Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ Truth Unveiled ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 17: Truth Unveiled


Previous: --

"Himura-san, I don't know why we live together, neither do I know who is the baby. Just... leave me alone. I'm tired." Kaoru said monotonously, immediately silencing Kenshin.

"Kaoru, I love you. Can you give me a chance at least? Trust me."

"I don't trust anybody. Not even you, Himura-san."

Hope that once rose shattered once again. And the only person who could mend back the pieces was the one that broke it.


"A little more Kaoru... Yes! Yes! Just another step!" Sabrina called as Kaoru walked through therapy. Despite, Sabrina's encouragement Kaoru dropped to her knees as her legs gave way.

"Kaoru!" Kenshin ran towards the quiet girl who sat there not even cringing after the fall. He instantly helped her up and to her wheelchair. He touched her cheek softly and asked her if she was injured anywhere. However she didn't make any movements nor say anything. It pained Kenshin's heart so much, but he had to be strong.

"Kenshin." Aoshi called out to the redhead doctor as he nodded. Kenshin did the same and walked towards Aoshi who wanted a private talk. Sabrina taking this chance and pushed Kaoru out of the therapy room and towards the vending machine.

"Thirsty, Kaoru-chan?" Sabrina chirped as she tried her best to fish out as many coins she has in her pocket. Kaoru just shook her head lightly. It was then; two nurses pass by with eyes staring at Kaoru. Sabrina noticed this and looked up to hear them whispering to themselves. She glared at them hard. It was fine if they whispered, she couldn't care less, but they could at least do it discreetly.

"That's the vixen I'm telling you about."

"You mean, she's the one Himura-sensei fell for? Takani sensei is so much better than her. What could Himura-sensei been thinking about?"

"Maybe he just wants a change." With that comment, the giggled but immediately stopped when Sabrina came up to them and gave them a glare.

"What's the problem with you?" Sabrina chided them without realizing that Kaoru had gone somewhere else.

"We were just stating facts." Came an arrogant yet shaking reply. Sabrina gritted her teeth as she force down the urge to just slap the bitches with what she got. She turned behind and found the space that was occupied with Kaoru supposedly... empty.

"Kaoru!" Sabrina reprimanded herself mentally. She turned back to the already gulping nurses.

"If anything happens to her... you ladies are getting it from me. Hard." Sabrina went to the other direction looking for her friend leaving the nurses to themselves whispering about how fortunate they were that Kaoru was gone to distract Sabrina.


"Kenshin, I have done a test on Kaoru's condition. Her muscles are functioning properly."

"What are you implying?" Kenshin narrowed his eyes and asked...

"Since her muscles and nerves are functioning well, there is no reason why she couldn't walk. So it must be due to-"

"To her psychological thinking." Kenshin cut Aoshi off and continued for him.

"Yes, I'm afraid that's the main problem of Kaoru. And there's another thing I wish to tell you about Kaoru. I believe that..." A knock on the door interrupted him; let's just say today wasn't his day for finishing an important point.

Kenshin went ahead an open the door and saw Kaoru alone outside the door.

"Kaoru? Where's Sabrina?" Kenshin enquired in concern as he saw her frown lightly and shook her head.

As if on cue stumbling of footsteps could be heard running down the hall and soon appeared before the therapy room.

"And why weren't you with Kaoru?" Kenshin gave a questioning gaze at his panting friend. Without any hesitation, Sabrina immediately grabbed Kenshin away leaving Kaoru alone while her gaze lay on the corner which they have just passed.

"What are you planning Kaoru?" Aoshi stated calmly, from all her reactions, all the puzzle had matched. Kaoru just looked up to meet icy blue eyes, and made no replies.

'I don't want to be a burden'


"I'm telling you, they are calling Kaoru a vixen and stuffs like you should go with Megumi instead of Kaoru!" Kenshin narrowed his eyes and amber started flowing within those gentle eyes.

"Who?" his low voice rang.

"That's not the problem. Kenshin… does Kaoru feel at home with you?" Sabrina asked, while looking at Kenshin's reaction. And well, let's just say she hit right on the nail.

"I'll take that as a 'no'. Why don't you let me take care of her for a few days and see how it goes. Maybe she'll feel better with a lady around her instead of you."

Ouch… that was what Kenshin was feeling right now. Although that sentence was kind of painful, but what Sabrina said was true. Kaoru might feel better and comfortable with another woman. Kenshin audibly sigh.

"I'll arrange to get her things over, she can follow you home tonight then." Kenshin announced as he walked back to the therapy room. Looks like its back to him and Kenji only.


"Kaoru, this would be your new room! You like it?" Sabrina smiled widely as she pushed her into the room filled with pictures of them and others together. Especially with a white hair idiot. She could almost feel a tug on her lips.

"Thank you." Kaoru smiled lightly to Sabrina as she placed her bags on the floor next to the closet.

"I've bought some dinner for us. Let's eat." With that they proceeded to the dining table and ate with laughter filling the air. This was the first time she had laughed so openly.

After dinner, Kaoru seated on the sofa with Sabrina's help and watched whatever was on for the day. She switched to one of the anime channel and stop. They were airing 'The Prince of Tennis' right now. She smiled. Are the guys in anime always so cute? She mused. A red-headed boy flashed past the screen and instantly, she drifted off to somewhere else.

"Earth to Kaoru!!" Sabrina yelled as it finally brought Kaoru back on track as she stared at her blankly. Sabrina heaved a sigh and placed the bucket of water, an empty bucket and a pack of ice along with a kettle on the floor.

Sabrina answered her questioning stare.

"I'm going to massage your foot." Sabrina beamed as Kaoru widened her eyes. Not waiting for a response, Sabrina took Kaoru's leg and placed them on the empty bucket and slowly filled it with some water, next she added ice.

"Is it too cold? Can you feel anything?" Sabrina asked as she rubbed the sole of her leg. Kaoru just shook her head. Sabrina smiled in assurance again.

"No worries, we can always add more ice." This continued again and again she added. But the result was the same and her hands were now freezing.

Sabrina looked up from her bangs and saw Kaoru's dejected face. She felt like crying for her friend. Where was the once cheerful little cherry that use to entertain to others needs then herself. Where was the real Kaoru?

Sliding back her mask she smiled once again and emptied the bucket and filled it with water again.

"Maybe you can feel something hotter, you are always sensitive to hot stuffs." It was meant to be a joke, but no one was laughing wholeheartedly. Even Sabrina was starting to give up.

And the ritual began again, more and more hot water was added in, but the result had no changes. Sabrina's smile dropped to a frown, knowing that her friend couldn't feel.

"It's okay Brinz." Kaoru choked. Great, now she made her best friend cry. Her teary eyes snapped to meet sapphire ones. Did she just call her what she heard?

"What… what did you call me again?"

"I don't have amnesia Brinz, I remember you, all of you. Every single memory is present." Kaoru finally admitted as she couldn't bear to see her friend feeling demoralize because of her. She didn't want anymore unhappiness. She was tired.


"Since the day I opened my eyes." Sabrina stood up immediately and went for the phone.

"No!" Kaoru caught her in time before she could dial Kenshin's number.

"No… promise me you won't tell anybody Sabrina." Kaoru's tear-filled eyes met hers.


"Promise me!" Kaoru demanded as her gripped on Sabrina's hand got tighter. Instantly Sabrina hugged on to Kaoru.

"Okay. I won't tell a soul. I promise. But why Kaoru? Why let yourself and Kenshin suffer, you know how much this is affecting him."

"I don't want to be a burden; I don't want to be a burden to him. I only add on to his problems, I can never help him with anything." Kaoru sobbed as she clutched onto Sabrina's shirt and finally let out all her sorrows and pent up emotions. All Sabrina could do was to pat her soft hair and provide her with comforting words.

She should have known, Kaoru had a heart of gold and wants the best for everybody. She must have heard the rumors and thought that it was the best to leave Kenshin and gets satisfied by just looking out for him.

"You are such a silly girl Kaoru…" Sabrina stroked her jet-blacked hair as her friend cried all night, finally allowing her own emotions to go free and not keeping it to herself.

"But… Kenshin would be…"

"I can't walk Brinz! I can never walk! He will be better with someone who's beautiful, rich, clever and helpful than to be with a limping handicapped!" Kaoru was driving herself crazy, she just didn't know what to do anymore. Hurting Kenshin was like killing herself torturously, dying in a slow agonize way. It was taking the toll on her.

"Kaoru… calm down!" Sabrina embraced Kaoru in a dead lock as she continued babbling on how useful Megumi is and how is she not.

It was a long night…


"Are you okay Darling?" Enishi asked as he hugged her body closer to his. His lover was just not right today. Something was bothering her. He was certain.

"Eh? No.. No.. what could be bothering me..?" Sabrina defended as she giggled.

"That was not very convincing, if you haven't noticed." Sabrina's smile immediately dropped as she adverted her gaze as she turned to the other side of the bed and just kept quiet.

"Hey, if you don't trust me with your secrets fine. Maybe if you can't even trust me, then lets forget it. I'm going home." Enishi gritted out of his teeth as he got out of bed and put on his shirt.

"Enishi!" Sabrina instantaneously got out of bed and grabbed onto Enishi's arm. Enishi inwardly smirked, this always worked. His little kitten was so predictable, but he loved her still as much. She was his light.

"Yes? Are you going to tell me what happened?" Enishi sat on the bed and pulled Sabrina close as she heaved a sigh and slowly related the events.

"It's about Kaoru. I was supposed to massage her leg just as Aoshi instructed and……"

It was indeed an elongated night.


"And then Kaoru admitted everything. That she doesn't have amnesia." Enishi told the gang about Kaoru's problem. Kenshin stood up all of a sudden with a pained expression on his face as he walked to the exit but was stopped by Aoshi.

"Sit." Aoshi instructed. Kenshin glared up as he pushed the wall aside but a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Kaoru has no determination to walk again; it very well explains why although her muscles are functioning normally, she couldn't bring herself to walk. I have a plan that will let her know she could do it, but I need you to be the bad guy for once. If this succeeds, I ensure you that Kaoru would be at your side and she will be able to walk." Enishi explained to Kenshin sensibly. Kenshin shoved Enishi's hand away.

"And what if it doesn't." Kenshin growled.

"Then it just has to." Enishi answered back Kenshin with equal venom. The two loggerheads glared at each other.

"Lets stop it guys, Enishi tell us the plan." Misao broke the pair successfully as she shook her head, before they even started it, those two were already fighting.

"Kitsune-sensei, you can come in now." Enishi called out as the door opened and revealed Megumi.

"And why are you here?" Misao hissed as she jumped out of her seat.

"I want to help, Kaoru and Kenshin."

"Well, I guess you did enough." Misao shot back but before she could add other comment, Enishi cut her and explained what exactly was his plan.

"I need you and you to act as a couple." Enishi pointed at the respective people and started instructing who was supposed to do what.


"We are going to have dinner with the rest today Kaoru." Sabrina told the news as she tied her blonde hair into a bun with some stubborn strands falling out of place. Kaoru smiled and nodded as she rolled herself on the wheelchair to the living room to find Enishi on the sofa waiting for them.

"How are you feeling today?" Enishi smiled his sexy smile as he ruffled his little sister head.

"I'm fine, thank you. How about you Yukishiro-san?" Enishi smirked and wondered to himself how long her façade could last. He bowed like a gentleman and smiled assuringly.

"I'm wonderful, thank you. " Enishi smiled, Kaoru's eyes widened slowly. She knew that smile… it was as if he had something up in his sleeves.

"I'm ready!" Sabrina jumped into the living room and smiled as she dragged both Kaoru and Enishi out of the door and maybe… into the beginning of Kaoru's greatest nightmare.



Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama Konnichiwa…

I know this took SUPER LONG hiatus. *cries* I didn't mean too… I just started with my new college life.. not getting good but… *siGhx* kinda suck.. but im trying very hard though. Shall cut this short.. sorry for the long wait.. I hope I would able to complete the others soon… thank you and may u enjoy!! *gRinX*

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… *bows* arigatou...

Anou... those who want me to notify you when I update do tell me and provide your email add ne~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!!