Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Disappearance ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: I think I'm on what one may call a writing spree.

Sakura: Man, you weren't lying, you really are in a Kenshin sate of mind. Hmmm… what's worse, Rurouni Kenshin, or Yu Yu Hakusho…?

Tenshi: Neither! ^^

Sakura: Both get you stuck that way and then you continually make new story after new story…

Tenshi: But, I've only got one story for Rurouni Kenshin.

Sakura: Yes, and in the past five days, you have made six chapters, and now you're making the seventh.

Tenshi: So?

Sakura: You've been working on Kuwabara's Cousin since, when was it, now?

Tenshi: Beginning of the school year…

Sakura: And what month are we in?

Tenshi: May….

Sakura: And how many chapters does it currently have?

Tenshi: Half as many as this one?

Sakura: Very good. Do you see the significance?

Tenshi: No.

*Sakura face faults*

Sakura: You've made twice as many chapters in a fiftieth of the time!

Tenshi: Oh…. Well ,what about `One-way Link? It has 22 chapters.

Sakura: Yes, but you didn't make them in 5 days, it took you 3 months!

Tenshi: That's about seven each month….

Sakura: Yes, but it's also about .3 each day! Now compare that to the 1.4 a day you're doing for this! (BTW, those are just averages…)

Tenshi: ENOUGH WITH THE MATH! I GOT A 260 ON MY TEST, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT OF ME?!?!?!? (260 out of 300, 231 is meeting, no wonder I'm in geo)

Sakura: Ok, ok, you don't have to scream. Standard disclaimer applies.




Ch 7: Disappearance

After dinner ended in a food fight, everyone took baths and retired to their beds. Most slept peacefully, except four. Kenshin continued too have strange nightmares about the day that he'd murdered Masako's family. Sanosuke couldn't keep his mind off of the fight he'd had with Masako, and continued to think about her, much to his annoyance. Yahiko was the third. Though he never sleeps too peacefully, he kept waking himself up when he rolled off of his futon and banged his head on the wall.

The fourth was the topic of many dreams. Masako awoke when she heard the last shouts of the food fight, and hadn't been able to sleep since. She didn't dare move; pain wasn't comfortable. She just stared at the ceiling until she heard the soft snores of many people in the house. Looking around the dark room, she noticed that she was in the home within the dojo. She jolted and groaned when she heard a somewhat loud thump echo throughout the house. She heard someone else groan. She recognized it. Must have been that brat that she had knocked out some hours previous. She heard him thump around softly, then after a few moments, she heard the sounds of his sleep.

Pulling the sheets back, Masako noticed just how bad of shape she was in. She was covered in bandages, new bandages. Each strand of white fabric covered a different injury. Boasting gets you no where except a hospital, or in a sick bed. Promising herself that she'd never boast again for the rest of her life, she de-elevated her legs and sat up. Pain shot through her, but she was used to those pains, those where the permanent injuries she'd gotten from her training, so they didn't bother her anymore. She ignored the pain in her torso, and redressed in her normal clothes. Grabbing her katana that sat beside her on the floor, she slipped on her sandals and tied them. She pulled back the screen door and made her way towards an exit.

Undetected, Masako slipped under the blanket of darkness, disappearing into its depths.

The first person to notice Masako's absence was Megumi. She'd gone to check on Masako after she had woken up, only to find an empty bed and Masako's personal effects gone. She looked around for her patient, only to find the house empty of woken people. Quickly, Megumi ran to the living room to find Kenshin sleeping there, against the wall, his reverse-blade sword resting on his shoulder.

"Sir Ken!" she shouted, instantly waking Kenshin up with a jerk.

"Hm? What is it Miss Megumi?" Kenshin asked with a yawn, his eyelids drooping.

"It's Masako, she's gone! I can't find her anywhere in the house!" Megumi imparted. Kenshin's eyes snapped open.

"What? Are you sure?" Kenshin asked, standing up. He knew just as well as Megumi that Masako was still too injured to leave her bed, let alone the house. Megumi nodded. "Wake the others, we need to find her. She's still injured, isn't she?" Megumi nodded again.

"I'll go and wake them," said, rushing off to rouse everyone. Kenshin, mean while, went outside to check the surrounding area.


Tenshi: I know, tiny chapter… but… I don't know… I wanted to update and I wanted the transition to be smoother.

Sakura: In other words, she wrote something, so be happy you got a chapter.

Tenshi: Be nice Sakura.

*A strange noise is heard*

Sakura: What's that?

Tenshi: Sounds like… FIREWORKS!!!!

Sakura: FIRE?!?!?! YAY!

*Tenshi and Sakura run off to source of noise*

*Megan pops in from out of nowhere*

Megan: Review please!

*Megan runs off to join the two before Heather finds her*

Heaven Sent Tenshi