Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Back to the Dojo ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: Number nine! Number nine! Number nine!

Sakura: Will you stop bringing that up already?!

Tenshi: I haven't figured out what else to write, considering I haven't gotten any new reviews in the past hour or so.

Sakura: If I say it, will you write the darned story?

Tenshi: Yep! Can't start with out it! ^^

Sakura: Standard disclaimer applies. Now write.

Tenshi: OK!



Ch 9: Back to the Dojo

As Sanosuke pulled and tugged Masako into the streets of Tokyo, people stopped and stared for a moment before continuing with their chores. Some people watched longer than others did, for Sano was dragging a bleeding, obviously paining young woman with a katana at her hip, whom many didn't know.

Eventually, Sano dragged her to a stop in front of the Akabeko, where, by this time, everyone had gathered. Kenshin had just reached the restaurant with Megumi and Kaoru at his heels when Sano looked up after dropping the dazed girl he had by the wrist.

"Ah, Sano, you found her," Kenshin remarked, walking over and looking at Masako.

"Yeah, but she was dead weight the entire way, I had to drag her here."

Kenshin took one look at Masako, and worry filled his face. Most of Masako's clothing had turned purple from the blood dripping from her neck. "Sano, what happened?" he asked.

"Hm? Oh, that little knick on her neck? She did that. Tryin' to kill herself," Sano added with a look of disgust on his face. Megumi hurried over with her purse in hand. She got out some bandages and began to wrap them around her neck.

"What did she do?" Megumi asked, looking up from her work for a moment, then paying closer attention to Masako's injury.

"When I found her, she was just standing there in the middle of the road with her katana at her neck. I rushed over and pulled the thing out of her grip before she could too much damage," Sano explained, leaning up against the wall of the Akabeko.

"You sure you didn't do it to her, Sano?" Yahiko asked, appearing in the doorway. Sanosuke just about fell over.

"What?! I wouldn't do something like that!" he screamed.

"Oh really?" Yahiko questioned. Sano promptly began to wring his neck.

After Kenshin broke it up, Masako began to show signs of life again. She opened her eyes, looked around, and cursed under her breath.

"What am I doing alive?!" she hissed to herself.

"It seems that Sanosuke saved you, that it does," Kenshin answered, though Masako wasn't looking for one. She struggled to her feet, pushing Megumi into the doorway of the Akabeko and trying to run. Sano, being closest, reached out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back towards everyone. Kicking and thrashing, Masako desperately tried to escape, but it was futile.

"Hey, calm down already, you're not going anywhere. So you might as well as give up," Sano almost shouted, narrowly avoiding her fists and feet.

"Let me go! Put me down! Release me, NOW!!!" Masako screamed, still flailing around. They were starting to gather the attentions of many passers by, including many of the guests at the restaurants nearby.

"Please, Miss Masako, just-" Kenshin was stopped mid-sentence when one of Masako's feet hit him squarely in the jaw. Kenshin hit the ground "swirly-eyed".

"Oh, Kenshin!" Kaoru called, running over to him and setting him up, "Kenshin, are you all right?" she asked. "Kenshin? Kenshin? Kenshin!"

Kenshin {A/N: Oh, god, the word lost all meaning! Sorry ^^;} meanwhile, sat there; eyes still swirling, babbling nonsense.

"Will someone just knock this girl out or something?!" Sanosuke yelled, still trying to subdue her. After a few moments, Sano received a large bite mark on his arm, along with some blood, both his and more of Masako's. Yelling out, Sano's grip on her loosened, and so, she was able to get away. Though, she didn't go far. As she neared the ground, she noticed that her foot was in an odd position, but she had no time to react, and so landed wrong, and sprained her ankle. A small "pop" sounded as she crumpled onto the ground, groaning because of the sever pain in her ankle, and because of the pain that shot through the rest of her body from her previous injuries. Sano growled. `She's accident prone, isn't she?' he asked himself as he watched her hold her ankle in pain.

Megumi reemerged from the Akabeko, looking none the bit happy with her flight. When she saw Masako on the ground trying to nurse her ankle from in front of Sano, she went over and crouched down in front of her.

"Get away from me!" Masako screeched, backing up into Sano {A/N: ^^}. She looked up, winced and tried to crawl away. Sano grabbed her by the back of the shirt, pulling her to his feet again as she called out in pain when her ankle scraped the ground.

"Please, Miss… Masako, was it? Just, calm down, let me look at your ankle, I think you may have sprained it with the way it's swelling," Megumi pointed out. Indeed, Masako's ankle had already swelled to the size of a golf ball. Masako still wasn't going to stay there though; she wanted out… she wanted the pain to stop and these people to go away. She'd tried to kill them… so what were they doing? Why was this woman trying to help her?

"What do you want of me?" she asked.

"Want of you?" Megumi echoed, "I just want to see your ankle so I can tell whether it's sprained or not."

"Why are all of you people trying to help me? I just tried to kill you…" Masako added, tears starting to fall again at the thought of killing so many people.

"Because," Kenshin started, sitting up, "I have asked them to, that I have. Miss Megumi is a doctor and she has," he stopped seeing the look on Kaoru's face, "she and Miss Kaoru, have doctored your wounds once before, that they have."

"We're going to need to take her back to the dojo and she'll need to stay off this ankle for a few days. Someone's going to have to carry her," Megumi instructed, inspecting Masako's ankle without her knowing. Masako pulled her ankle out of Megumi's reach, wincing again. "So, who's going to do it?" she asked, looking around.

Sano sighed. "I will, I've already stained the heck out of my clothes, so, no need to do the same to everyone else's." Sano looked down at Masako. She looked at him with a clear look of hatred on her face.

"Touch me and I'll-"

"You'll what? Bite me again? Then what? Try to limp away on a sprained ankle, I don't think so." With that, Sano bent down, scooped her up into his arms and straightened up again. "Alright, let's get going." He walked off in the direction of the dojo with a screeching, muddy, bloody, paining Masako in his arms.


Tenshi: Heh heh heh… that worked!

Sakura: You write too much, and on Mother's Day! Did you even do something for your mom?

Tenshi: O.O; I'll be right back!

*Tenshi runs off to do something*

Sakura: Tenshi! How could you?!

*Tenshi comes rushing back in*

Tenshi: What?

Sakura: What, did you forget or something?!

Tenshi: What?

Sakura: Mother's Day!

Tenshi: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Sakura: Then what did you go and do?

Tenshi: I forgot to finish putting the dishes away, so I did.

Sakura: WHAT?!

Tenshi: I didn't want to get stuck doing them again, so I finished them and put my name on the white board so I didn't get stuck with them again.

Sakura: You're hopeless. Your mom's right, you will need a good job.

Tenshi: Why's that?

Sakura: So you can afford a maid.

Tenshi: Because we both know I suck at housework! ^^

Heaven Sent Tenshi