Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ Unintentional Plan ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin woul be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loath what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 4: Unintentional Plan

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Previous: --

Kenshin took a little miso into his mouth. Turned Kaoru to face him. With no warning, he covered her mouth over his. Forcing the miso into her mouth. Some managed to slip out of their locked mouth. Kenshin let her go after he had passed to her everything.

"Oishii?" Kenshin asked as he licked the miso from her neck back to her lips.

"Baka..." Kaoru said as she changed her position to straddle him.

"But I like it." With that Kaoru kissed him on the lips. Tasting each other.

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Kaoru had been allowed to work under Kenshin. Everything was fine. Megumi seems to have stopped bothering her.... for the moment. Just after that, Megumi walked pass the counter to give some files to Hitomi.

"I want them before tomorrow. I need it for the coming conference." Without waiting for a reply, she glared at Misao and Kaoru and walked off.

"Bitch." Misao whispered to Kaoru. Kaoru cringed her eyebrows together.

"You really shouldn't say that about her... she isn't a bitch.. so get that into your brain now Makimachi Misao." Kaoru replied as she packed the files that Kenshin had passed to her.

"Why do we have to take the night shift today?" Misao grumbled as she accompanied Kaoru to Kenshin's office.

"Because, Sou chan and Tetsuya has been taking night shift since last week. Let them have some free time. Not only the both of us have darlings to be with. The both of them have to."

"Hai... hai..." Misao surrendered to Kaoru. Kaoru was the most naïve and yet caring person she has ever met. It's a wonder that a person like Kaoru is here on earth. It is also a wonder why Megumi hate her so much.

"Misao chan... were you listening to me?" Kaoru said in annoyance.

"Eh? You were talking about?" Misao could not do much but laugh silly. Kaoru gave a sigh.

"I was saying.... about Shinomori sensei..." As expected Misao dropped the files and gave a shriek.

"What about him? What about him." Misao asked excitedly latching herself to Kaoru's arms like a child. Kaoru giggled at the sight.

"Relax! So how are things between the both of you?" Kaoru asked casually as she helped Misao with the files. Misao blushed to crimson red. She opened her mouth but nothing came.

"Misao chan... you're red..." Kaoru giggled again.

"The both of you are so compatible... don't worry... I think Shinomori sensei loves you more than you think." With that she take the files from Misao and enter the office.

'Kaoru... I think you and Himura are compatible too... I just hope that the both of you can love each other even though there are obstacles... Namely... Takani Megumi.' With that thought she smiled and went to one of the wards to check out the patient.


"Himura Sensei... the files you want..." Kaoru said as she placed the files on his table. Kenshin made no response. Kaoru pouted she looked at the stationary man in front of her. She coughed to get his attention. None came. He was breathing evenly, right hand clutching the pen Kaoru gave him. She smiled at that. His left hand was clutching a small golden watch clock. She lifted his scarlet bangs, to reveal the truth. He was sleeping. Kaoru's smile widens. But he has to complete his stuff... or he would be in a bad mood. Kaoru went to his side and shock him lightly.

"Kenshin... wake up..." Kaoru said as she heard him groan. He stirred from sleep. Straight away looking at the most beautiful blue bright eyes. It seems to have lit the room to a brighter light. He had already forgotten that he was at his office. He grabbed her and placed her on his lap.

"Why are you still in your uniform dear?" Kenshin asked as he buried his head in her hair. Biting her neck, sending thrills down her spine.

"Ken... Kenshin... we are still in the... office." Kaoru stammered as she buried her fingers into his red mane.

"Of course we are at the office... where else could we be... the office...." Suddenly Kenshin stopped his sweet torture as reality struck him.

"Office!!!" Kenshin pulled back to look around him. He groaned inwardly. Kaoru giggled at the sight.

"Yes anata... You have dozed off just now... the documents you need for tomorrow's early conference are on your table ne." Kaoru said as she retied Kenshin's red hair. Kenshin gave another sigh.

'Of all place... the office...'

"Why are you still here?" Kenshin asked her as he winced slightly at the pull of his hair. Kaoru stuck out a little of her tongue.

"Gomen... I have night shifts for the whole of the next two weeks. Have you forgotten?" Kaoru said casually as she got of his lap, straightening her uniform.

"Eh? Two weeks? So that's mean... I don't get to see you in bed for the next two weeks?" Kenshin said almost pleading. Kaoru turned around, hands on her hips, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What am I to you? Mr. Himura. I haven't even said about you yet. You literally forgot about my birthday. Thinking that it was the next two days! And here you are not even saying 'sorry'. Kenshin no baka!" With that she turned around and walked away.

"Wait! Suman Kaoru!" Kenshin said grapping her wrist pulling her back into an embrace. Kaoru turned away from Kenshin. He cupped her chin with his fingers. His other hand wrapping her slender figure into his. Kaoru melted into his embrace. Of course, as always she had already long forgave him about the birthday thing. He was a busy man after all. She can't possibly expect him to remember every little single thing. That would prove unfair to him. Soon his soft lips covered hers. She returned the kiss as it exploded into a passionate kiss.

But a knock on the door, broke them apart. Kenshin swore that killing the person was what he wanted to do before Kaoru pecked him on the cheeks and went out. Not before Kenshin told her to help him to prepare a cup of coffee.

"Oops... came in at the wrong time now did I?" The doctor who had long black hair walked into the room.

"What do you want? Shogo." Kenshin said as he ruffled his hair.

"Touchy, aren't we." Shogo made himself comfortable on the chair as he earned a icy glare from Kenshin.

"I came to talk to you about the conference for tomorrow." Shogo said in a stern voice.

"What about it?" Kenshin looked at the golden watch he had and smiled inwardly.

'Kaa san...'

"Oi! Stop grinning like an idiot! Follow me down and I get you the files." Shogo said going out the door.

"Oro? Hai! Wait for me will ya?" Kenshin said as he exited his office running to catch up his junior in kendo class. After all... he was the 'master' in kendo.


"I wonder how many cubes of sugar he would like?" Kaoru asked herself as she neared his office. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she nearly knocked onto someone... who unfortunately was Takani Megumi.

"Watch where you are going girl." Megumi scowled.

"Gomen nasai Takani sensei. I wasn't looking at where I was going." Kaoru apologize to the woman before her.

"That was obvious enough. I believe that coffee is for Ken san. Let me bring in for him. Go to work and don't you dare laze around. Go and make the rounds for the level." Megumi snatched the coffee from Kaoru's hand as she went into the office without waiting for Kaoru's reply. Kaoru not sensing anything wrong. Just shrugged her shoulder and disappeared into one of the wards.

Making sure that Kaoru have gone, Megumi took out a pill from her pocket.

'This should make sure that Ken san gets enough sleep.' She dropped the pill in the coffee. Her smiled dropped into a frown.

'I can't believe he works in such messy environment. That Tanuki didn't even helped him packed it up. What a girlfriend.' Without any permission, Megumi placed the coffee in a corner and started stacking up the files in proper order. But the constant moving of files made her unintentionally drop the golden watch clock that Kenshin placed on the side of the table. She picked it up gingerly.

'Shit... what mess have I gotten into? Wait... Ken san doesn't know I'm here. Only Tanuki. So if Ken san finds out that his watch clock is spoilt or even lost.... the first to be blame is Kaoru... and I would have Ken san all to myself.' Megumi slot the watch clock into her coat.

"Megumi, you are such a genius." Megumi whispered to herself. She looked around and went out of the room. Not noticing a pair of piercing black eyes staring at her.


Kaoru sighed as she walked down the all too familiar hallway leading to Kenshin's office. Her hands occupied by another pile of files for the meeting. Reaching the room, she noticed that the lights were off.

"He went home already? But he didn't even tell me...." Kaoru said to herself as she pushed open the door. To find, everything neat and tidy, chair pushed in, coffee left in the middle but his computer was still on. Kaoru wriggled her nose.

'Something's not right...' She thought and placed the files on the empty space of the desk. Then she noticed, the golden watch clock was missing. Kenshin won't leave it anyway unless he would be going back to his office the next minute.

'I think he DID went home... he didn't even drink the coffee...' Kaoru thought frowning. She swore that he was going to get it from her after his meeting. Kaoru caught a glimpse that the document that he was working on previously was left unsaved. She opened the top drawer, taking out a diskette. Saving it for him. After that she put the diskette back where it belongs. She let out a sigh again. With that she left the room


"Damn! Can't believe that I forgot all about that documents for the conference." Kenshin grumbled as he opened the door of his office. He abruptly stopped at the entrance. Everything was neat and tidy, chair pushed in, coffee in the middle of the table, a scent of jasmine lingered in the air and the lights were off.

"What the?" Kenshin quickly on the lights and scanned his office. His eyes widen as he saw the computer screen. Blank. All his hard work went down the drain. Kenshin slump onto his chair. He couldn't believe it.

'Who could have done this?' He thought. He was mad with rage. He never liked people o arrange his table without his consent. Kenshin noticed that something was missing. He looked everyway on the table, between files, drawers and even under the table. His golden watch was missing. The only gift he got from his mother. Gone.

'Who came into the room?' His eyes traveled to the coffee cup. He picked up the phone and dialed Kaoru's counter number.

"Hai. Moshi moshi? Makimachi desu kedo." Came the voice of Misao.

"Misao, Get Kaoru on the phone." Kenshin said in a stern voice. On the other side, Misao stammered a 'yes' and looked quizzically at the phone before Kaoru picked up the phone. Kaoru gestured a 'what-happened' look. Misao shrugged her shoulder and replied with a 'who-knows?' look.

"Yes, Kamiya desu. How can I help you?" Kaoru asked politely.

"Kaoru. Come to my office now." Kenshin's low voice stunned Kaoru.

"Hai. I'll be on my way-" Before Kaoru can asked what happen, Kenshin hung up the phone.

"I wonder what's wrong with him? He sounds so angry... I wonder why?" Kaoru asked to no one in particular.

"Maybe his hormones are in rage." Misao said audible enough for Kaoru.

"Misao chan!" Kaoru blushed furiously as she tried to put on an angry mask.


"What's taking you so long? Shogo san hates waiting." Came a male voice after a knock. Not waiting for a reply from the orthopedic, he opened the door.

"Akira.... I'll be down in another few minutes. I have something to attend to." Kenshin said as he let out a sigh.

"You look like an exploded volcano. You sure you fine?" Kiyosato said as he picked up the cup of coffee and handed it to him. Kenshin raised a hand and shook his head.

"I haven't touched it. You can have the drink if you want to." Kenshin said as Kiyosato happily drank down the coffee.

"Wow... This is great stuff. As I was saying... Who made you this mad?" Akira asked innocently. Kenshin sighed again. He started to relay the story about what had happen. He also admitted he was a little suspicious that it was Kaoru's doing... but then again... could it be?

"How could you say that about Kaoru chan? I mean after all the both of you have been together for like... 5 years now."

"5 years, 3 months, 28 days, 23 hours, 15 minutes and 20 seconds to be exact." Kenshin said as he looked at the clock on the wall. Kiyosato didn't know what to do. To be amazed or to think that he's really dumb in a sense.

"Since you are willing to count the EXACT time, days then why... why..." Kiyosato started to feel dizzy all of a sudden.

"Akira? You okay?" Kenshin asked standing from his position.

"I feel lightheaded all of a sudden..." Before Kiyosato could finish his sentence he dropped to the floor.

"Akira!" Kenshin went to his side and felt his forehead and breathing. Everything was fine. So why? He looked at the coffee cup and narrowed his eyes. Kenshin pried Kiyosato's finger from the cup and looked at the content of the coffee. His amber eyes widen at sight of what was in it.

"Kenshin? You wanted to see me?" Of all times Kaoru decided to come in to his office this moment. She looked shocked at what or who was near Kenshin's feet.

"Kiyosato sensei?"

"Why did you do it?" Kenshin growled. Kaoru couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Did you came into the room just now?" Kenshin asked voice as fierce as before. Kaoru furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes, I thought you went home, I helped you-" Before Kaoru could say that she even helped him saved the document. All of Kenshin's anger started pouring on her.

"What made you think so? And where did my watch clock went? What happened to it?" Kenshin asked or more like threatening.

"What are you talking about? When I came in it wasn't the-"

"That's the lamest joke I ever heard Kaoru maybe you should brush up your humor skills. You think that my watch clock can get up and walk by himself? You really think so don't you?" Kenshin said without thinking of the consequences.

Kaoru was taken back by what Kenshin had said and more criticizes continued. She was hurt, so deeply hurt that he thought of her so little. She didn't mind the scolding she got if she had done something wrong. But she hasn't done anything wrong. Has she? She even helped him to save the document. Was that something wrong too? Kenshin didn't quite stop for even a second as he continued to reprimand her of nothing she had done. She was tearing up inside. How could he blamed and accused her of nothing she had done? How could he? She had given her everything to him. The least he could do is at least trust her. Kaoru held back her tears. She was not going to be weak in front of him. Not now!

"You think that I'm that kind of person?" Kaoru asked. Pain evident in her cracking voice. Kenshin who was still blind from anger, didn't notice it. Instead... he added something he shouldn't have.

"I shouldn't judge a person by her cover." Kenshin blurted out. His eyes widen at what he had said and immediately regretted what he had say and did. It was Kaoru's turned who got angry. She looked at him defiantly.

"I didn't know you distrust me to such extend Himura sensei. I would keep your words in mind!" Kaoru snatched the cup from his hand. Ready to splash the remaining content into his face. She stopped in mid-air.

'He doesn't have any spare white collar tee here... and the coffee stain would not be nice for his meeting. He wouldn't have time to change... forget it!' Kaoru thought as she slammed the coffee cup on his desk. Literally making all the files to jerk a little at the impact. She went to the drawer and withdrew a black diskette.

"Here's your bloody document that you were working on! Himura sensei! Guess what? I think I should have just let you retype every single word! What's the use of helping?" A lone tear finally found it's way down her cheek.

"Kao-" Kaoru flung the diskette right on Kenshin's face and stomped out of the office to the girls' restroom.

T BC….

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Kenshin's a baka here. I know I know I know!! But everyone would bound to get angry and say something that he or she would regret ne... Gomen for the LONNNGGGG update again... I had many things to do... -_- very tired... feel like hanging myself... Anyway! I just hope that the next update wouldn't keep all you readers out there waiting for too long ne! ARIGATOU!!

About Assassin's of Love... anou.... GOMEN!! Yes! I took LONG for the epilogue... I promise that I'll get it out soon.... and I have a sequel in mind already.... I know! I'm an idiot! Haven't even finish my epilogue... i'm already thinking about my sequel... shweesh... what's with me??

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

yiu carmen -- HAPPY ending!! DUn worry... just a few obstacles... ^^ This is only the beginning... ^^ Of course.. if you ask some other readers... they will all know that I'm a KK hardcore fan.. i promise you that you would love the ending ne.. ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Yes!! It's that doujinshi pic!! I lOVE kenshin in there soooo CUTE!! ^^ I hope you'll like this chappie ne... ^__^ Thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

[ ] -- There's actually no bracket. Relax.. I know i know I dun like Megumi too.. ^^ haha~ Not dun like...but... I dun really like her attitude ^^ thanks for the review... I hope you'll like this chappie.. ^__^

omochi -- haha~ Gomen, gomen. I hope that you like this chappie. Thank you. Thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

SailorLoneStar --Here's the update... hope that you'll like this chappie...thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Battousai angel --Sou sou! Megumi's a bad girl here.. but later on she will be better ne.. I like the miso soup scene too!! Here's the update.. I hope youll like it.. thanks for the review too ^__^

Minakokiss -- Hontou? These is goiong to be a good fic? Thanks for the compliment... You wrote 'departure sacr' ne.. I like that ficcy too ^__^ Thanks for the review.. i hope you'll like this chappie ne... ^__^

Midori Natari Himura -- Thanks for the review!!! ^^ Midori kun! I hope you'll like this chappie ne.. ^__^

dreamaker13 -- Really? I'm ur fave author?? Arigatou!! Hontou ni Arigatou! your fics are nice too ne!! Keep on trying! If you need my help.. dun hesitate to tell me ne... I would try my best to help ya!! As a friend ne.. ^__^ thanks for the review... here's the update.. hope you'll like it.. ^__^

Nye-Yen -- here's the update... I hope you'll like it... Thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

marstanuki -- Ok.. relax man! In the end everyone's happy... that's my motto ^^ here's the update ne... ^^ thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Emerald Eyes -- Well they will... but it will be in the later part ne.. maybe after the REAL incident...Here's the update... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

[ ] -- No brackets ne.. Here's the update for this chappie.. I hope you'll like it ne.. ^__^ Thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Hotaru Yukishiro Tomoe Kamiya -- HOTARU CHAN!!! is this okay?? hehe~ Hotaru chan! Hotaru chan! Hotaru chan! hehe~ thanks for the review... here's the update ne.. hope you'll like it. ^__^

Hatokirei -- Yo! haven't seen you for a LOOONNNGGG time ne... ^__^ Hope you'll like this chappie ne... Thanks for reviewing.. ^__^

Chibi -- I respond to all reviewers ^^and that includes YOU ^__^ Enishi's in!! Next chappie.. I hope... ^__^Thanks for the review ne.. here's the update... I hope you'll like it ne.. ^__^

Willow -- Thanks for the cute review... I hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

Yuki shinomori -- Well... Yahiko is Kenshin patient ne ^^ Thanks for the review... i hope you like this chappie ne.. ^__^

J.J -- Here's the update... I really hope you'll like this.. ^__^

Tan Kimiko -- Please calm down kimiko chan! The story can't go on if Megumi dies.. -_-'' HEY! I wanna try the miso soup too!! Here's the update... I hope you'll like it ne.. ^__^

aoshigal -- ^__^ Glad you like it... I hope you'll like this chappie too ne.. ^_^ Thanks for the review...

mama-sama -- u think so? Hmmm... but nevermind... I hope you like this chappie.. ^__^ Thanks for the review ne...

Aizel -- Yeah... later Kenshin will show his 'true colours' that is.. ^^ I hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for reviewing.. ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Well to tell you the truth... i dun really like Megumi though... ^^ Me too!! I wanna boyfriend like Kenshin ... just imagine... alone in a room.. with Kenshin... I wonder what well i do... *Ohohohoho* Ok... i hope you'll like this chappie.. thanks for the review ne... ^__^

MidnightStar -- Thanks for the compliment... Here's the update... I hope you'll like it ne.. Thanks for the review too.. ^__^

feve 30 --Hmmm... I understand whatcha mean... Thanks a lot... the character development well be slowly developed by each chapter! THanks! you are a GREAT help! Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ^__^

Hisaki Kei -- Hai degozaru! I won't give up now! As long as someone is willing to read and tell me their feelings about my fic... I am more than happy to continue ^^ Thanks for the review.. I hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

angelica -- Hey... you and me are in the same boat... i dun like megumi too.. ^^ Hai! I won't give up ne.. ^^ Here's the update... I hope you'll like it.. ^__^ Thanks for the review...

Dralion Lily -- Woooww... cool name you have there... ^^ I will continue... sorry to worry you readers... I have been way to busy these few weeks -_- ''' I hope you'll like this chappie ne.. thanks for the review ^__^

SakuraCherryBlossom -- You are really busy with School ne.. poor imouto chan... daijoubu? Thanks for the review.. i hope you'll like this chappie... ^__^

Karine -- THANKS PAL!! You're my FREN!! Those ideas WERE GREAT!! THANKS A LOT!! ^__^