Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kiseki ❯ Dinner at the Akabeko ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

`Kay I fixed this up fer u people, thanx fer all the reviews! And I make one note here, MY SPELLING IS REALLY, REALLY, REALLY BAD! I know that my family knows that, and my friends know that.
Sadly I do not own Rurouni Kenshin *poutie face* but I do own Kiseki! (Take that you ugly mutated lawyers*AHHHH!!!! They all look like Jaken AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!*)
Hehehe here is the next chapter…
Kiseki came home from the market the next day, carrying tofu in one hand and shutting the door to the dojo with the other. “Hey Kaoru! Your Tofu is here!” She shouted. Kaoru came to greet her; she took the tofu from her hands and went to prepare it. Soon after Kaoru went to prepare the tofu, Kiseki was pummeled by Ayame and Suzume. “Kiseki your home!” They squealed in unison. “Weren't you playing with Kenshin?” Kiseki asked getting up off the ground and dusting the dirt off her work kimono. “Uncle Kenny said he had to do laundry.” Suzume said sadly. “Well can I tell you a story then?” Kiseki asked polity.
“Story!” Ayame and Suzume said together. “Well,” She started and sat down on the dirt. “A long time ago, back before Kyoto was a city lived a prince. He wasn't a regular prince though, he had an unusually cold heart because of curse put on him--” Suzume and Ayame fell in love with her story, they sat in front of her like children watching Cartoon Network on Saturday.
Kenshin came around the corner he listened with wonder. “Then the Princess Kida and the Prince Se- I mean Jigen lived happily ever after.” Kiseki finished the story. “You a great story teller!” Suzume said happily danced around the way Kiseki described the dance The Prince and Princess shared together.
Out of the corner of her eye Kiseki saw Kenshin listening in on what they were talking about. “So Kenshin did you like the story?” She asked loudly for him to hear. He walked out of his hiding place, “Miss Kiseki I'm sorry for listening in on you, but your story it seemed so real.” He said. Kiseki stared at him, “So you like my story telling to huh?” she asked Kenshin nodded
She went inside for her next lesson in the Kamiya style when a young man looking around 20 or so came threw the door. “Hey Kenshin!” he said. Kiseki looked behind her to see who had come into the dojo. He was tall, and wore pretty much all white. His jacket had black stripes down the side and on the sleeves, on the back of his jacket it had the symbol of `Bad' written on it. Kiseki rolled her eyes. `This must be that Sano person I've heard about.' She thought and went inside to see where Kaoru disappeared to. “Hey Kenshin who was that?” Sano asked. “Oh that was Kiseki, Miss Kaoru's new student.” Kenshin said calmly. Sano went inside to the kitchen with Kenshin.
“So little Missy what about going to the Akabeko instead?” he asked. “Why when you're not even going to pay the tab?” She asked sourly. “Ah come on Katsu lent me some money for dinner at the Akabeko.” Sano said. “You depend way to much on Katsu to give you money.” Kaoru snapped. “So why can't we go to the Akabeko?” he asked pretending he didn't hear a word she said. Kiseki came in behind her was Yahiko. “Yeah lets go to the Akabeko to eat!” Yahiko said. “Well, I guess it would be al right … Let's Go!” she said. “And besides any thing at the Akabeko is better than the Raccoons cooking!” He shouted and bound for the door. Kiseki watched as Kaoru chased after them. “I guess we better go ahead.” Kenshin sighed.
Mostly in SANO'S POV
Kiseki walked out with them silent, not taking her eyes off the ground. Sano looked at her one more time, `Humm… She has red hair like Kenshin and if I could see…' Sano thought trying to look what color her eyes were. Kiseki looked up noticing Sano was staring at her. `What is he staring at?!' she wondered. She entered the Akabeko with Kenshin, Kaoru, a fairly bruised Yahiko, Sanosuke, Ayame and Suzume. “Hello Tae!” Kaoru said, “Why hi Miss Kaoru, Kenshin, Yahiko, Sano, Ayame and Suzume. And this is?” Tie said looking at Kiseki. “This is Kiseki, She is learning the Kamiya Kasshin style as well now, that she is.” Kenshin said. “Well then, hello Kiseki! I'm Tae” Tae said happily and led them to there table. “Well what it will be then?” she asked. Kaoru looked up at Tie “The usual Tae, thank you.” She answered. Tae brought them the food they ordered and they all dug in, Kiseki truly felt as if she were a part of a family, she may have only been there a day but she felt welcomed.
She thought to herself `Well I better not get my hopes high, after they find out how my parent's died they'll want to get rid of me.' “Are you gonna eat that Yahiko asked her. “What? Of course I am!” She said and began to devour the rice in front of her. `Yea just wait they'll get rid of me as soon as HE appears' Kiseki thought.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH Cliff hanger! Hehehe I'm so evil.
I will not write no more if you don't REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW REVIEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! *pulls out Bazooka* or I'll blast you to last year!!!!!!!!!!