Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Understanding ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: You baka!


Tenshi: You didn't do a disclaimer last chapter!

Sakura: Well, I thought they'd gotten smart and didn't need to be reminded time and time again that you don't own anything related to Rurouni Kenshin except for Masako!

Tenshi: Thank you!

Sakura: What? What'd I do?

Tenshi: You just did the disclaimer! Now on with the fanfiction!

Sakura: Stupid angel…



Ch 5: Understanding

In a miniature cloud of dirt and blood, Masako fell forward. Blood seeped from her mouth as she lay there. Sanosuke looked up as he strode over, still confused as to what he had done to cause her that much pain by missing her. He held up her wrist, pressing his fingers tightly to it. The blood continued to pulse, but not very strongly. Kenshin, with Kaoru in hot pursuit, hurried over to Sano's side.

"What's up with her Kenshin? Her pulse is real weak…" Sano pointed out as he looked over at Kenshin.

"She's showing signs of internal bleeding. We need to find Miss Megumi."

"What?!" yelped Sano, "Kenshin, she just tried to kill you… and me too!"

"Yes, but she needs medical treatment right away." Kenshin stood up before Sano could say anymore, hurrying back inside to fetch Megumi, who had said that she would stay and "make everyone a decent meal for once".

Sano looked back down at the knocked out manslayer at his feet. It seemed to him that they had found themselves another Kenshin, though in female form.

When Kenshin and Megumi had come back out, Kaoru thanked all that was holy that Kenshin had persuaded Megumi that this was a serious matter and she wasn't constantly swooning over him. Megumi had a medical purse in hand, from which she pulled out a pair of gloves.

"Sanosuke, Kenshin," Megumi ordered, turning to them, "take her into the house, grab an old sheet, lay it over a futon, and put her on that. Kaoru, make yourself useful and find some herbs that will help her to ease any pain that she's in…. Well? Get moving!" Everyone busily hurried about.

Sano picked up Masako and carried her into the house without many difficulties. Kenshin had offered to carry her inside instead since Sano was still a bit bruised and battered, but he had said that he already had some blood on him and Kenshin didn't, so there was no reason to stain Kenshin's clothing. Meanwhile Kenshin set about finding an old sheet that they could use. Five minutes and thirty drops of blood threatening to stain the tatami later, Kenshin found a few sheets and laid them over an old but comfortable futon, and Sano had finally gotten to lay the injured and somewhat spewing girl down. He did so carefully, though he knew not why; she had just been trying to kill him no more than six minutes ago. Maybe it was how Kenshin was acting about all of this, he didn't know….

Megumi and Kaoru came rushing in a few moments later, both carrying armfuls of bandages and herbs. Shooing the two guys out, Megumi set to work while Kaoru helped as best she could.

Once in the hall, Sano looked around.

"Hey, Kenshin, is it just me, or it really quiet?"

"Hmmm… a bit. Yes it is…."

"It's too quiet…"

Kenshin and Sano looked at each other, each face melting into that of something horrific.

"YAHIKO!" they yelled in unison, both running outside again.

When the two had finally lifted the heavy lock out of place and opened the gate, Yahiko had started to wake up. He looked up, noticing them there.

"Oh, sure, come help Yahiko after he's already awake!" he screamed, bopping each one on the head with his wooden sword.

After the two "recovered" and Sano had driven Yahiko into the ground face first, Kenshin and Sanosuke explained the situation; or at least, part of it, the part that Sano knew.

"So she tried to kill the both of you, and now Megumi's in there helping her?" Yahiko asked, just as flustered as Sanosuke had been.

"Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?" Sano asked sarcastically.

"When everything has settled down, I will tell everyone of my position in her mind at the present time, that I will," Kenshin sighed as they crossed the yard to the living room to wait on Megumi and Kaoru.

About an hour later, the two girls slowly came into the living room, both their hairs up in towels. When the guys looked at them strangely, Kaoru answered.

"People with internal bleeding problems tend to vomit blood." She sighed and sat down next to Kenshin.

"We just thought we'd take a shower and wash our clothes before they became too stained." Megumi finished, walking over and sitting on Kenshin's other side. The two proceeded in glaring at one another.

"Now, now you two, heh… no need to fight…" Kenshin tried, before the two started tearing each other to shreds. The girls let out a small `humph' and settled down next to him.

"Well Kenshin," Yahiko started, setting his back against the wall and readjusting the icepack on his neck where a giant bruise had been found from the knock-out shot Masako had preformed to shut him up, "you gonna explain it or what? I still don't get it."

"Yeah Kenshin, mind clearing things up a bit?" Sano asked, also relaxing against a wall.

"Oh, yes… I suppose I shall. Well, it was back during the Revolution. I was still the Battousai then. I'd been given orders to take out the top two scientists for the Tokugawa bakufu*. It was a well thought out plan; to take down the scientists would mean to cripple the government greatly. But I never expected that their daughter would come back like this."

"But, how does she know that you were the one that did it?" Kaoru asked, looking confused.

"Because…." Kenshin sighed, "well, she was right there when it happened. She saw me slaughter her parents, and apparently, she has neither forgotten, nor has she forgiven me."

"You killed two people… right in front of a little girl?" Megumi gasped. "Oh, Sir Ken, how could you do something like that?"

Kenshin looked down at the floor. "I was the Hitokiri Battousai; I just got the job done and cared not how."

"Man," Yahiko said, looking up at the ceiling, "I guess I can kind of relate to her… except, my parents weren't murdered…. But still, no wonder she's back…." Yahiko then looked over at everyone, "But I still don't get how you can want to help her after she tried to kill you…."

"I was the one that created this mess," Kenshin answered, "And so, I take all responsibility for what is happening. And since this is my fault, I think that I should take care of her, that I do."

"You're not the one taking care of her, we are," Kaoru replied, looking over at Kenshin with "line-dot eyes".

"No you aren't!" Megumi yelled, "I'm the one taking care of her! But, I'm only doing it because Sir Ken asked me to," she added, almost snuggling up to him.

Kenshin let out an "oro" and tried to get away, but before he could, Kaoru intervened.

"HEY!" she yelled, grabbing Megumi's hair and yanking back, with a shrieking Megumi on the other end. The two promptly stared the second fight that day, while Yahiko and Sano watched, almost cheering them on, and Kenshin tried to brake it up.


Tenshi: TADA! All done, for now. Here's that asterisk:

Bakufu: Japanese, government

Sakura: Alright peoples, you know what to do!

Tenshi and Sakura: PLEASE REVIEW!

*Tenshi and Sakura look at each other, annoyed looks on their faces*

Tenshi and Sakura: DON'T READ MY MIND!!! STOP THAT!!!

Heaven Sent Tenshi