Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ warnings ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 8: Warnings

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Previous: --

"Ki... tsune..." Sanosuke immediately went to her side. She felt... strangely calm... why?

"What happen?" Sanosuke's voice serious with a little tinge of gentleness.

Megumi just shook her head and cried into his chest... Her eyes opened to expose...



She won't forgive Kaoru... if she can't get Kenshin... Kaoru won't either...

Plans started to weave in her mind.... Kaoru will die!

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Kaoru lay deep under the covers, Kenshin firm arms wrapped around her slim waist possessively. Sleep was obviously evading her. She opened her eyes again to stare at the darkness in front of her. All she could feel and hear was Kenshin chest against her back and his steady breathing. She looked at her left hand that held her engagement ring. She loved it. She raised her hand to her lips and kissed the ring.

Suddenly, she felt the arms around her tighten as Kenshin snuggled into Kaoru's neck. Kaoru giggled as her hand went up to stroke Kenshin's red mane. After a short while, Kenshin's soft breathing returned. She caressed his hand up and down. Kenshin unconsciously let out a groan. Kaoru stifled a yawn. Just when she had fun torturing her fiancé, sleep had to come to her. Another yawn came. She cuddled closer as the pair of hands squeezed her tighter. The last thought of what would be their future made her smile...

Himura Kaoru.... not Kamiya Kaoru anymore....


"I'm going to stay at Misao chan's house for the next two weeks ne... Aoshi san would come over here for a stay over too." Kenshin nearly got chocked after he heard the last sentence.

"Why? I mean..."

"Girls' stuff... you won't understand even if you are a doctor." Kaoru waved his question off as she sipped her coffee. Kenshin pouted cutely. Kaoru's eyes caught his face and giggled.

"Daijoubu... it's only for two weeks. I believe Aoshi san would be a good company." Kaoru said smiling.

"Not in bed...." Kenshin muttered making Kaoru blush. She stood up and went to the room to get her stuff.

"Anyways... I won't change my mind."

"Christmas is coming... aren't we going to do something?" Kenshin ask hoping and praying she would buy it and stay.

"You can do it with Aoshi san... I'll do it with Misao ne. I have to be going now... Ja ne..." Before she stepped out of the house, Kenshin grabbed her hand, twirling her around. He kissed her passionately, leaving the both of them breathless.

"I'll miss you..." Kenshin said as he kissed her neck.

"I'll miss you too... Just don't do anything bad when I'm not around ne.." Kaoru joked as she stepped out of the embrace and waved goodbye to him. Misao's house was just around the corner. Two blocks away from hers.

She pressed on the doorbell and waited for Misao. After some screaming and 'ITAI' coming from inside, Misao managed to open the door alive.

"What's going on? You rolled down the stairs didn't you?" Kaoru arched an eyebrow while looking at her knees. Misao smiled ruefully as she laugh.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Aoshi would be going over in another hour's time." Kaoru nodded.

"You brought the stuff?" Misao asked eagerly. She got a wink as the both of them raced up to the room and set off to work.


"Aoshi , welcome." Kenshin greeted his friend as he gestured for him to come in. Kenshin heaved a sigh as he thought about how Kaoru could do this to him. This was going to be a long week... he just knew it.

"Aoshi, the guestroom is straight in front... yes yes... it's on your left." Kenshin instructed him as he locked the main door. He was drifting away again until Aoshi caught his attention.

"Himura, I see that the kodachi that Kamiya owned is still in great form." Aoshi complimented the kodachi as he unsheathes the kodachi. The shiny blade shone out. Kenshin just smiled at him as he entered the kitchen.

"Aoshi... you know what the girls are up to? They seemed to be hiding something." Kenshin asked as him as he sort out the ingredients.

"Aa... Misao is weird these days after her shopping with Kamiya." Kenshin could only nod in agreement. Kenshin then smiled as he have finally understood everything...

"I bet they are hand making something for us..."


"Itai!" Kaoru screamed as the needle sank into her skin.

"Kaoru chan... How many times are you intending on torturing your fingers? Himura's going to kill me if you disfigure them ya know..." Misao sighed as she passed the plaster to Kaoru. She wrapped it nicely over the small wound. Practically, her whole set of fingers were plastered. Kaoru pouted.

"Mou... how can I finish this by Christmas... without getting myself killed?" Misao giggled at Kaoru's sentence.

"Well... think on the bright side... at least having all ten of your fingers plastered the knitting needles won't hurt you anymore." Misao said as she herself looked at her eight plastered fingers and sighed.

"YOSHI! Let's get back to work ne!" Kaoru cheered her genki friend as they continue working on their work piece just for their sweetheart. Of course... while hurting themselves.


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"Kaoru nee, what happen to your fingers?" Ayame, Kaoru's favorite patient asked as she settled Ayame for bed.

"Daijoubu, daijoubu! Kaoru nee is doing something for someone that's why." Ayame and Suzume's eyes widen as they latched onto Kaoru's arm.

"What is it? For who?" Kaoru smiled at the two enthusiastic little ones.

"For your Ken nii..." Kaoru whispered. The two little girls brightened up. Little did Kaoru know that these two innocent ones were the spies for their Ken nii.

"What did you do for him?" Kaoru whispered into their ears and winked.

"Promise to keep it as a secret?" The two nod their head in a swift action. Kaoru smiled and bid them goodbye as she went to checked on the other paitents. After making sure Kaoru was gone, Kenshin went to their bedside.

"Ken nii!!" Now they latched onto Kenshin's side.

"So?" The both of them went to his ear and whispered what Kaoru was doing. He grinned as he DID have his guess correct.

'Now to inform Aoshi later this evening.' Kenshin thought.


"I wonder what will Aoshi get for me...." Misao asked her friend as they settle on the king size bed and started their work again.

"I bet he will get some really nice stuff for you Misao chan... unlike some stupid, insensitive, ungrateful doctor I know... who only intended to give me three pieces of ribbon for my Christmas present... and here I am torturing myself with these knitting needles for him. That stupid miser." Kaoru grumbled as she inserted the right needle from the right to left through the front loop of the next stitch on the left needle.

"Hahaha, I don't think Himura would be so ne... Maybe he has a surprise!" Misao laughed as she inserted the right needle into the back loop of the next stitch on the left needle. She blew her fringe away from her face as she read the next instruction.

'Row 15: With blue, k1, *k1, s1, k1, s1, k3, s1, k5, s1, k3, s1, k1, s1, k2;'

She wrapped the yarn on the right needle and started with her work. The more the both of them did... they kind of enjoy it and not to mention... they ARE getting better.

"Yatta! Misao chan! I've finished the sleeves!" Kaoru exclaimed as she plopped backwards on the bed.

"Sugoi! You are getting better... I wouldn't have the patience to do a sweater like yours but I personally think that Kenshin would love it. Aoshi would prefer his trenchcoat over mine... So I decided on this scaft." Misao said as she held up the half done navy blue scaft. The both of them laughed, suddenly a roar of rumbled was heard. They looked at their stomach and rubbed it in a circular manner.

"Let's better get something to eat."

"Yup, before we starve your baby till he pops out and say 'Kaa chan! Harahetaaaaa!'" With that Misao ran down the stairs laughing with an angry Kaoru racing after her.


"Ano ther day to go..." Kenshin sighed as he stroke off the date on the calendar. He stared at it for a few moments before going back to his work. After checking some documents he typed in the relevant informations. Just then his phone rang. Thinking that it might be Kaoru he reached out for it in a hasty motion.

"Moshi moshi? Kaoru?" There was silence.

"Moshi moshi?" Kenshin tried again... so maybe it wasn't Kaoru... but who the hell was it. He could hear clearly the ragged breathing of the otherside.

"I know you are there, is there something wrong and who are you?" Kenshin was getting fustrated. But he just couldn't venture his anger there, it might be a patient, even his little spies has his phone number.

"Hello... this is not funny you know... can you at least tell me your name?" Kenshin stated.

"Ke... Kenshin..." Okay, at last the person started to talk.

'A female?' Kenshin thought.

"Yes, Himura Kenshin here... and you are?"

"Ken... shin... I love you.... Don't leave me alone... onegai... come back to me... I promise I'll be good... onegai... Just don't leave me..." Kenshin was stunned. Well, it wasn't everyday someone calls you and confessed what ever she has for you.

"I'm sorry... but I love another... you are?" Damn! He didn't even know her name!

"You can never love that tanuki! She's nothing compared to me! Who is she? What is she? What does she has that I don't?" Kenshin eyes narrowed, as he finally knew who was it. And insulting his one and only wouldn't please him much.

"Megumi... please..."

"Ken san... please... come back to me..." Kenshin shut his eyes as he ruffled his hair.

"Megumi... I thought you have understood what I told you the other day. We cannot be together... besides, Kaoru's pregnant... I love her and I got my responsibilities."

"That's two different problems! She can go for abortions! The both of you are not married yet! You can still refuse this wrong engagement!" Kenshin's eyes widen as he registered what Megumi had been implying. He had known her to be a nice lady. He didn't know she would say such words to him.

"Megumi... do you know what are you trying to say?"

"Yes! And I mean every word of it! We belong to each other Ken san! You and I!" Megumi cried. It was obvious that she was crying by now as sniffs and sobs could be heard.

"Megumi... being persistence isn't going to help you. I don't know why are you still holding a grudge with Kaoru. She hardly even talked to you. She smiles at you, she defends you at time... and here you are... asking ME to leave her! You of all people! I thought you understood me... I thought you understood why I left you. You and I knew it wasn't because of Kaoru. We are not the right one for each other. You know it Megumi. How our personality contradict each other."

"That's just an excuse! I know that vixen came in between us! That bitch!"

"Megumi!" Kenshin could no longer stand it anymore, not only did she totally have the concept wrongly. She even blamed his Kaoru of the entire fault, which she didn't even commit. Megumi who was shocked could only keep quiet, as this was the first time Kenshin raised his voice on her.

"Stop putting all the blame on Kaoru! She has done nothing but good to you! And all you do is to make things more difficult for her! She lets you boss you around cause she and never complains because she knows that if she does, our relationship between you and me is going to break even more soon! And what do you do? You bite the hand that helps you!"

"If I can't have you! Neither can she!" Megumi argued back. Kenshin stood from his working table as he banged his hand on the table. Oblivious to Aoshi's form at the door listening to what Kenshin was saying.

"I love her and there's nothing you can do to stop the both of us from marrying each other! There is a good guy out there waiting for you! All you do is to insult Sanosuke and cause him humiliations. Are you sure you know what are you doing? Megumi! Wake up! The relationship between us has past! The future is what we must hold! Can't you see that!"

"STOP! I don't wanna see anything! All I want is YOU! And I would do ANYTHING! You hear me! Anything! To get you! ANYTHING! Tell Kamiya to watch her back!" With that Megumi slammed her phone down.

"Megumi! Megumi!" Kenshin glared at the hand set.

"Fuck!" Kenshin swore as he threw the phone to the other side of the room.

"Himura... what happened?" Aoshi asked monotonously.

"Aoshi, you have been there since..."

"From the beginning. Takani isn't an easy woman to deal with. Be more cautious around her." Aoshi advised Kenshin as he went to pick up the phone.

"Look out for Kamiya." Aoshi reminded him again as he patted him on the shoulder as he exited the room.

"Aa..." Was the reply from Kenshin even though Aoshi was not in the room anymore. But how can he inform Kaoru on these informations. How can he say...

'Kaoru, you mustn't leave my side till I think it is safe. Because someone is out there looking for a time to strike you.' Kenshin groaned as he could imagine Kaoru laughing her life out. Just then a sweet calling was heard as he quickly got up from his chair and out to the living room. There he saw his angel talking to Aoshi and thanking him.

"Hai, Misao chan has cooked and is waiting for you to go over." Aoshi gave a nod as he went to the guestroom and pack his stuff.

"Sorry to have caused you so much trouble and thank you again."

"Don't mention it." Aoshi gave another nod as he stepped out of the house.

"Kamiya... look over Himura... he had a tough day." Aoshi whispered to her as he bid his goodbye and went back home. Of course in his heart he was more than happy.

Kaoru looked behind her as she felt a pair of strong arms embrace her from behind.

"You came home early." Kaoru turned around, careful not to open the bag in front of her.

"Yes darling. I need a hot bath and my hubby's dinner. Wanna join?" Kenshin's worry instantly vanished as he smiled evilly.

"I would be more than grateful to be invited."

T BC….

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ HAI! First off... I need to apologize for the SLOW updates I'm having now... Gomen NASAI!! I was kinda caught up with my new DVD... fruit basket. I just gotta love that cat.. Souma Kyou... anyways... my number 1 would still be Himura Kenshin though... hehe~ Next... I know! Megumi is acting like a bitch here, little KxK waff... gomen ne... the next chappie would be better... it's where all the Christmas festive starts... and the starting of the plans by Megumi... You think the present for Kenshin and Aoshi from Misao and Kaoru fits them? I was afraid it didn't... About Kaoru's and Misao's present from Aoshi and Kenshin... hehe~ I think Kenshin's one is going to shock all of ya... while Aoshi's one... is pure sweet... ^^ anyways!! R&R ne... stay tune! I would try my best to update fast... maybe the first or second week of January ^__^ Arigatou!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

kawaii sakura-chan -- Sano ne... Yes... eventually he will... you'll see... Thank you so much for the encouragement you don't know how much it means to have so one to support me story... arigatou ne... anyways... here's the update... I hope you'll like it too... Thanks for the review ne!! ^__^

JML -- Haahaa~ I can understand what you mean... anyways... here's the update... i hope you'll enjoy it.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Kyaa-Kyaff -- I do agree on what you mean ne... about Megumi... Yup... Kaoru's in for something that she and Kenshin wouldn't suspect about... It would test on their love...Anyways... here's the update... hope you'll enjoy it.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Joey -- Kaoru die?? That would be in my other fic... *covers hand over mouth* Oopps... anyway... her plan would be successful this time.. but she'll regret it... and this is where the chicken head comes in.. hehe~ Anyways... here's the update.. hope you'll like them ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

Sabrina-star -- HEy girl! Where are you?? Anything happened? Me and Deedra haven't talk to you for a LOONNGG time... and about the fic we discussed... it gonna take awhile.. I promise it would be out next week!! Yakusoku! Ok... be prepared Sabrinz... you would be in next chappie... hehe~ Get some nice clothes and wait for your Enishi sama.... haha~ Here's the update ne... thanks for the review ne.. hope you'll like this chappie too... ^__^

tsuki-sama -- Hmm... A website featuring all my Fanfics?? I would love too... but I don't have the right programme ne... Really thank you for the suggestions ne... here's the update.... I hope you'll like them... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

mama-sama -- Here's the update... i hope you'll like them.. thanks for the reviews... ^__^

Val -- Don't worry, he will... just a bit later... Here's the update.. I hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Aya Chan -- It's ok... some of my friends speak your language and they can translate ^^ Here's the update ne... thanks for the review.. i hope you'll like it ne.. ^__^

Gypsy-chan -- Sano would come to her rescue at the later part of the story... where she repents for what she does... You like this story? I'm so HAPPY!! And i agree fully about our favorite red-headed rurouni would love Kaoru no matter what... ^^ In the mean time, Megumi's having a little psycho time... but.. she'll get better ^^ Here's the update... i really hope you'll like it too... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

omochi -- You don't like the celecration part?? *looks with BIG TEARY puppy eyes* And... no no no... Megumi doesn't mean the literal meaning... she's just a little too... hmm... desperate at that moment... Here's the update... Hope you'll like that.. thanks for the review.. ^__^

Blanco Meow -- Hai... I understand what you mean... My english suck and I admit it... and yes *wails* it's my first language... yes! It sucks... gomen ne... Really?? You wanna be my beta reader? I don't mind... but for this chappie gomen ne... I didn't send it to you... well... I was WAYYY out of time... maybe the next ne... ^^ thanks for the offer. Here's the next chappie... hope you'll enjoy it... are there lotsa mistakes too?? thanks for reviews ne.. ^__^

Shizuka -- Daijoubu! Daijoubu! Did I send my comments on the story? I think it's great! And you should really post it ^^ I'm serious ne... I would be there to support you Shizuka chan! Ne! Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the sweet review... ^__^

JadeGoddess -- No... she isn't crazy... just possessive ne? ANyways... here's the update... hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

Chibi -- Haahaa~ So... you are another Enishi fan desu ne... Me too... but... I'm more of a Battousai fan... I'm glad you like this story... and there's nothing to forgive about just for not reviewing earlier... no need to apologize ne... ^^ here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

White Witch -- Hai! I understand!! I would inset a japanese glossary at the bottom of each story from now on ^^ Gomen... gave you so much trouble... Here's the update.. hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review... ^__^

Sarah Mohan -- Really?? *blushes and bow* Arigatou ne... I will finish this story... that i will... ^^ Here's the update... hope you'll enjoy it ne... thanks for the review and support Arigatou ^__^

SailorLoneStar -- Neh... Enishi's a good guy here... too many people torturing Enishi... sobs... poor baby.. besides... he would have a girlfren later on.. ^^ Gomen for taking these updates sooo long... Gomen ne... Here's the update... Hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review.. ^__^

Willow -- Yup... you seem to be the only who realized the MxS relationship.. well some others too ne... Here's the update!! Hope you'll like them! Thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Red Ninja -- You don't like Megumi too... *high five* Ahem.. anyways... here's the update... hope you like them ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

chescaOtaku -- Thanks for the encouragement ne.. here's the update... hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ne... ^__^

Kaoru Himura! -- Hai! I have realized it was a little too dark desu ne... gomen... No no.. No funeral ne... ^^ It will be a nice and lovely fic...^^ Here's the update... hope you'll like this update too ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^


SakuraCherryBlossom -- Dear... you ARE ALWAYS hungry... a miracle that WHY ARE YOU STILL SO SLIM!!! sobs... no offence ne.. ANyways... here's the update!! Hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Daijjoubu -- I'm fine / It's Okay
Itai -- Ouch
Yoshi -- Yes (This is more used to encourage oneself ne)
Genki -- Cheerful / Fine / Healthy
Yatta -- Yeah!
Sugoi -- Awesome
Kaa chan -- Mother / Mummy
Haraheta -- I'm Hungry
Tanuki -- Raccoon (Kaoru's nick)