Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ College is fun, maybe ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, it's summer; I'm back from the hell-school. Now lets get the party started, ne? Starting in this chapter, I will review back to ppl, kk?

Disclaimer: I don't own RK… ok? Ok.



<><><><> Previous chp. <><><><>

It was all silent again until they heard bickering and arguing then screams from girls outside the dorm. Then in came in…

<><><><>Present… well, not really. This what happen before the "person" came in<><><><>

Kaoru was pissed. She had bumped into the perverted man who had kissed her at the club yesterday night and he was asking her these stupid questions that were annoying the hell out of her. (A/N: Yes, I know, it seemed like more than two days but it really was two.)

Her left eye was twitching. 'GRRR!!! When will this guy shut up?!? He talks to much damnit!' Kaoru turned around to look at him.

"Will you please shut up?" She said calmly. They stopped walking and Kenshin turned to look at her. He crossed his arms.

"Answer my question… and I'll shut up."

"Tell me then, and I'll answer it."

Kenshin looked smug.

"And wipe that smug off your face, ass."

"Sorry, my name isn't ass, but care to see mine?"

"Hell no!"

"You know you want to see it."

They were now in the girl's dorm hall, with every female looking towards them. ALL of them were shocked to see their Kaoru with the most hottest man ever to walk earth (riiight…).

"Oh shut up!"

"Why should I?"

"Cause you talk too much, and it's annoying the hell outta me!"

"Does it look like I care, if I annoy you? It's rather fun. You look cute when you smile too."

Kaoru growled. "Leave me alone. Or else, you'll regret it!"

"Why should I?"

"I'll ask you again nicely." Kaoru gritted her teeth. "Will you please leave me alone?"

Kenshin smirked. "Make me."

"Shut-up you ass!"

"As I said, I'm not an ass. But if u care to see mine, bed with me tonight and you'll see a sexy ass." (A/N: Ugh, don't ask, im also almost vomiting because of this. But my fault since Kennii is a pervy playboy in here… ok, I'll shut up. ^o^;;)

"Heh. I tried asking nicely once and im going to say it again or else. Will you please, leave me alone or it is going to get worse." She said calmly. The girls in the dorm who were watching them argue stepped back fearfully. They had never seen their Kaoru act this way.

Kenshin smirked. "No. I wont"

Kaoru's eyes turned cobalt. "Hn, you asked for it." her voice was deep and emotionless. She cracked her knuckles and punched him in the face. All the other girls in the forms screamed and some went to the office to report them. A girl ran to Kaoru's dorm and pushed open the door loudly. She was scared shitless and panting with her heart beating like crazy. The group looked at her crazy. Misao and Kamatari came out of the room to check what was going on.

"What is it? What's happening outside?!?" Sano asked the frightened girl.

"K-Kaoru *pant* i-is fighting *pant* s-some *pant* hott r-red head *pant* outside! R-right *pant* now!"



Haha, how was dat? Sorry if it wasn't long but it was enough… ehehe… right? I promise I'll try and update faster! Newayz, review back down here!

Thx too…

Jupiter's Light:Thx!

Animeluvergal:LOL! I luv ur story too! And thx!

Wolf Sapphire:Hehehe, yup! And thx!

Ochanoko:Hai, school sucks! But hey, it makes you learn more! But now it summer! More story to read and more faster to update! Thx

Sakura Takashi:Lot of us hate cliffys, but us authors LUV to make em! It's so fun! Thx!

AnimeCrazy:Thx! And ya, kinna brang my grades up.

Crystelz:hai, kinna confusing but it will make sense later… I think, but o well, thx!

Reignashii:LOL! Hai, srry that your pops had to delete all ur fics and poems u made. They were really good! and the time when he saw ur er… "thing" u were reading. Lol, but thx!


Uenki:Hahaha! Told you already in one of my reviews… I think… but hai. It kinna is, but hey, Kaoru and Misao are skilled fighters in here… the fight will begin.. later in one of my stories. Got a lot of other things to do b'sides that though.

kik-ting:those… u will find out later… hahaha*coughcough* ha…

Dark Thorn White Rose:Thx!

The evil witch:Thx!

Bishie Chaser:lol! Thx!

Cyjj: haha, Thx!