Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It's getting to be about that time. Things are starting to heat up and we'll spend a bit more time trying to figure out some of the other characters as well. And while the moment everyone has been waiting for (Next Kenshin and Kaoru finally getting together of course!) doesn't happen in this chapter, it's obvious that's it's coming. Enjoy!
And just stating even though there shouldn't be any doubt, that I don't own anyone below.
Aoshi stood on the front stoop. He waited, for what he didn't know. But he made no move to ring the bell or knock on the door. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy his job. On the whole he did. But there were aspects he didn't care for. Reporting was one of those, especially when he had personal ties to the subject matter as he did with this case.
He had honed his abilities of stealth and mastered the twin kodachi at a young age. Recruited by an elite group, he had in turn met his friends through Misao, the young woman whose grandfather ran the organization. He agreed with Okina of leaving the young woman out of the more dangerous aspects of her family business. But when the matter had begun to delve into more delicate matters, Misao had not been able to stay away any longer and the old man had at last acquiesced to the woman's desire to join.
Aoshi had been observing the remnants of Yukishiro Nubiko's association for nearly four years now. His lackeys had bungled around as small time drug and arms dealers. Aoshi had already been able to have two put into jail. But then within the last two years, someone began to mobilize the troops so to speak. For weeks, the answer eluded him. Who could be reorganizing Nubiko's organization? Ironically enough it was an evening out with Misao and her friends when the key became clear.
He knew of Misao's friend. The petite woman had explained it to him one night when she had been distressed. Caught in an awkward position, he had listened to her lament the loss of her girlfriend. A week later he had been invited out for dinner with the group he had heard so much about but met only on a few occasions. While he had met Sanosuke and Megumi, he had never laid eyes on the woman stuck in a controlling relationship. It was a rare night when Kaoru had been allowed anywhere without her boyfriend. Aoshi remembered how pale the woman appeared. She was quiet and withdrawn for the first half of the evening. As she settled in, the dynamic of her friends opened her up. It was amazing the change that came over the woman in a few short hours. But then Enishi had arrived to get her. The color of the woman drained in a matter of seconds. Aoshi realized in that moment she was dating Yukishiro's son.
It had been several months before he finally managed to prove Enishi's connection to the arms dealers. He was rebuilding his father's business. When the pair had broken up, Misao had to be informed. As uneasy as he was with the idea, he needed her to watch Kaoru. IN turn, she needed to be briefed of the situation, the extremity that had come to play. He spoke with Kamiya and had him send the girls abroad for three months. During that time, Enishi disappeared from the radar. Determined to protect those he held dear, including the one he loved, Aoshi began to ingratiate himself more into the lives of the young adults. Easily he slipped into the energy surrounding the group. All was quiet from the drug scene.
Then five months ago, Kamiya had approached him. Enishi had called Megumi and demanded to speak with Kaoru. Knowing he was still out of the country, Aoshi could do nothing but observe the warehouse, where the man had once been based. After several weeks, movement became apparent and Aoshi feared the man was planning a return to the country. As phone calls to Sanosuke and Megumi increased, Misao became more and more involved with his work. He wasn't comfortable with the idea of her being a spy. But she was surprisingly attentive and unsuspecting in her appearance. Together they managed to apprehend one of Enishi's henchmen. The man had refused to cooperate and had managed to get out on bail. He had disappeared and ended up dead after three days, a supposed mugging. Knowing Yukishiro had no qualms of sacrificing his own men, Aoshi's fear for his friend increased and he expressed his fears to the woman's father.
When Kenshin had arrived nearly three months ago, he had thought the redhead might be working for the enemy. Kamiya had quickly quieted all his arguments and finally admitted the man was once a man feared in the underworld and could be trusted. He had incidentally unearthed the redhead's identity not quite a week ago, the day Enishi had returned to the city. He did not know of Enishi and Kenshin's connection to each other, but he knew the former assassin's presence prevented Enishi from taking Kaoru immediately.
Aoshi sighed and finally rang the bell. He was stressed. His concern for people he cared for clouded his judgment on the issue though he tried vainly not to let it. Okina had also expressed to him his desire to see Misao and him together. He wanted it as well, but it just wasn't feasible at the moment. There were too many factors in play before he could hope to court the petite girl. And now with the news that Enishi was anxious to have Kaoru by his side, he was feeling more and more sick with the entire objective.
The door opened to reveal Kaoru. She smiled brightly at him and gestured him inside. “How are you? We haven't seen you the past few days.”
He offered her a tight smile. “Is you father in?”
The blue eyes blinked. She nodded. “We were just finishing breakfast.”
Following her, he heard an outburst of laughter from the dining room. He stepped into the room. The four men around the table looked up at him. Sano grinned at him shouting a greeting. Kenshin smiled at him before a frown creased his brow. Kamiya immediately stood up. A man Aoshi didn't know merely watched him quietly.
Kamiya came around the table, his hand outstretched. Aoshi shook it. “Shinomori-san, I had hoped you would stop by.”
“I came as soon as I had concrete information and not mere hearsay to share.”
“Come. We can speak in my study.” He nodded to the occupants in the room and followed the tall man out. Hushed whispers followed behind as they headed towards the man's office. Kamiya closed the door behind him and went behind his desk. “Have a seat.”
“I think I'll stand, sir.”
“If you wish. What do you have to tell?”
“Enishi returned roughly a week ago. He learned of………Battousai's presence here in your household and didn't directly come for your daughter. Instead he went for a more roundabout route. He contacted a schoolmate of Sanosuke's whose father was an intrinsic part of Nubiko's association. He had the girl invite them to a party. It was his plan to grab her there in front of everyone.”
“But he didn't. Why?”
Kamiya sat back. “So her involvement with him is protecting her.”
Aoshi shook his head slightly. “I believe it is her involvement with the man that will get her into even more trouble. It is no longer a matter of Enishi merely wanting to use Kaoru.”
“Answer this for me. Was he using Kaoru from the beginning?”
“He wasn't?”
“After the breakup, he vanished. He honestly wanted her back for his own reasons. When he returned Misao stumbled upon a chance meeting between two of his associates. They had decided they needed to tap into the same tactics utilized thirty years ago. During that time sir, you were at the height of your reputation.”
“So in the end they were using her to get to me.”
Aoshi cringed. “Slightly. Enishi would use her for leverage against you to reveal your contacts. I'm afraid it is no secret to us that you still communicate with your prior acquaintances. He didn't want you, just your knowledge. He never planned to bring you down or turn you into the authorities. However, in the end, he was never going to return your daughter.”
“Are those still his intentions?”
He shook his head. “No they are not.”
The man's dark eyes widened slightly. “So then we're in the clear?”
“I didn't say that.”
“Get to the point then. What does Enishi plan to do now?”
“He has discovered we're listening to him. Whether he made his claim for our ears alone or whether he truly has the same intentions remain to be seen.”
The older man stood slowly. “What are his intentions?” He demanded softly.
“He still wants Kaoru, make no mistake about that. But he is willing to sacrifice her. His objective has changed. He no longer desires your know-how.” He sat down slowly, not able to handle the news any longer. “I'm sure you are well aware of Kenshin's previous actions.”
“If you're referring to his life as Battousai, I do. Because of it, I knew I could trust him to do everything within his power to guard my daughter.”
“You are also aware of why he left that life?”
“I don't know the details. I know Nubiko was the last man he killed. After that he walked away. I imagine that is the reason for Enishi's grudge.”
“Not entirely. Kenshin apparently was involved with Nubiko's daughter. They were married for a brief time.”
“I thought his daughter worked for him, an intricate part of his association.”
“She did and she was.”
Kamiya's face lost color as his mind raced with the possibilities. Aoishi watched him, knowing he was drawing the same conclusions he had come to as well. “Kenshin, I know, was sent into that house with the object to infiltrate the man's dealings and ultimately bring him down. If he married his daughter, then someone was betrayed.”
Aoshi nodded, keeping his dark indigo eyes blank. “The man's daughter betrayed Kenshin. Distraught and angered, he went to kill her father. In the end he slew her as well.”
“That's why he vowed never to kill again.” Kamiya stated slowly.
He nodded. “Enishi was extremely close with his sister. He has stated that since Kenshin took what was most precious to him, he would stop at nothing to replicate the man's actions.”
Kamiya closed his eyes and swore softly. “What does that entail exactly?”
Aoshi wetted his lips. “He plans to take Kaoru to draw out Kenshin. Then he intends to kill both of them in exchange for the wrongful death of his sister.”
Kamiya swore again, louder this time and pounded on his desk. Then he opened his eyes. “But you said the boy could have just been saying that for your microphones.”
“That is possible.” Aoshi admitted gradually. “However, I think Enishi would rather we know exactly what he plans to do. That way when he succeeds, it will be even more devastating and a harsher blow to Kenshin's ego.”
“What do you mean?”
“How would you feel if I took her from right underneath your nose?”
“What do you think is going on?” Sanosuke whispered to her.
Kaoru looked over at him and shrugged. “Why would I know?”
“You don't think it's a bit strange? We don't see Aoshi for nearly a week and then he shows up and wants to speak with your father.”
“Yes.” She squirmed in her seat. It was extremely bizarre. She had no clue Aoshi and her father had a relationship. She looked at the warm brown eyes of her friend. “You don't think it might have something to do with Enishi?” He shrugged.
“You two are quite rude. There are others here at the table with who you should be sharing your conversation.”
Pink flushed her cheek and Kaoru sat up strait and glanced guiltily at Hiko. “You really want to know what we're talking about?” Sano asked.
“Not particularly. You've been boring me all morning.”
The tall man grinned. `So what shall we do this evening for Megumi?”
She looked up from her plate and exchanged a glance with Kenshin. “Megumi?”
Sano started at them blankly. “She didn't tell you? She told me last night she had.”
Kaoru blinked and it hit her. “She got into medical school!” She burst out. With everything that had transpired she had completely forgotten her friend's good news. With it, she had also forgotten the other tidbit of gossip she had gleaned from her. A sly smile touched the corners of her lips. “And what pray tell else might have convened last night?”
Sanosuke returned the grin. “Why don't you enlighten me since you two were stumbling around all morning trying not to be discovered.”
She blew a raspberry at him and settled back, waiting for another opportunity to strike. She looked up at Kenshin. He smiled at her as he sipped his cup of coffee. She blew him a kiss and glanced at Hiko. The man was ignoring them, reading the paper.
Behind her a door opened and she turned to see her father and Aoshi emerge from the man's study. They came into the dining room. Kamiya caught Kenshin's eye. “I need to speak with you.”
Without a word Kenshin rose and followed her father. Now that was interesting. She stood as the door closed behind them and started to move after them. “I wouldn't.”
A hand on her arm stopped her and she looked up into the dark blue eyes of Aoshi. `What is going on?”
“Nothing you should concern yourself with.”
“Aoshi.” She pleaded.
Sanosuke stood up. “We're going to dinner tonight. Kitsune got into medical school and we're going out to celebrate.”
A flicker of a smile touched the stoic man's features. “Have fun. I don't think I'll be able to join you this evening.”
“Things have started to pick up and need my supervision.”
The brunette nodded. “And the weasel?”
“She will be with me this evening as well.”
“Something going on there?” Kaoru asked, raising an eyebrow.
Aoshi glanced at her and she blinked to see a flush of color trace his cheekbones. “Not yet.” He stated after a moment. Sano opened his mouth to say something when the study door opened.
Kenshin and her father exited, both revealing nothing as to what might have occurred behind the wood. The redhead offered her a warm smile. “What are we talking about?”
She nodded. “Aoshi here can't join us, but we should do something anyway. Meg found out yesterday and was a bit upset that we couldn't do anything then.”
“That's why.” Sanosuke suddenly said.
“Why, what?”
The tall man scratched the back of his head. “That's why I took her out.”
Kaoru shook her head. “She told me you asked her to dinner before she received the letter.” He shut his mouth and she patted him on the arm. “She also said yes before she received the letter.”
Aoshi chuckled softly and touched her on the arm. “I need to go. You'll be careful?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes.” She wondered if he was indeed watching Enishi and her face softened. “I'll be careful. Kenshin is here to protect me.” She told him.
The blue eyes flickered in his direction. “I'll tell Misao to call you in the morning.”
He turned to go. “We'll have a small party this weekend or something.” Sanosuke called after him. Aoshi merely waved a hand over his head before disappearing out the front door.
“So what did Kamiya say?”
Kaoru turned back to see Sanosuke eyeing Kenshin. The redhead shrugged. “He wanted to make sure I would treat his daughter right.”
She blushed and linked her arm through his. “And did you tell him you're treating me fine?”
The violet eyes twinkled. “I told him I was doing my utmost best to satisfy all your needs and cravings.”
“I did not want to hear that!” Sano cried as Kaoru's blush turned a rivaling color to her lover's hair. He vanished into the dining room to finish breakfast.
“You didn't really say that did you?”
“No. But I did promise that I had your best intentions in mind.”
“And what did he say?”
He shrugged. “That he was okay with that.”
Kaoru wrapped her arms around his neck and breathed in his aroma. “Can we just lock ourselves away for the day?”
He chuckled and gave her a squeeze. “I wish. But there are some things around the house I need to look into before I can justify going out tonight.”
“Being with me isn't enough of a reason?” She whispered into his ear.
The man shivered within her embrace. “I should go before I change my mind.”
She chuckled lazily. “Can't you see that's what I'm trying to do?”
Kenshin groaned and buried his face in her hair.
“There are plenty of rooms upstairs for you to fornicate in. I see no reason why you need to do it here in the hall.”
They both colored as Hiko snorted and pushed by them. When he was gone, they both began to laugh. “Okay.” She pressed a kiss to his marred cheek. “Until later then.”
He smiled at her. “Until then.”
Kenshin arrived at the main house as the sun was blazing in the afternoon sky. Sanosuke sat at the patio table, his head resting on his hand. His brown eyes were glazed in thought, his brow furrowed slightly.
The brunette turned to him. “What's up Kenshin?”
“What are we waiting on?”
“The girls.”
He nodded his head in understanding and sat down opposite him. “How was dinner last night?”
Sano colored slightly. “It went well, I think. I've been replaying certain moments trying to figure out if more was implied than was said.”
“Like what?”
The man shrugged and ran a hand through his chocolate colored locks. “I don't know. It felt like a date.”
“Was it?”
“I mean, I did ask her to dinner before she got the letter. You know, said that we should have dinner sometime. She agreed and then went to get the mail. When she came back, she had the envelope in her hands and claimed we should go out that night to celebrate.”
Kenshin watched the younger man with thoughtful eyes. “You're bothered by this because?”
He fidgeted in his seat. “Its no secret that I have a thing for Meg. I always have. I just don't know what she expects from me sometimes.”
“What do you think she expects?”
“I told you I don't know. Before I always figured she thought I wanted nothing more than to bed her, so I let it go. I want more than that. I didn't know what she wanted. But last night, I got the impression that maybe she wants what I want.”
“That's good though right?”
Sanosuke sighed. “Now I'm scared. What if I don't measure up to her expectations?”
Kenshin bit back a chuckle. The man sounded reminiscent of what he had been struggling with the past few weeks. “Let me tell you what someone recently told me. You'll never be good enough.”
“Gee, thanks Kenshin.” He told him, sarcasm dripping form his words.
He held out his hands. “Hold on. I'm not finished, though I must say I had a similar reaction when I heard those exact words. But, while you may never be good enough, you accept what the woman has to offer and cherish the moments you have.”
“Is that why you finally got over your guilt trip with Jou-chan?”
He blushed and nodded. “Her father told me that.”
Sanosuke took a deep breath. “I'm really glad you met her.” Kenshin looked up at him. “A year and a half ago she was a shadow of her former self. She feared Enishi, feared what he was capable of. I realize now that's why she stayed with him after things got bad. He charmed her in the beginning and while I never cared for him, he seemed to make her happy those first few months. But he mistreated her and it has taken Jou-chan a while to recover. But you have really brought her back to life.”
“Kaoru-dono is strong. She would have managed on her own as long as you and her friends had been by her side.”
The brunette shook his head slowly. “Do you know why we kept the truth from her? We were afraid she'd go back. Not because she wanted to, but because she loves us too much.”
“Enishi told us that if we got near her, he'd hurt her. That's what he threatened. You think I'd honestly worry about myself?” He offered with a wry grin. “In the final weeks, when it became apparent to Kaoru what the man was doing, he turned her love for us against her. Told her we were in danger if she ever left him. To protect us, Jou-chan would return to that life. That's why we never told her. But your presence has made her defy him. You have given her the strength to stand up to the man who psychologically beat her. You're why she will make it through this, whatever Enishi has planned. He won't succeed.”
Kenshin closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. He didn't want to be hearing these things. The threat of Enishi loomed over all their heads. Until they figured out what he wanted or had enough evidence to lock him away, he would stay. But he had not planned on lingering long afterwards. “You flatter me.” He finally murmured.
Sanosuke chuckled. “It's all true.” He opened his violet eyes to see Sano watching him. He stood and stretched. “I'd hate to see what happened if you ever decided to leave.”
Kenshin felt his heart stop at those words. Did the man know? But he couldn't possibly. “Let's go see what is taking these women so damn long. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry.”
He nodded and followed the taller man inside, his mind a jumble of thoughts. “Ladies?” Sano called up the stairs.
After a moment, a muffled voice returned the call. “What?” Sano demanded.
Kaoru appeared at the top of the stairs, a pale blue shirt still un tucked from the grey skirt she wore. Her feet were bare, her hair still hanging around her shoulders in damp tendrils. “We aren't ready.”
“Obviously.” He snorted.
“Go on to the restaurant so we don't lose our reservation.”
“How long do you think you're going to be?”
“Ten maybe fifteen minutes. We'll be right behind you.”
A feeling of unease crept over Kenshin. “We'll wait.” He stated.
The woman waved her hand. “Nonsense, we'll be fine. We'll meet you there in half an hour. I know Sano's going through withdrawal. It's been how long since you last ate?”
“Shut up.” He growled and turned to Kenshin. “Let's go. They'll catch up.”
Kenshin cast a nervous glance at the beauty at the top of the stairs. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss. “Go. I'll see you in half an hour.”
The brunette was already pulling him away. “Be careful.” He called up to her finally allowing Sano to pull him away.
“We will!” She called over her shoulder as she disappeared once more from sight.
Kenshin followed Sano outside. The feeling had not left him, but he could foresee no reason for it. Still he would relax when he saw Kaoru at the restaurant.
“What are we here for?” Megumi asked.
“I have to drop something off, a prescription.”
“And we have to do this now, because?”
“Because that way I can pick it up tomorrow.”
Kaoru rolled her eyes and glared at her. “I need to be on the pill.”
Megumi smiled slyly. “So now she realizes the necessity of it. I recall telling you that you needed to begin taking the thing several weeks ago.”
The woman stuck her tongue out and turned off the ignition. “I've been on it. Now I need a refill.”
She went to turn the car off. “Leave it on.”
“What for?”
“I'm not going in.”
The younger woman rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I'll be just a few moments.” She climbed out of the car, leaving Megumi alone. She leaned back in the seat, her eyes closed. She still couldn't believe she had managed to get into medical school. She knew she was brilliant, but that didn't always mean anything. Maybe she'd find a cure for stupidity.
A slight smile curved her lips as her thoughts turned to Sanosuke. She had given up hope for the man, but he did make her laugh. She wondered when he would truly ask her out and not just huff and puff like he normally did. Of course, he would have to stop hitting on every woman who walked by.
Her smile turned to a frown and she lowered the visor to peer into the mirror there. She opened her purse and searched for her lipstick and a tissue. Suddenly, she didn't care for the way she had made up her face this evening. She needed to hurry. She didn't want Kaoru to discover her interest for the man. She'd never hear the end of it. Already she had to contend with the teasing from her `date' with him the previous evening. It wasn't a date really. The man had made no move on her.
Megumi leaned forward to see her reflection better. Her purse fell off her lap, its contents falling to the floor. She cursed and bent down to pick everything up. It took her a moment as she tossed everything back into her bag and placed it on the floor of the car. Then she applied the burgundy lipstick and smacked her lips together. Better. She flashed a quick smile and sat back, waiting for her friend to return.
More time passed and Megumi frowned once more. Nearly ten minutes had passed since Kaoru had gone inside. Hadn't she said she wanted to just drop the prescription off? They were going to be late if she had decided to wait and Megumi turned off the ignition and climbed out of the car to grab her. She entered the store and headed straight towards the back where the pharmacy was. She blinked when she looked around and saw no one but the pharmacists there.
Maybe she had just missed her. She rushed back outside, muttering under her breath. At least the tanuki couldn't leave her here. Megumi had the keys. But when she stepped out into the afternoon, there was no sign of Kaoru. Where could the girl be? Reaching into her purse, Megumi pulled out her phone and dialed the woman's cell. She heard it ring and swore loudly when she realized it was inside the car but Kaoru was not.
Her frustration mounted, overriding a sense of fear that touched her. She hurried once more into the store and back towards the pharmacist.
“Excuse me!”
The man behind the counter looked up at her and smiled. “Yes, what can I do for you?”
“A woman was in here maybe ten, fifteen minutes ago to drop off a prescription. She was wearing a blue blouse with a charcoal skirt.”
“Her hair was pulled back?”
“Yes. Did you happen to see where she went?”
“You just missed her. She left.”
“Left? You saw her walk out the door?”
“Well towards the door. She said she didn't want to wait for her prescription and would pick it up tomorrow.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Ten minutes like you said. Maybe fifteen?”
The sliver of fear grew and now Megumi felt panic bloom into being. “Did you see anyone else?”
The man shook his head. “Is there a problem?”
Quickly she shook her head and rushed back to the car. She hoped to see Kaoru standing there, laughing at her. However, the woman was nowhere to be seen. Undecided she bit her lip and called Sanosuke. It was obvious what had happened and she didn't know what to do.
“Yes?” came the lazy answer.
“I need you to meet me at the drugstore over on High Street.”
“You ladies run out of gas? Is that why you're making me and Kenshin wait even longer?”
“We have a problem.” She told him, ignoring his sarcasm.
“I'm sure you do.”
“No!” She yelled into the phone, her anxiety climbing. “It's a major problem! You need to get here right now!”
“Calm now, kitsune.” Suddenly he didn't seem to be laughing anymore. “What happened?”
“Kaoru's missing.”
And there you have it. I hope you l liked the chapter. As I mentioned, thing are about to get going. I can't promise when the next chapter will be out. I want to keep them long, but there certain events (and dare I say cliffhangers) that I want to happen. There are a lot of things that I have in my head that I just haven't had the chance to put down on paper yet. But I am working on it, I swear! In the meantime let me know what you think and any suggestions you might have are always more than welcome.