey to her what he was feeling. He didn't want to leave her, couldn't leaver her. He would do everything in his power to keep her safe.
Water sloshed over the side, but both were oblivious. He focused on her, her legs wrapped around him, the feel of her body encasing him. Kenshin nuzzled her neck before kissing her, needing to taste her. She writhed beneath him, her moans captured in his mouth. It was over in minutes, the need to be with her overpowering any other emotion. As he cried out, he realized he was a fool. There was no way he could leave her now. Indeed, even if another enemy appeared, Kaoru would be safer with him, than if he left. He panted her body wet and limp in his arms. Kenshin lifted up and brushed the wet hair from her face. He looked into her eyes, seeing her affection there. “Kaoru-dono. There's something I want to tell you.”
She raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth to profess his love when there was a knock on the door. “Kaoru? I'm home.”
Their eyes widened and he scrambled off of her. “One moment Dad! I'm in the bath.”
She climbed out of the tub and slipped, falling to the floor. “Oww.” She hissed, rubbing her elbow. He tossed her robe to her. Quickly she wrapped herself in it while he pulled the drain in the tub. He grabbed a towel and rushed to the closet, wrapping it around his waist. He shut the door, not quite pulling it to. He heard the door open again.
“Daddy, you're home early!”
“I couldn't stay away from my girl. I have missed you terribly.” Her answer was a soft rumble Kenshin could not discern. More conversation carried on between the two of them as they went into her bedroom. Then he heard her father by the door that led into the bedroom. “I just came to let you know that we have company joining us for dinner.”
Kenshin didn't hear her answer. Then someone knocked on the door. “Oh and Himura-san. You are to be at dinner as well.” The man called out and he froze. The man knew he was here. More minutes passed. The door to the bathroom creaked open and Kaoru was looking up at him sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“How did he know?”
“Your father?”
“Um………your clothes.” She was red and she pointed a guilty finger towards the pile of clothing on the floor.
Now he colored and scrambled to gather them up. “I'll let you change.” He returned to the closet and quickly dressed
Sitting in the living room he waited. Neither Kaoru nor Kenshin were in the guest house. He wondered where the redhead could be, curious to know if he was with his friend. Sanosuke took a shuddering breath. The door finally opened and he looked up slowly to see the man he waited for step into the room.
Kenshin froze, sensing the man before he actually saw him. Sano studied him. The man's hair was wet and hung loose around his shoulders. His shirt was untucked and clung to damp skin. “What have you been up to?” He asked darkly.
Kenshin sighed and closed the door. “I'm sure you're here for an explanation.”
“You assume too much.”
“I'm not here to demand answers, though I want them.” He rose and crossed to the window, his hands in his pockets. “I don't want an explanation for what you did.”
Cautiously the redhead watched him. “Then what are you here for?”
“How's Jou-chan?”
The man colored and Sano couldn't help but smile. “She's fine.”
He snickered. “I bet she is.”
Kenshin didn't answer and turned on his heel and strode into the kitchen. He followed him. Kenshin poured himself a glass of water and turned to him, drinking the clear liquid. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“I don't know.”
“Do you want me to tell you I think you're a terrible person?”
The violet eyes looked at the floor. “Hai.”
Sanosuke clenched his eyes shut. “I want to. I was shocked by what Enishi said. Then to have you confirm it.” He opened his brown eyes and glared at the smaller man. “I want to hate you for all that. How could you not tell any of us?” He demanded. “We trusted you and then we find out you've been harboring this secret! Not just any secret, but the fact you were one of the most fearsome men of our generation!” He cried. “What the hell else am I supposed to say?” His anger fueled him and he turned to punch a hole in the wall.
Shaking the plaster from his fist he spun around once more to face Kenshin, already feeling a bit better now that he had hit something. “I want to hate you, but I can't.” The man looked up at him sharply, astonishment evident in his clear amethyst eyes. “How can I possibly hate you, Kenshin? You put up with my shit. You easily fit in with the dynamic of our friends. Most importantly you have made Jou-chan come back to life. For so long after she and Yukishiro broke up she was insecure and scared. The man broke her down. For the last year she has been trying to rediscover herself and she's finally come back to us, because of you. You make her happy and for her, that's all I ever wanted.”
He ran a hand through his unruly brown hair and sat down wearily at the table. “I know about Kamiya and the life he once led. He met Jou-chan's mother and everything changed. For her he walked away from that life and went back to school. Now he's an advertisement mogul. He's a decent man who happened to have led a hard life. In turn it caused him to follow the path he did for a period of time. Because of that, I still trust you. I don't know how long it has been, but I imagine it wasn't recent. I think with Jou-chan you might finally achieve something to live for.”
Kenshin put the glass down and sat opposite of him. “You think very highly of me considering you found out I was a killer just a few hours ago.”
Sano grinned ruefully at him. “You deserve some respect.”
“Why is that?”
“You don't kill anymore. From what I hear, it's hard to not lose yourself to the carnal urge. It's in our blood. Why do you think I pick fights all the time?”
“Being in a bar fight and taking someone's life are two different things.”
“Are they? When I've been a number of brawls where my life could easily have been taken? When I could have taken another's life? I can't deny that if I was being paid enough and I felt the scum deserved it, I wouldn't hesitate to have one less jerk off the streets.”
A hint of a smile touches the redhead's lips. “You wouldn't either.”
“Damn strait!” Sanosuke pounded the top of the table and rose. “I guess I'm saying that I don't quite understand, but I do. And from the looks of things, I'd say the person whose opinion matters most also understands.”
Kenshin sat back and held up his hands. “It's not what you think!”
Sano snorted. “I'm sure it's exactly what I think.” He turned. “I'm headed up to the house now. Don't think about tricking me into doing any of your chores!” He called over his shoulder before pulling the door closed behind him.
He leaned against it with a sigh. His head was pounding. Groaning he rubbed his eyes. “I hate hangovers.” Wondering what Megumi could be doing, he went off in search of her.
Kaoru had hidden in her room all day. She wasn't sure she wanted to facer her father just yet. Longingly she had watched her lover cut the grass from her window. The phone had rung all day long. She had refused to pick it up until Elena had called up saying Misao was on the line. She had answered and listened to the girl's questions about what had occurred the previous night at the party. She hadn't sounded as shocked to discover Kenshin's history. Being on the phone and not in front of her Kaoru couldn't be sure. After half an hour, Kaoru had managed to get off the phone with her.
A knock sounded on her door. Sighing wearily, Kaoru left her perch from the window. She opened the door and Megumi came bounding into her room. A bit surprised at the woman's behavior, she merely watched her sashay around the room. “What gives?” She finally asked.
Megumi stopped and spun around. She clapped her hands together. “I got my acceptance today!”
“Into medical school.” Megumi told her pointedly.
Kaoru blinked and then rushed the woman. She threw her arms about her and the two danced around the bed. “I'm so happy for you!”
“I know, can you believe it?”
“So I'm going out to celebrate.”
Kaoru stopped jumping and grimaced. “I can't tonight.”
Megumi's smile slipped a notch. “Why not?”
“A friend of my father's is in town. We're having dinner with him tonight.”
“I guess that's alright.” Megumi colored slightly and looked at the floor. “Sano's taking me out tonight anyway.”
“That's good. At least you'll be going out.”
“Yeah.” Megumi absently brushed her hair back from her face. “The thing is he asked me to dinner before I got my letter.”
The blue eyes blinked. “What?”
A smile lit up Kaoru's face. “He asked you out and you said yes?” Reluctantly Megumi nodded. “That's great!”
“Is it?”
“He's taking you to dinner, isn't he?”
Megumi shrugged and turned around. “Do you think he's sincere?”
“You'll have to go and find out.”
Another knock sounded on the door. Elena peered around the doorframe. “Dinner in an hour, Kaoru.”
Kaoru nodded. “Okay.”
Megumi sighed. “I guess I should go too. Have fun tonight.”
“You as well.” She turned to leave. “Meg?” The taller woman turned around to face her again. “Congratulations.”
Megumi smiled and shrugged. “Thanks. We'll all go out tomorrow night to celebrate.”
She left and Kaoru was again left alone. With a sigh she went into the bathroom to get ready. She glanced at the tub, a smile on her lip as she recalled the short interlude from that morning. Her father had seemed pleased by his discovery.
Her father had never pressured her and let her do her own thing. She knew he had not liked Enishi, but he had never said anything about the man. However, when his eyes had spied the pile pf clothing belonging to Kenshin, he had smiled at her and raised an eyebrow. She had stammered an explanation that she had fallen into the pool and needed a change of clothes quickly. He had merely held up a hand to quiet her and then called out that Kenshin was to be at dinner as well. Then he had left without another word.
Come to think of it, he had seemed extremely relieved when she had declared there was nothing between her and Sanosuke the day after he had escorted her to the prom. She wondered if he knew more than he let her know and she blushed as she turned on the shower, curious to what else her father knew about her.
She showered and dressed in a lavender summer dress. She took a pale green ribbon and tied her damp hair back from her face. She glanced out the window and saw that Kenshin was gone, probably getting ready for this evening as well. The phone rang as she walked by and she rolled her eyes and picked it up before she had a chance to stop herself.
“And there's my girl. I was beginning to think you didn't love me anymore.”
The voice was cold and slightly distorted, but it sent chills up her spine nonetheless. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the receiver. “What do you want?”
“I just want you. Unfortunately you have made another dire mistake Kaoru. You always did fraternize with the wrong people.”
“Like you?”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Letting that temper of yours come through. You have picked up some bad manners while I have been gone. I will just have to retrain you. But not until I have taken care of your new lover.”
Enishi's words made her blood run cold and she cast a quick glance around her room. “I am not yours to be had. Now leave me alone.” She hung up the phone, her body shaking with her rage and her fear.
A knock sounded on her door and she took a deep breath trying to regain her composure. She answered it and saw her father standing there.
“Who was on the phone?” He asked.
“No one.' She answered briskly and strode past him into the hall.
A hand grabbed her and she was swung around to face her father. There was concern in his dark eyes and he sighed. “Kaoru. I know that I cannot always protect you. You have to make your own choices and I respect that. But this is getting out of hand.”
Surprise touched her. “I don't know what you're talking about.” She told him stubbornly.
His eyes studied her face and then he sighed. Suddenly her father seemed very old. “Just promise me that if you need help you will seek it. You will not try to take on every obstacle on your own.”
She swallowed and she realized her father knew everything that had possibly transgressed between her and Enishi. She nodded slowly. “I promise.”
He pulled her to him and hugged her. “I already lost your mother. I couldn't bear if I lost you as well.”
“I know.” She whispered.
“Well.” Her father pulled away. “My friend is here and I think you will find this dinner insightful. Shall we?”
She nodded and took his arm. She rested her head on his shoulder. “I get nervous too sometimes.”
Her father rubbed her arm affectionately. “I know. That's kind of why I wanted Kenshin here this summer.”
“For protection?” He nodded and they descended the stairs. “How did you ever discover him anyway? There really isn't anyone you keep in contact with from you `geisha' days.”
“There is one. He was the only man I was ever loyal to.”
They entered the sitting room and a smile lit up Kaoru's face as she recognized the man standing there. “There they are. Tell me, just how is my idiotic ward managing these days?”
And that's that. Let me know what you think. Until then.