Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi wo Sagashiteta ❯ Be With You ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… Basically, Kenshin is a vampire slayer. While Kaoru is a vampire. Lets make this for a change. Kenshin is in TOTAL Battousai mode!! Look out Battousai fan... ^^ Warning!! Kaoru would be totally OOC!! Let's hope I dun make any mistakes ne.. Do tell me if I do.. ^__^ Arigatou Gozaimasu!>

Kimi wo Sagashiteta

Chapter 9: Be With You


Previous: --

She quietly put on her clothes and caressed his already messy hair. She gave him a final kiss and covered his eyes with her hands.

A bright light shone and then she opened her eyes and whispered to his ears.

"I'll be waiting for you... Battousai..."

With that she opened the door and exited his apartment... this is her final goodbye...

Sayonara... Himura Kenshin...


Kenshin groaned as he reached out for Kaoru. But this time, his hand met only cold and crumbled sheets. He snapped his eyes opened to find Kaoru not around.

"Kaoru!" He got up and scanned around the apartment. His clothes were at their places from last night. But Kaoru was nowhere to be seen. A sharp pain suddenly invaded his head. He clutched it as he shook his head violently. Then he saw a vision in his head, the location of where the vampires' clan was situated.

Hastily, he put on his clothes as he took a drink from the fridge. He really needed to clear his mind. Still clutching his head, the doorbell rung. Thinking that it might be Kaoru, he ran to the door opening it with his almighty strength.

"Woow woow... Careful with door will you?" Takasugi Shinsaku. Kenshin cursed under his breath when he saw Katsura and Saitou was there too. Nothing was worst then to see Saitou's face early in the morning.

"Battousai... Don't you even have the common sense to let us go into your apartment?" Saitou smirked as he saw Kenshin groaned and stepped aside from the doorway. Allowing the three 'seniors' in.

"Himura... I need to talk to you..." Katsura admitted as Kenshin nodded meekly. Anyway, what else would he come to HIS apartment for? When they have finally settled down, each with a cup of tea or coffee, Katsura had begun his talk.

"Himura... I don't know if you had ever heard of this. A human's tear means persistence... and a vampire's tear means love. When this two significant tears get merged together. A new hope will form." Katsura looked at the emotions playing across Kenshin's face.


"But from what I have researched on... Vampires don't cry. Although they might be suffering from sadness and utter pain... there is no more tear for any single one of them to shed. Even if their heart are breaking down... no tears fell upon." Katsura stopped once again to sip his coffee. Kenshin's mind replayed the scenes when Kaoru was 'crying'. There were no tears among those cerulean eyes. Only a deep depth of sadness.

"I don't see what does that have to do with me..." Kenshin replied off curtly as his grip on the cup got tighter.

"It doesn't?" Katsura laughed heartily. His young boy here doesn't really know how to tell a lie.

"You have fallen in love haven't you?" Katsura asked. A small blush crept towards Kenshin's cheek. He refused to answer.


"And the worst part is... Her name's Elune Aszune... am I right?" Katsura asked, shocking not only the one in front him but the one beside him too.

"What?!" Takasugi's knee knocked onto the small table as he tried to stand up while Saitou kept his comments to himself since he had known it from the start. He just hated it when his intuitions are correct.

"... I don't know what you are talking about..." Kenshin averted his gaze as his mind continued to linger at Kaoru's face.

"No matter what... I believe you know where's their headquarters. We are going in today... we need a plan."

No matter what... Kaoru...

"I understand..." Kenshin replied as he told them what he knew. Kaoru had chosen her path... And he had chosen his.

~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~*~**~**~**~ **~*~**~**~**~**~**~**~

"Elune-sama.... Elune-sama!" Kaoru opened the lid to her bed as she saw who called her. Tyrande.

"What is it Tyrande..."

"The informers said that four men are making their way here. Fast." Tyrande reported. Kaoru's face remained stonic.

"I see..." She climbed out of her bed and took off her nightwear. She stared at the mirror and examined herself.

"Elune-sama?" Her body was still the same from the last time she saw the mirror. Her body was immortal... unchangeable. She had a body of a child when she was seventeen that year... like what Ryohei had said.

Now... after the blood of her late master had been transfused to hers... her body took a change. A more matured change. She had the curves and dents at the right places.

"Elune-sama?" Tyrande called out to her leader. She had been spacing out since she came back yesterday night.

"Call all of them awake and prepare their weapons. Gather at the grand hall in five mintues. Now." Kaoru commanded Tyrande as she wore her battle gear. Tyrande gave her a nod and exited her room. Kaoru spotted her meal in front of her. Tyrande had took up a drink of blood for her. Her mouth watered inside. The white fangs protruded out and the smell of blood. Her shaky hand took the cup and smashed it at the far wall.

No... she will not drink it anymore... she had chosen her path... She took the pair of kodachi on the wall and carried it along with her to the grand hall. Mummers was heard from behind of the big door. They have gathered already. Kaoru push the door to enter. And instantaneously, everything was quiet. Her footsteps could be heard clearly. When she reached to the view, she raised her kodachis up.

"Tonight! We will fight for our freedom of this cursed world! We will fight for our lives!" A roar of agreement swept through the people as they chanted her infamous name.

"Elune-sama!!" They raised their weapons as the roar became louder with each call. She exited the hall again and walked up the stairs with Tyrande who took her bow and arrow along her side.

"Tyrande... I need you to stay out of the fight... I will take down Battousai myself. Am I being understood Tyrande?" Kaoru asked without looking back.

"Hai. Elune-sama."

"Good. I'm glad you understand." Kaoru thanked her as she continued the flight of stairs.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

"We have arrived." Kenshin reported as he tightens his hold on the katana. He was coming to clear the world of the vampire race... and that would mean that Kaoru will have to go...

That also meant that they will have to fight... each other.

"Let's go." Katsura instructed them as Saitou kicked open the door. No one was there... or should I say... nothing. They entered cautiously.

Their steps echoed through the empty hall. A big creak sounded and the door closes. Kenshin caught something above them as the creature smiled at them.

"Surprise!" Down he came in a fast motion as others came just as fast from the other sides. Left, right, front, back and top. They were cornered. Gunshots were heard as Takasugi managed to shoot some and Saitou slashed his way around.

"Himura! You go for the Elune! Leave this trash to us!" Katsura demanded. Kenshin hesitated as he killed off some of them.

Go for Elune? Fight her? Kill her? Can he do it?

"Battousai! Get your ass up there now! Or would you rather she die at my hands!" Saitou volunteered as he saw Kenshin scowl and ran up the stairs that lead to the top.

No! If it was anyone who was going to kill her... he rather she die by his hands.

He pushed opened the door with full force as he saw at the far-end was someone waiting for him.

One of them was seated... another one was standing behind her. He took a step towards them.

It was Tyrande and... Kaoru or should he call her Elune. A snap of fingers was heard as the door clicked behind him. The woman on the chair stretched and yawned.

"I have been waiting for you Battousai." Kaoru stood up and unsheathe her kodachis.

"Draw your katana Battousai and fight me." Kaoru tempted as she held her kodachis at both sides. Kenshin kept his head low and gripped his katana tighter.

"Yesterday... you told me that you meant everything that you said when you were with me. Was... was it true..." Kaoru furrowed her eyebrows...

It was so true

"No... it wasn't... It was just a bait for you to trust me." Kaoru saw Kenshin's form started to tremble.

It was so true

"You lied to me? Yesterday night was all a joke then? Then why didn't you kill me back then?"

Because I love you too much

"Because, it wouldn't be honorable then. I prefer a fight and a good one would be appreciated. It has been long since I can fight by myself." Kaoru talked coolly watching Kenshin's every single move. Finally, his head rise slightly, making his amber eyes visible.

"Then I would let you die honorably as you hope Kaoru... or should I call you Elune." Kenshin bit through his teeth. Kaoru took a step forward and disappeared behind Kenshin as their blade met in a resounding snap as it echoed through the hall.

Kaoru jump back a little and in a moment all her movements became slow as her images and her surrounded Kenshin. Confusing him who was the real Kaoru.

Kenshin kept his defenses high as his eyes darted to each form of the moving images. Then in a quick movement all the images started turning in a full circle with their blades pointed at them. In three full spins the kodachis managed to contact with Kenshin's chest. Kaoru stopped the 'Ososugi de Ugoki' and looked at the still standing opponent. Kenshin looked up at Kaoru who was shocked as no injuries was seen on his chest.

"I was sure it met your body." Kaoru admitted as she scrutinized Kenshin's limps spotting for any injury. He held up his sheathe and the top part broke into three parts.


"I saw through that technique, the slow motion is just a lure for me to drop in. The important part that I have actually noticed that the three blades will always come from the front." Kaoru eyebrows twitched a little as Kenshin had actually seen through one of her proud techniques and had defended it.

"Excellent, Battousai. But can you take this?" Kaoru lunged towards Kenshin.

"Goku Juuji!" She yelled as she placed both of her kodachis together like a scissors and went for Kenshin's neck. Kenshin shot his katana in the middle of the kodachis. The both of them struggled for the upper hand of the battle.

Pain instantly invaded Kenshin's ribs as Kaoru kneed him as jump away. While gasping for air Kaoru threw her kodachis to his direction.

"Kodachi nitou ryuu On myou hasshi" Kenshin managed to divert the first kodachi away from him as he hit it with his katana. When he finally noticed the other one coming in fast towards him, he only managed to miss the hit by the second kodachi.

However, the sight that he saw when he locked his gaze with kaoru's form was not one to be contented. Kaoru was crouched on the floor panting for air. Her face was scrunched as pain stabbed through her body. Kenshin was sure that he didn't hurt her so why?

"Elune-sama! What happened?" Tyrande went to the side of her master. Kaoru's body felt hot as her clear blue eyes changed... into crimson red lusting ones. Tyrande saw the changes and immediately knew what happened.

"Elune-sama... you didn't drink the cup of blood right?" Kaoru growled at Tyrande as she stood up gasping for more air.

"Why? Elune-sama... you would not have the energy to win this battle. If so... let me fight this battle for you." Tyrande turned towards Kenshin and shot an arrow towards Kenshin.

"Tyrande! I told you this was my fight! Now get out of my way!" Kaoru warned as her red eyes glowed brightly. Kenshin caught the steel arrow inches before it even touched him. The arrow touched the ground with a sharp noise that broke the conversation Kaoru was having with Elune. Kenshin jumped to the sky and swirled.

"Go away!" Kaoru pushed Tyrande as she jumped away from the spot and before Kenshin dropped to the ground she ran towards him with both her kodachis above her head, as expected Kenshin blocked the first blow of her kodachi. Kenshin exerted more force on Kaoru hoping she would back down. But the second blade came down hard on the first kodachi which brought in more force in breaking his katana.

Kenshin finally realizing what she was doing struggled in letting the sharp blade of the katana facing the kodachi. He turned with utmost strength and enforcedly brought up his katana breaking her first kodachi. Still in shock, Kenshin whiled behind Kaoru.

"Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, Ryuu Kan Sen!" a cry of agony was sounded as Kaoru crashed upon the wall. Kaoru snapped out of her trance and moved a hand over her brokened ribs. Even breathing was a difficulty for her now. She stood up with the help of her last kodachi. At the far-end was the tip of her broken weapon. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

She under-estimated him.

Kenshin scrutinize Kaoru's rigid movements. She must be in pain. He thought in concern. His face winced at the thought of how much pain he had gave her. He lowered his katana and his guard. Forgetting about another existence behind him.

"Die! Battousai!" Kenshin eyes widened, as the last thing he saw before he fell is the helpless face of Kaoru. He crouched on the floor as blood seeped out of his body. Kenshin wouldn't be able to counter-attack the next blow if Kaoru had not shouted.

"Tyrande! DAMEEEE!!!" Kaoru yelled as her lungs burned for air and her ribs throbbed with pain. Kenshin knocked the katana she was holding and plunged his katana deep down into her heart.

"Amen..." Kenshin whispered as he kicked Tyrande out of his sword. Kaoru ran to the side of her surbodinate... her mentor... her friend.

"Tyrande... I told you not to interfere..." Kaoru murmured as she brushed of some strands of hair away from her face.

"Kaoru... you are like a daughter to me... I know what you are doing. I will always support your thinking. You have suffered enough." Kaoru shut her eyes tight as Tyrande revealed her thoughts.

"Do what your heart desire... our time has come... and its time to tie a knot against it. The others might not understand... but I always know what you are doing... and thinking. Set yourself free from the curse... and be happy Kaoru... be happy." The hand that cradled her face dropped to the ground as her figure slowly disappeared.

"Tyrande... Arigatou..." Kaoru stood up with her kodachi in tow. It was time to end everything. She turned around to find Kenshin with furrowed eyebrows. His grip on the katana had not loosened a bit.

"Come Battousai! It is time we end this fight." Kaoru urged him on as she saw Kenshin sheathing his sword.

That's it Kenshin... kill me

Kaoru unleashed a battle cry and ran towards him, as Kenshin did the same. Kenshin had already executed his technique halfway. Instead of blocking, Kaoru stopped her running, and dropped her kodachi and stood there smiling ruefully. Kenshin could not stop his movements before he finally understood what she was doing.

Kill me and set the both of us free...

"KAORU!!!!" Kenshin couldn't believe what she had done. Just then the door burst open to be filled with all his companions. He knelt there not moving an inch. The smile on Kaoru's face was still plastered on his face.

He wanted to see her smile.... her eyes... He couldn't lose her.

He hugged her tight and pressed her lips to his neck.

"Drink... drink it please." Kenshin pleaded as he cried silently. Kaoru pulled back as kissed him softly.

"My time has never started... I am made to die one day... but you Kenshin... your life hasn't even started halfway..." Kaoru protruded a fingernail and pressed into his cheeks.

"You will always be my little prey... little slayer..." She slid down his past wound and created a cross shaped scar.

"Promise me something..." Kenshin nodded his head meekly as he caressed her cheeks.

"Promise me that you would continue to live... and we will... meet one day... promise me we'll be together one day..." Kenshin smiled lovingly at her.

"Aa..." Kaoru smiled and snuggled into his embrace.

"I like your violet eyes better... they are so soft... your amber ones are sexy too." Kaoru giggled as she felt energy draining out of her.

Kenshin couldn't help but dropping a few tears on her cheeks.

Human tears are a sign of persistence

Silently, Kaoru had gone and left Kenshin nothing except for a lone tear she had shed for the first time in centuries

Vampire tears are a sign of love

Her body faded with the wind, as Kenshin grasped nothing but air helplessly. There was nothing he can do.

"In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into the depths of hell and eternal damnation, Amen..." Kenshin uttered softly to the wind as he stood up and looked at the sky... he would wait for her...

When both tears are merged together... a new hope will come


TBC (epilogue)


Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen ne... took so long to update... gomen gomen...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… Arigatou for those reviews ^^ Me HAPPY!! HAI!! I hope you'll like this chappie ne~ FIRST!! How was the battle scene? I hope it was good... my brain kinda shut off because the tons of exams im having ^^ I won't be able to have a fast update for the next too... because Im having another important exam in june and my school is preparing a lot of shit for that... an advance sorry for that ^^ GOMEN NASAI *bows* so how was the last part? Sad? Anybody cried? Kaoru died... hai~ Sad ne~ but the epilogue would be nice!! But a little unexpected... sooo PLs R&R ne!! DO ENJOY!! ARIGATOU!!



Ososugi de ugoki - Remember Aoshi's sword dance? Yeah this is the name for it

Dame - No

Arigatou - Thank you

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Rin_chan - Arigatou ne~ for ur supports and review... i really appreciate them... ^___^ hope you like this chappie

Shadow_cat - Thank you for the support you are giving me... I'm really happy to have such a supporter ^___^ hope you like this chappie

; -- You're confuse? Hmm... i admit that I made the story a little confusing at the first part... *bows* gomen nasai... but Still thanks for the effort you made to review... thank you

Arigatou Gozaimasu~!

Anou... those who want me to notify ya when I update do tell me ne... with your email add ne..~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!