Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Fairen Destiny ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
























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FOX Appealing and cerebral and of average size, the fox is a close relative of both the wolf and dog personalities and displays typical canine qualities of loyalty, passion and creativity. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it's the fox's unique stature as a small carnivore that defines its survival strategy. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, and it consequently spends a lot of time in its head -- giving the impression that it's trying to outsmart its friends. So the fox is often surprised to learn that its intellectual pursuits are intimidating.

So, the fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own, and while these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion.

OWL The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet serene demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence and it is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that borders on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. It's large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

But like all birds, the owl has a penchant for remaining above the fray and can be quite eccentric in maintaining their individuality. With a tendency to lose themselves in the pursuit of knowledge, owls are prone to disconnect with the relationships that are so important to them. But, they are the first to admit their shortcomings and manage to disarm their critics with a genuinely humble self-appraisal. Abraham Lincoln used this technique rather effectively in his reign as president.

HORSE Horses are those strong, capable people that breeze through life with envious ease. But a closer look at these free-spirited personalities finds surprisingly complicated individuals that are sensitive to criticism and hate to be ignored.

No one should say anything behind the horse's back though, for its sense of hearing is fiercely acute and its temper carries quite a kick. Friendly, sensible, and ticklish, horses insist at taking charge of their lives unless a special someone comes along and takes control. Then the horse suddenly becomes a supportive, broad-shouldered mate ready to go anywhere and support any burden for the good of the relationship. They are deliberate creatures and are always trying to anticipate life's obstacles. Although it is capable of bounding over most challenges, it certainly isn't too proud to admit its shortcomings by taking the easy route wherever possible.

TIGER Tigers are handsome and powerful people with an innate self-confidence and elegance. There's a sense of immediacy and an aura of electricity that surrounds it, and when it walks into a room, something always seems about to happen. Consider the classic tiger personality of F. Lee Bailey. He expresses himself with the confidence of one who expects his orders to be unquestionably followed, and his autocratic style demands respect and commands fear. For once a tiger has found its groove, it focuses on its goal with a brightly burning intensity. Male tigers, when out of their element, are sometimes mistaken for beefcake. But when you see them in their offices wearing their power suits, you realize that you're dealing with incisive, authoritarian individuals.

As a nocturnal hunter the tiger is equipped with a great deal of street sense. Able to read people's motivations and assess situations quickly, it is blunt and to the point, commanding attention with just a whisper or a raising of its eyebrow. It demands respect and commands fear. Unlike their cat relatives, tigers enjoy sports of all kinds, with a particular affinity for water sports.

The Rat You are protected by the spirit of the Rat, a leech and a bane to humanity, and what is worse is that you have little or no regard for anyone but yourself. Look around you; have you any idea where you are in life? You have little or no grip on your true self. Your quote: "The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn"

The Falcon You are protected by the spirit of the Falcon; he sees qualities in you the reflect his own such as your true belief in freedom and beauty above all else. Your spirit soars above the clouds and feels at one with nature. Your quote: "Be who you are: not who they think you are"

The Stag You are protected by the spirit of the deer, swift of foot and of mind; you keep true to yourself while thinking of the good of the herd. You are an independent and free spirit, capable of solemnity and of true bravery. As long as you stay honest with yourself the Stag will protect and serve you well. Your quote: "If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself"

The Wolf You are protected by the great spirit of the Wolf; a stalwart seeker of truth and justice and adamant hunter of those who oppress and depress. You value truth and honor above all else, protector of the innocent and defender of the weak. Your quote: "All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost"

The Crow You are protected by the spirit of the Crow, a gregarious, raucous parasite that feeds off the destruction and pain of those around you. You will take advantage of anyone who crosses your path. Your quote: "See with your heart and you'll know the answer. Give unconditionally and you'll receive abundantly. Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching"

The Mustang The spirit of the Mustang, the everlasting symbol of love and of generosity protects you from being used by others who would take advantage of you. You are the kind of person willing to lend your strengths to those who are true to you so that they may better themselves and get back on their own feet. Your quote: "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger"

Aggression, survival, adaptability

Group minded, perseverance, step by step. The ant represents self discipline and a group effort. Teamwork.

Guardian of the night, cleaner

Power, mother cunning, healer, gentle strength, dreaming. In the Zuni tradition, the bear symbolizes the direction West.

Builder, gatherer

Sacredness, life builder. The buffalo provides all good things for living, and bestows great curing powers.

Metamorphosis, carefree, transformer

Leadership, courage, power, swiftness and balance

Prankster, insight, playful. The coyote symbolizes duality and the ability to present both sides of an issue. Clowning and humor, perhaps sarcastic.

Solitude, independence

Love, gentleness, kindness, gracefulness and sensitivity. Deer carries the message of purity of purpose, and of walking in the light.

Kindness, play, bridge man to ocean. Dolphin brings us teachings from the water. Breath control and the awareness of tone is also Dolphin power

Flighty, carefree. Dragonflies symbolize whirlwind, swiftness and activity. The dragonfly is an important insect in Zuni legend, where they are shamanistic creatures with supernatural powers. In Hopi rock art, the dragonfly is symbolized by a vertical line with two or sometimes one, horizontal cross line.

Divine spirit, chief of all the creatures in the air, the primary servant of the sun. Powerful in battle, the eagle protects the people from evil. Eagle medicine attributes include clear vision and soaring spirit. The eagle is associated with success, prosperity and wealth. In the Zuni Tradition, the Eagle symbolizes the direction Up.

Strength, agility, freedom, power and nobility

Cunning, provider, intelligence. Fox represents twilight and feminine magic

Connection with water element

Grizzly Bear
Mother, nature's pharmacist

Messenger of the sky, observer

Stamina, mobility, strength and power. The horse was introduced to the plains tribes by the Spanish. Shamans are often pictured flying on mythical horses. Horses can symbolize coping under difficult circumstances. Horse is love and devotion, loyalty.

Messenger, stopper of time. Hummingbird represents optimism and sweetness. Being able to roll with the punches is an attribute of Hummingbird.

Conservation, agility. Lizard promotes dreaming.

Headstrong, unstoppable longevity. Moose represents value and integrity.

Laughter, curiosity, mischievous. Otter is a feminine power, and the symbol of grace and empathy.

Wisdom, truth, patience. The Mescalero believe that Owl carries the souls of the recently deceased, a death messenger. Owl is the totem of clairvoyants and mystics.

Alertness, nurturing

Trickster, teacher, hoarder. To Pacific Northwest Coast tribes, Raven represented the shaman's powers and a belief in transformation between human and animal spirits. Raven symbolizes change in conciousness and is the mark of a shape shifter.

Instinct, persistence, determination

Confidence, grace

Hunter, survival, adaptability

Shrewdness, transformation. Life, death and rebirth are represented by the shedding of skin. Among the Pueblo Indians snakes and lightning are equated with rain and fertility.

Creative, pattern of life. Spider connects the past with the future, creating possibilities. Spider-woman is a major Pueblo goddess.

Grace, balance, innocence

Self contained, creative source. Turtle represents Mother Earth. Informed decisions, planning and adaptability are attributes of Turtle.

Loyalty, success, perseverance, stability and thought. Wolves are also regarded as pathfinders and teachers. Wolf is represented by the constellation Sirius, the Dog. In the Zuni tradition the Wolf symbolizes the direction East.



Ant ~~ group mind, patience, action

Alligator ~~ maternal, revenge

Antelope ~~ action, agility and sacrifice

Armadillo ~~ safety, boundaries, medicine shield

Badger ~~ aggressive, healer, energy conduit

Bat ~~ rebirth, secrets and initiation, long life

Bear ~~ power, industrious, instinct, healing, introspection

Beaver ~~ determined, strong-willled, builder, protector

Bee ~~ organization, industrial, productive, wisdom

Buffalo ~~ sacredness, life, prayer, abundance

Butterfly ~~ metamorphosis and transformation

Cheetah ~~swiftness, insight, focus

Coyote ~~ the trickster, intelligence, stealth

Crane ~~ solitude, justice, longevity, independence, intelligence, vigilance

Crow ~~ law, shape shifting, change, creativity, spiritual strength

Deer ~~ intellectual, gentleness, caring, kindness

Dog ~~ noble, faithfulness, loyal, teaching

Dolphin ~~ kindness, salvation, breath of life

Dragon ~~ longevity, infinity, wisdom, power, movement through space

Dragonfly ~~ flighty and carefree, illusion breaker,

Duck ~~ water energy

Eagle ~~ divine Spirit, sacrifice, connection to creator

Elephant ~~ strength, power, wisdom

Elk ~~ strength and agility

Falcon ~~ new beginnings, adventure, passionate, leadership

Fox ~~ cunning, agility, quick-witted, camouflage

Frog ~~ water energy, cleansing, rebirth

Gazelle ~~ the soul, agressive

Goose ~~ self-demanding, reliable, prudent, rigid

Grouse ~~ the sacred spiral, cycles

Hawk ~~ messenger, intuition, victory, healing

Horse ~~ stamina, mobility, power

Hummingbird ~~ messenger, timelessness, healing, joy

Jaguar ~~ chaos, shape-shifter

Lion ~~ family, strength, energy, courage

Lizard ~~ conservation, dreaming

Llama ~~ comforting others

Lynx ~~ keeper of secrets, guardian and guide

Moose ~~ headstrong, longevity, steadfastness, wisdom

Mouse ~~ scrutiny, order, organizer

Opposum ~~ diversion, strategist, deceiver

Otter ~~ playful, friendly, dynamic, female energy

Owl ~~ deception, clairvoyance, insight , messenger

Ox ~~ sacrifice, self-denial, chastity

Panther ~~ self empowerment, movement in darkness without fear, death and rebirth, strength

Peacock ~~ immortality, dignity, self-confidence

Porcupine ~~ innocence, companionship, trust

Rabbit ~~ fear, timidity, nervousness, humility, fertility

Raccoon ~~ curiosity, cleanliness

Raven ~~ introspection, magic, healing, shape-shifter

Salmon ~~ proud, intense, confident

Seahorse ~~ confidence and grace

Shark ~~ hunter, survival, adaptability

Skunk ~~ reputation, presence, strength, respect

Snake ~~ impulsive, shrewdness, rebirth, transmutation of energy

Spider ~~ creatrix, web spinner

Squirrel ~~ planner, gatherer

Swan ~~ grace, balance and innocence

Tiger ~~ strength, valour, power, energy

Turkey ~~ generosity, life-giver, sharer

Turtle ~~ nurturer, protector, grounding, Mother Earth energy

Whale ~~ wisdom, provider, keeper or ancient knowledge

Weasel ~~ strength, energy, ingenuity and stealth

Wolf ~~ loyalty, preserverance, freedom, teacher

Woodpecker ~~ sensitive, protective, devotion

Ant: team player, patience, hard work, action

Antelope: sacrafice, prey, agility

Armadillo: shield,safety, grounded

Anteater: nosey, slow

Bear: Power,healing, nurturing, loving, protective, playful, leader,hermit, mother Earth and her womb, dreaming, self sufficient,introspection,wisdom,death and rebirth,astral travel change,communication,visualization of the new,shaman,the dreams nature, and mystic the bear paw tells you of the direction.

Bat: secretive, good listener, rebirth, initiation,pollination of new ideas, viewing of past lives

Beaver: builds damns to stop the flow, protector, overseer, loves home

Boar: Fire of life

Buffalo: A sacred animal,peace, sacrafice, warmth, life, abundance

Bee: fertility, defensive,

Butterfly:metamorphosis , successful project, courage, rebirth

Buck: Strength, desire, territorial

Cat: Independence, courage, fighter, Goddess privilaged, clever, meditation,agility, childbirth, curious,seen into the unseen,healer,organized

Cheetah:Swiftness ,agility, speed.

Coyote: hunter, clever, trickster

Crane: grounded, independence

Crow: Bad omen, a war,change,shapeshifting

Cougar / Mountain Lion: Motherly, protector, power,use of leadership,balance of intuition, cunning,

THE SACRED DEER: It is said that the Sacred Deer is the Mount to the Upper Levels of the Cosmos and a Spirit Helper that can be called upon during healing ceremonies.

Dove: Can communicate between the worlds, gentle, a spirit messenger, one of peace and of love.

Doe: Gentleness,watcher,agile, speed,curious, caring , kindness, camoflauge, intuitive, good listener,healer

Dog: Honorable and noble, faithful, curious, honest, test dominance,friendly,hunter,service,energy,guardian

Dolphin:I have been swimming with the Dolphins. Robala was her name. She was the largest of the females. To my surprise Robala would not listen to the trainer. She stayed right by me while we were in the water and she actually gave me 2 hugs and 5 kisses. She then just hung with me. The trainer finally said he'd never seen her act this way. I smiled from ear to ear because this is what I hoped for. In my mind I kept thinking to myself and I did not tell anyone except for my family back home that I really wanted to see if one of the Dolphins could sense how much I truly loved Dolphins. I thought it the entire time I was in the water swimming with them. Robala sensed it and she stayed and hung with me. It was everything I could ask for. I just wanted to share this with you. Dolphins really are just as wonderful as you can imagine. The picture above is me and Robala. DOLPHINS: Use breath to release intense emotions, family oriented, water element magick, playful, babysitters,intuitive, sexual, peace,powerful,communication,passion,foreseers of danger,graceful,childlike, balance trust, understanding of life.

Dragon: Ability to move between worlds, power of fire, protector, represents the connection of the birth of the Universe, exists between the thoughts, longevity, wisdom, infinate. The Red Dragon lives in the center of the Earth.

Dragonfly: Carefree, on flight, understands dreams, able to escape, swiftness, braking through illusions

Duck:Spirit Helper of Mystics and Seers, water energy, can clearly see and deal with emotions, grace in the water

Eagle : Solar, Spiritual Guide, spirit connector to spirit teacher, Courage ,illumination, clear vision, their feathers are considered healing tools , health and wisdon,personal. The Eagle teaches you to be free and soar high above negativity into a positive self, magickal knowledge, sees hidden spiritual truth's intuitive, graceful,creation, respectful of boundaries. power reclaimed, initiation,

Elk:Sensual passion ,strength and agility, honoring your gender, paceing ones tasks,stamina.

Elephant: Royalty, strength, ancient wisdom,patience, careful, confident, education

Fox:Clever, shapeshifting, cunning, feminine courage,persistence ,camouflage , observant,quick witted

Falcon:Merlin's Wisdom, helps get soul to the soul world, healing the soul, the understanding of magick, swiftness, aerobatic

Fish: Emotion, water magick, agility, camoflauge, ocean voyage, friend of man and mermaid, solitude,energy, reefs, beauty.

Frog: water magick of the most ancient beginnings, energy, able to leap over a problem, transformation,cleansing, emotion, rebirth, singer of the songs for the ancient beginnings of watery existence.

Giraffe:Communication, intuition, able to reach above others for things that are unreachable, can look into the future.

Goat: Surefootedness, independance, climbing.

Gorilla:Family oriented, mother nurturing, intelligent, strength, useful of the enviornment, gentle, protector, guardian of loved ones.

Hawk: Messenger, intuition,patience, soaring , hieghts, guardian, messenger of spirit, wise,observant, can recall past lives,courage ,clearsightedness,truth.

Horse:mobility ,steadfast, mythological from the unicorn to the pegasus, faithfulness, running free, strength, helper, travel,warns of danger, friendly,expanding one's own potential abilities.

Hummingbird:Timeless, passion, brings love like nothing else can, heart of loving fury, beauty,kind,swift, fertile to plants and flowers, nectar for the god and goddess,messenger, adept, if you find yourself with a hummingbird you may need to plant or work with flowers, and maybe an aromatherapists, or work with people since you will find the good within people, fly free.

Iguana: Patient, gentle, kind, ancient, understanding

Jaguar:Shapeshifter ,psychic, moving without fear,empowering oneself , lover of night.

Lizard: Power of regeneration of parts lost, can let go of ego, controlling ones dreams, ability to move in the otherworld, sensitive to ground vibrations, speed.

Lion: Feminine energy, group interaction,secrets silence,patience, seeing detail, understanding your strengths, staying calm till it is time to act.

Lynx: Guardian , guide, a keeper of secrets, listener, beauty.

Moose: Steadfastness, power, headstrong, movement between the soul world, wisdom, connecting to your elders, speed is unseen.

Monkey: Ability to change environment , health, success, family protection.

Moth: Transformation, movement into shadows, can find the light, flight.

Mouse:Organizer ,scrutiny, order, examining life's lessons ,discovery, shyness, invisibility, stealth.

Manatee: Gentleness, patient, loving, funny, childlike, sees clearly into the emotions, walks gentle on the Earth.

Parrot: Communication, flight, beauty, guide in wisdom, thinks before speaking, mockery.

Otter: Woman medicine, playful, sensibility without suspicion, psychic awareness, faithfulness.

Opossum: Sensibility, proper using of deception. strategist, diversion, recovery.

Owl: Secrecy ,seeing behind masks or falseness, stealth, messenger of secrets & omens, shadow self with ease and comfort, Moon Magick,swift movement , freedom, night vision, clairvoyance, great intuition, can be a fierce warrior for food, inspiring, can outfly the Golden Eagle.

Octopus: Goddess energy and moon cycles, protection by being able to put up a smoke screen, can move fast when danger is approaching, can get past negative barriers, intelligent.

Polar Bear: Solitude, adversity, rebirth, dreams, transformation, patience, communication with the spirit, dreams for shamans, mystics, defensive, strength, protection, swimmer,can break through emotional barriers.

Peacock:Beauty,self confidence, visionary of the past and present and future.

Panda: Eastern hemisphere connection, understands moving at a careful and slow pace,adaptable to enviornment.

Penquin: Male and female energy working together, father nurturing, astral projection, patience.

Rabbit: Fertility,stealth, ability to hide, timidity, quick thinker, intuitive, afraid of tragedy, learner of life lessons.

Raven: Self knowledge, courage, introspection, rebirth, find light in darkness,honor of ancestors,connection with waning moon(crone) being able to change consciousness.

Raccoon:Disquise, seeing through ones mask, curiousity.

Rat: Fertility, invisibility,stealth,defense, scavenger, intelligence, wealth, can be destructive.

Salamander: firey element though it connects between Earth and water, things hidden, can cloak itself in the face of adversity, magickal.

Seahorse: Male , graceful, the only species where the male has the babies, can deal with emotions, courtship dancing, happiness, the loveliness of the sea.

Sheep: Comfortable in groups, warmth, patience, fertility, rebirth, courage to keep balance.

Snake: Transformation, swred, mystery of life, psychic energies, Shamans travel to the soul world using the snake as a magickal form of connection cord, Goddess energy, primitive energy, protection from the religious persecution of others on the attack,the Snake is the Messenger of the Rainbow Serpent, infinitive existence.

Skunk: Defensive when need be, stricking, courage, will power, sensual, confidence in ones self.

Seal: able to dream lucid dreams, protection from danger, can move through emotions with ease, creative, gentle, playful, talkative, sunning, can be lazy, adaptable.

Shark: Power, strength, instictual, predator, adaptibiliyt, survival, dangerous to mess with, senses injury , stealth, able to move constantly, shapeshifter, A predator God of the Ocean's, ancient knowledge.

Spider: Weaver of the universal web of fate, wisdom ,creative instinct, shapeshifting, divination, Goddess energy.

Squirrel: Understands the need for saving for survival and energy, good planner, speed, protective, fancy, one with the trees.

Swan: Beauty, grace, gentle, understands meaning of group, can deal with emotions flow, innocense, understands the symbols of dreams, divination, spiritual growth.

Sow: Crone Goddess, Earth magick , intelligent, can hide in danger, celtic wisdom, ancestral mythology, sacred.

Stork: Messenger of rebirth.

Tiger: Energy, power, strength, ability to act instantly, beauty.

Tortoise: Earth symbol, feel at home where ever it may go,will hide in shell when scared, mystical, grounding traits,patience, non violent, self preservation, ancient wisdom, feminine energy and healing of feminine illness, centered, slow movement, can psychically protect self.

Toad: altered state of ones consciousness, Earthly energy, luck can change, adversity, courtship with sound, longevity, magickal..

Turkey: Patient, keen eye, up for the game, wild challenge,generosity, life-giver, shares, sticks with the group.

Unicorn: Virtue, virgin quality, patience, beauty, connects with the forest and faeries, weather patterns,

Wolf: Free spirit, mate for life, faithful to pack, organized, strong sense of self, spirit teacher, social, faces death with dignity, rebirth, courage, steadfast, shapeshifter, intelligent, preserverance, success, can take advantage of change, guide, fights only when necessary.

Whale: Ancestral connection, very intelligent, gentle, kind, patient, king of the waters, provider, friendly, family oriented, keeps the record of all eternity, voice is knowledge, highly psychic, intuitive, telepathic, movement of grace and beauty, able to flow with all emotion and change.

Weasel: (ferret): Keen, tricky, stealth, sees hidden reasons, revenge, cunning, playful, can hang out and just observe.

Zebra: Seeing the black and white , sureness, individuality amongst the herd, balance, trust it's path.



























Books to eventually see if worth reading:

Anne McCaffrey-author
Tamora Pierce-author
Jane Yolen-author
*The Sword-Dancer Saga by Jennifer Roberson
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling (who *doesn't* know that?) have been obsessed w/ for 3 yrs. Already^________^
O.oBlood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause
*Dragon's Bait by Vivian Van Velde
On Wings of a Dragon by Cora Taylor
The Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer