Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ A little change of weather... a little change of heart ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 4: A Little Change Of Weather... A little Change Of Heart

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Previous: --

'I remember that day... she emitted an aura... but the aura vanished so fast... that... I couldn't even catch... now... Sano is saying he saw her... I must check on Elune.' Kenshin thought to himself as he walked along side with Sano.

'She must be something to be able to do it...' Just as Kenshin passed through the gates of the school, Kaoru squinted her eyes as her pupils followed the movement of the slayer.

"Oh well... now all I have to do is make him soft hearted towards me... that would be a child's play." Kaoru thought conceitedly.

"He will fall in my hands whether he likes it or not."

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"So? How's school now Himura?" Takasugi asked as they walked back into the church. As they entered in the both of them instantly stopped. There was a man sitting in front of the cross. Jesus Christ. He looked up. Golden eyes met amber and black.

"Slowing down aren't we Battousai?." The man asked as he stood up and brushed off the dust under his blue pants. Kenshin's eyes narrowed.

"Saitou Hajime..." Saitou arched an eyebrow.

"Surprise? I am sent here to finish off what you couldn't." Saitou answered in arrogance.

"What I couldn't? You must be joking Saitou." Kenshin walked towards him and looked him in the eye.

"Those bastards around Japan are MINE. You block or get involved in my way... I'll take you along with them."

"Try me..." Saitou dared.

"Enough! You guys quibble from the start till now. Can't you just co-operate?" Takasugi raged as he abandoning the two slayers and back into the office. Without any other words, they followed Takasugi.


Kaoru sighed as she looked up at the blue sky. Under her were the sounds of moving cars and scurried humans. Hatred in her grew. She hated it. She hated everything.

That's why... that's why...

She was going to end this peaceful world... in her own way. God banished her... and left her to die. What had she done wrong? Nothing. She even prayed and read the whole bible. She loved to go to church. Even when the prosecution of the Christian was on... she risked her own life and said her prayers in her home. In her little hidden corner. After what she did and went through... she wanted nothing in return... she just wanted to be happy and be accepted. But... everything went wrong... everything had forsaken her. Everything... from her friends... to the one she loves... From her parents... to the God she had once so believed in. She became the demoness of the night... for revenge... on everything that had disowned her. Anger built up under her petite figure. She raised her hand in front of her face.

'Nothing has changed...' She clenched her fist tight. Her eyes shut tight. In a sudden movement she snapped open her eyes revealing crimson red pupils. The wind rose around her under her command. She had learnt all sorts of sorceries; she could control most of the elements. Wind, Fire and Weather. She is still currently training to control water and regeneration.

With a flick of her fingers, the clouds above her twirled and blackened. The corners of her mouth met up with a smile. She started chanting the words of the spell. Soon lighting started striking and thunders roaring. Soon enough, rain began to pour.

Drip drop... drip drop...

In a flash of a second... her uniform was totally soaked. The rain blurred her vision a little... but having abnormal eyesight... it was still very clear. She sat up from her position and stretched like a feline.

She looked down at the streets where people ran from shelter to shelter. She mused to herself how stupid they looked from the top... they were like ants rushing out to save their savings of food. How ironic. She walked to the edge of the roof where it lead to a dark and deserted alley. She looked downwards. She would die due to the impact... if she was still a human... a weakling. She took off and landed perfectly with her knees crouched a bit. She emerge through the back street and walked smoothly in the rain she created.

'It's show time...' Kaoru thought as she walked towards her destination.


"We need the both of you to join forces to help clear the clan's leader. We have totally NO sources about her." Katsura stopped as he looked at Kenshin's stern face.

"You have anything to report?" Kenshin nodded.

"Hai... If I have not mistaken... the leader's name is Tyrande." Kenshin concluded.

"A woman? A female vampire as a clan leader? She wouldn't make it." Saitou sneered at Kenshin's sentence. Suddenly, a clasp of thunder was heard and was followed by the raging rain.

"Another sudden rain?" Katsura asked no one in particular.

"Someone's here." Takasugi announced as Kenshin and Saitou made it to the door. Kenshin was ready for battle. His hands went up to the hilt of his katana. But instead of what he expected, he saw Kaoru squatting under a tree, shivering badly. He quickly made his way to her side. He didn't know why... but he just felt it was needed to be done... by him.

"Elune... why are you here?" Kenshin asked... shocked at his own gentleness. Kaoru raised her eyes to meet his. Astounded by the swirling of the colour amber and violet, but she kept her posture.

"Scared... thunder, lighting..." Kaoru whispered as another thunder rang loudly. This time she threw herself at the slayer.

"E... Elune?" Cold skin... met warm. She snuggled further into the warm skin, which was welcoming. How long had she last touch something so warm and still knew the feeling. She had never felt this before... but... she stomach was churning and her heart seems to be alive again. What the hell was that feeling now?

"Elune? Why are you here? Why aren't you at home? It's a really nasty storm." Kenshin asked as he slowly enclosed his arms around her waist... which felt right.

"E... Elune... no home... no family... alone... alone always..." With that she passed out. Kenshin panicked in the first time of his life.

"OI! Elune! Wake up!" Kenshin shouted as he carried her into the old church. But before he reached Kaoru grabbed on his collar as she shivered more violently.

"No... no church... scared... no... onegai..." Kenshin was dumbfounded. Why was she afraid of the church? Kenshin looked into her eyes... he found them intriguing. Blue... Fantasy blue. How it suit her.

"Aa..." Kenshin's short answer brought a little smile on Kaoru's face as she went unconscious again.

"Saitou... tell Katsura san that I would be back later." With that he disappeared into the torrential rain.

Behind them was a pair of mellow yellow eyes glared at their back.

"The girl... isn't a human." He murmured to himself as he himself walked under the downpour.

T BC….

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….
Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! HOHOHO!! Kaoru's going to be with Kenshin a little while heehee~ Hope all of ya reader out there would like this chappie too! Oh no!! Saitou knows Kaoru's identity? Hahaa~ I ain't telling u anything about that... but he would be quite a destroyer... as he himself have a grudge with Vamps... just like little ken-chan.... ^^ ANYWAYS... DO ENJOY!... R&R ne.. ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

marstanuki -- Happy Ending?? *Thinks* HmmmMz... It's a little secret ~ *Dodge thrown objects* GOMEN! ANyways... here's the update thanks for the review! ^__^

Psychotic Tanuki -- A dead rooster = Good chicken dinners? HmmMz... I'm still unsure of getting rid of Sanosuke.. as it would anger Kenshin more now wouldn't it... Maybe I will... Maybe I won't... Wow... your fics are full of vamps i must say... but i believe it's going to be good! Thanks for the review... hope you'll like it! ^__^

Jason M.Lee -- Haahaa~ Yeah... I think she's going to melt in Kenshin's embrace... haahaa~ Haven't thought much about it yet actually... ^^ Maybe you could help? Anyways... thanks for the review... and here's the update... hope you'll like it ne ^__^

Val -- Stay evil thru the whole thing? HmmMz... I can't say what will happen when she starts to fall in love... but... just a little hint... She'll stay loyal to her own clan and still drink warm blood which is fresh human blood. Thanks for the reveiw and here's the update... hope you'll like them ne ^__^

Vesca -- ^__~ You'll see... Here's the udpate... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

Kriska -- Me too! Hope you like this chappie and thanks for the review ^__^

Isis 13 - WEAK?!? Grrrr.... i hate people who portrayed or says that she's weak... she's a strong and beautiful woman right Isis chan ^^ Hope you'll like this chappie!! Thanks for the review! ^__^

Shojin Takaru -- HmmMz... many questions I see... Sadly... all i couldn't answer... you'll have to see for yourself during updates ^^ Here's the update... hope you'll like them! Thanks for the review ne! ^__^

Shizuka --You are really getting excited desu ne ^^ Hope you like this chappie too! thanks for the reviews ne ^__^

Sabrina-star -- I can't say it's KxS... But... she was just using him.. like you say.. she was willing to do ANYTHING to get what she wants... thanks for the encouragement too ^^ here's the update... hope you'll like it ne! Thanks for the review! ^__^

White Plum -- Haahaaa~ Yeah... come to think about it it's cool to have that aura ne... Hmm.. who would i summon?? BATTOUSAI SAMA!! Hahaaha~ i just love the evil side of kenshin SOO much! Development of Kenshin and Kaoru would be shown slowly by each chappie.... ^^ Dun be impatient desu ne.... Anyway... here's the update... hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review!

Camila Valenzuela -- Hi! You received my email? If you haven't i might as well tell u here (PLS SEND ME A COPY OF IT NE!!! ARIGATOU!) I LOVE BATTOUSAI TOO!! *Gives Camila san a Battousai chocolate* AS YOU HAVE SAID IT! HE IS JUST TO DAMN SEXY GODs! He drives me up the wall i tell ya! ANyway.. here's the update... hope you'll like it! Thanks for the nice review there! ^__^

SakuraCherryBlossom -- Thanks for the encouragement! Here's the next chappie! Hope you'll like them ne ^__^ THanks for the review!