Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Enticement ❯ Understanding ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin.
Chapter 4 - Understanding
Kaoru's eyes fluttered open and blinked lazily in the muted morning sunlight. Her eyes adjusted slowly to the morning light, following a few stray dust motes floating across her vision. Her eyebrows knit together as she reassembled her fragmented morning thoughts. Something nagged at the back of her mind.
`I don't remember going to bed. . .'
Her eyes widened as she remembered the stormy night before. She sat up quickly, and winced at the intense soreness. She had woken up sore before, but the combined dojo workout and encounter with Battosai had left a lingering stiffness in her whole self. She looked around the empty room.
`He must have carried me home.'
Kaoru drew her knees up to her chest and laid her forehead on her bent arms. The pieces of last night fell into place and weighed on her. She couldn't face Kenshin without sorting things out for herself first.
Part of her was ashamed to admit that she had enjoyed the rough sex and possessive dominance of her husband. The other part of her was delighted at him expressing that part of his self. The thought of them being so intimate in such an exposed place also caused a small tendril of arousal to coil in her lower regions.
What stopped her passionate musings cold was what had started his passion yesterday. He didn't trust her. He didn't even ask if she had been accosted, or taken advantage of. He just assumed she had been unfaithful.
Kaoru wasn't sure whether to be sad or angry. She just hurt. She sighed and lay back on the futon again.
`So where do I go from here?'
Losing Kenshin was not an option. She needed him, and he needed her. She also couldn't let him slip back into his Rurouni façade. Closing up his darker side after letting it free couldn't be good for him.
But she would not be in a relationship without trust. She had to find out why he jumped to that out-of-character conclusion.
`Was it out of character for Battosai?'
Certainly he couldn't trust many people during the Bakamatsu. Betrayals in war were commonplace. It even took him a long time to sleep in a futon at night, as opposed to propping himself against a wall and dozing. But he had never questioned her loyalty, her dedication to him.
`How could he, I followed him to Kyoto for Kami's sake.'
The memory of his half shocked, half relieved face in the firelight of Hiko's hut came to mind. At that time, that look alone had strengthened her resolve, told her that she had made the right choice.
She needed to find that look again.
Kaoru got up and dressed quickly in a comfortable kimono. Shaking her hair from its braid, she brushed it swiftly and secured it into its customary ponytail with her favorite ribbon. The one he gave her after bloodying the other. Somehow it was fitting today.
Kaoru opened the shoji and blinked at the morning light. A glance into the yard didn't find Kenshin at his customary position at the washtub. The clean laundry swaying in the breeze spoke to how early he had been up.
`If he even went to sleep.'
Kaoru turned and headed to the kitchen. She smelled food, and found a warm pot of miso soup and a covered bowl of rice on the counter. A pot of tea sat in the firepit. Still no Kenshin.
Pausing briefly to drink some tepid tea, Kaoru resumed her search. He wasn't in the bathhouse, the storage shed, or the yard. That left one place.
Kaoru approached the dojo. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.
Kenshin was kneeling in profile to her in the middle of the room, head bowed. The muted light in the room cast shadows on his face and form. He did not move, but the slight twitch of his hands on his knees told her he was not asleep.
Kaoru carefully padded over to him and knelt on the tatami, facing him. His breathing increased slightly. She didn't say anything, waiting for him to speak.
Long moments passed. Kenshin's hands clenched and unclenched slightly on his dingy white hakama. He hadn't changed from the night before. Kaoru noted how raw his fingers looked around the edges.
`He must have taken out his frustrations on the laundry.'
Kenshin took a breath as if to speak, his red locks still hiding his face. Kaoru waited.
After a few more moments, he spoke.
“Have. . .,” he started quietly. “Have you eaten?”
Kaoru almost laughed. The events of last night were hanging over both of them like a cloud, and his statement almost seemed ridiculous.
“I'm fine,” she responded quietly.
“I made breakfast, I could go get you a tray,” he rose to one knee, stopping still when her hand touched his.
“I'm fine Kenshin,” she replied again and withdrew her hand.
He sat back down, and resumed worrying his hakama. Kaoru could feel anxiety radiating off him.
“Are you injured?”
Kaoru paused for a moment.
“My body is just sore.” She hesitated. “But I'm still hurt.”
Kenshin's head jerked up. Kaoru almost gasped at the haggard look of pain on his face. He quickly looked away.
“I . . . have no excuse for losing control. I should have left the past stay buried.”
“Kenshin, that's not why I'm hurt. I want to know all of you. I have no regrets of any of that.” She grasped his hand, trying to catch his eyes. “I'm hurt because you didn't trust me.”
Tears welled unbidden to her eyes, and she started to lower her face. She stopped when a shaky hand tenderly cupped her cheek. He wiped her tears with his thumb and met her misty gaze.
“What did I do to cause you to doubt me?”
Kenshin's hand on her face trembled, and with a low cry he pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her shoulder.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,” he mumbled into her shoulder, shaking as he rocked back and forth gently. He continued to whisper apologies into her shoulder.
Kaoru put her arms around his torso as best as she could. Her heart nearly broke at the sorrow in his voice.
She stayed in his arms for a while, letting him hold her. Finally, she spoke.
“Kenshin,” she said softly, “Anata, I have to know why.”
He pulled slowly away from her, hands trailing down her arms to her hands. He took both her hands in his and faced her.
“My past has been close to the surface because I've let out my passions. Some of my actions are . . . not what I want them to be.”
His eyes focused over her shoulder slightly.
“She betrayed me,” he said, almost inaudible. “Battosai has always been tied to those moments.”
Kaoru sat, stunned. She knew of Tomoe, and that time in his life, but she never imagined those emotions would resurface.
“I don't know if I can keep myself under control. I don't want to hurt you again.”
Kaoru pulled her right hand from his and touched his cheek, covering his scar.
“Promise me you'll stay in the present, and I'll trust you to not hurt me again.”
Kenshin looked at her with wide eyes.
“I. . . was so angry, so worried. I hurt you.”
Kaoru leaned forward and kissed him lightly.
“I love you, and forgive you.” She held his gaze intently. “I'm not her.”
Kenshin gathered her into his arms again and held her close, eyes watering in relief. He wouldn't hurt her again. She was beyond faithful, and he felt shamed that he hadn't trusted her.
“I don't know if I can give in to those passions, koishii. I don't know what will happen.”
Kaoru held him tighter.
“I love all of you, anata. I trust you.”
Kenshin kissed her neck and stroked her back, relishing the feel of her after his tortured night.
`I don't know if I trust myself.'
Kaoru sighed and set down her hairbrush.
Two months had passed since that night, and Kaoru was getting tired of being patient.
Her Kenshin had returned to his careful, worshipful Rurouni self. The spark wasn't gone; she still saw it flashing in his eyes when she revealed some extra cleavage or a hint of thigh unexpectedly. But as soon as that spark appeared, it disappeared under a swirl of purple.
She understood at first. Obviously he'd be hesitant for a while. But it had been two months. She trusted him; they'd gotten beyond the hurdle. Why couldn't he trust himself?
She didn't dare try what had enticed him out in the first place. Not only did it feel a bit unoriginal, but he probably wouldn't take the bait. What could she do so he would enjoy himself and let go?
Kaoru's eyes rested on the kimono rack across the room. She smiled as a devious idea sparked in her brain. She'd just need a bit more of Tae's help . . .
Bits of light and sound entered Kenshin's awareness. He heard birds and saw gentle flickers of light outside his eyelids. He was sure that he didn't want to open his eyes. Everything was fuzzy, but why?
Kenshin struggled to pull the foggy pieces of his mind back together. His head hurt a bit, as if he'd drank too much sake.
Tea. He'd been at Tae's drinking tea with Yahiko and Kaoru. Then the world swam and turned into blackness.
He'd been drugged!
Panic and many years of training forced him to react. He went to move for his sakabato, but found he could not. Forcing open his eyes, familiar tatami came into view. Their bedroom? But why couldn't he move?
Kenshin shook his head to clear it, and lifted his head to determine his situation. He growled slightly at what he found.
He was on his knees in front of Kaoru's kimono rack. His arms were spread out slightly, not quite at ninety degrees, and tied securely to the middle bar with white rope. It was firm, but not cutting. He was also shirtless.
Moving his feet to try to rise, he found them hobbled closely together, though not tied to the lower bar. That at least was promising.
Kenshin considered his situation as his mind cleared further. Who would drug him, and what had they done with Kaoru? His brow furrowed as he struggled to remember the moments before he passed out.
Kaoru hadn't looked particularly concerned. In fact she looked . . .satisfied?
The shoji sliding open behind him broke his thoughts. Before he could crane his neck to see his captor, a familiar voice spoke.
“Well, look who's finally awake,” Kaoru purred as she came into view. She was wearing a revealing kimono and embroidered obi, her hair done up beautifully. She looked better than on their wedding day.
Kenshin jerked slightly against his bonds, hands itching to touch her.
“Kaoru, what is this?” he growled.
She swayed up to him and bent over, exposing her succulent breasts to his view. She placed a finger under his chin and lifted his eyes to hers.
“You've been holding back, and I got tired of waiting. So I decided to take control.”
She kissed him lightly on the nose and straightened, visually checking his restraints. Nodding in satisfaction, she turned and walked towards their futon. Kenshin clenched his fists as her clean jasmine scent wafted over him. Kami, she was tempting. He wanted to take her, but he couldn't be gentle in this state. Being restrained chafed at his fighting instincts.
“Kaoru, this is not amusing. You may regret the results of this.”
Kaoru smirked as she took in his helpless form.
“I don't think I will. Besides, what can you do about it?” she taunted lightly.
Kenshin opened his mouth to protest further.
“Hush, anata, or I'll be forced to gag you.”
His mouth shut with a click, anger and desire building.
`No, I have to hold back, she doesn't know what she's playing with.'
Kaoru smiled. Now to really tempt her Battosai.
“You enjoyed watching me in the bathhouse that day, didn't you,” she said in a sultry voice. His eyes locked on hers.
“I know you did,” she said, standing up and running her hands down her chest, and towards her center. His eyes followed her hands as she dipped a hand between her legs briefly and moved up again.
She leaned into him again, nose to nose.
“How about another show?”
He clenched his hands again and swallowed, not replying lest she follow through with her earlier threat.
She smiled and licked her lips at his compliance, and dragged her hands up her chest. Turning to the side, she pulled the ornaments from her hair and tossed her head back. Her hair tumbled down in an ebony wave, shining and alive as she moved. She raised her head up and tossed the ornaments to the side of the room.
Meeting his eyes, her hands moved to the cord on her obi and tugged sharply. The shining band of fabric uncoiled itself and fell to her feet. She smiled and turned around, slowly lowering the kimono from her body.
Kenshin inhaled sharply at the enticing sight of her perfect backside as her hair swayed just above. She was teasing him.
Seeing the challenge in his eyes, she dropped the kimono and turned around, arms covering her ample breasts. She lowered herself to the futon carefully, and moved her hands to cup her peaks. She tweaked the already hard rosy tips, moaning lightly at the sensation.
Her moan sent a bolt of fire through Kenshin, his arousal stiffening at his Kaoru touching herself in front of him. His already tight hakama strained further as his arousal pressed against the fabric.
Kaoru lowered one hand to her stomach, splaying fingers over the smooth planes. Watching Kenshin with lust in her eyes, she dipped her fingers into her folds, biting her lip in pleasure.
She spread her legs slightly, giving him an enticing view of her now glistening petals. His breathing sped up as he watched her moving fingers, and watched her moan and writhe on the futon.
What seemed like a moment and an eternity later, Kaoru cried out is name in pleasure as she climaxed. Kenshin hardened further, wanting to join her in release, wanting to take her higher himself.
Kaoru sat up languidly from the futon and went to kneel in front of him. She put her wet fingers to his lips and smiled as he took them into his mouth, desperate for the contact.
Her taste was addictive, and the heat of her passion-drenched body in front of him was like an elusive caress. He felt his passion rising, the desire to possess her completely overriding his senses. He was starting to lose control.
Kaoru noted his heavy breathing and the warring emotions in his eyes.
“It seems I left you out of the fun, anata. Let me take care of you.”
She drew her hands down his chest, leaving small welts as she alternated between caresses and scratches with her nails. His muscles contracted almost violently as she touched his over-sensitive skin, and his head rolled back in pleasure. She leaned in and licked one nipple, tweaking the other with a sharp pinch. Her other hand drifted towards his hakama ties.
Pulling back from him, she lowered the front of his hakama to reveal his fully aroused member. It twitched slightly with his breaths as he panted, feeling so exposed. Kaoru drew her hands and nails up his inner thighs, skirting just past his hardness and around to the outside of his legs. He groaned at the almost-touches and lifted his hips slightly as she caressed closer.
Kaoru licked her lips and grinned. She leaned in and kissed his chest, licked towards his navel, and finally hovered her mouth over his erection. Placing her hands on his thighs, she lowered her mouth and encompassed his head with her warm heat.
He choked out her name as she began sucking on him with slow, languid pulls. She took him in deeper with every pass, flicking her tongue along the bottom of his shaft. His control slipped further as one hand moved to caress his base, matching the movements of her mouth.
Her motions increased, and he panted at the fire that coursed through him. Her mouth, her tongue, her touches all pulled at his control. His arms strained against his bonds, desperate to touch her.
He almost lost it when she slowed her stroking, denying his fulfillment. She started her teasing stroking again, pulling out completely and licking up and down his length.
Kami, he needed to touch her, to consume her, to claim her.
She took him into her mouth again, and his body jerked taught when her other hand caressed his sac. He strained harder, desperate to feel her. She pulled up on his member slowly and lightly bit the tip. His eyes flashed gold.
A loud crack resonated through the room. Kaoru pulled up from him, startled, and saw him shake off the bindings on his arms. The bar holding him had broken, loosening the ropes to let him free.
Battosai was on top of her in an instant, golden eyes boring into her wide blue ones. He loomed over her, panting. Sharply, he kicked his feet, freeing one ankle from the rope hobble.
“I think it's time to take care of things myself.”
He thrust into her, sheathing himself deeply within her. Kaoru moaned loudly at the sudden sensation. He thrust into her fully, quickly, eyes never leaving hers.
He grabbed a smooth leg and lifted it over his shoulder, penetrating her more deeply. Kaoru nearly shrieked at the sensation. His thrusts hit her in spots he hadn't touched before, building her tension higher and higher.
She was lost when he roughly pinched her clitoris, and she screamed his name in a sudden, hard climax. He gritted his teeth as he came within her, her clenching walls milking his shaft. He twitched and jerked, finally getting his release.
He collapsed over her, limbs exhausted. He panted into her shoulder, heart settling slowly into its normal rhythm.
Kaoru lay content beneath him, tired by her sudden climax and her sneaky seduction. As he calmed, she stroked his back lightly, enjoying the feel of him.
Kenshin pulled back from her and rolled to her side, kicking off his hakama and pulling off the remaining rope in the process. He looked wryly at the soft bonds and broken wood littering the floor. Shaking his head, he settled down next to her and pulled her into his arms.
Kaoru looked up at him, and smiled at the curling amber she saw in his purple gaze.
“Daijobu ka?”
“Hai, koishii, I am more than fine,” he answered, voice low and sensual.
He kissed her deeply, pouring his love into the kiss.
“Only you, Kaoru. Only you make me feel this way.”
Kaoru looked up at him, smiling.
“How do I make you feel?”
“Alive, aroused, frustrated,” he tweaked her nose as she furrowed her brow at him. “and accepted.”
Tears came to Kaoru's eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him.
“I love you Kenshin.”
“I love you too.”
Kenshin embraced her and settled back to sleep. His raging spirit calmed within him as he drifted into slumber.
Kaoru smiled, satisfied that her work had paid off. He was happy, she was happy, and they were facing the road ahead together.
Tatami - soft reed mats used on floors
Daijobu - are you ok?
Anata - darling, honey